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Despite the Mental Health Foundation (2012 Mental Health Foundation. 2012. Mental Health Statistics. http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk. [Google Scholar]) stating that each year, one in four people in the United Kingdom (UK) will have some kind of mental health difficulty, students from this group are underrepresented in further education (FE) colleges. In light of this, the purpose of this exploratory research, which was rooted in the phenomenological paradigm, was to investigate the barriers to classroom learning that existed among adult students who had severe and enduring mental health difficulties, as well as how they perceived that these could be overcome. With the aim of foregrounding the learners’ voices, five students from a cookery course, set up specifically for this target group, were studied using a case-study approach. The results revealed that there were many fears connected with the learning process, particularly in relation to failure and relapse, as well as how the teacher would treat them. The actual process of affording these vulnerable students a unique opportunity to be heard raised both ethical and methodological dilemmas, which have implications for future work among this group of students. However, the results also revealed that once the barriers were overcome, their learning had a significant impact not just on their cookery skills, but on their lives as a whole. This study concludes by suggesting that colleges need to purposely educate and support teachers in how best to work with such students and that more research be carried out among this group of vulnerable students.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of e-learning by comparing the learning outcomes in conventional face-to-face lectures and e-learning methods. Two video-based e-learning contents were developed based on the rapid prototyping model and loaded onto the learning management system (LMS), which was available at http://www.greenehrd.com. Eighty-five Korean agricultural high school students were randomly assigned into the two groups: face-to-face lecture (control group), and video-based e-learning (experimental group). The students of the experimental group logged onto the LMS in the school computer lab and completed each e-learning module. All students were required to take a pretest and posttest before and after learning under the direction of the subject teachers. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine any difference between the two groups in terms of learning outcomes. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was also administered to verify whether there was any difference between the two groups after controlling for the covariate variable: pretest score. According to the results, e-learning resulted in better learning outcomes than face-to-face lecturing. These findings suggest that the use of well designed and appropriately applied e-learning could be worthy even in agricultural education, which stresses hands-on experience and lab activities. Further research should focus on a different e-learning content type in different agricultural subject fields and its relationship with learning outcome.  相似文献   

Background: Inquiry learning in science provides authentic and relevant contexts in which students can create knowledge to solve problems, make decisions and find solutions to issues in today’s world. The use of electronic networks can facilitate this interaction, dialogue and sharing, and adds a new dimension to classroom pedagogy.

Purpose: This is a report of teacher and student reflections on some of the tensions, reconciliations and feelings they experienced as they worked together to engage in inquiry learning. The study sought to find out how networked ICT use might offer new and different ways for students to engage with, explore and communicate science ideas within inquiry.

Sample: This project developed case studies with 6 science teachers of year 9 and 10 students, with an average age of 13 and 14 years in three New Zealand high schools. Teacher participants in the project had varying levels of understanding and experience with inquiry learning in science. Teacher knowledge and experience with ICT were equally diverse.

Design and Methods: Teachers and researchers developed initially in a joint workshop a shared understanding of inquiry, and how this could be enacted. During implementation, the researchers observed the inquiry projects in the classrooms and then, together with the teachers, reviewed and analysed the data that had been collected.

Results: At the beginning of the project, some of the teachers and students were tentative: inquiry based teaching supported by ICT meant initially that the teachers were hesitant in letting go some of the control they felt they had over students learning, and the students felt insecure in adopting some responsibility for their own learning. Over time a sense of trust and ease developed and this ‘control of learning’ balance moved from what was traditionally accepted, but not without modifications and reservations.

