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美国高等教育招生市场中的营销行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生源是高校生存与发展的关键,随着生源市场竞争日趋激烈,招生任务也变得更加繁重。本文分析美国高等教育招生市场的环境,描述美国高等教育营销在招生市场中的表现,并探讨它对美国高校招生所产生的影响。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the use and effectiveness of marketing techniques in the higher education environment, concentrating specifically on the lack of consistency in the application of different techniques. Questionnaires were sent to the 2,039 members of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AA-CRAO). The admissions officers were asked to report the use and perceived effectiveness of the following fifteen marketing techniques: publicity, target marketing, market segmentation, advertising, program development, market positioning, market research, access, marketing plan, pricing, marketing committee, advertising research, consultants, marketing audit, and marketing director. The results clearly indicate and increase in the acceptance, use and perceived effectiveness of the fifteen techniques. However, the data also indicate that many institutions are not consistent in their use of the marketing techniques. For example, many institutions use target marketing without first applying market segmentation, and then neglect to develop a positioning strategy vis-á-vis their competition. The very low use of developing marketing plans, using marketing directors, committees, or consultant's points to a lack of integration of marketing throughout the organization as well as a lack of a strategic marketing focus. While marketing certainly had become more accepted, it is still in its infancy at many institutions. Marketing is viewed as an excellent way to attract students and yet is not commonly seen as a way to increase student satisfaction, lower attrition, and develop strategic and competitive advantages in the marketplace. For many institutions it remains caught in the admissions office, and fulfills strictly a sales and promotional function.  相似文献   

美国高校学生事务管理的历史流变   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
美国高校学生事务管理是一个历经二百余年发展历史的专业化职业.基于前人研究的基础,本文以标志性文件为依据,对美国高校学生事务的发展阶段进行重新划分,同时介绍了诸如招生、住宿、社团活动等学生事务具体领域的历史发展.在此基础上,笔者进一步梳理了"学生事务"概念自身及其理论基础的历史流变,以深入理解和把握美国高校学生事务管理发展的内在逻辑.  相似文献   

如何加强来华留学生工作是教育国际化发展趋势下的重点工作。通过对宁波部分高校来华留学生招收和管理现状的调查,在总结数量少、起步难,留学生配套设施不齐全,师资力量薄弱,教授留学生经验不足等共性问题基础上,提出相应的对策,希望能对来华留学生工作有所促进。  相似文献   

教育法制与高校学生管理有着密切的联系。确认高校与学生之间的法律关系是高校对学生依法管理的基础;完善的教育立法是高校对学生依法管理的前提;依法治教是高校对学生依法管理的关键。  相似文献   

Previous research has found that the country and institution choices of international students are greatly influenced by recommendations they receive from others who have experience of undertaking higher education overseas. For Western universities, it is of utmost importance to satisfy their international students, who can then encourage the next generation of international students to attend those same institutions. However, student satisfaction is not the only factor at play. Using a framework of ‘push and pull’ factors, rooted in the international student choice literature, this exploratory study investigates the determinants of destination choice of international students who decided to study at a university in the UK and examines their attitudes toward international branch campuses. The survey results and analyses suggest that overseas campuses could pose a considerable threat to home campuses in the competition for international students in the future.  相似文献   

为克服传统学生干部选拔时的人为主观性问题,将层次分析法运用到高校学生干部选拔综合素质评价体系中,通过构建综合素质评价模型,确定评价指标和评价主体的权重。以实例形式对层次分析法在学生干部选拔评价体系中的应用进行论述和计算。  相似文献   

本文在联合国教科文组织、经合组织和美国国际教育协会2018年发布的全球学生流动数据基础上,结合相关文献,探究了全球学生流动的特点、影响因素与趋势。研究发现:全球学生流动呈现出流入流出区域较为集中、硕博层次流动比例高、STEM领域流动性强等特点;全球学生流动受到政策、经济和教育等方面因素的影响;其趋势表现为美英两国的国际学生增速放缓,加澳两国有望成为接收国际学生的新增长极,东亚和东非的学生流动性将有所提高。建议评估影响国际学生选择的可能因素,加快和扩大教育对外开放,建设留学教育强国。  相似文献   

