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For colleges and universities whose survival depends on external stakeholders, developing a strong brand should be an important component of their marketing strategy. University brand managers could benefit from developing a better understanding of how consumers interact with their brand in order to develop more effective recruiting material, advertisements, and other marketing efforts. The current study applies the concept of brand personality to university academic and athletic logos and examines subsequent relationships between the perceived brand personalities. Results of an online survey indicate that competence is a brand personality dimension mostly associated with academic logos, and excitement is the brand personality dimension mostly associated with athletic logos.  相似文献   

International University Education: An Australian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities' websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the university context, however. It is argued that those institutions that have a strong distinctive image will be in a better position to face a changing future. Employing a multistage methodology, the web pages of 20 UK universities were investigated by using a combination of content and multivariable analysis. Results indicated ‘traditional values’ such as teaching and research were often well communicated in terms of online brand but ‘emotional values’ like social responsibility and the universities' environments were less consistently communicated, despite their increased topicality. It is therefore suggested that emotional values may offer a basis for possible future online differentiation.  相似文献   

While the university prospectus is recognized as an important marketing communication tool for higher education recruitment strategies, it has become overlooked as many researchers have focused on other communication channels, such as social media and websites. Although focus has been placed upon Higher Education Institution (HEI) brand differentiation, little is known about the similarities and differences between institutional marketing communications utilized to build their brands. This research seeks to explore and analyze the prospectuses of the top 10 HEIs in the UK and to draw comparison between their relative positions using a brand personality lens. While the brand personality trait of sincerity was common for all of the HEIs, there was clear differentiation on the basis of other traits, demonstrating that brand personality deepens our understanding of HEI positioning. Two main brand personality groupings were evident among the top 10 institutions: excitement and competence.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, many universities attempted to improve their public image by changing their corporate visual identity (CVI) and/or name. Despite the prevalence of such practices, little research has been conducted into their effectiveness. The research reported here focused upon one facet of the higher education branding debate, that of the effectiveness of CVI in influencing observers' perceptions of a university and, by association, its lecturers. A secondary question concerned the name. Photographs of two lecturers (M/F) were placed into controlled digital simulations of a university foyer featuring systematically varied CVI and name. Using a range of measures and a large-sample Internet survey of n?=?888, we found that CVI and name affected respondents' perceptions of university lecturers. However, the enhancement was exclusively upon perceptions of the male lecturer, and strongly favored traditional, heraldic CVI, with a secondary naming effect.  相似文献   

当前,和谐校园建设已成为各级各类学校的主要目标,学校在加强组织领导的同时,也应认识到学生作为教育教学活动的主要参与者,其对学校各项工作的认同对于构建和谐校园至关重要。在学校认同中,学生对学校品牌的认同最为直观和可测。通过以北京某师范院校学生为调查对象进行的对学校品牌认同状况的考察表明,学校品牌管理中还存在许多问题和不足。学校管理者应采取有效措施,更好地整合和挖掘品牌资源,实施品牌管理,以增强学生对学校文化、质量及特色的认可度。  相似文献   

Eastern Liaoning University is a newly built university with dissatisfying English teaching effect.To make a good understanding of what problems exist in the students’ second language acquisition,an empirical study was conducted on the 213 undergraduates in June,2009.Some related factors with second language acquisition are surveyed and analyzed.It suggests that it is crucial to strengthen the guidance and training of metacognitive strategy to improve the students’ autonomous learning ability.  相似文献   

随着竞争的愈加激烈,品牌意识也越来越多地渗入各行各业中,尤其在近几年的房地产行业中,各公司对其品牌营销环节越来越重视。品牌营销已经成为房地产公司必须重视的一个环节,甚至于影响到公司的成败。结合中国房地产行业的现状,陈述房地产公司在品牌营销环节存在的问题,提出解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

当前大学生就业中存在着有业不就的现象,这加剧了大学生的就业困难。大学生有业不就与就业观念相关,包括大学生对就业困难程度的认知、选择工作时对诸如就业区域、薪资水平、培训机会和工作氛围等因素的影响。因此,解决大学生有业不就需要从上述几方面着手,关键是帮助大学生树立正确的就业观。  相似文献   

身份政治表现为“我”与“他者”的身份区隔,为审视大学治理中的组织冲突提供了相对统一的理论视角。在个体、群体、结构和理念四个层面,组织冲突有不同程度的身份政治表现。超越大学治理中的身份政治,需要个体不断反思,建构集体思维,形成组织信任,依归人类命运共同体的大学理念。  相似文献   