Conclusions: There is no clear pathway to follow in moving towards ICT-supported science inquiry in secondary schools. The experience of the teacher, the funds of knowledge the students bring to the classroom, the level of technological availability in the school and the ability of the students are all variables which determine the nature of the experience.  相似文献   

In the European context the continuing training of early childhood educators in terms of information and communications technology (ICT) remains limited and is in need of development. The KINDERET project has been funded through the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci programme aimed to identify and understand the theoretical and practical needs of practitioners and is developing course materials to support the development of courses (see www.eseb.ipbeja.pt/kinderet). The KINDERET project has therefore been structured according to five main objectives, namely to:
  • identify and understand the theoretical and practical needs of kindergarten teachers with regard to ICT education;

  • establish plans for the training of educators, in the application of ICT;

  • develop interactive learning materials for educators in order to support the established plans for continuing training in ICT;

  • implement pilot training schemes and promote transnational collaboration between tutors and students through the use of ICTs;

  • evaluate the pilot training schemes.

In the framework of these overall aims set by the KINDERET project, this paper reports upon the joint work that was developed by the partnership as the first stage of analysis in the training needs of kindergarten teachers. The analysis of the information that was collected at this stage has provided an empirical basis for the development of the pilot training schemes.  相似文献   

In recent years, simulation has increasingly underpinned the acquisition of pre-clinical skills by undergraduate medical imaging (diagnostic radiography) students. This project aimed to evaluate the impact of an innovative virtual reality (VR) learning environment on the development of technical proficiency by students. The study assessed the technical skills of first year medical imaging students. The learning experience by each student was either via traditional laboratory-based simulation or VR simulation, for two specified anatomical protocols. Following the learning experience, the students performed role-plays and were assessed on their technical proficiency. The type of learning environment, laboratory-based or VR simulation, was recorded for each radiographic procedure, as well as demographic data. Data demonstrated an improved total role-play skill score for those students trained using VR software simulation compared with the total role-play skills score traditional laboratory simulation. Demographic multivariable analysis demonstrated no statistically significant association of age, gender, gaming skills/activity with the outcome. The novel medical imaging VR simulation learning tool facilitated technical skill acquisition, equal to, or slightly better than traditional laboratory training. Ongoing data collection will evaluate the impact this VR software has on the undergraduate medical imaging student.

Abbreviations: QUT: queensland university of technology; VR: virtual reality; SLE: simulated learning environment; PA: posterio-anterior; DP: dorsi-plantar; CP: central point; CR: central ray; SID: source image distance; HWA: health workforce Australia  相似文献   

The Internet is a powerful resource for research providing limitless access to information. This article considers an application in the undergraduate Bachelor of Education in Design and Technology course (B. Ed. [Hons] D&T ).

This four year course prepares students for the teaching of Design and Technology in secondary schools, focusing on the development of skills in design and problem solving. A project based approach is used within the course to encourage individual research activity and promote a student centred learning experience. As well as books and video resources, the students have access to the Internet through a network of Windows NT workstations. The potential for exploration via the Internet has been readily exploited by students and this article reviews the use made of this facility by students and their impressions of its value

Providing Internet access posed many technical and managerial challenges, some of which are considered in the article. The experience gained in its use has provided some interesting insights into other issues surrounding Internet access.

Student response to the Internet as a tool, experience of searches and some of their concerns about their experience in accessing Internet along with the perceived benefits are discussed in the article  相似文献   

Smith College initiated an ePortfolio pilot project to guide students in documenting key learning experiences and in linking those experiences to Smith's institutional mission of “developing leaders for society's challenges” (Smith College, 2011 Smith College. 2011. Mission of Smith College. Retrieved from http://www.smith.edu/about_mission.php. [Google Scholar]). Twenty-one college students volunteered to participate in the pilot, based on the integrative knowledge portfolio process and informed by research in the fields of narrative psychology, integrative learning theory and ePortfolio theory. This article discusses the process of guiding students in integrative learning through the development of ePortfolios and through a curriculum, which engaged them in understanding and articulating their own learning, as well as in connecting it to the college mission.  相似文献   

For a course built around a year of Industry Based Learning (IBL), devising an honours stream within the same four‐year time span required part‐time study during IBL. In the case of students undertaking IBL internationally, this neccessitated the provision of units of study for distance learning. However, in some units appropriate learning resources were not in existence. The solution to this problem was to video‐tape a chemistry lecture unit live.

