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Sex differences in social support in sororities and fraternities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The purpose of this investigation was to assess differences between sorority and fraternity members with regard to the social support provided by the “sisters”; and “brothers”; with whom they live. Based on sex differences in communication in general, and the few findings of sex differences in social support, two research questions were posed: Do members of sororities and fraternities differ in the social support they provide? How do the various types of social support compare with each other within fraternities and within sororities?

Differences found in this study corroborate results of research on sex differences in communication that characterize women as using communication to connect with, support, and achieve closeness with others, and men using communication to accomplish some task and to assert their individuality. In general, differences were mostly confined to two of the eight types of social support studied: members of sororities, in comparison to members of fraternities, reported being more satisfied with the emotional support they receive and perceiving greater availability of listening support. If the goal of fraternities and sororities is to provide their members with the full range of social support, then findings indicate members of fraternities could benefit from becoming more skillful at providing types of support that tend to promote closeness and connection (e.g., emotional support and listening support); and members of sororities could benefit from becoming more skillful at providing types of support that tend to create distance and separation (e.g., technical challenge support and emotional challenge support).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether workplace reproaches differ in their level of perceived face threat and to examine the relationship between perceived face threat and a variety of outcomes. One hundred and four full‐time employees completed a survey asking them to describe in detail a time they were reproached by a manager. The survey included scales measuring perceived face threat, interactional fairness, anger, communicative competence, and satisfaction with the outcome of the incident. As predicted, we found that reproaches differ from each other in degree of perceived face threat. In addition, perceived face threat was negatively correlated with interactional fairness, communicative competence, and satisfaction with the outcome of the incident, and positively correlated with anger.  相似文献   

The concept of affordances in communication technology research has proven to be heuristically provocative, yet perceived affordances are rarely measured. After extracting commonly cited social affordances from the literature, we developed a measure to assess participants’ perceptions of these affordances. The scale was tested across eight communication channels in two studies (face-to-face; texting; phone; email; posts on social networking sites, specifically Facebook; instant messaging; Skype videoconferencing; and mobile app Snapchat). A factor structure was developed in Study 1 and confirmed in Study 2. The resultant Perceived Social Affordances of Communication Channels Scale includes 41 items measuring 10 communicative affordances: accessibility, bandwidth, social presence, privacy, network association, personalization, persistence, editability, conversation control, and anonymity. Potential methodological and theoretical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Social support is an important factor in peoples' physical and psychological well‐being. Pierce, Sarason, & Sarason (1991) identified three social support styles: relationship support, relationship conflict, and interpersonal depth. This study was interested in the relationship between these three styles with perceived understanding in the brother‐brother relationship. Ninety‐six sets of brothers completed a questionnaire reporting on the styles they use with their brothers and their feelings of being understood. Results showed overall positive relationships between the styles of relationship support and interpersonal depth with perceived understanding. The style of relationship conflict was negatively related to perceived understanding. Additionally, brothers reported using similar support styles with one another.  相似文献   

This study examines cultural similarities and differences in strategies of refusal by presenting realistic request scenarios which manipulate levels of imposition of the request, the amount of obligation to the requestee as well as the relational closeness. Differences in self‐reported refusal strategies between Chinese in Taiwan and Americans were assessed across four conditions. It was hypothesized that obligation and relational closeness would determine whether or not Chinese in Taiwan would refuse and that they would be likely to select less assertive refusal strategies while US subjects would generally find it easier to refuse using more assertive strategies regardless of obligation or relational closeness. Subjects were asked to judge what was the most important value for them in each of four situations. These outcomes were compared with scores on Markus and Kitayama's (1991) interdependence/independence scale to test hypotheses about how Taiwan and US subjects would be likely to behave. Several unexpected findings based on culture and gender were observed in the study. This study suggests that refusal is a much more complex behaviour than we expected for both US culture and that of Taiwan.  相似文献   

MARC21和CNMARC对网络信息资源编目的异同分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络信息资源有序化是网络环境越来越重要的需求,图书馆利用MARC格式能够有效组织网络资源。文章分析对比了MARC21和CNMARC两种格式为网络信息资源编目的异同,提出利用两种格式分别组织中文和西文网络资源,从而提高图书馆在网络环境中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

Contrary to the “different cultures” view of men's and women's communication, prior research on communication values has found only small sex differences in the value placed on various affective and instrumental skills. However, this research has been criticized because college students' values may not reflect those of older individuals, and because it has failed to examine the influence of psychological gender (femininity and masculinity). In the current study, 153 men and 151 women over the age of 40 completed the Communication Functions Questionnaire (a measure of value for eight communication skills), as well as the Bern Sex Role Inventory (a measure of femininity and masculinity). Consistent with past research, sex differences in communication values were few and small. Femininity and masculinity were positively associated with most communication values, and mediatedmost of the observed sex differences.  相似文献   

