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李玲 《襄樊学院学报》2007,28(10):65-69
我国英语写作教学经历了以不同的教学方法为主的几个阶段。回顾这些阶段,对比研究这些教学法,分析他们的优点及局限性,并结合我国的英语写作教学现状,探求一条符合我国素质教育要求的英语写作教学之路,不仅能提高英语写作教学水平,而且能促进我国外语教学改革。  相似文献   

Incorporating metacognitive strategies in the classroom helps students monitor and adjust their learning strategies throughout the semester, and helps students progress from novice to expert learners in a subject. Journaling (i.e., reflective writing) is one metacognitive task that allows students to contemplate and articulate their skill development as they learn a new subject. The research reported here examines the use of ‘blogs’ (i.e., online journals) in an upper level undergraduate human anatomy course. The blogs both facilitated development of students' metacognitive skills and provided researchers insight into student metacognitive process. Data were examined from 92 students from three successive semesters (spring 2010, 2012 and 2014). Each student reviewed 10 radiology online cases throughout the semester and then reflected on their understanding of anatomy and radiology in an online blog for each case. A total of 927 blogs were examined for this research. The researchers used a grounded theory approach to analyze the blog narratives and develop a codebook based on common themes. The 927 blogs yielded 11,082 statements that were coded with the codebook. As the semester progressed, the blog entries showed that students demonstrated greater self-confidence in their abilities to understand the subject matter, expressed greater enthusiasm for anatomy in general, and they improved their metacognitive skills. This research illustrates that reflective writing in an undergraduate anatomy course not only facilitates improvement in student metacognitive skills, but also provides the instructor with evidence how a student progresses from novice to more experienced learner in anatomy.  相似文献   

研究性教学是培养高素质新型军事人才的有效途径.本文从研究性教学历史发展和基本特征出发,分析了军事院校本科教育中开展研究性教学的必要性和可行性,并就实施研究性教学的策略进行了初步地探讨.  相似文献   

大学生对课程的学习掌握情况与学生的未来发展有着密不可分的联系。而大学数学课程的学习不仅能够培养学生的创新思维,还能够使学生在学习过程中培养创新精神,并为学生的未来发展打下坚实的基础。因此,作为大学数学教师应在教学过程中高效利用网络资源,开阔学生视野,培养创新思维,并充分利用互联网作为课堂资源不断提升教学能力,完善教学方法,从而运用创新型教学模式培养综合型人才。  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to contribute to research about the high-impact practice of undergraduate research from the understudied faculty perspective. We relied on focus group data from faculty members (N = 41) across five institutions to better understand the supporting and inhibiting factors that contribute to faculty members’ engagement in mentoring undergraduate research. We offer implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Though social work educators at the graduate and undergraduate level require their students to write much and often, the quality of writing of many recent graduates appears to be inadequate for meeting the contemporary demands of everyday practice in social work settings or interdicsiplinary arenas. In order to prepare more fully social work students for addressing contemporary social issues and for serving their clients, social work educators in the 1990s could draw upon the expertise of those composition teachers who have devised approaches to the teaching of writing that take into account the special demands of a given profession or discipline. The authors reflect on their application of such an approach in three social work programs - two at the graduate level and one at the undergraduate level.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of group size, group formation, group conflict, and division of labor on student outcomes in a group project for a sample of 112 BSW research seminar students at a large university in the Midwest. Students completed surveys on their experiences with the group project at the end of the semester. Multiple regression was used along with analysis of student comments and answers to open-ended questions. Group size was not associated with outcomes. Instructor input into group formation was related to higher self-assessment of student performance. Greater division of labor predicted greater learning, whereas more group conflict predicted less learning; less conflict occurred when students divided tasks in the most equitable way possible. Strengths and limitations of the study are discussed, along with suggestions for improving the group project experience, including preventative measures to reduce conflict.  相似文献   

毕业论文是远程教育实践教学的重要内容.如何写好、指导好毕业论文,是远程教育的难点问题之一.从知识转换模式的视角考察,电大毕业论文写作者的问题主要是:对解决论文写作问题缺乏信心、技能准备和可操作的方法;多数是写作方面的生手;设定目标、形式问题的能力较弱;写作思维能力不足.这些问题的解决,可能需要从两个方面去考虑:一是用求实和适度原则为电大毕业论文定位,二是改进教育教学方式,促进知识转换.  相似文献   

随着电脑写作的不断发展,电脑写作教学也随之发展起来,大有逐步取代传统的写作与写作教学,发展成为一门新型学科的趋势.写作教学传统的教学内容、模式和方法,已无法适应信息急剧膨胀的新现实,实现封闭的传统教育向开放的、远程的素质教育转型势在必行.  相似文献   

应用型本科专业技能标准开发技术探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从加强我国应用型本科高校实践教学环节入手,指出了科学建立专业技能标准的必要性。构建了专业技能标准开发程序,主要包括制定专业技能培养目标体系、构建专业实践教学技能项目群、构建专业实践教学技能标准体系、专业技能标准表述方法等。新技术开发和应用有助于增强实践教学整体效果,完善实践教学质量标准体系。  相似文献   

