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庄家、俱乐部、球员、裁判……地下足球博彩业的产业链上,各种角色,各司其职,导演了一场场惊心动魄的大战。在中国足坛掀起反赌风暴之后,不少足  相似文献   

随着网络的不断发展,网络赌博呈现出不断蔓延之势,对于网络赌博的防治成为网络赌博犯罪的重点研究范畴。本文在概述网络赌博的概况后,从宏观对策和具体对策两个方面探究网络赌博的防治对策。其中宏观对策提出了提高犯罪成本与扩大责任义务主体两个途径对网络赌博进行防治;具体对策中从网络赌博的组织者、参与者、赌资、赌博平台四个角度探析了防治对策。  相似文献   

高等学校行为的博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等学校的组织属性契约本质决定了其外部与内部复杂的行为关系,以及彼此间一系列的博弈行为。高校的博弈行为一般伴随着利益冲突而进行,这种利益冲突必然引发教育资源的浪费和无效使用,从而对教育效率产生不利影响。  相似文献   

通用汽车首席执行官瓦格纳称:"通用汽车正面临着一场百年历史上最严峻的挑战".亏损超过百亿美元,四月初又忍痛出售旗下金融服务公司(GMAC),但对表现优秀的中国市场的撅取却一刻不敢停息.  相似文献   

汉代博戏与赌博习俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赌博与博戏活动在汉代十分盛行,上自宫廷百官,下至民间里巷,许多人都迷恋于此。汉代博戏方法相当丰富,除传统的投箸和投毙外,还产生了一些棋类等变种,是中国古代博戏发展史上的一个重要阶段。汉代博戏兼有赌与戏的双重性质,与今天的赌博活动并不一样。  相似文献   

针对我国当前出现的网络赌博、跨境赌博和公务人员赌博等新问题,需要从刑法原理和司法适用上进行了分析、探讨,以利于对赌博犯罪的防控。  相似文献   

This study systematically reviews research on child maltreatment and risk of gambling problems in adulthood. It also reviews adult problem gamblers’ risk of abusing or neglecting their own children. Multiple database searches were conducted using pre-defined search terms related to gambling and child abuse and neglect. We identified 601 unique references and excluded studies if they did not report original research, or did not specifically measure child maltreatment or gambling. Twelve studies that included multivariable analysis of childhood maltreatment exposure and problem gambling were identified. Six of seven studies examining childhood sexual abuse and four of five examining physical abuse showed a significant positive association between abuse and later gambling problems (odds ratios for sexual abuse 2.01–3.65; physical abuse 2.3–2.8). Both studies examining psychological maltreatment and two of three examining neglect identified positive associations with problem gambling. In most studies, risks were reduced or eliminated when controlling for other mental health disorders. The three studies measuring risk of child abuse and neglect among current problem gamblers suggest an increased risk for child physical abuse and medical conditions indicative of neglect although there is a considerable amount of variation among studies. Child abuse is associated with increased risk of gambling problems – gambling treatment providers should ask about maltreatment history as part of their clinical assessment. Problem gamblers may be more likely to physically abuse or neglect their children, but data here are more limited. Child welfare professionals should consider asking questions about parental gambling when assessing family risk.  相似文献   

针对目前高校大学生赌博现象严重的问题,对一个典型个案进行分析并提出相应建议。大学生参与赌博存在多方面危害性,例如容易走上犯罪道路,容易荒废学业和出现违纪行为,容易影响人际关系等。而造成大学生参与赌博的原因也是多方面的,例如价值观的扭曲,包括学校和家庭因素在内的社会大环境的影响等。对有赌博习惯的大学生应施行教育感化的策略。  相似文献   