This led to a second potential problem. Was the video‐taped lecture unit a suitable learning resource? Hence the unit was trialled on local students. After live lectures or independent video‐tape learning, students' results on an identical examination were internally standardised to their overall performance. These standardised results showed clear‐cut improvements when video‐taped lectures were utilised. Thus, for a (special) group of students studying chemistry at a distance, the generalised results of the trial suggest the telelecture mode of presentation to be a highly desirable alternative.

Biochemistry majors responded much more positively to the stimulus of the novel method of presentation (in their second, chemistry major) than the double major chemistry students. There is a clear general implication here for teachers of students in non‐preferred or service areas, whether at a distance or not.  相似文献   

On the basis of a study of the literature and of empirical research, the article puts forward suggestions for the improvement of teacher training programmes within a dual system.

A consecutive approach to training implies that a student spends a part of the training period in an educational institution and a part in a practical situation (i.e. on teaching practice). However, the consecutive system presents considerable problems in respect both of organisation and of the psychology of learning. Organisationally, there is the question of sequence to be faced, if the elements of theory and practice are to be brought together.

On the basis of a study of the literature of other forms of professional training, the following suggestions are made:

  1. students’ activities in the school must re‐inforce their learning and be integrated with their work in the training institution;

  2. their educational studies must support the acquisition of the competences needed by the teacher at the outset of his/her professional career;

  3. attention must be paid to the learning needs and the potential of each student.

The article describes how a teacher training programme may follow these guidelines, leading to a ‘concurrent’ set of cycles bringing together elements of theory, practice and reflection upon practice, and in which a student may alternate between the academic institution and school practice.

After giving an overview of possible models of training the author focuses upon a specific example and provides a model of the institution‐practice link. What is important is that the learning style of the student be taken into account. Each student selects from four alternative programmes, namely: instructional variants, reflection variants, selfstudy variants, and practice variants. The contents of these four programmes are explained, and the learning outcomes of students from these differentiated programmes compared with those of students from undifferentiated, ‘normal’ programs. In summary, it is claimed that in the research project described there are positive indications for a theory‐practice link which gives students a choice of approaches and a better integration of their learning into the practical classroom situation.  相似文献   


Opportunities to learn how to develop engaging learning experiences are vital for preservice teachers. This article describes an in-class modeling activity, provides assignment guidelines, and includes examples of candidates' completed tasks when developing technology-integrated instruction using Quick Response (QR) codes. The content of participants' (n?=?75) tasks were analyzed for complexity following the SAMR model (Pnuentedura 2013 Pnuentedura, R. 2013. SAMR: An EdTech quintet perspective. Retrieved from http://www.hippasus.com/rrpweblog/archives/2013/07/29/SAMRAnETQPerspective.pdf [Google Scholar]). Most candidates enhanced instructional experiences (73%), while others transformed them (27%) by developing engaging collaborative experiences that culminated in students creating a product using technology tools. Observations revealed that candidates appreciated learning how QR codes could be used to make learning experiences more engaging. Candidates showed a willingness to use their own smart devices for learning purposes. Aligning appropriate curriculum content standards with assigned tasks was achieved by all participants.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most challenging problems facing today’s global society (e.g., IPCC 2013). While climate change is a widely covered topic in the media, and abundant information is made available through the internet, the causes and consequences of climate change in its full complexity are difficult for individuals, especially non-scientists, to grasp. Science education is a field which can play a crucial role in fostering meaningful education of students to become climate literate citizens (e.g., NOAA 2009; Schreiner et al., 41, 3–50, 2005). If students are, at some point, to participate in societal discussions about the sustainable development of our planet, their learning with respect to such issues needs to be supported. This includes the ability to think critically, to cope with complex scientific evidence, which is often subject to ongoing inquiry, and to reach informed decisions on the basis of factual information as well as values-based considerations. The study presented in this paper focused on efforts to advance students in (1) their conceptual understanding about climate change and (2) their socioscientific reasoning and decision making regarding socioscientific issues in general. Although there is evidence that “knowledge” does not guarantee pro-environmental behavior (e.g. Schreiner et al., 41, 3–50, 2005; Skamp et al., 97(2), 191–217, 2013), conceptual, interdisciplinary understanding of climate change is an important prerequisite to change individuals’ attitudes towards climate change and thus to eventually foster climate literate citizens (e.g., Clark et al. 2013). In order to foster conceptual understanding and socioscientific reasoning, a computer-based learning environment with an embedded concept mapping tool was utilized to support senior high school students’ learning about climate change and possible solution strategies. The evaluation of the effect of different concept mapping scaffolds focused on the quality of student-generated concept maps, as well as on students’ test performance with respect to conceptual knowledge as well as socioscientific reasoning and socioscientific decision making.  相似文献   