First-year undergraduate students in the United Kingdom undergo significant change in their lives as they embark upon their university experience. They may be exposed to various social and psychological factors that increase their risk of poor sexual health. Indeed, epidemiological data suggest that young people (including students) face sexual health inequalities compared to the general population. People’s perceptions are key to understanding their behavior. This study explores the sexual health perceptions of a group of first-year students at a British university. Sixteen heterosexual students were interviewed, and the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis revealed three content categories: (1) sexual freedom and exploration at university, (2) university environmental sexual risk factors, and (3) stigma as a barrier to sexual health. These risk factors can undermine sexual health outcomes in students in the long term and should, therefore, be considered in sexual health education programs for university students in the United Kingdom. It is argued that the incorporation of social and psychological factors into such programs will lead to more effective sexual health promotion in this high-risk population.  相似文献   

高校形象识别系统包含高校理念识别、高校行为识别和高校视觉识别系统,这三者的代表性指征分别包含校训、高校组织行为、校徽等。现阶段,我国高校形象识别系统呈现出论多践少、知著行微的尴尬状态。在高校品牌建设的形象识别系统建设中,一是将其系统化和规范化;二是广泛宣传,形成自觉,严格规范使用,确保高校形象的统一;三是树立知识产权意识,取得法律保护;四是系统导入过程中不能忽视对原有系统的冲击;五是不能片面夸大其作用。  相似文献   

结合高校品牌的内涵和特征,运用小组访谈法提炼出高校品牌形象的评价维度及其指标体系。针对高校品牌形象的层次性和模糊性特点,利用模糊综合评价法建立了具体的评价模型,并进行了实例应用。  相似文献   

一方面大学等级化、行政权力主导大学使得大学权力具有科层模式特点,而另一方面行政管理专业化及权力制度化水平较低的状况使得大学行政权力具有非科层模式表现,本文把这样的权力运行称为准科层模式,而这种准科层模式下的权力是带来大学行政化的重要支点,也是大学行政化的要义之一。  相似文献   

大学生就业期望:基于性别比较的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理论假设大学生的就业期望存在性别差异,而城镇或农村、父母文化程度、是否独生子女是影响大学生就业期望性别差异的因素,运用t-检验和方差分析方法验证假定命题的真假。研究结果表明,男女大学生的就业期望存在差异,男大学生的就业期望总体上高于女大学生;大学生就业期望的性别差异与生源地以及是否独生子女显著相关。  相似文献   

高校智力资本评价模型与实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在新经济时代下,智力资本已是高校的核心竞争力所在。本文尝试把企业智力资本理论引入高校,建立适合高校的智力资本评价模型,并建立评价的指标体系,通过问卷调查进行实证研究,统计结果表明该指标体系和评价方法具有一定程度的可靠性,智力资本的三个构成要素之间存在正向的相关关系;最后开发出一个智力资本报告模型以供高校报告其智力资本现状。  相似文献   


This case study chronicles Syracuse University's athletic department's attempt to achieve consistency in its identity program by changing its identity during 2004, and then again in 2005. The changes were owing to high-level personnel changes on both the academic and athletic sides of the university. This case details the many issues arising from both identity changes, including negative public opinion and potential issues of trademark infringement. The practical and strategic implications for Syracuse University and other colleges and universities are discussed.  相似文献   

高职院校人才培养模式的改革,对高职院校的学生思想政治教育及党建工作提出了新要求,学生公寓作为思想政治工作的重要载体和党建工作的重要平台,作用显得更加突出,重视并做好学生公寓的思想政治教育工作,对提高大学生的综合素质、培养社会主义事业的建设者和接班人、造就高素质的劳动者有着积极的影响。  相似文献   

互联网技术带来媒体的不断变革,数字信息技术的网络媒体、手机媒体、户外新传媒、移动电视等以互动性为旗帜的新型媒体大量涌现,为服装企业的品牌传播提供了新的手段和方式,让企业在激烈竞争中迅速而准确地定位受众群体。但在传播中也存在着诸如营销理念、品牌价值、诚信、人才等问题,需从如下方面完善营销传播策略:服装品牌定位应趋向差异化,整合服装品牌传播内容、渠道,利用网络口碑提升品牌知名度,利用网络公关提升品牌美誉度。  相似文献   

焦磊  袁琴 《江苏高教》2022,(2):21-29
跨学科研究已成为应对社会复杂议题与科学前沿问题的重要研究范式,然而大学跨学科研究活动的开展受传统学科组织壁垒的限制,变革既有的学术组织结构、创新跨学科研究组织形式是保障跨学科研究组织行为的关键。国外知名大学在推进跨学科研究发展的进程中,经历了"解构—建构—制度化"的组织变革过程,在"内构"与"外拓"两种路径下创新了多样态的跨学科研究组织,并建立了与跨学科研究组织相匹配的运行机制。促进中国大学跨学科研究组织发展应着力创造组织变革动力,以强外部推力驱动大学跨学科研究组织发展;内外路径并进,创建多样态跨学科研究组织;制度化跨学科研究组织,稳固跨学科研究组织行为。  相似文献   

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