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This investigation was designed to explore the use of network analysis in an investigation of the communicative behaviors of shy individuals. Twenty‐three subjects were categorized as high, moderate, or low‐shy, and the friendship networks of these individuals were compared.

The results suggest that the communication networks of high‐shy subjects are structurally different than the networks of less‐shy individuals. Specifically, shy individuals had smaller, more interconnected networks. The evidence also suggests that shy subjects tend to have longer average length of relationships with their network links, less frequent interaction, and less role diversity in their friendships. Although structural and behavioral differences were found between high and low‐shy subjects, shy subjects did not report being any less satisfied with their friendship networks than less‐shy individuals.

Overall, communication network analysis was found to be a tool that can provide insight into the behavioral and perceptual correlates of shyness.  相似文献   

Extensive research in sociology and psychology suggests that corporal punishment of children is a serious problem because it increases the risk of physical and psychological harm. In the present study we utilized a recently developed communication framework to investigate corporal punishment. We derived two hypotheses and conducted a study of 178 college students. Following established procedures, we asked respondents to report about corporal punishment during a period of their youth. Participants rated each parent and themselves on aggressive communication measures. They also rated themselves on assault tendencies, anger, self‐esteem, and intentions to use corporal punishment. Support for our two hypotheses revealed that when participants recalled receiving higher levels of corporal punishment they perceived their parents to be higher in verbal aggressiveness. Furthermore, they reported being higher in assault tendencies, anger, and intentions to use corporal punishment with their children.  相似文献   

This articles explores the political dimensions of black popular and cultural production. A main goal of the article is to consider the legacy of 1960s black nationalism and its relationship to the transformation and com‐modification of black youth expressive culture. The first part of the article examines how the changing state of black popular music in the 1960s and 1970s established some of the key tensions and contradictions that continue to influence the production of black popular music. The next part of the essay considers how the hyperpoliticization of rap music was driven by social, economic, and technological change. The final part of the article considers how a new generation of cultural producers seek to connect sixties‐styled black nationalism to the burgeoning field of digital technology and the online music industry.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between individuals' positions in a communication network and their corresponding levels of role conflict and role ambiguity. As part of a larger research program, the data for this study were collected at two points in time from members within the Cancer Information Service (N = 56), an award winning information service of the National Cancer Institute. In general, findings suggest lower levels of role conflict and ambiguity experienced by members of the CIS. In addition, neither the role conflict model nor the role ambiguity model were consistent with the data. Revised models, however, did suggest that experiencing role conflict and role ambiguity may lead to a decrease in the perception that a person is powerful within one's network. In addition, as members' interpersonal contacts increased, levels of role conflict and role ambiguity between regional offices and the National Cancer Institute decreased. The implications of these results for the CIS and other organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

从文化外交看国家对外传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于国际关系角度,从政治文化外交、宗教文化外交、大众文化外交等方面,解析了文化外交在国家对外传播中的载体功能.文化外交本质上是一种思想外交、观念外交,它传播的不是单纯的知识和技巧,而是一种完整的价值观.文化是一种投入相对较少却极其有用的软力量资源,它往往不求物质回报,只要对方听之信之服之.其透过价值观的输送,深入到人的灵魂深处,以价值观的改变带动对方态度和行为模式上的改变.正由于文化的这种柔软性、吸引力和摧眠术,使文化外交较政治、军事、经济、科技等刚性外交,更易为目标国受众所接受.  相似文献   

以创新思维探索档案文化产业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毕兰可 《北京档案》2003,(11):26-27
在经济社会迅速发展、科学技术日新月异的今天,档案文化的发展面临着空前的机遇和严峻的挑战.在这特定的背景下,历史赋予我们的重大战略选择,就是必须以新理念、新思路深入探讨一系列亟待解决的热点、难点问题,从而全方位、迅速、有效地推进档案文化产业的发展.  相似文献   

A new concept, viz., the information culture of a megalopolis, is introduced into academic discourse. This concept is analyzed through the lens of modern scientific theories and specific social practices.  相似文献   


Parental alienation occurs after parents divorce and intentionally or even unintentionally persuade their children to distance themselves from or reject the other parent. Framed by the communication theory of resilience, this study explores the communicative practices that enable and constrain the targeted alienated parents’ ability to create normalcy at the individual and online community levels. We also examine the relationships between individual-level and online community-level resilience. Findings from 40 narrative interviews reveal communicative practices/processes that enable and constrain alienated parents at both the individual and online support group levels. Findings also suggest that there is a robust relationship between resilience practices at the individual and community levels. Theoretical implications and practical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence is rapidly giving rise to new automated technologies. Among the most important of these innovations is the development of artificially intelligent machines that produce increasingly sophisticated forms of oral and written discourse. As more of our communicative encounters are with artificial agents, our notions of communicative labor, surveillance, and digital rhetoric will have to contend with these extensive shifts. As a step in this direction, the present article evaluates several trends in the automation of oral and written discourse, examining their social and economic impact.  相似文献   

