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Previous research suggests that individual nonverbal cues and cue complexes communicate multiple relational messages simultaneously. This work examines the contention that nonverbal percepts may predict relational message interpretations in romantic relationships. Results provide support for the hypothesis that nonverbal cues indicative of greater involvement, pleasantness, and expressiveness connote messages of intimacy. Specifically, the current study reveals that perceptions of intimacy and composure are associated with greater vocalic involvement. Interpretations are provided in line with the social meanings model.  相似文献   

A recent meta‐analysis of gender differences in the selection of conflict management strategies revealed small effect sizes. To explore the possibility that the primary experiments used situations and instances containing embedded gender expectations, 49 participants completed a survey evaluating the actual scenarios used in the primary research. They rated conflict strategies far efficacy, consequences, and gender bias and evaluated the scenarios for the male/female sex role appropriateness of each situation reported in the primary studies. A covariate analysis provides evidence that gender‐based cognitions play a small, but meaningful role in assessments of conflict situations.  相似文献   

图书馆云服务的有效发展离不开各参与方的有序协作。因此各参与方的关系及行为交互,对于图书馆云服务的研究就显得特别重要。文章结合图书馆云服务的特点,研究云服务中的各个参与方及其特征,提出了图书馆云服务参与方的关系模型。  相似文献   

To address a key gap in theorizing and research, we consider relational uncertainty as an explanation for why individuals experiencing depressive symptoms may be reluctant to talk about sensitive issues. We report closed-ended online survey data from 126 romantic couples in which one or both partners had been professionally diagnosed with depression. Results indicated that relational uncertainty mediated the positive association between depressive symptoms and topic avoidance. Partner effects from men to women also emerged. These findings are valuable for identifying relational uncertainty as a mechanism that may explain people's unwillingness to discuss challenging topics when they are experiencing depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):230-249
This study claims that relationship development can be viewed as a dialectic. Evidence for this hypothesis is obtained by examining friendships of three different intimacy levels: casual, close, and best friends. Over one-half of the friendships examined exhibited patterns of recalled relational development predicted by viewing development as a dialectic. Five trajectories for friendships were found. The most commonly reported turning points consisted of activities that the friends shared. Few differences were found between casual, close, and best friends; however, number of turning points was negatively related to satisfaction for casual friends. Implications for the conceptualization of relational development and interpersonal communication research are discussed.  相似文献   

Relational research has suggested repeatedly that women's relationships are closer and more meaningful than men's. This conclusion is often defended with empirical reports that women self disclose more intimately than men do. Wood and Inman (1993) and others have suggested that men's relationships are not inherently less close than women's, but that men manifest closeness in ways that are more instrumental and less verbally oriented. The present paper refers to this position as the “gendered closeness perspective.” While this perspective has been tested empirically within the context of close friendships, this research examines the relationships of same‐ and opposite‐sex siblings to determine how the perspective applies in a familial context. Results indicate limited support for the “gendered closeness” perspective, primarily in same‐sex relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which doctoral faculty advisors’ reports of their advisees’ use of relational maintenance behaviors are associated with the advisors’ perceived relational characteristics (i.e., liking, communication satisfaction, relational satisfaction, trust, and control mutuality) and relational uncertainty (i.e., behavioral, mutuality, definitional, and future uncertainty). Doctoral faculty advisors (N = 141) completed a questionnaire in reference to their relationships with a specific doctoral student advisee. The results of canonical correlations largely supported the predictions in that the advisors’ reports of their advisees’ use of relational maintenance behaviors were associated positively with the five relational characteristics but associated negatively with the four types of relational uncertainty. These findings extend both extant relational maintenance and advisor-advisee research.  相似文献   

杨珠 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):443-445
在“中国知网”上检索2013年工程类期刊有关广告征订信息的文献,分析其出现的一些常见问题:宣传诉求点不突出、题名与正文不符、文字表述不规范、广告报价表不规范、联系方式不清楚、相同期刊的广告报价不一致、版面不协调等.指出期刊应形成严格的审核编辑机制、重视广告征订信息内容的撰写、注意文字以及排版规范问题等,以促进其达到广告征订的目的.  相似文献   

