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The mushroom growth of radio and television instruction taking place since the end of World War II has left in its wake a patch‐work guilt of academic programs in colleges and universities from coast to coast. The importance of trying to answer the question ‘Where are we going?”; indicates a need for realistic stock‐taking and thorough curriculum evaluation.

In keeping with its policy of seeking to advance the field of knowledge as to education for broadcasting, the Journal presents a special report on the current state of the curriculum which, it is hoped, will prove of value to all those interested in education for broadcasting.  相似文献   

This article is based on the information provided by seventynine of the approximately ninety colleges and universities offering a degree or major emphasis in broadcasting. The original data was collected in the Fourth Annual Survey of Colleges and Universities Offering Course Work in Radio and Television, 1958–1959 (published in the Fall 1959 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting).

Detailed tables, listing all of the broadcasting courses of each of the seventy‐nine schools, are available in limited supply from the author.  相似文献   


Although American broadcasters are conscious of the role of the North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement, it may well be that few realize the existence of other regional broadcasting agreements and bodies, with different functions, and cast into a different mold. One such body is the International Radio and Television Organization (OIRT) which coordinates the broadcast activities of nations within or allied in varying degree to the sphere of influence of the USSR.  相似文献   


In the near future, the Journal expects to publish most of the major study briefly introduced in the following article. Only a bare start has been made in analyzing the data. Volunteers with suggestions for further analysis are urged to write Dr. Glenn Starlin, c/o the Journal. Mr. Hulbert, who supervised the data processing to date, is Manager of Broadcast Personnel and Economics for the National Association of Broadcasters.  相似文献   

This study applied an interpersonal approach to understand gender differences in television use. Research shows that males are socialized to be instrumental in communication while females are socialized to be expressive, or focused on relationships. We expected this instrumental‐expressive dichotomy to emerge in television use. In two studies we found limited support that males had an instrumental viewing style, with goal‐directed reasons for watching and intentional, concentrated, and selective use of television. Females had a relationship‐oriented approach to television similar to the expressive orientation. These findings are linked to prior research on the uses of television.  相似文献   


This experiment suggests that recognition and recall are better for radio commercials with imagery‐eliciting copy than for commercials without imagery‐eliciting copy.  相似文献   

Scholars approach a particular phenomenon by their understanding of that phenomenon. In the case of call‐in talk radio, the research has focused primarily on callers and hosts as the active participants in the process. This paper reconsiders that research paradigm by offering a theory of talk radio based on the audience, the listeners. Using the work of Fiumara and Pearce, this study recognizes the centrality of listening to the communication process and reconceptualizes call‐in talk radio as an extended and continuous conversation. Finally, referring to new research, the study posits that the listener actively participates in constructing meaning from call‐in talk radio.  相似文献   

The author argues that cable industry is having increasingly negative impact on broadcast television as its power in both the programing and advertising markets increase. Cable system operaters are having increasing incentives to drop or refuse to add broadcast stations or to relocate them to less desirable channel locations as a means of improving their performance in the markets. The author warns that current trends could be harmful to many broadcast stations, but he is especially pessimistic about the future of independent UHF stations.  相似文献   

The possibility that one mass medium might be used to stimulate another has been only imperfectly explored. For instance, a campaign by radio personality Jean Shepherd some years ago led to the birth of the monumental spoof that was the novel I, Libertine by “Frederick R. Ewing.” The delight of Shepherd's “night people” at being able to demonstrate their numbers was matched by the consternation of booksellers all over the city who impotently thumbed through their catalogs . . . until Shepherd took pity on them and arranged for the book to be written and published. In another instance, a participant on a late‐evening network program casually commented on a book that had caught his eye—and it was a national best‐seller within 24 hours.

The research reported in the following article attempts to discover whether this “touting” function of the broadcast media can be used systematically. A number of informal observations following “book review” or “library” programs on both radio and television would tend to support this idea. However, the following study was specifically designed to generate data that would demonstrate to broadcaster and librarian alike whether radio programs could be used by librarians (and presumably booksellers as well) to promote selection by the audience of pre‐determined books.  相似文献   


This study electronically‐monitored in‐home RCD activity. The frequency of channel changing and other RCD behaviors were recorded and discrepancies between self‐reported and actual RCD use are examined. This is one of a few academic studies of RCDs that does not rely on a survey (respondent recall) or on observation, but rather records actual behaviors in the participants’ home. This study also examines viewers’ uses of RCDs within the framework of selective exposure.