红色文化是中华民族优秀文化的重要组成部分,其载体是红色资源。充分利用红色资源开展高校思政教育,提高大学生的思想政治水平,为国家培养德才兼备的优秀人才,需要以问题为导向,精准定位,积极探索,形成抓手;以创新为导向,深化内涵,优化环境,唱响品牌;以数字空间为主阵地,丰富渠道,拓展路径,创新载体。  相似文献   

目前我国民办高校的大学文化建设层次不高,主要体现在大学精神文化、大学制度文化、大学行为文化和大学环境文化四个方面建设的不足。分析其原因,主要是没有正确的理论指导,造成了大学文化在大学生的价值观教育中的缺失。因此以社会主义核心价值体系为指导加强民办高校的大学文化建设,不仅可以提高民办高校大学文化建设,同时还可以强化民办高校大学生对社会主义核心价值体系的认同感,对培养高素质的人才有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

试论高校学生干部队伍建设的基本原则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学生干部队伍建设是高校学生工作一项重要的基础性工程。运用系统论理论指导,从系统的整体性、层次性、目的性和动态性出发,高校应该按照开放性、能级性、方向性和激励性等基本原则加强学生干部队伍建设,为新世纪高校学生工作的创新发展提供切实保证。  相似文献   

In recent times distinctions between the economic and political imperatives of international education and its cultural and educational aspects have become conveniently aligned. This alignment is troubling because it allows the pursuit of profit to fit neatly and without apparent controversy into the pursuit of more lofty political cultural and educational goals. Measures of student satisfaction with international education do little to challenge this comfortable affiliation. Indeed, they appear to reinforce the view that international education as currently pursued is travelling well and yielding maximum profits and benefits for all. The discussion in this article is based on the results of a pilot study that examined international student satisfaction with a teacher education internship program in Australia. Our findings showed that students were satisfied with their international education experience and that the internship/work integrated learning experience enhanced their satisfaction. Importantly however, our pre-departure study showed that students expected study abroad to make a difference to their lives even before they left home. The study led us to consider the meaning of student satisfaction and whether assessments of satisfaction might simply confirm what students already expect. If this is the case, it is not altogether clear what student satisfaction with international education means or measures.  相似文献   

Using constructs from Bean's (1990) [In: D. Hossler and J. P. Bean (Eds.), The strategic management of college enrollments. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass] student attrition model and the Berger and Milem (2000) [In: J. C. Smart (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (Vol. XV, pp. 268–338). New York: Agathon Press] college impact model, national survey data, and multilevel modeling techniques, this study examines the extent to which persistence is influenced by the institutional context. The analytic sample is limited to first-time, full-time, degree-seeking undergraduates attending 4-year colleges and universities nationwide. This study finds that selectivity, as measured by the average student academic ability at an institution, has a contextual effect on college student persistence that reflects a positive increment to the chance of persistence that accrues to a student beyond student-level predictors of persistence. Although the implications of the findings are mainly for theory and methods, policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

As the service functions of campus-based international student offices in American colleges and universities have changed and evolved, especially since 9/11, the roles of the professionals in those offices, the “international student advisers,” have changed as well. These unique professionals function in the central pressure point between two very different world views of international students. Higher education perceives them not only as benign members of the academic community, but as strong and necessary benefactors intellectually, culturally, and economically. However, this perspective is not shared by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose agents more often than not see international students as potential security threats. International student advisers are engaged in a high-stakes business where an adviser's actions can have tremendous impact on a student client's life, for good or for ill. This article will explore the professional lives of international student advisers and demonstrate the facets of their complex work which make it unique in higher education.  相似文献   