赌博罪是指以营利为目的,聚众赌博,开设赌场或者以赌博为业的行为。赌博不仅危害社会秩序,而且往往是诱发其他犯罪的温床,应予严厉打击。  相似文献   

This multicenter randomized controlled trial investigated whether interactive virtual reality enhanced effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to reduce children's aggressive behavior problems. Boys with aggressive behavior problems (N = 115; Mage = 10.58, SD = 1.48; 95.7% born in Netherlands) were randomized into three groups: CBT with virtual reality, CBT with roleplays, or care-as-usual. Bayesian analyses showed that CBT with virtual reality more likely reduced aggressive behavior compared to care-as-usual for six of seven outcomes (ds 0.19–0.95), and compared to CBT with roleplays for four outcomes (ds 0.14–0.68). Moreover, compared to roleplays, virtual reality more likely enhanced children's emotional engagement, practice immersion, and treatment appreciation. Thus, virtual reality may be a promising tool to enhance CBT effectiveness for children with aggressive behavior problems.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse leads to short-term and long-lasting pervasive outcomes, including addictions. Among Indigenous Peoples, sexual abuse experienced in the context of residential schooling may have led to unresolved grief that is contributing to social problems, such as pathological (disordered) gambling. The aim of this study is to investigate the link between child sexual abuse, residential schooling and probable pathological gambling. The participants were 358 Indigenous persons (54.2% women) aged between 18 and 87 years, from two communities and two semi-urban centers in Quebec (Canada). Probable pathological gambling was evaluated using the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), and sexual abuse and residential schooling were assessed with dichotomous questions (yes/no). The results indicate an 8.7% past-year prevalence rate of pathological gambling problems among participants, which is high compared with the general Canadian population. Moreover, 35.4% were sexually abused, while 28.1% reported having been schooled in a residential setting. The results of a logistic regression also indicate that experiences of child sexual abuse and residential schooling are associated with probable pathological gambling among Indigenous Peoples. These findings underscore the importance of using an ecological approach when treating gambling, to address childhood traumas alongside current addiction problems.  相似文献   

<正>在人生旅程中,每个人的生活都离不开别人的帮助,也都在有意无意地帮助别人。在接受帮助时,可以感受到温暖;在提供帮助时,可以感受到力量。What will you do if you see a person asking for help on the street?As I walked to my car at a local shopping mall, I saw a man who was sitting on the ground with a sign that said,“Please help”.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代开发出的绿色水处理剂聚环氧琥珀酸,具有无磷非氮结构和可生物降解等性质,并且兼具缓蚀和阻垢双重性能,目前已成为国内外研究的热点.对聚环氧琥珀酸的结构、性能、合成方法及其在阻垢和缓蚀等方面的应用进行了详细的综述,指出了目前研究中存在的一些问题,并对聚环氧琥珀酸未来的发展提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化的到来,大学排行榜越来越受到我国社会大众的关注。面对各式各 样的大学排行榜,人们感到眼花缭乱,社会舆论也大相径庭。事实上,大学排名是建立在大学评价 基础上的排序,既然是评价,其结果受到评价目标、评价目的、评价指标体系、评价方法等诸多因素 的影响,任何因素发生变化都会使结果发生变化。因此,不同排名机构的大学排名结果大相径庭是 在所难免的。对大学这样一个复杂的社会组织,通过几个指标进行排名本身就是有缺陷的。尽管如 此,大学排名作为社会大众认识大学的工具又是必要的。就是说,社会各方面要了解不同排行榜的 侧重点,平心静气地看待大学排行榜。  相似文献   

用案例研究方法,分析一位中学教师的经验叙事,总结一线教师的个人化实践知识,透视其教育行为背后隐含的发展的学生观。  相似文献   

潘振伟 《化学教学》2007,(10):76-78
[问题的由来] 本文以氧化还原反应为主要背景,结合周边化学知识,侧重学生获取信息加工信息、从化学视角去分析解决实际问题能力的考查.创作了既突出主干知识,又考查学生能力的二个试题,供读者参考.  相似文献   

《New scientist (1971)》1981,91(1267):446

Word problems     
佐治去年收集了365枚硬币,而今年比去年多收集了256枚硬币。这两年他一共收集了多少枚硬币呢?比尔、凯特和何利向他们的邻居募捐。比尔募集了13.78美元,何利募集了16.85美元,而凯特募集了12.34美元。a.何利比凯特多募集了多少美元?b.何利与比尔一共募集到多少美元?1.George collected365 coins last year. This year he has collected an additional 256 different coins. About how many coins has he collected altogether in these two years?2.Bill、Kate and Holly collected contributions(捐款)from theirneighbors.Bill collected$13.78,Holly collected$16.85,and Kate collected$12.34.a.How much more did Holly col-lect than Bill?______b.How much did Hol...  相似文献   

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