A library is a particular kind of organization. It plays a valuable role and is dedicated mainly to the development and growth of society. Analyzing a library from the perspective of a network of relations and ties, which exist between social and technical network nodes, contributes to a more nuanced assessment of effectiveness. Building on social network analysis and going beyond human relations in a library, this study examines perceptions related to knowledge and skills, resources, and tasks, identified through a survey conducted at the university library in Warsaw. Overall, the analyzed library is characterized by redundancy and congruence of knowledge, resources, and tasks required at the library (organizational) level and at the particular node (employee) level. Analyzing the network efficiency of a library is a new and valuable research design which uses a unique network measurement that should attract more interest in the future. This form of analysis gives managers the tools to dynamize relations and understand the flow, use, and sharing of resources or knowledge within a library context. However, more studies in the public sector would be invaluable in order to formulate new theories or conclusions.  相似文献   

从邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想、科学发展观到中国梦,其主旋律都是改革开放,建设小康社会,实现中华民族的繁荣富强.这种巨大的变革,不仅必然包含着文化的改革创新,而且也必然包含着由文化的创新来引领、支撑和推动.创新需要文化,文化需要创新.作为文化殿堂、精神家园的大学图书馆,只有通过自身的文化创新——精神文化创新和物质文化创新等,才能保持办馆理念、信息载体以及服务内容、服务方式的先进性,进而更好地发挥大学图书馆的文化功能——引领风尚,教育人民,服务社会,推动市场经济的发展.  相似文献   


This study uses content analysis to examine the diversity of men and women's body types on primetime network television programs and afternoon soap operas in order to compare male and female portrayals and to determine if the portrayals of both genders reflect the real population. The results show females are portrayed in a smaller range of body types and are more slender than males; heavier body types are less likely to be in romantic situations, wear revealing clothing, and are older than thin body types; and television body types are generally thinner than the real population.  相似文献   


This study employs participant observation methodology to examine the U.S. broadcast industry's cognitions of its external environment. Previous research has documented a tendency among industry participants to operate under outdated mental models of their environment. This tendency ‐ labeled ‘cognitive inertia’ ‐ provides the analytical framework for this study. The results provide indications that broadcasters operate under what appear to be outdated mental models of their external environment, with broadcasters appearing to pay inadequate attention to competing program sources and failing to account for the changing demographic composition of the television audience. However, these conclusions are tempered by the broadcast industry's dual‐product marketplace characteristics, wherein cognitions that would appear to reflect inadequate assessment of the content market may in fact reasonably reflect the contemporary realities of the audience market.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a content analysis of five newspapers selected from the Chinese daily press. The research was conducted as part of an international project designed to explore the relationship between journalistic self-conceptions and journalistic practice. This paper reports only upon journalistic practice, in particular the extent to which different models of journalism are present. The results of the analysis demonstrate, firstly, that while the concept of a uniform ‘national media system’ is of some utility in comparative studies, there are, even in the highly structured Chinese case, very significant differences within a single country. Secondly, it demonstrates that the common division of the Chinese press into a politically oriented party press and a market-oriented commercial press is inadequate to explain the identifiable differences between titles in the sample. A four grouping solution fits the data much better and demonstrates that there are newspapers that combine strong evidence of indicators of the party press with strong evidence of indicators of the commercial press. As a consequence, the claim that marketization will necessarily lead to conflicts with the party appears to be mistaken.  相似文献   

The central argument of the article is that while the building, the collection and the staff were inseparably linked, in a digital environment these facets of the library are diverging. This divergence clouds the process of envisioning a future for the library, but, if properly defined, it is a source of clarity, which sheds light on strategic opportunities.  相似文献   

Being able to probive live coverage of breaking news events is one of the unparalleled strengths of television. The purpose of this study is to assess the opinions of 18–24 year olds about live television news reporting. Variables identified by respondents are characterized in one of three ways: awareness of live reporting; positive aspects of live reporting; and negative aspects of live reporting. From the more than 500 young adults surveyed, findings show most do not base their viewing habits on how often a news operation goes live or whether that operation happens to be first to hit the air with breaking news.

Respondents show strong agreement that live reporting gives the story a sense of immediacy, leading the positive attributes of live reporting. However, leading the list of negative attributes is the criticism that there are times when a live report is meaningless. There were differences in resoonses based on the market in which the respondents reside.  相似文献   

略论网络文化与图书馆信息服务   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
网络化是随着国际互联网而产生的一种新的化现象,它具有信息传播的快捷性和交互性,信息交流的平等性和多元性以及化交流的个性化及渗透性。在网络化的影响下,图书馆的服务对象社会化,服务内容多样化,服务特色高效化,图书馆应创新信息服务的理念和模式,挖掘网上信息,拓宽信息服务渠道,加强馆员的继续教育,培养高素质的人才队伍。  相似文献   

论图书馆在网络文化建设中的地位与作用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本文阐述了信息网络文化的涵义、特点及其对社会进步和人类文明发展的巨大影响,指出图书馆在网络文化建设中具有重要的地位和作用。  相似文献   

英国国家图书馆网络平台信息服务简析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本对英国国家图书馆网络平台的信息服务进行了具体介绍,分析了服务的特点,阐述了图书馆为了提高服务质量和规范服务而采取的措施以及国内图书馆界应该借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

公共图书馆服务文化旅游、建设旅游文化的实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公共图书馆参与文化旅游和旅游文化建设将是一个颇具发展潜力和广阔前景的新领域。本文就其两者之间的关系及其公共图书馆参与旅游文化建设的思路进行研究、探讨,并结合全国各地公共图书馆为文化旅游服务的实践,重点提出了从十一个方面入手,依托旅游文化建设,挖掘内在潜力和优势,拓展图书馆服务的领域和层次,以旅游文化品牌树立公共图书馆新形象的建议。  相似文献   

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