教学研究型大学本科教育模式的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
坚持教学与研究的密切结合,是教学型研究型大学的优势,也是人才培养过程中最重要的教育理念。学校应充分利用学科建设中的科研优势、人才优势和设备优势,抓好基础性的本科生教育,构建科研与教学共生的本科教学模式。包括:将“寓学于研“的研究型教学理念贯穿于人才培养全过程、引导学生建立以研究为本的学习方式、构建师生互动的研究性课堂教学模式,打造以培养学生研究素质为核心的科研训练平台,建立并完善适应研究型教学的本科教学管理模式等。  相似文献   

Using data collected from surveys of college juniors and seniors and faculty members in related academic departments, this study examined whether faculty teaching and research orientations, as well as faculty external funding, had any impact on undergraduate student participation in research and creative activities. The results of the study indicated that faculty research orientation and external funding were indeed positively related to student participation in research activities. However, faculty members’ teaching orientation was not significant. Further analyses indicated that faculty teaching and research orientations had different impacts on a range of research and creative activities by undergraduate students. The findings from this study provide insight on ways of improving college teaching and learning as well as informing the development of institutional academic policies related to faculty and undergraduate education. Shouping Hu is Associate Professor of Higher Education at Florida State University. He received his M.S. degree in Economics and Ph.D. in Higher Education from Indiana University. His research and scholarship focus on college access and success, student engagement, and higher education policy. Kathyrine Scheuch is the Deputy Director of Research and Evaluation in the Division of Community Colleges, Florida Department of Education. She received her Ed.D. in Higher Education from Florida State University. Her research interests include undergraduate research activities and minority student issues. Joy Gaston Gayles is Associate Professor of Higher Education at North Carolina State University. She received her Ph.D. in Higher Education from Ohio State University. Her research interests include the college student experience and its impact on student development and learning.  相似文献   

实现应用写作课程"传授写作知识-培养写作能力-提高写作素质"的教学目的,正确选择与创造性地使用教学方法至关重要.本文就教师讲授教材以实现主导作用谈了以下方法:讲评倒置法、分析错误法、对照讲解法、联系专业法;就指导学生练习写作以实现主体价值阐述的方法有:集中整合法、互动评改法、说写结合法、先写后讲法.  相似文献   

美国研究型大学本科教育长期受到冷落,因此遭到广泛批评。为此,许多研究型大学积极改革本科教育。美国研究型大学主要从优化学生的知识结构、培养学生的能力、提高学生的品德等三个方面来提高本科教育。  相似文献   

Students in the United Kingdom (UK) are found to lack knowledge and skills in quantitative research methods. To address this gap, a quantitative research method and statistical analysis curriculum comprising 10 individual lessons was developed, piloted, and evaluated at two universities The evaluation found that BSW students’ (= 81) self-efficacy improved significantly from pre- to posttest, but statistical knowledge improved only slightly and the improvement was not statistically significant. The findings point to recommendations for social work educators in the UK and beyond to consider when integrating the 10-input quantitative method curriculum and when teaching research methods and statistics to undergraduate social work students.  相似文献   

应用型人才培养是一种新的教育观念和新的教育模式,根据武夷学院“应用性、地方性、复合性”办学定位要求,对高校土木工程专业应用型本科的任务进行了阐述,通过分析土建行业发展状况,进行土木工程专业应用型人才培养模式研究,构建“611”产学研结合教学模式,并在教学实践中进行探索,以保证人才的培养和社会对人才的需求。  相似文献   

知识经济时代对研究型大学提出了培养创新人才的要求,本科教育是研究型大学的基础与关键,因此研究型大学培养创新人才需要有全新的本科教育理念。本借鉴欧美国家研究型大学本科教育的成功经验和构建策略,分析了我国研究型大学的发展状况,讨论了具有中国特色的研究型大学本科教育的理念与构建策略。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学本科生教育重建:进展·问题·走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国研究型大学的本科生教育重建自世纪之交拉开序幕。经过20余年的努力,重建已经取得了很大进展,但仍然存在着不少问题。进一步推进本科生教育的重建,仍是美国研究型大学改革的重心之一。  相似文献   

人才培养是高校的中心工作。教学管理部门和学生工作部门分别承担学生学业和德育建设任务,是高校人才培养核心的两个管理服务部门。两个部门应紧密围绕学业学风建设,注重工作交融,形成整体合力,一体化培养学生,全面提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Ismael Perez  Janet Bowers 《PRIMUS》2017,27(4-5):526-536

Undergraduate research experiences provide excellent examples of high-impact practices. They rely on inquiry-based learning to provide important capstone experiences for the students. However, they are time-intensive for mentor faculty. In an attempt to scale up our faculty’s ability to offer such experiences, we combined a number of projects into one class: the Biomathematics Workshop. This article chronicles the experiences of one student from that class interspersed with comments from his mentor. Our goal is to illustrate some of the twists and turns in his journey and the unexpected but valuable lessons the student (and the mentoring team) learned.  相似文献   

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