Metacognition is considered by most educationists as an element necessary for many cognitive tasks. In problem solving, it has been said that possessing knowledge alone is insufficient and problem solvers need to exhibit high level cognitive skills like “self-regulation skills” (also known as metacognitive strategies) for successful problem solving.

A study on students' metacognitive strategies was carried out with over a thousand secondary and pre-university students from 12 schools. A questionnaire adapted from Biggs (1987) was administered to students at various levels (Secondary 2, Secondary 4, Pre-University 1), from different academic tracks (General, Science, Arts) and academic streams (Special, Express, and Normal). They were required to self-report on their metacognitive beliefs; their use of metacognitive strategies in mental tasks involving memory, problem solving and comprehension; and their attitudes towards the learning of various academic subjects. 20 items from the questionnaire which were related to problem solving were categorized into four stages, namely, orientation, organisation, execution and verification and data from these items were analysed.

Some findings that emerged were:

  • (a) Normal stream students exhibited a lower usage of metacognitive strategies as compared to students from the Express and Special streams.

  • (b) Metacognitive strategies used by Normal stream students tended to be of the “surface” type.

  • (c) There was no significant difference in the frequency of usage of metacognitive strategies between students from different academic tracks.

  • (d) During the problem solving process, students spent most time on evaluation of answers rather than on monitoring their understanding.

  • (e) Students from different levels (Secondary 2, Secondary 4 and Pre-University) exhibited similar frequency of usage of metacognitive strategies in problem solving.

  • The implications of these findings on future research and development projects as well as the teaching of metacognitive strategies are discussed in the paper.


Background: The sophistication of students’ conceptions of science learning has been found to be positively related to their approaches to and outcomes for science learning. Little research has been conducted to particularly investigate students’ conceptions of science learning by laboratory.

Purpose: The purpose of this research, consisting of two studies, was to explore Taiwanese university science-major students’ conceptions of learning science by laboratory (CLSL).

Sample: In Study I, interview data were gathered from 47 university science-major students. In Study II, 287 university science-major students’ responses to a CLSL survey were collected.

Design and methods: In Study I, the interview data were analyzed using the phenomenographic method. Based on the findings derived from Study I, Study II developed an instrument for assessing students’ CLSL by exploratory factor analysis.

Results: Study I revealed six categories of CLSL, including memorizing, verifying, acquiring manipulative skills, obtaining authentic experience, reviewing prior learning profiles, and achieving in-depth understanding. The factor analysis in Study II revealed that the ‘verifying’ category was eliminated, but found another new category of ‘examining prior knowledge.’

Conclusions: This study finally proposes a framework to describe the variations of CLSL, consisting of three features: cognitive orientation, metacognitive orientation, and epistemic orientation. Possible factors influencing students’ CLSL are also discussed.  相似文献   


This article explores the interplay of the ‘live’ experience of drama learning in the classroom and curated digital content on learner meaning making, collaborative creation and subjectivities. It examines a case study conducted in an inner-city secondary school in Sydney, Australia, as part of a larger innovative international collaborative drama exercise entitled ‘The Water Reckoning Project’ (http://www.water-reckoning.net) which focussed on sustainability education. Data collected and analysed included ethnographic observations, video documentation and digital curation of students’ creative work, focus groups, and pre- and post-surveys. Findings of this study reveal the importance of the aesthetically charged, embodied experience of drama as the key driver of learning when integrating drama with digital technologies. This unique project enabled students to critically and creatively engage with significant real and fictional contexts, as well as issues of local and global relevance.  相似文献   

