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《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):202-218

Dindia and Fitzpatrick (1985) identified three main approaches to the study of marital communication: the satisfaction approach, the pragmatic approach, and the typological approach. This study reports an empirical integration of the key variables of each approach: Fitzpatrick's couple types, relational control, and marital satisfaction. It is hypothesized that (a) control behaviors and patterns have nonlinear associations with marital satisfaction and (b) different behaviors and patterns are satisfying to different types of couples. Marital couples discussed eight potential problem areas and their coded behaviors were submitted to interaction analysis using Morley's (1984) procedure. The results suggest that: (a) → behaviors had a positive association with marital satisfaction, and ↓↑ and →↓ interacts had significant convex quadratic associations with satisfaction, (b) ↓ control behaviors and ↑↓, ↓→, and ↑→ patterns interacted with couple type in predicting marital satisfaction. These results suggest a contingency model of marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):207-233
Styles of handling conflict are highly consequential to marital success. The behavioral model predicts that spouses’ accuracy in perceptions of each other will be associated with marital quality, whereas the benevolent perception model predicts that benevolent perceptions, even when objectively inaccurate, will be associated with marital quality. To investigate the role of perceptions of marital conflict styles, 194 couples married for less than five years completed self- and partner-reports of conflict styles and marital satisfaction. Results indicated that spouses were both accurate (i.e., seeing the self the same as one's partner sees the self) and biased (i.e., seeing the partner the same as one sees the self) in their perceptions of each others’ conflict styles. Little support existed for the accuracy model of perception and marital satisfaction, but more consistent support was obtained for the benevolent perception model in which more positively toned perceptions, regardless of their consistency with partners’ self-perceptions, were associated with higher marital satisfaction. Results of actor–partner interdependence analyses revealed numerous actor effects for conflict styles and satisfaction, and partner effects for the styles of conflict engagement and withdrawal and partners’ marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

Research is reported which examines the relationship between marital satisfaction and amount of communication in a marital dyad. Consideration is given to various topics of communication which are commonly addressed by marital dyads and to the impact of biological sex on these relationships. Results indicate that highly satisfied couples engage in significantly m ore communication, particularly on certain topics, than do less satisfied couples. Couples with low satisfaction levels engage in a low level of communication on most of the topics which are commonly addressed by married couples. Speculation concerning causation is addressed.  相似文献   

Couples coping with cancer are often told to talk about feelings, yet there is limited theoretical, empirical, or intervention research to justify this advice. We interviewed 19 patients and 16 partners about their communication. In a mixed methods analysis, we found talk about feelings was associated with distress and functioning, even after controlling for marital satisfaction, perceived constraint from discussing cancer, or physical functioning; however, patients and partners who focused on feelings and personal issues had worse outcomes than those who focused on facts and medical issues. Through qualitative analysis, we found multiple ways to cope that did not require talking about feelings as well as ways that higher levels of distress affected talk about feelings. Our findings suggest we should reconsider advice to couples, encouraging multiple ways of communicating, and considering contextual factors that influence the timing and desirability of talk about feelings.  相似文献   

蒋美玲 《档案学研究》2018,32(5):102-106
在“互联网+档案”的客观背景下,为牢固贯彻落实“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念,深入推进档案信息的社会共享已成为国家档案事业顺应信息化发展潮流所亟待研究的重大课题之一。档案信息因其自身的特殊属性,在共享中涉及多方面的边界问题,从而制约着信息化进程。本文就档案信息社会共享中的几个边界问题进行探讨并提出跨边界档案资源共享的相关策略,为加快档案信息化进程贡献一份微薄之力。  相似文献   

This research examined adult-children and their spouses' (N v = v 15 dyads) self-reports of communicative behaviors in the long-term marital relationship when caring for an older adult parent in their home and long-term married couples (N v = v 34 dyads) not caring for a parent. A quasi-experimental retrospective design was implemented to determine the effect of an older adult parent on the relational change of the adult marital dyad. Results of a mixed model ANOVA revealed a significant 2-way interaction effect in a negative direction regarding communicative satisfaction for long-term married couples after a parent has moved into the adult-child home with no other substantial or significant findings. An analysis of the means indicated that the interaction effect is a function of the fact that having a parent present slightly decreases marital satisfaction, whereas when the parent is not present satisfaction increases. Implications of the results for the study of caring for an older adult parent in the adult-child and spouse long-term marital relationship are discussed, and future applications of the life span developmental perspective are suggested  相似文献   

