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American Indians and Alaska Natives are underrepresented as social work students, social work educators, and within the profession in general. In addition, many historical and socioeconomic factors have contributed to disproportionality in higher education attainment between these students and those within other ethnic groups. Compounding the challenges, many students in reservation communities lack access to programs that provide social work degrees. Faculty based in a small university in the upper Midwest delivered a BSW program to students in a tribal community over a 3-year period and share pedagogical lessons learned from their students and the literature.  相似文献   

Overcoming MSW Students' Reluctance to Engage in Research   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Social work students are typically reluctant to engage in research. The research partnership model takes a service-learning approach, allowing students to work with data from a community agency and resulting in a final paper with all the sections of an empirical journal article. Use of this model in teaching social work research enhances student motivation, learning, and skills through hands-on activities within an authentic context, and by using group support with individual accountability, structured and incremental learning opportunities, and teaching from a strengths-based perspective.  相似文献   

Social work students' experiences with termination are rarely explored. This paper discusses the results of a survey of 54 MSW interns regarding termination and, in particular, premature termination resulting from placement completion. Twenty‐four percent of respondents experienced natural terminations, 35% experienced client‐initiated ones, and 93% experienced forced terminations resulting from internship completion. Students felt termination was well‐covered in practice classes, less so in supervision, and felt moderately prepared for the process. Nevertheless, students found terminations significantly harder than their sense of preparation would indicate, and recommend earlier, more comprehensive training in classroom and field settings to support them and their clients.  相似文献   

目的了解当前师范大学生对教师职业的态度.方法利用自编的"师范大学生教师职业态度问卷"对742名师范大学生进行调查.结果(1)教师职业态度包括职业认知、职业情感、职业行为、职业效能四个维度.(2)男女大学生在四维度上差异均显著,女大学生高于男大学生;来自农村与县城、城市的大学生差异显著,农村大学生高于县城、城市大学生;年级差异不显著.结论师范大学生对教师职业持积极肯定态度.  相似文献   

研究生科研工作若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,我国大力支持高校教师积极从事科技创新和科技成果推广,研究生跟随导师从事课题项目科研活动的机会大大增加。然而市场经济的竞争带来了一些含金量不高的项目,使师生之间传统的"导学关系"演变成了与经济利益挂钩的"雇佣关系",学校现有的研究生培养制度和科研鼓励政策偏重数量,忽略了质量评估,因此出现了一些亟待解决的问题,针对这些问题,提出相应的政策建议供学校和科研机构等有关部门决策参考。  相似文献   

We have developed a new graduate elective in the MSW degree program called Evaluación e Intervención en Español (Assessment and Intervention in Spanish). This class, taught entirely in Spanish, is designed to train Spanish-speaking MSW students in culturally and linguistically competent clinical practice with Hispanic clients. In this case study, we summarize the course.  相似文献   

Students' Ideas and Attitudes about Air Quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of a large scale (N=1001) cross-sectional (Years 6, 8 and 10) study of students' ideas about the composition of unpolluted air, the nature of air pollution, the biological consequences of air pollution, and about acid rain and the Greenhouse Effect are reported. A range of persistent alternative conceptions were identified, in some instances with increasing frequency across grades. Students' attitudes towards education, obligation, legislation or taxation as a way of reducing air pollution were determined; the first two were the most favoured. Increased attention to particular gas and air pollution concepts is recommended; other pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The surge of interest in evidence-based interventions necessitates MSW graduates who will pursue research activities in the workplace. However, evidence suggests that social workers tend not to use their research skills after graduation. This study examined three constructs that inform students’ relationships to research: (a) confidence in research skills, (b) academic activities that stimulate students’ interest in research, and (c) anticipated outcomes from future involvement in research activities. The findings suggest that MSW programs need to extend research training beyond the classroom by providing holistic research learning environments that clarify the role and purpose of research for the social work profession and provide opportunities for students to transform didactic research training into practical research skills.  相似文献   

大学英语听力教学一直是我国大学英语教学的一个难题.在英语听力课的教学实践与研究中,因材施教、加强语音语调训练、扩大词汇量、精听泛听相结合、传授文化背景知识和利用现代化视听设备等方法是切实可行而又富有成效的.  相似文献   

以现代教育理念及教学实际为基本依据,从钢琴教学法课程设立的必要性、建立原则、课程的设置以及注意事项这四个方面就高职音乐教育开设“钢琴教学法”课程展开讨论,以此构建出更加富于科学性和顺应二十一世纪钢琴普及教育发展需求的高职音乐教育课程的结构框架。  相似文献   

