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This qualitative study explored 4 counselor education doctoral students' 1st‐semester experience. Data analysis revealed students experienced vicissitudes of thought and emotion that varied from self‐doubt to beliefs in their abilities, received information and made decisions about how to engage in their responsibilities, and felt affirmation of their capabilities and qualifications. With this affirmation, students were able to make decisions about further experiences they would have during their program. As the semester progressed, the students experienced greater feelings of confirmation yet returned to vicissitude when faced with new situations.  相似文献   

取得时效的构成要件为两个方面,即“占有”和“经过一定期间”。作为取得时效的重要构成要件之一:“经过一定期间”,即取得时效期间,其何时开始起算、何时中止、中断是取得时效制度中的核心问题,应以各个国家和地区的相关立法规定、学说为基础,对这一核心问题以及其中的一些难点进行充分研究,这是取得时效制度应用中急待解决的问题。  相似文献   

法定解除教师聘用合同程序的规范是确保减少聘用合同纠纷的有力屏障,是制约权力的一种重要机制,它能减少立法者滥用权力,以提高法的公正性。不管是预告解除、即时解除、任意解除还是其他解除,学校法定解除教师聘用合同与教师法定解除聘用合同的程序都有所不同。这些解除程序适用于签订了固定期限教师聘用合同的各级各类学校中具有各种身份的教师。  相似文献   

This study attempts to survey the different levels of job satisfaction among 350 preservice teachers who had experienced their first teaching practicum at the end of their first year of training. Four scales for job satisfaction (perception of the work environment, intrinsic reward, career prospects and career commitment) and a scale for withdrawal cognition were administered to the preservice teachers. A study of their attitude profiles revealed that a high proportion of the preservice teachers experienced negative feelings about various aspects of career prospects, particularly, salary and career advancement. In the area of career commitment, nearly 37% of the trainees felt that the teaching profession was not always their ambition. Despite the less‐than‐expected commitment level and perception of career prospects, trainees had positive feelings for the work environment and intrinsic reward for the profession in many aspects. A multiple‐regression model fitted to the data gave the result that perception of career prospects and career commitment were highly significant predictors of withdrawal cognition.  相似文献   

Although most romantic relationships will dissolve, few studies have examined the relationship formed between dating partners after their romance terminates. This study examines the post‐dissolutional relationships experienced by participants who were involved in same‐sex (N = 298) and opposite‐sex (N = 272) romantic relationships. The degrees to which ex‐partners experience interpersonal contact, emotional and sexual intimacy, and satisfaction in their post‐dissolutional relationships was examined. Further, two types of influences on post‐dissolutional relationship qualities were investigated. Variables that originated within the dyad or individuals (personal) had a stronger influence on relationship qualities than did variables that originated from the dyad's environment (structural). The importance of understanding post‐dissolutional relationships and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on findings from a research project that investigated the experiences and perceptions of final‐year social science undergraduates enrolled on a dissertation module in a post‐1992 UK university. The dissertation was designed to provide students with the opportunity to function autonomously and determine the content and focus of a major part of their study and assessment. Using data from interviews and questionnaires, the article explores the students’ lived experience of the dissertation as a form of independent learning and assessment, the challenges they encountered, and their perceptions of peer and tutor support. While students valued the autonomy, authenticity, and ownership they felt in relation to their dissertation, they also experienced considerable ­challenges, particularly in relation to ‘time’.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated eight African‐American specialist‐level students’ experiences with and perceptions of their retention and persistence toward degree completion in school psychology programs. Findings indicate that participants deemed the general supports faculty offered to all students and positive, supportive relationships with faculty as retention strategies they experienced as effective and access to diversity in support systems as a retention strategy they perceived would be beneficial. Participants described social engagement and reliance on family and classmates as persistence strategies they used. Based on these findings, the article provides recommendations for school psychology faculty interested in retaining African‐American students and African‐American students who aim to persist to degree completion.  相似文献   

We develop a single‐class period learning game for the Plan‐Do‐Study‐Act (PDSA) improvement cycle. The experiential activity walks teams through the PDSA problem‐solving process as they create paper American footballs and improve their performance using each step of the cycle. The game is one of the first to focus on PDSA. Key benefits include increased student attention, engagement, and learning. Empirical tests show that participant pre‐ and post‐test scores regarding their understanding of each phase of PDSA improved 21.2% after completing the game. Additionally, the treatment group performed 16.6% higher than the control group. In participant perception questions, 85% of participants felt the game was more effective than lecture or reading, 93% felt the game was fun, 95% felt the game improved their understanding of PDSA, and 98% felt the game was engaging.  相似文献   

Today’s performance‐driven model of higher degree research has constructed student withdrawal and non‐completion as failure. This failure is often internalized by the student as their own failure. This paper draws on a longitudinal study that examined the experiences of four female Master’s by Research degree students—Anna, Carla, Grace and Lydia—who had either withdrawn, not completed or who had taken a very long time to complete their research. Their stories reveal that they experienced many of the factors recognized in the literature as likely to negatively affect a student’s chances of completion: isolation (social and intellectual); lack of resources; ‘absence’ of, or poor, supervision; and personal and/or professional crises; and additionally, in three cases, tensions arising from a mismatch between an individual’s understandings and institutional conceptions of postgraduate research. Rather than internalizing their experience as one of loss and failure, each of these women ‘wrote’ beyond this expected ending to reconstruct non‐completion of their postgraduate research as a beginning to a positive re‐storying of their lives.  相似文献   