This article analyses the recent Facebook innovation of “frictionless sharing”, a term which describes a smoother and wider distribution of content by individual users and a less overtly acknowledged but more efficient instrumentalization of users' immaterial labour within a structure of corporate monetization. It builds on my recent work on “the sharing subject” of contemporary digital media, in which I argue that current online social networking practices, in their emphasis on “sharing” content with networks of contacts, construct and validate the networked subject according to a version of neoliberal individualism. Moreover, the construction of this subject position implicitly recalls the heteronormativity of AIDS panic, through an unlikely rebranding of promiscuity as a desirable and successful mode of interactivity. If the new rhetoric of “sharing” erases the riskiness of circulation previously encoded in dominant images of virality, notably behaviours associated with HIV, then what is the relationship of the projected potential of “frictionless sharing” to existing normative frames of ethics and morality? In approaching this question, I revisit significant queer interventions into concepts of community and risk that emerged in the post-AIDS context, notably Tim Dean's recent examination of the barebacking subculture to which mediations of an idealized frictionlessness are also central.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):104-118

This article suggests ways in which attribution theories can explain the interpretation processes involved in understanding nonverbal behavior. An experiment examined attribution choices for nonverbal messages between romantic partners. Couples (N = 63) were videotaped while playing a game of “Trivial Pursuit.” During the interaction, one member of the dyad manipulated his or her nonverbal behaviors to appear positive at one point and negative at a second time period. If noticed, the partner made attributions for these behaviors. It was found that level of relational satisfaction correlated with perceptions of cause for nonverbal messages. In particular, negative behaviors were seen to be more intentional, stable, and controllable, whereas positive cues were perceived to be more external, unstable, and specific as relational satisfaction decreased. Further, satisfied couples were more likely to offer neutral motives for the negative behaviors of their partners. Overall, negative behaviors more commonly elicited overt attributions than did positive or baseline cues, but the number of attributions provided to account for the behaviors increased along with satisfaction level.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):354-355
Previous research on the use of relational maintenance strategies in marriage was replicated and extended by examining diary logs of 103 married couples kept over a two‐week period. Gender differences within the marital dyads were examined. Additionally, the effect of relational satisfaction or comparison level was explored, in terms of an interdependence theory explanation of relational maintenance strategy use. The results showed significant differences between husbands and wives for openness, network, and especially tasks strategies. Wives invariably used more of each type of relational maintenance strategy than their husbands. No effects of relational satisfaction emerged, which suggested that an interdependence theory explanation of relational maintenance strategy use may be inappropriate. An ad hoc assessment of the effect of length of marriage on strategy use was significant and indicated a general decline in the use of all types of strategies as years married increased.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):33-39

Reference desk service is the public face of our fast-changing profession. Because libraries often have numerous librarians sharing desk duty, consistent service can be a worthy challenge. Practical tools for promoting consistency (in the context of collegiality and teamwork) are explored. Library “culture” and organizational structure influences our professional worklives and personal job satisfaction. Sharing knowledge with one another and interdepartmental collaboration contributes to the advancement of the profession.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the sharing relationships and behaviors in academic library and information services—reflecting on some of the practical considerations for internal and external Shared Services. The title reflects an observation made when sharing cake among children: if one child cuts the cake and the other takes the first slice, the first child will take special care to ensure that the slices are equal. In this sharing management technique, “fairness” is perceptible and transparent. The technique addresses the inherent weakness in the trust relationship among the children.

The article attempts to differentiate between service “sharing” and “Shared Services” in order to clarify the underlying factors in some of the sectors’ greatest successes in sharing, as well as some of the more uneven outcomes of Shared Service delivery. In particular, it seeks to explore the propensity, capacity, and appetite for sharing, as derived from the relationships academic library services have developed in the first two decades of convergence.  相似文献   

This study, which investigated job satisfaction among academic librarians in Greece, used the Employee Satisfaction Inventory (ESI). The instrument assessed six dimensions of job satisfaction: “working conditions,” “pay,” “promotion,” “job itself,” “supervision,” and “organization as a whole.” Greek academic librarians were most satisfied with “job itself,” “supervision,” and “working conditions” and less satisfied with “pay” and “promotion.” Prior working experience contributed negatively to the prediction of satisfaction with “working conditions,” “supervision,” and “organization as a whole,” whereas participation in decision-making positively influenced “job itself” and “organization as a whole.” These findings are in accordance with prior studies and can be particularly useful for providing a comparative and comprehensive understanding of job satisfaction in the library profession.  相似文献   