In face‐to‐face interaction, speakers often pursue secondary goals such as not hurting the other's feelings. Two studies investigated the effect of trait verbal aggressiveness (VA) on the importance of such goals. In both studies, persons higher in VA were relatively less likely to judge messages unacceptable for the reason that the message would offend or hurt the hearer. Study 1 also found that high VAs are less likely to consider messages unacceptable because the message conflicts with their principles and less likely to report chronic secondary goals to be supportive or maintain a positive relationship. In Study 2, the effect of VA on the situated importance of a goal to not offend or hurt the other depended on the situation. The implications for the manner in which high VAs anticipate the outcomes of message are considered.  相似文献   

The current study examines student perceptions of the importance of selected communication skills for the teacher‐student relationship. Seven of eight communication skills identified in previous research (Burleson & Samter, 1990; Frymier & Houser, 2000) were perceived by students to be important in the teacher‐student relationship. These included referential, ego supportive, regulative, persuasive, conversational, narrative, and conflict management skills. This study sought to explain differences in student perceptions by examining student biological sex, psychological gender, and cognitive complexity. Psychological gender was superior to biological sex as a predictor of six of eight communication skills. Masculine/instrumental individuals reported expectations for teachers' use of persuasive, conversational, and narrative communication skills, while feminine/expressive individuals perceived ego supportive, regulative, and referential skills as important to effective teaching. Finally, cognitive complexity was positively associated with regulative skill and negatively related to narrative and persuasive skills. Implications for instructional research and effective teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):271-291

The hyperpersonal communication model was used to investigate the implications of the reduced social cues in computer-mediated communication (CMC) for the production of social support messages. Participants were randomly assigned to interact with a confederate seeking help about a problem for which the confederate was or was not responsible. The interactions took place either face-to-face or in one of two CMC conditions. The results were partially consistent with the intensification effect proposed in the hyperpersonal model. Participants evaluated the confederate most negatively, but produced the highest quality support messages, in the CMC condition with visual anonymity followed by the CMC condition and face-to-face condition. Participants’ evaluations of the confederate were also influenced by the confederate’s responsibility for their problem.  相似文献   

知识产权问题是当前中外各国数字信息保存领域面临的共同难点。文章对中外各国数字信息从采编到利用服务的全过程所遇到的知识产权问题进行详尽剖析,揭示各国在数字信息长期保存中面临的知识产权困境和相关法律法规的制订及不足,并由此提出初步的解决方案与建议。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the use of social networks and political activism on the Internet by the students of three universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi during the political crises for the last one year and the emergency imposed by the Government of Pakistan on November 3, 2007. The findings conclude that Internet use by the students promoted democracy, freedom of expression and greater awareness about their rights during the political crises in Pakistan.

The survey method of research was used to collect data. The sample consisted of 420 students studying at the Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, and International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. The questionnaire was sent to the students by email. The survey was administered through SurveyMonkey website. The response rate was 72.23%.

The paper is a useful source of information about how the social networking tools have been influencing and changing communication channels in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Ensuring the proper protection of records presents numerous challenges. The archival community has adequately addressed how to recognise, and deal with, threats to the conservation and preservation care of records, but security risks in the workplace are often not given appropriate attention. The identification of potential sources of risk, at all stages of a record's existence, and the discovery of solutions to prevent or mitigate these risks is crucial to guaranteeing the ongoing care and complete protection of records of all types.  相似文献   

Electronic journals are now the norm for accessing and reading scholarly articles. This article examines scholarly article reading patterns by faculty in five US universities in 2012. Selected findings are also compared to some general trends from studies conducted periodically since 1977. In the 2012 survey, over three‐quarters (76%) of the scholarly readings were obtained through electronic means and just over half (51%) of readings were read on a screen rather than from a print source or being printed out. Readings from library sources are overwhelmingly from e‐sources. The average number of articles read per month was 20.66, with most articles read by the medical and other sciences, and on average each article was read for 32 minutes.  相似文献   

Individual differences have long been of interest in information science as they bear on the design of information systems and services for specific populations. Yet little is known as to which individual differences make a difference to search outcomes, both across applications and for diverse user groups. A scoping study of information seeking and retrieval research from 2000 to 2015 was conducted. Over 2100 articles retrieved from eight scholarly databases were screened based on title, abstract, and full-text (using specified inclusion criteria), resulting in 223 papers for analysis. Data were extracted to provide an overview of the literature, including types of individual differences studied, publication volume over time, measures, samples, and study outcomes. Findings are inconclusiveness regarding how individual differences affect search outcomes, and raise issues around measurement and generalizability. This study represents an essential first step to developing a more systematic investigation of individual differences research and connecting individual research studies to anchor and guide future work.  相似文献   

Research in the social sciences has shown that there are gender differences in the selection of research methods, with women often opting for qualitative methods while men prefer quantitative methods. However, it is important to consider that research methods are generally chosen based on the research topic. To figure out the influence of gender on research method selection, a study was conducted in the field of library and information science, using a more fine-grained method classification system and an automatic classification model called CogFT, which is based on full-text cognition. The findings showed that women tend to use interviews while men prefer theoretical approaches, across a range of topics. Insights into the specific research design processes that contribute to gender differences in method selection are offered and ways to promote gender inclusivity and equality in academia by considering research method use and guidance are suggested.  相似文献   

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