Reviewer comments in research articles such as journal papers or dissertations guide students during the revision process to improve the quality of their articles. Our goal is to make the comments more meaningful to the students’ revision process. Revision involves implicit cognitive processes and ICT has the potential to make such processes explicit. Previous research into the cognitive processes involved in revision has shown that novices focus on local, sentence level revision while expert writers focus on global revision of ideas or restructuring of arguments. For better quality writing, students should focus more on global revision. The reviewer comments can either trigger more meaningful global revision (content-related comments) or local revision (non content-related comments). In this paper, a machine learning algorithm was applied to classify the comments in academic drafts in our laboratory as either content-related or not. Reviewer comments in academic article drafts are usually short. Therefore, this research applied a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm for the classification, which is one of the most common machine learning algorithms for short texts. Performance evaluation was based on the measures of accuracy, precision and recall for the non content-related comments. Using cross validation, highest scores of 86%, 89% and 89% were achieved for accuracy, recall, and precision, respectively. The results demonstrate the success of the automatic classification, which can be applied to filter out non content-related comments so that the students focus first on revising the content-related comments. In this way, the students can increase their awareness of the importance of global revision.  相似文献   

Background: Complexity models have provided a suitable framework in various domains to assess students’ educational achievement. Complexity is often used as the analytical focus when regarding learning outcomes, i.e. when analyzing written tests or problem-centered interviews. Numerous studies reveal negative correlations between the complexity of a task and the probability of a student solving it.

Purpose: Thus far, few detailed investigations explore the importance of complexity in actual classroom lessons. Moreover, the few efforts made so far revealed inconsistencies. Hence, the present study sheds light on the influence the complexity of students’ and teachers’ class contributions have on students’ learning outcomes.

Sample: Videos of 10 German 8th grade physics courses covering three consecutive lessons on two topics each (electricity, mechanics) have been analyzed. The sample includes 10 teachers and 290 students.

Design and methods: Students’ and teachers’ verbal contributions were coded manual-based according to the level of complexity. Additionally, pre-post testing of knowledge in electricity and mechanics was applied to assess the students’ learning gain. ANOVA analysis was used to characterize the influence of the complexity on the learning gain.

Results: Results indicate that the mean level of complexity in classroom contributions explains a large portion of variance in post-test results on class level. Despite this overarching trend, taking classroom activities into account as well reveals even more fine-grained patterns, leading to more specific relations between the complexity in the classroom and students’ achievement.

Conclusions: In conclusion, we argue for more reflected teaching approaches intended to gradually increase class complexity to foster students’ level of competency.  相似文献   

Background: Reading is an interactive and constructive process of making meaning by engaging a variety of materials and sources and by participating in reading communities at school or in daily life.

Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors affecting digital reading literacy among upper-elementary school students.

Method: A 3-stage stratified cluster sampling was implemented that resulted in a sample of 592 upper-elementary students from 29 classes in 7 schools. Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Assessment (S-RLSA), Digital Reading Literacy Assessment (DRLA), and student reports of their parents’ education backgrounds were used to collect data on the outcome and predictor variables. Interpretation of these data involved two highly regarded statistical techniques. First, structural equation modeling was used to explore relationships amongst the constructs. Second, multi-group invariance (MI) analyses were used to assess the influence of parental education and self-regulated learning strategies on students’ digital reading literacy.

Results: Enriching students’ family learning resources and strengthening their self-regulated learning abilities could have very important influences on promoting upper-elementary school students' digital reading literacy -webpage information retrieval, reading and communication abilities.

Conclusions: This study also provides information on how teachers can address student resources to improve digital reading literacy and self-regulated strategies.  相似文献   

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