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教育理论与实践:分离之根源与解决策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育理论与实践一直是一个颇具争议的命题,在世界范围内存在紧张的关系。教育理论是分层次的,各种理论的定位不同,研究对象不同,相应地表述方式也不同,对实践的指导也就各异,不同层次的教育理论与实践存在不同程度的脱节,教育研究人员自身对这个问题也存在无法回避的原因。面对这种差距,我们一方面要求理论研究人员自身进行分流,区分各类研究;另一方面,在宏观、中观和微观层面进行整合。  相似文献   

The article investigates the Theory of Knowledge course of the International Baccalaureate Organization. After a short overview of the aims and objectives of the course, the assessment criteria and a popular textbook are investigated. Shortcomings concerning the treatment of the natural sciences are highlighted and the problem is generalised to courses or curricula that aim to reconcile agendas focusing on critical thinking and philosophical analysis on the one hand and traditional science subject-agendas on the other. The article argues that these problems also surface in the actual teaching practice and their implications for the curricula need to be taken more seriously. Three possible alternatives to overcome these problems are outlined. The first is based on novel work in history and philosophy of science, the second on general theories of argumentation, and the third on systematic exploration of student interests and stakes.  相似文献   

叙事:幼儿教育的基本途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前幼儿教育一种愈演愈烈的趋势,就是内容和方法侧重于例证性或逻辑思维,过分强调知识的灌输和学习,忽视了幼儿的感性生活世界和原发性的发展。本文介绍了布鲁纳提出的两种思维模式,指出幼儿的思维更多地具有叙事性思维的特征,叙事在幼儿社会性和认知发展上起着核心作用。叙事应是幼儿教育的基本途径。  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative and emergent approach utilizing Tupac Shakur’s “Brenda’s Got a Baby” to leverage theory education. This song/video uses a fictionalized account of a pregnant 12-year-old African American girl to chronicle the ecological realities of life in the inner city (e.g., teen pregnancy, drug addiction and trafficking, incest, poverty, dysfunctional families, lack of opportunity, ineffective educational and welfare systems, runaway youth, commercial sexual exploitation, violence, and a racially insensitive law enforcement response). Because of the complexity and convergence of multiple issues and social problems in Brenda’s life, and their impact across the micro–macro spectrum, this song/video is an effective anchor for a semester-long emphasis on a critically conscious approach to theory. This article (a) reviews hip-hop as a vehicle for pedagogy; (b) explores Tupac’s early history and approach to information dissemination; and (c) discusses underlying assumptions and application in BSW-, MSW-, and PhD-level theory courses.  相似文献   

当前幼儿教育一种愈]愈烈的趋势,就是内容和方法侧重于例证性或逻辑思维,过分强调知识的灌输和学习,忽视了幼儿的感性生活世界和原发性的发展。本文介绍了布鲁纳提出的两种思维模式,指出幼儿的思维更多地具有叙事性思维的特征,叙事在幼儿社会性和认知发展上起着核心作用。叙事应是幼儿教育的基本途径。  相似文献   

由于世界的技术化,教育也随之技术化。人们追求更高的效率和选择化。学生成了学校培养的人力资本,以便提高经济增长和竞争力。海德格尔以面向思的事情来抵抗这种计算性思维。教育即让人获得辨别能力、素质和鉴赏力。教就意味着让-学习,真正的教师除了学习本身以外一无所教。海德格尔认为,传统的教育是教化,有固定的范式。另一种教育则是面向思的教育。最激发思的东西是一种空,一种缺乏,一种不足,一种缺席,一种非存在。海德格尔把这种缺失命名为奥秘,面向思的教育旨在培养对于奥秘的虚怀敞开。面向思的教育旨在养育泰然让之和敏锐。教育要让学生学会忍受他们的世界的无基础性。这要通过历史的教育,历史教育强调风格的非连续性。另外,娴熟的技艺精通是一种参与到情境中的方式。面向思的教育是一种苏格拉底式的哲学的腐化。  相似文献   

This article proposes to explore the relationships between art education and the development of complex thinking (proposed as metacompetence in this study) from a theoretical perspective. This is an approach that arises from contemporary conceptions about art, which is an intrinsic relationship between the artwork and the creative and critical character towards representation systems. Emphasising the definition of complex thinking proposed by Mathew Lipman serves as a guiding axis to try to establish the cognitive processes that compose it. Among the main findings is that the development of complex thinking and cognition occurs through action and interaction with the environment, thus linking to the notions of ‘situated competence’ and the ‘complex approach to competences’. By including cognitive and metacognitive processes, it allows us to postulate complex thinking as metacompetence. In addition, it is proposed that the use of learning methodologies (under a competence‐based approach) could contribute to an art education where students produce artistic works that involve critical, creative processes or divergent results. It is also necessary that both the curriculum and the teachers encourage an expanded and interdisciplinary vision, understanding that art is not circumscribed to a specific discipline.  相似文献   