This study investigates relational maintenance in parasocial relationships (PSRs) by applying an interpersonal model of friendships (the investment model) and an exploratory mediated model. Undergraduate students (N = 490) reported on their relationships with a close friend and a favorite mediated personality. Despite differences in the strengths of associations, the investment model largely predicted commitment in PSRs through similar processes as it did in friendships. Specifically, greater relational investment and satisfaction predicted relational commitment. Unlike in interpersonal relationships, though, attractiveness of alternatives was unrelated to commitment in PSRs. The study further found that parasocial strength was predicted by identification with and commitment to the character and by the character's integration within a larger social network. The findings extend past applications of interpersonal theories to the media context and support the importance of assessing relational commitment, investment, and network status in PSRs.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):153-166
Using Markov chain and phasic models of group interaction, this study examines and explains relational control interaction patterns in two decision‐making groups and two women's consciousness‐raising groups.  相似文献   

Three hundred two managers and employees from eleven different organizations were investigated to determine whether there was a significant difference in the selection of conflict management strategies based on: 1) the sex of the respondent; 2) the sex of the other person; and 3) the sex of the supervisor. The results indicated: a) females were no more compromising nor any less competitive than males; b) respondents report using different strategies in a narrative question than they do answering a self‐report, checklist questionnaire.  相似文献   

新形势下科技期刊的创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前深入贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会精神、推动新闻出版业大发展大繁荣的重要时期,科技期刊应充分发挥自身的不同文化特色和定位,更新观念,更新知识,更新手段,不断创新。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):189-203
When making requests, speakers often pursue not only an influence goal but a secondary goal such as implying that they do not wish to impose. This research asked whether or not the effects of situation features on the importance of secondary goals depend on the kind of request being made. The effects of six features and five interactions on the importance of five secondary goals were observed in four types of requests (borrow, share activity, stop annoyance, request permission). Findings indicate that the effect of situation features on the importance of secondary goals often depends on request type. The implications for cognitive theories of message production, individual differences in adaptive ability, and politeness theory (Brown and Levinson, 1987) are considered.  相似文献   

Utilizing uncertainty management theory (UMT) and a multiple goals theory of personal relationships (MGPR) the present study examined how adult children of divorce (ACOD) manage relational uncertainty following parental divorce. In-depth, semi-structured interviews with 25 adult children who had experienced parental divorce when they were 18 years of age or older revealed two, broad types of information acquisition strategies: deliberate (i.e. information-seeking and information-avoiding) and incidental (i.e. incidental information acquisition). Deliberate information acquisition strategies were animated by several goals, including reducing and maintaining uncertainty, avoiding feeling caught, and protection. Alongside goals, various constraints (e.g. target efficacy, coping efficacy) played a role in ACOD’s relational uncertainty management. We discuss these results in relation to their theoretical and practical applications.  相似文献   

对中国科技期刊的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为资深的科技期刊办刊人,作者通过认真思考,总结出目前中国科技期刊需要正视的问题,包括:重英文轻国语严重失衡,重指标轻读者愈演愈烈,重经营轻质量难以为继,重形式轻学术吸引眼球,重普世轻特例步履维艰,重手段轻内涵本末倒置。认为只有重务实戒浮夸,中国的科技期刊才能有光明前途。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between grandparents’ use of relational maintenance behaviors (RMB) and their young adult grandchildren’s willingness to serve as future caregivers for their grandparents. Undergraduate students (N = 209) completed a questionnaire in which they reported on a specific grandparent’s use of RMB and how willing they were to serve as future caregivers for that specific grandparent. Results of a multiple regression analysis provided partial support for the hypothesized positive relationships between grandparents’ use of RMB and grandchildren’s willingness to serve as future caregivers for their grandparents.  相似文献   

禤胜修 《编辑学报》2007,19(5):342-344
科技学术期刊的稿约、栏目设置、规范性标注、荣誉标注、编辑风格、印刷质量等附加信息影响作者的投稿取向,对提高来稿质量具有导向、指导和警示作用.科技学术期刊编辑应重视附加信息对提高来稿质量的作用,规范附加信息的标注设计.  相似文献   

This investigation explored the impact of relational uncertainty and its correlates (i.e., attraction and romantic intent) on cognitive, communicative, and behavioral outcomes in cross-sex friendships. Participants included 352 people who reported on a current cross-sex friendship. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that social attraction increased relational satisfaction while relational uncertainty decreased relational satisfaction. Further, social attraction decreased topic avoidance while romantic intent and relational uncertainty increased topic avoidance. Finally, social attraction increased the use of relationship talk, routine contact and activity, and emotional support maintenance behaviors, while relational uncertainty decreased the use of these maintenance behaviors. This study provides researchers with a starting point for understanding the consequences associated with interpersonal attraction, romantic intent, and relational uncertainty in cross-sex friendships.  相似文献   

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