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Despite the popularity of mobile reading devices, many studies have indicated that small screens restrict information transmission, adversely affecting reading performance on mobile devices. Moreover, mobile reading typically occurs in different reading contexts. Therefore, suitable text display type for mobile reading in different reading contexts should be considered, such that learners can effectively read content. This work selected the frequently used static and dynamic text display types (i.e. Paging and Auto-scrolling) and assessed their effects on mobile reading performance. Furthermore, the features of static and dynamic text display types were considered when designing a mixed text display type for mobile reading. Based on brainwave detector, reading-comprehension test sheet, and cognitive-load scale, this work designed a mobile reading experiment with a two-factor experimental design to assess the effects of the selected static, dynamic, and designed text display types, which were respectively presented in sitting, standing, and walking contexts, on reading comprehension, sustained attention, and cognitive load of learners. Experimental results show that sitting obtained the highest sustained attention and the mixed text garnered lowest sustained attention. Moreover, although analytical results show that no significant difference existed in overall reading comprehension with each text type presented with the mobile reading contexts, reading comprehension (i.e. memory, comprehension, and application types) was significantly affected by the reading context, and to some degree, the text display type. This work also found that the text display type is a major factor affecting learners' cognitive load; however, learners' cognitive load is not be affected by the considered reading contexts. Among the three text display types, the mixed type generates the highest cognitive load, followed by the dynamic type, and then the static type. In conclusion, the three reading contexts with the three text display types have both advantages and disadvantages for reading comprehension, sustained attention, and cognitive load. As a result, text display type for mobile reading on small screens should be adjusted according to reading context or to improve reading comprehension, attention, or cognitive load.  相似文献   

In recent years, smartphones and tablets have been rapidly adopted by consumers worldwide. Within the United States, a growing number of school districts have incorporated tablets into classroom instruction. As mobile technology becomes further integrated into households and classrooms, parents, teachers, and students might need information for using the mobile devices for education. Yet little research exists to show the need. Using search query data from Google Trends, it was found that Internet users' information needs for mobile education have significantly increased since 2008. Moreover, Internet users in the United States, where fourth- and eighth-grade students were high performing in reading and mathematics in national assessments, demonstrated stronger information needs for mobile education. We also found a positive correlation between the Web information needs for mobile education and the achievement gap, suggesting an emerging trend of digital divide in mobile technology.  相似文献   

阅读英语文章时 ,仅仅分析句子的语法成分是不够的 ,重要的是领会文章内在的深刻含义及作者要表达的真实思想感情。同时还应该学会欣赏那些修辞好的句子和段落  相似文献   


Governments in all parts of the world recognize the value of education to the personal, social and economic health of the community. Once the responsibility to provide basic educational opportunities for all is fulfilled, as it has been in most developed countries, emphasis is placed upon raising standards of teaching, learning and achievement. More recently, calls for investing in lifelong learning across the community have increased. Arguably, attitudes to this should be formed in the years of schooling yet often the measures put in place to drive student progress forward have neglected the needs of teachers themselves - arguably the most important component in engaging the motivation and commitment of students, and in the transmission of knowledge and values. This paper considers the contexts and range of challenges for teachers in the twenty first century and suggests that investment in maintaining their intellectual and emotional selves is key to the educational success of schools in changing times.  相似文献   

科技英语的特点与阅读理解策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技英语阅读是大学英语后续阶段的主要内容.学好科技英语会对学生未来专业领域的发展和深造打下坚实的基础.但是科技英语在语法特点、词汇特点、句子以及篇章文体特点等方面与普通英语都有很大的差异.因此,要学好科技英语,就必须了解这些特点,了解科技英语和普通英语的异同,从而在学习中克服障碍.运用正确的方法和策略,可起到事半功倍的效果.  相似文献   

根据卡雷尔提出的阅读理解的双向心理过程,针对大学阶段的德语阅读课教学,提出了为提高学生阅读能力的四个方面的教学设计:语体训练、推测训练、快速阅读训练、联想训练.  相似文献   

信息沟是人们用语言进行交际的先决条件和动力。信息沟这一概念随着英语交际教学法的兴起和推广,从而日益受到外语教学工作者的青睐并广泛应用于外语教学实践中。英语学习一直让众多中国学生备受煎熬,其中阅读理解这一专项对于英语学习者更是一大难题。本文拟就从信息沟的概念、特点及其产生原因,英语阅读理解中的信息沟以及教师如何有意识地创设信息沟来启发学生完成阅读理解等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

大学英语四、六级考试是一项具有中国特色的、卓有成效的考试。是一笔不可多得的教育资源 ,应该得到充分利用 ,发挥其对大学英语教学的促进作用。提出利用大学英语四、六级考试阅读理解测试题作为大学英语阅读教学的课外阅读材料 ,并阐明大学英语四、六级考试阅读理解测试题的科学性和可用性。  相似文献   