The international marketing of higher education is a global phenomenon in which more than 50 countries compete. USA enjoys the largest market share. However, the market place is highly competitive with many players seeking a place in the international club. Increasing competitive practices calls for increasing market research especially in the area of consumer behaviour and student motivations. In this research area this paper explores the differences in behavioural motivations of international students choosing an overseas university in which to study. The method used in the research is Fishbein's and Ajzen's multi-attribute Theory of Planned Behaviour model. From a sample of Taiwanese students, representing the Chinese Diaspora countries, the intentions of students to study in USA, UK and Australia are examined. Three research questions are explored and the outcome demonstrates the usefulness and the insights that can be gained from the application of the model of Theory of Planned Behaviour in a higher education marketing context.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act ( NCLB, 2002 ) establishes ambitious goals for increasing student learning and attaining equity in the distribution of student performance. Schools must assure that all students, including all significant subgroups, show adequate yearly progress (AYP) toward the goal of 100% proficiency by the year 2014. In this paper, we illustrate an alternative way of evaluating AYP that both emphasizes individual student growth over time and focuses on the distribution of student growth between performance subgroups. We do so through analyses of a longitudinal data set from an urban school district in the state of Washington. We also examine what these patterns tell us about schools that have been designated as meeting their AYP targets and those that have not. This alternative way of measuring AYP helps bring to light potentially important aspects of school performance that might be masked if we limit our focus to classifying schools based only on current AYP criteria. In particular, we are able to identify some schools meeting Washington state's AYP criteria in which above-average students are making substantial progress but below-average students making little to no progress. In contrast, other schools making AYP have below-average students making adequate progress but above-average students showing little gains. These contrasts raise questions about the meaning of "adequate" progress and to whom the notion of progress refers. We believe that closely examining the distribution of student progress may provide an important supplementary or alternative measure of AYP.  相似文献   

在我国高校教育中,不同时期的三版《普通高等学校学生管理规定》在高校学生事务管理这一概念上突出了高校学生工作方面具有的合理意义。随着高校教育内核的深化,学生事务管理作为学校的外部配套规范处在急剧的发展进程中。新时代下高校学生事务管理在教育、管理、服务等三个方面多层次地体现出我国高校教育在意识形态领导、自主依法办学、以生为本方面与时俱进的精神。  相似文献   

随着高校基本建设事业的发展,基建档案的地位和作用日趋重要.因此,必须充分认识基建档案的价值,加强基建档案的归档和管理,做到制度化、规范化、程序化,并充分利用现代化的技术手段,实现基建档案数字化,加强信息开发以充分利用基建档案价值.  相似文献   

师德是教师在教书育人过程中必须遵守的道德规范和行为准则。在当今社会大环境下,由于社会上各种不良思潮和市场经济的负面影响,少数高校教师放松了自身的思想道德修养,出现种种师德失范的现象,引发了一系列新矛盾和新问题。这对高校师生关系造成了不良影响,使和谐的师生关系受到严峻挑战。在分析师德失范对高校师生关系造成不良影响的基础上,提出通过加强高校师德建设,使高尚的师德成为构建和谐师生关系的内力。  相似文献   

加强和改进高校党的建设,是办好中国特色社会主义大学的根本保证。高校学生党员教育工作是高校党建工作的重要内容之一。在推进高校党员持续教育高质量发展和提升治理水平过程中,面临着在内容上的通识教育与精准需求、形式上的传统供给与多样需求、制度上的机制缺失与成效追求的三大短板问题。结合新时代高校学生党员教育呈现的阶梯型、多样化、规范性的需求特征,从内容体系、组织体系、保障体系三个方面探索路径措施,提出了创新面向不同阶段不同层级的"塔式"教育内容,延伸教育链继而吸引"多元"的教育主体形成教育力量,健全面向教育全过程的"链式"制度保障教育的高质量发展。  相似文献   

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