Critical thinking has come to be defined as and aligned with ‘good’ thinking. It connects to the value placed on rationality and agency and is woven into conceptions of what it means to become a person and hence deserve respect. Challenges to the supremacy of critical thinking have helped to provoke richer and fuller interpretations and critical thought is prevalent in talk of what it is to become a person and more fundamentally to educate. The capacity for critical thought may indeed be one significant aspect of developed personhood; however an emphasis on critical thought as the main source of respect for persons raises a number of issues about what might therefore be excluded or neglected. A number of alternative views that try to retrieve a more ‘humanised’ view of how we exist in the world are examined and are found to suggest that human consciousness as a mark of personhood should be seen as rooted in bodily senses and a more aesthetic orientation towards the world that moves us away from critical thought and rationality as the single indicators of ‘good’ thinking.  相似文献   

法学理论在整个法学中具有枢纽性的重要地位,教学法理学的难度大意义更大。要知难而进把握法学理论教育的四大面向:阅读面向、思维面向、实践面向、语言面向,切实提高学生的法学理论素养。  相似文献   

文章围绕创造性思维的定义、特点、意义、制约创造性思维的诸多因素、如何在大学日语教育中培养学生的创造性思维能力为中心、结合创造性思维理论在大学日语教育实践中应用与实践的个案分析、探讨创造性思维的培养方法及其评价体系。  相似文献   

批判性思维教育和高等教育改革二者互促共进.一方面,批判性思维是全球化、多元化、信息化时代背景下高等教育改革的重要目标,也是高校课程改革的必然要求,对大学生的主动、全面、继续发展和有效学习都具有重要意义,有利于防止高校课程改革仅停留在表面活跃的浅层次上.另一方面,高等教育改革推动批判性思维的课程化为批判性思维教育积累丰富...  相似文献   

任务型教学法是指以完成交际任务为教学目标的外语教学方法,是目前外语教学广泛采用的教学方法。通过分析任务教学法的理论基础,以任务型教学法在英语语言学课堂的实施为切入点,对任务型教学法进行了反思并希望能促进学生思辨能力的提高。  相似文献   

为了培养具有民主意识和创新能力的时代新人,我国高等学校必须认识到培养学生批判性思维技能和品质的必要性,并在培养目标、内容和方式等方面进行改革。  相似文献   

Using an interpretive epistemology to explore the perceived benefits of using co-creation as a pedagogic tool with undergraduate students, this research focuses on a collaborative project between some first year undergraduate Education Studies students, a university Senior Lecturer and an Education Coordinator from a regional social enterprise organisation. The paper explores how the use of co-creation and creativity enhances the professional development and employability of graduates. Drawing on data collected from the students, this paper presents a range of perspectives and identifies how ‘meaningful’ problem-solving, co-creation and collaboration lead to transformative learning and enhanced student engagement. By doing this, we explore how complex challenges create agency for learning and develop critical thinking.  相似文献   

教、学、评的有机结合是远程教育课程考核的指导思想,然而目前远程教育艺术设计类课程的考核由于专业针对性不强以至在教学评价上缺少科学性,对教学效果的反馈也明显不足。湖南电大以应用类课程"CIS策划与设计"为考核改革试点课程,针对课程的教学特点、课程的实训环节和远程教育学生的学习特点进行了课程考核改革实践,进而为远程教育其它艺术设计类课程的考核设计提供参照。  相似文献   

素质教育的根本目的与实施路径   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
我国素质教育中使用的"素质"一词的具体内涵应当是:人通过合适的教育和影响而获得与形成的各种优良特征,包括学识特征、能力特征和品质特征。对学生而言,这些特征的综合统一构成他们学习、工作和生活的基本素养或基本条件。素质教育是把教育过程中的学生培养成现实的人、人性的人、智慧的人、创新的人的教育。实施素质教育的根本目的是为了学生和社会更好地发展,落实素质教育的基本实践是培养学生的学科素养。为此,基础教育学科教学实施素质教育的基本路径是:变"双基"为"四基",变"双能"为"四能",尤其需要变长期因袭的单向演绎思维训练为演绎思维与归纳思维并重的训练。  相似文献   

Fostering critical thinking abilities amongst students is one component of preparing them to navigate uncertain and complex social lives and employment circumstances. One conceptualisation of critical thinking, valuable in higher education, draws from critical theory to promote social justice and redress power inequities. This study explored how students’ critical thinking developed in a discrete core unit of criminology. Second and third year students were invited to participate in the research. Participants wrote critical reflections on how their thinking about crime and criminal justice had developed throughout the unit. Analysis of responses indicated that certain topics were salient to students, offering a way to engage them in deeper thinking. Students’ critical reflections showed evidence of personally relevant meaning-making, including the development of more nuanced thinking about crime and justice, and more compassionate rationales for aspiring to careers within the field. Implications for learning and teaching critical thinking in criminology are discussed.  相似文献   

批判性思维教学在我国法律硕士教育中存在被误用的情形,这不仅导致学生批判性思维能力低下,还瓦解了学生对法律的信仰。批判性思维教学在我国法律硕士教育中异化成为批判而批判的教学,是受特定的社会条件和一些主观因素共同作用而形成的。矫正批判性思维教学在我国法律硕士教育中的误用,首先需要考虑法律人思维的保守性,其次是法学教师应真正领会批判性思维的核心内涵,避免为批判而批判的形式主义。  相似文献   

通过梳理国内批判性思维研究的基本趋势、研究内容及研究方法,旨在结合我国文化特点,探索大学生批判性思维的规律和特点,推动国内批判性思维理论研究的深入开展。  相似文献   

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