文章就非英语专业学生阅读理解中双语词典的使用做了小规模的研究。调查了词典使用者在查阅词典时的认知过程,为了获得更有效的策略,是否需要对使用者进行培训。研究表明许多不恰当的策略往往导致查阅词典的失败,说明学习者在使用词典时需要系统的策略指导,并提出了三个方面的策略培训。  相似文献   

俄语阅读教学是学生同化、调节、平衡原有知识经验、构建新的认知结构的复杂认知过程。俄语教师要在教学中采用行之有效的教学策略,引发、支持、促进学生阅读时的整合、组织、精加工与监控的内部认知能力,重视教材和教师自身的建设和发展,发展和完善学生认知能力的心理构建功能,推动高校俄语阅读教学的研究和发展。  相似文献   

情感教育是全面发展的重要组成部分,对培养学生全面和谐的个性具有重要的现实意义。新的语文课程标准对情感教育提出了新的要求,进一步强调了在语文阅读教学中"情意"与"认知"相统一的重要性。  相似文献   

语文阅读教学中情感教育的独特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语文课是实施情感教育的首选基地,语文教学的独特性在阅读教学过程中尤为明显。阅读教学中情感教育要把握深挖教材,寓情于教;建立自由、平等的新型师生关系;移情入教,完美个性;以及采用情境教学模式。  相似文献   

通过一份英语阅读情况调查表,发现阅读教学中存在3个主要问题:学生缺乏阅读自主性;学生阅读量太少;学生阅读目的过于强调应试。进而以自主性学习为切入点,重点探讨培养学生在阅读中的认知策略、元认知策略以及情感策略,最终提高学生的自主阅读能力。  相似文献   

In the past five years, there have been significant changes concerning the material and design properties of digital books, with an impact on children's enjoyment and learning from reading on screen. Despite the rapid advances in technology, research on children's digital books is disjointed. This is because of no consistent approach to the study of interactivity, an under‐theorised relationship between print and digital books, and a binary design focused on either learning or playful engagement with digital books. Drawing on the discourse reminiscent of digital game designers, some developers, scholars and professionals celebrate interactivity in digital books as a possibility to motivate and engage children in reading, while a body of experimental research documents the negative impact of interactivity on children's story comprehension and vocabulary learning. This paper presents an integrative framework based on a comprehensive literature review and a content review of the hundred most popular children's digital interactive books. The framework offers: (1) methodological guidance and a definition of interactivity based on five key categories; (2) theoretical guidance based on the third‐space theory; and (3) innovative design and evaluation models based on a ‘method assemblage’. As such, the integrative framework provides new tools and perspectives to advance the field of children's digital books.  相似文献   

Despite a wealth of international research indicating the importance but also the dearth of explicit reading comprehension instruction in classrooms, current classroom reading pedagogy does not appear to have acknowledged and addressed this shortcoming to any significant degree. This is cause for some considerable concern, as today's students require effective, metacognitive reading comprehension strategies in order to succeed in a vastly expanding multi-literate textual environment. This paper will discuss a recent study, involving a survey (n=278) and interviews (n=12), which examined current beliefs and understandings regarding reading, as well as reading pedagogy and practice among teachers at primary level in Ireland. The findings revealed that current reading pedagogy, as indicated by the surveyed teachers, relies heavily on decoding instruction and an affective approach to reading while explicit comprehension instruction practice remains secondary and more the exception rather than the rule. The paper will attempt to examine possible reasons as to why current reading pedagogy remains ‘un-balanced’ in this manner while also exploring possible avenues for improvement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share one middle school's approach to using content area word walls in the classroom, as well as in the hall, to enhance the comprehension and retention of content area vocabulary. Eighth grade teachers and students designed and maintained classroom content word walls, as well as an interactive multi-content word wall in the eighth grade hall. It visually displayed the vocabulary aligned with the eighth grade state curriculum and the annual state assessment. State assessment scores showed an increase in the area of reading, math, and science after students and teachers engaged in these two types of word walls.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current proposals concerning the definition of dyslexia and contrasts it with reading comprehension impairment. We then discuss methods for early identification and review evidence that teacher assessments and ratings may be valid screening tools. Finally, we argue that interventions should be theoretically motivated and evidence based. We conclude that early identification of children at risk of dyslexia followed by the implementation of intervention is a realistic aim for practitioners and policy‐makers.  相似文献   

听讲式接受学习仍是传统课堂教学的主要模式,但它存在着很多固有的缺陷。从认知负荷的观点来看,在这种模式下,教师很难有效地解决学生认知负荷的个别差异,大部分学生不能满负荷学习;学生也很难有效地使用认知资源、认知容量、认知策略和信息外存。剖析这些影响学习荻取知识和技能的因素,可给课堂教学改革以启迪。  相似文献   

数学语言为教学交流提供了科学的保障,从语言层面探讨学生数学素养 培养具有重要的意义,然而,中学数学语言教学的现状并不令人满意,从微观的角度来考虑,数学教师应重视对学生数学语言的阅读教学,数学语言的语义教学,数学语言的转换教学。  相似文献   

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