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This paper investigates the motivational power of children to change teachers' beliefs about teaching. Weekly and summary reflections written by 18 preservice teachers served as data sources. Preservice teachers were learning from the children what they expect their teachers to know, to do, and to be, and in consequence of the face‐to‐face encounters with children, teachers were likely to establish and change their beliefs about children and how to teach. Teacher educators may encourage this learning by asking preservice teachers, during and after their work in classrooms, to respond to the questions: ‘As I related to the children, what did they require from me?’, and ‘How did I respond to these demands?’. The work of Emmanuel Levinas on the relationship in the face‐to‐face encounter between people provided an interpretive framework for evaluating responses to these questions.  相似文献   

冯阿信 《音乐世界》2010,(16):106-109
6月的《Seaside Motel》.7月上旬播映的电视剧《自恋刑警》.8月即将上映的电影《花水木》.从芒种到盛夏.生田斗真迈着踏实的脚步在影枧的世界中,开拓出自己的一片天空。前进的脚步不会休止,留给我们的只有更多的百变角色.千变表情.  相似文献   

Face the music     
英语中的很多词语是不能望文生义的,如“face the music”这个短语。如果你认为是“面对、应付音乐”的话,就大错特错了。这个短语已有百年以上的历史了,是美国男女老少都非常熟悉的短语。最早使用这个表现法的是  相似文献   

Face the Failure     
HowtimefliesTheexamiscomingandallofusgetreadyforit.Weallhopetopassit.Butifyoufailintheexamwhatwillyoudothen﹖Theanswerisfaceitbravely.WeallknowthatfailureistheMotherofsuccess.Butfewofuscanreallyunderstandit.I’msurenoonedaresayhehasn’tmetanyfailureallhislife.Sowemustfaceit.Infactfailureisnotfearfultheimportantthingishowtofaceitcorrectly.Facingfailureyou’llnevertakeyourfatelyingdown.Youshouldtryyourbesttoworkharderandharderuntilyoubecomesuccessful.Becourageoustofaceset-backoryou’llhaveno…  相似文献   

Face the Music     
在郝鹏的眼里,face the music应该是一个“享受音乐”的概念。如果真是这样的话,那Tom也太过分了,这种时候居然还在跟郝鹏开玩笑。不过大家可千万不要误会Tom啊!在英语中, face the music和“享受音乐”那种美妙的感觉是完全没有关系的,它表达的恰恰是一种相反的意  相似文献   

基本用法n.脸,面孔,脸色,表情,表面,外观vt.面对,面临,正视,承受He was so ashamed that he hid his face in hishands. 他羞愧得用手把脸蒙住。  相似文献   

Face the Music     
When someone says,“Well,I guess I’ll have to go and face the music,”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert.It is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you did not do this or that.Sour music, indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

高鹏  裴靖  大桥 《音乐世界》2008,(3):142-145
严严冬日,干裂的肌肤随之而来,怎样才能扼杀干裂,重现水分饱满,清亮可人的好肌肤?本期护肤日志从洗、补、抹、敷四轮战斗轻松展开 Face 保卫战!  相似文献   

A robust face pose estimation approach is proposed by using face shape statistical model approach and pose parameters are represented by trigonometric functions. The face shape statistical model is firstly built by analyzing the face shapes from different people under varying poses. The shape alignment is vital in the process of building the statistical model. Then, six trigonometric functions are employed to represent the face pose parameters. Lastly, the mapping function is constructed between face image and face pose by linearly relating different parameters. The proposed approach is able to estimate different face poses using a few face training samples. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy.  相似文献   

正Face book(脸谱网)从2004年创立以来,很快在CEO(首席执行官)马克·扎克伯格的带领下成为互联网社交网站的巨头。现在Face book的全球用户数已经超过了五亿。许多求职者以艳羡的目光仰望着Face book的员工,同时,也有许多人跳槽来到这里,从谷歌跳槽到这里的就不下数百人。不可否认的是,福利待遇和宽松的工作环境绝对是其中的影响因素之一。这一点从Face book的办公室中可见一斑。在Face book每一位员工都有属于自己的一间办公室,而每个刚入职的员工都会得到100美元的"装修费用",员工可以按照自己的想法来装饰办公室,可以在墙壁  相似文献   

裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(7):50-53
08年初春,BoA 新的日文单曲《be with you》和日文专辑《THE FACE》同步上市。在日本的几年时间,年轻的她早已打下了事业的一片天。14岁出道以来,BoA 已经度过了与家人分开的8年时间。从韩国到日本,这个曾经还未成年的小女孩就这样一个人坚强地走着歌手之路。22岁的她成熟了,改变了,我们为你还原一个舞台背后真实的 BoA……  相似文献   

成长的旅途中,不可能总是欢笑和阳光,还不时会有荆棘和阴雨突现。遇到困难的时候你该怎么办?是知难而退,还是勇往直前,还是……?  相似文献   

宋菲 《海外英语》2012,(14):232-233
This thesis focuses on different Chinese and western attitudes towards"Face"in communication.Based on Brown-Levinson’s Face Theory and the study on each definition of"Face"and its causes,it is concluded that Chinese people place emphasis on"collective face",whereas Westerners pay attention to"individual face".There is a mixture of factors that result in these salient differences,which should trace back to their long-existing historical,cultural and linguistic diversity.With the discussion on various aspects of the"face",there will be a better understanding of between Chinese and western intercultural communication.  相似文献   

在秋叶原出道的AKB48,单曲、专辑、甚至电视剧方面都取得了不俗的成绩。如今她们又担当《TV Guide》杂志的各地区封面席卷了全日本,活跃程度节节攀升。让我们先走进五位人气成员的世界看一看吧  相似文献   

This study investigated the degree to which applicants' perceptions of interview behaviors differed from interviewers' perceptions. Data were drawn from 188 actual employment interviews conducted under the auspices of a university‐operated placement center. Data analyses revealed applicants rating themselves and the interviewers significantly higher than the interviewers' ratings of either themselves or the applicants.  相似文献   

关于Face只要学过英语的人都知道它在汉语中是“脸、面孔”的意思,当然这是face最基本的意思。除此之外,由它所构成的短语、俚语,还有不少我们中国人所不知的意思。学外语的人都知道,由于中西文化背景和思维方式存在着很大差异,有些词语字面意思与其真正含义完全不同。所以,平日学习时,我们积累容易产生误解的词语,尽量避免理解与翻译的错误。就有关face的用法,试举一些例子。  相似文献   

Noting a lack of qualitative literature devoted to student–teacher interactions, and even less targeting instructor communication apprehension (CA), this study aimed to combine these areas. Interview data were gathered from college instructors who experience CA in the classroom in an effort to garner their unique dealings with face-threatening situations with students. Using the concept of facework as a guide, two main themes arose from data analysis: (a) Threatening Face, and (b) Facing Identity: Managing and Restoring Face. Implications for facework theory and CA conclude this study.  相似文献   

Design‐based science (DBS) is a science pedagogy in which new scientific knowledge and problem‐solving skills are constructed in the context of designing artifacts. This paper examines whether the enactment of a DBS unit supported students’ efforts to construct and transfer new science knowledge and ‘designerly’ problem‐solving skills to the solution of a new real‐world design problem in a real‐world setting. One hundred and forty‐nine students participated in the enactment of a DBS unit. Their understanding of the curricular content was assessed by identical pre‐instructional and post‐instructional written tests. They were then given a new design problem as a transfer task. There was a statistically significant increase on scores from pre‐test to post‐test with an effect size of 1.8. There was a stronger correlation between the scores of the transfer task and those of the post‐test than with those of the pre‐test; we use this finding to suggest that the knowledge that was constructed during the unit enactment supported the solution of the transfer task. This has implications for the development of science curricula that aim to lead to the construction of knowledge and skills that may be useful in extra‐classroom settings. Whether participation in consecutive enactments of different DBS units increases transfer remains to be investigated in more depth.  相似文献   

A LOGO teaching period was arranged for 38 eight‐year‐old Finnish pupils. After the teaching period the pupils’ problem‐solving processes were videotaped in an open LOGO problem‐solving situation. The data analysis focused on the occurrence of the pupils’ social problem solving, effectance motivation and information processing. Cluster analysis was used to identify three clusters which are based on the variables present in the problem‐solving processes. The different clusters’ associations with school readiness and school achievement were analysed. The results indicated that during the problem solving the passive pupils (n = 16) needed a lot of teacher support, the independent pupils (n= 10) displayed considerable self‐directivity and rule making, and impulsive pupils (n = 12) had an off‐task behaviour. The school‐readiness and school‐achievement scores were highest among the independent group, moderate among the impulsive group and lowest among the passive group. The results suggest that LOGO promotes the development of problem‐solving skills, if each pupil receives sufficient support from the teacher.  相似文献   

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