Slightly over 374 hours of television viewing by 44 participants yielded 13,680 channel switches. It was found that viewers made an average of 36.6 channel changes per hour. In other words, they watched channels for an average of one minute and 38 seconds between switches. Further analyses revealed an audience of “rapid‐fire”; channel grazers as 80% of the switches took place after a channel was on for less than five seconds.  相似文献   

Employees reported the history of their friendships with peer coworkers, rating the importance of several developmental influences and a variety of communication changes as their friendships experienced three transitions: acquaintance‐to friend, friend‐to‐close friend, and close friend‐to very close/almost best friend. Results indicate that in same‐sex friendships, the influence of workplace contextual factors (e.g., sharing tasks and proximity) decreased and the influence of extra organizational influences increased as the friendships became closer. In cross‐sex friendships, however, workplace contextual factors retained their importance over the development of the friendship, suggesting individuals in cross‐sex friendships try to maintain the boundary between work and personal spheres by keeping their friendships defined as a “workplace” relationship.  相似文献   

More than ever before, broadcasting stations are concerned with public service programming. Extremely relevant to this problem is the question of adequacy of news coverage. The Radio‐Television News Directors Association has initiated a series of studies into one of the major interest areas of the television news director, that of still pictures and news film. The first of these studies, dealing with the supply in various content categories of still pictures and motion picture films of news events, is reported below.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of cognitive and parental factors affecting adolescents viewing of television violence. Participants in the study were 422 adolescents and 298 of their parents who were surveyed for their viewing behaviors, perceptions of violent portrayals, and aggressive behavioral tendencies. Regression analysis indicated that attitude was the strongest predictor of aggression. The more adolescents reported liking television violence, the more aggressive were their intentions. Results suggested that while exposure to violence and parental factors both play a part in mediating subsequent aggression, viewing violence is less important than liking violence.  相似文献   

Children's programming

Children and the Faces of Television: Teaching, Violence. Selling, Edited by Edward L. Palmer and Aimée Dorr (New York: Academic Press, 1980).

Teaching Television: How to Use TV to Your Children's Advantage, Dorothy G. Singer, Jerome L. Singer and Diana M. Zuckerman (New York: The Dial Press, 1981).

Audio In Media, Stanley R. Alten (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1981).

Thirty Seconds, Michael Arlen (New York: Farrar, Straus &; Giroux, 1980).

To Serve the Public Interest: Educational Broadcasting in the United States, Robert J. Blakely (Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 1979).  相似文献   

Unlike a telephone or telgraph cable, a broadcast, once sent out over the air, can only be “stopped” at the receiving end. If the potential listeners have radio receiving sets able to pick up the broadcast, it can only be stopped by causing such radio interference as to make it difficult or impossible to listen to the original broadcast. Over the years, several nations have assumed the large cost of producing such interference, or “jamming,” so as to prevent their citizens from listening to the broadcasts of other nations. An expensive and often inefficient technique, jamming was then believed preferable to allowing unrestricted and uncensored international communication by radio. Mr. Ranjan Borra, who was associated with All India Radio and with the Voice of America for several years and is currently on the staff of the Library of Congress describes both the background and some of the encouraging recent developments in the field of jamming and other impediments to international broadcasting.  相似文献   

To determine what maximizes the effectiveness of on‐air promotions, as measured by ratings/share changes, this study tested a seven‐part model focusing on the structural salience of network prime‐time promos carried within other prime‐time programs. The results of analysis of more than 5,000 promos carried within 656 videotaped prime‐time hours provided consistent support for the salience model. Results showed significant changes in industry promotional practices over time and significant differences by network, genre, and the familiarity of the program to audiences. Although lead‐in ratings remained the dominant force impacting ratings for series programs (but not sporting events, movies, or specials), promotional salience variables contributed significantly to improved ratings, especially for mid‐rated continuing programs.  相似文献   

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