《国际商事合同通则2004》两个翻译版本就“Termination”制度均将其翻译为“合同终止”。然而,无论是从“合同解除”合同终止”制度内涵来看,还是从Termination的词义内涵、法律语言实践以及比较法的角度而言,该词在《国际商事合同通则20049中均应翻译为“合同解除”。  相似文献   

针对咨询常常忽略的有效处理心理咨询结束阶段的问题,讨论了心理咨询结束时来访所表现出的一般状态、结束咨询的指标、咨询的早期化、咨询的长期化、结束咨询的方法。  相似文献   

情事变更原则是现代各国处理合同问题的一项重要原则。很多国家都把情事变更作为合同解除的条件。情事变更原则的本质是维护合同自由。我国合同解除制度以维护合同自由为其指导思想。情事变更与解除合同的关系在于通过情事变更原则 ,严格限制一方当事人在情事发生变更后 ,滥用解除合同的权利。  相似文献   

Our ethnographic study of a service‐learning class revealed some students benefited in developing civic values, improving academic learning, and accepting responsibility for their own education. Other students struggled to see the connection between technical communication and service learning, felt frustrated with nonacademic writing, and experienced team conflict. We must redefine both technical communication and service learning, help students make the transition to the workplace, and educate community organizations about the role of technical communicators.  相似文献   

This paper reports mature students' responses to a creative project, focusing on their own analyses to identify and demonstrate the conditions required to provide worthwhile creative experience for participants unused to such practices. In considering their reactions to the project brief, the paper demonstrates the lack of confidence felt by many when faced with creative work, arising out of myths about the exclusive nature of creativity. The report then identifies some ways in which a creative approach was fostered: by giving permission to non‐experienced students to work in a creative manner (by dismantling some of the mythology), by providing a personal space (both physical and mental) for this to take place, by encouraging a playful attitude to the project that enjoyed ambiguity and uncertainty, and by feeding the students' ideas with a programme of enhancement experiences. The place of one‐to‐one tutorials in developing an appropriate approach is evidenced. Throughout the paper, students' own responses provide forceful support for engagement in practical creative activity, demonstrating the sense of empowerment felt, and showing how the experience initiated long‐term developments in their thinking, both professionally and personally.  相似文献   

合同解除制度作为一项违约的救济措施,它的正确适用对合同双方当事人的利益影响极大。保险合同作为一种特殊的民商事合同,与一般合同的解除有所差异,现行《保险法》对此的规定很不完善,因此,充分了解保险合同解除的类型,把握解除权的行使和时效,澄清保险合同解除的法律后果,在理论上和实践中都不无裨益。  相似文献   

随着我国行政管理方式多元化发展以及行政法治建设不断深入,行政合同作为我国新型的行政管理方式其作用日益凸显。契约理论引入行政法领域彰显了行政民主的中国特色,同时也表征了法治政府架构的理论进路。因而,行政合同解除作为行政法契约理论中的重要一环在行政法领域内占有重要地位。关注行政合同解除的内涵、理论基础、条件、法律后果、救济制度对于建设法治视域内政府的法治化构建大有裨益。  相似文献   


This paper describes a process-oriented approach to teaching ethical dilemmas to graduate social work students. The authors examine related empirical data and use classroom vignettes to illustrate their teaching methods. Several ethical dilemmas in different phases of clinical practice will be presented, including gift giving and receiving, flexible treatment frame and contact post termination.  相似文献   

针对目前学术界对劳动合同的解除和终止的不同理解.本文以我国劳动合同法为根据,就劳动合同解除和终止的概念、解除的条件、终止的法定事由,以及劳动合同解除或者终止的经济补偿和赔偿金适用进行了分析,并提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

What influences how well-prepared student teachers feel towards working in schools upon completion of their initial teacher preparation (ITP)? In order to investigate this question, we used a path analysis using data from a longitudinal study investigating the experiences of trainee and early career phase teachers in England. The data were generated via self-complete questionnaires and follow-up telephone interviews with 1,322 trainees. Those on undergraduate or school-based programmes felt better prepared to work as teachers than one-year postgraduate trainees, perhaps because the former give higher ratings of the quality of assessment of, and feedback received on, teaching practice, and because of the clarity of theory-practice links in programmes. Across different kinds of ITP programme, good relationships with school-based mentors significantly boosted trainees' confidence that their ITP had effectively prepared them for teaching. Trainees' motives for entering the profession and their initial concerns about and expectations of ITP also affected their perceptions of its effectiveness, by shaping the way they experienced aspects of their courses. Implications of these findings for policy and practice in teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

简论公共政策的终结——以“孙志刚事件”为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共政策的终结是指政策制定者通过对政策进行慎重的评估后,采取必要的措施,以终止那些过时的、不必要的或无效的政策的一种行为。“孙志刚事件”作为公共政策研究方面的一个典型案件,曾一度引起国内学术界的关注。本文从公共政策的终结方面来探讨“孙志刚事件”给我们带来的启示,旨在通过分析“孙志刚事件”前后的政策调整来探究公共政策终结的依据、作用和方式等。  相似文献   

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