通过定义共享信息标签分级信息共享行为,可帮助协调现代组织内及组织间多级权力和责任架构间的信息活动,避免不适当信息转移所带来的负面效应。本文以共享信息标签模型为基础,分析组织内信息共享行为,尤其是单向信息共享行为,研究信息共享行为的协调方法,提出将信息共享行为同计划、实施和调查三类基本组织行为相结合的基本框架。  相似文献   

云南省大关县“背篼图书馆”服务模式通过整合文化系统资源和社会资源,用“背篼”为不通公路的偏远贫困地区群众背去了精神食粮,助益“扶贫先扶志,治贫先治愚”扶贫策略的实践探索。文章论述背篼图书馆的源起和发展历程,“留守儿童流动图书室”建设,以及政府推动、社会共建等机制;探讨背篼图书馆取得的社会效应及其未来发展路径。  相似文献   

Museums today grapple with the reconciliation of traditional models of authority with the expectation to incorporate new voices in cultural interpretation. At the same time, society is increasingly empowered by a social Web that provides collaboration, connectivity, and openness. This paper frames the dialogue of authority and openness around parallel theories within the museum and technology communities, offering Wikipedia as a platform for facilitating new perspectives in collaborative knowledge‐sharing between museums and communities. Expanding on the metaphors of the museum as “the Temple and the Forum” and the Web as “the Cathedral and the Bazaar,” this essay argues that issues of democratization, voice, and authority in museums can be addressed through Wikipedia's community, process, and its potential as a model for a new Open Authority in museums.  相似文献   

News sharing and commenting are arguably some of the most interesting aspects of how news is consumed and interacted with online. Finding answers to questions regarding who engages in these ways, what type of content gets engaged with, and why certain items are shared and commented upon but not others, are of the utmost importance for those who want to navigate the complex echo system of online news flows. The paper at hand addresses the latter two of the three posed questions—what gets shared or commented on, and why—in the context of the social networking site Facebook. Detailing the influences of Reactions, an expansion of the “Like” button, launched during the spring of 2016, the presented analysis finds that Reactions such as “Love”, “Haha”, “Wow”, “Sad” and “Angry” emerge as somewhat unpopular compared to the original “Like” functionality. Moreover, while more positive forms of Reactions appear to have a hampering effect on the willingness of news consumers on Facebook to engage by means of sharing and commenting, more negative varieties of Facebook Reactions appear to yield adverse influences.  相似文献   

以传统文化为核心、以“自然”“自治”“自适”为基本特征的乡村传统文化治理体系曾经在传承与发展乡村文化、维护乡村社会秩序方面发挥积极作用。在现代化进程中,乡村传统文化治理体系的社会基础、客观条件、价值取向发生了根本性改变,亟待完成现代性构建。文章结合“安康新民风建设引领乡村公共文化服务创新发展”制度设计,从现代乡村文化场域构建、乡村文化“内生性重构”和乡村文化价值体系重塑3个维度探讨乡村传统文化治理体系的现代性构建问题,认为要在充分尊重乡村文化底色和“自然”“自治”“自适”传统的基础上,融入面向未来、持续发展的时代意识,推动乡村文化治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between verbal aggression, argumentativeness, and marital quality in a sample of non‐distressed couples. The traits of verbal aggression and argumentativeness are predicted to have different effects on marital quality; specifically, verbal aggression is hypothesized to have an inverse relation to marital quality while argumentativeness is posited to have a positive relationship. Results show support for the first hypothesis and partial support for the second hypothesis. Implications of these results for conflict resolution in marriage are discussed.  相似文献   

本文试图从学术资料的“私密型—共享型”消费角度来理解数字人文对学术资料的再分配形式.研究认为:首先,数字人文发展对于传统人文学术内在矛盾的回应,试图在不牺牲学术资料的“固有产权”的背景下以技术手段修正学术资料使用的负外部性.其次,数字人文是学者与学者之间、学者与学界之间、学术与技术之间的联合与集聚,以及理性算计与价值扩...  相似文献   

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