This article includes a review of the literature on personal epistemology and the reflective judgment model and applies these theoretical concepts to undergraduate students who engage in service-learning projects. The application will provide instructors with greater understanding of students’ abilities and limitations in their service-learning experiences. Included are traditional, modern, and expressive teaching activities that were designed, with literature support, to enhance students’ epistemological reflection and aid them in preparing for and completing service-learning projects.  相似文献   

高职高专英语课程改革必须服务于经济建设、紧扣行业企业对学生英语技能的要求,强化就业导向和能力本位。通过课题组人员对重庆市近二十家行业企业就高职高专学生英语综合应用能力的要求以及这些技能在工作岗位中的重要性的调查,结果表明,教学实施者在高职高专英语教学实践中不仅要加强教材、教学内容、教学方法以及考试评价体系等方面的针对性和实用性,而且还应提高自身实践教学能力,只有这样,才能培养学生实际掌握英语综合应用能力.满足行业企业的用工需求。  相似文献   

Service-learning attitudes among graduate social work students enrolled in a course on human diversity and oppression are presented. A survey was administered at the beginning and at the end of the semester to students enrolled in the course, which was taught using a service-learning approach. Among the results were believing that service-learning aided in meeting learning goals and higher overall satisfaction with the service-learning experience. This article expands the literature on service-learning in social work education and promotes the use of this experiential method in social work diversity curricula.  相似文献   

从多元文化数学切入,以多元文化数学素材开发、多元文化数学课程研究、多元文化数学教材研究与多元文化数学教学研究为纬度,评述了多元文化数学课程与教学研究的相关问题。现今学校数学课程与教学存在的最大问题就是没有与学生的文化相关联,几乎没有使多数学生看到数学与他们本国文化的联系,使学生误认为数学与他们的生活或未来是毫不相干的,这严重影响了学生学习数学的兴趣和态度。多元文化数学课程与教学的理论与实践表明:兼顾文化与数学的课程教学改革,将收到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article explores a faculty-facilitated consultation group that was created for MSW students in an academic setting as a response to the paucity of group work supervision and training available in many field placements. This study considers the context in which training occurs, the impact of systemic and professional factors, which includes diminished economic resources, on the quality and availability of direct group work supervision. Moreover, the prevalence of interns facilitating groups without training, consultation, or supervision is discussed. This consultation group was created as a response to felt and expressed need by MSW students. The developmental trajectory of the group from conception to termination is presented, and the article concludes with lessons learned by the facilitator.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study identifies key conceptual difficulties experienced by upper secondary school and pre‐service chemistry teachers (N = 191) in the area of reaction rates. Students' ideas about reaction rates were elicited through a series of written tasks and individual interviews. In this paper, students' ideas related to reaction rate and its relationship with concentration or pressure are discussed. Evidence is presented to support the following claims. First, school students tended to use “macroscopic” modelling rather than using “particulate” and/or “mathematical” modelling. By contrast, undergraduates were more likely to provide explanations based upon theoretical models and entities within established chemical ideas. Nevertheless, second, they had conceptual difficulties in making transformation within and across different theoretical models. Finally, students did not generally use a scientifically acceptable concept of reaction rate across contexts. Although an acceptable concept may have been used in one context, incorrect ideas may, nonetheless, have been used in other contexts. However, undergraduates' responses were less affected by context. Several conceptual difficulties exhibited by school students persisted among undergraduates. Some possible implications for planning the curriculum and teaching are proposed in the light of the results.  相似文献   

近年来,我国大学生心理健康状况逐渐引起社会各界的日益关注,关于大学生心理健康教育课程教学方面的研究也越来越多。本文在以往研究成果的基础上,就如何改进心理健康课课程模式以提高大学生心理健康水平,从课程特征和存在问题两方面展开论述,并提出改进课程机制的相关途径。  相似文献   

《大学生职业生涯规划》课程教学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
《大学生职业生涯规划》是新时期我国高等教育的产物。相对其他成熟学科来说,国内外已有的相关研究成果较少,尤其是教学方面的研究几乎还是空白。基于相关教学实践的心得、体会,可探讨本门课程的课程结构设计、教学方法、作业与考试、师资等问题。  相似文献   

袁淑英 《成人教育》2009,29(3):40-41
在终身教育理念的感召下,中华大地呈现举国乐学的欣欣向荣之势,求学已成人人所需。文章通过对成人学校生源的年龄结构、职业结构和成人学校的性质、类别、教学方式的分析,来论证中国成人学校生源多元化的特征。  相似文献   

通过查阅大量文献资料,针对运动技能的形成过程,根据教学的系统论、控制论及信息论原理,采用摄像反馈教学对大学生背越式跳高技能形成进行实验研究.结果表明:运用摄像反馈教学对学生背越式跳高技能形成效果要明显好于传统的"填鸭式"、"灌输式"教学方法.  相似文献   

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