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This paper offers a preliminary exploration into how culture and cultural orientation influence the perception of deceptive messages. Information manipulation theory (IMF) posits that covert violations of Grice's four conversational maxims give rise to messages that are functionally deceptive. This study (N = 323) attempted to replicate previous IMT results regarding the perceptions of information manipulation in an academic situation, and with a culturally diverse sample. Locus of benefit (self and other) was manipulated, and the respondents’ self‐construal was assessed. Previous IMT findings were replicated, and the effects for self‐construal on honesty ratings varied considerably by manipulation type. Explanations for these findings are provided, as are suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This content analysis reveals that men and women network news correspondents differed in how they covered 4 presidential elections (1992–2004). There were fewer women than men reporters involved in election coverage, but on average, women reported more stories than men and were tonally tougher watchdogs than men. In terms of framing candidates, male reporters were strongly associated with a masculine approach that emphasized the competitiveness of campaigns. By contrast, women correspondents employed both more feminine and gender-neutral frames than their male colleagues. These findings were interpreted against the backdrop of information derived from in-depth interviews with 5 women reporters who appeared in the sampled content.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the cross‐cultural differences in online presentation, by applying the concept of the independent and interdependent self‐construal to the online context. Therefore, this study analyzed 98 Korean and US individual home pages to examine how cultural differences are displayed online, especially as they relate to manifestations of collectivism and individualism. The results of the study indicated that personal homepages can serve as a forum for the expression of cultural identity. Most notably, while the US virtual actors presented themselves in a direct and personal manner, the Korean virtual actors structured the online self by providing interlinks to special interests. Virtual actors in the US were more likely to present themselves with still pictures, while those in Korea were more likely to use manipulated graphics. These differences in online presentation were consistent with the individualistic and collectivistic orientations of these cultures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore humor as a factor in students’ perceptions of college teacher compliance‐gaining in the classroom. Four hundred twenty‐eight college students reported the frequency of their college teachers’ uses of compliance‐gaining tactics, the frequency of humor uses with compliance‐gaining tactics, and the effectiveness of humor used with compliance‐gaining tactics. Results revealed positive and significant relationships between humor uses and uses of particular compliance‐gaining strategies. Findings suggest that students perceive teachers to use humor more frequently with certain compliance‐gaining tactics. Moreover, students reported that certain compliance‐gaining tactics are perceived as more effective than others.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between self‐disclosure and perceived understanding in the sibling relationship. Participants (N = 227.) completed a questionnaire based on their communication with their siblings. Participants reported on their self‐disclosure(intentionality, amount, positiveness, depth, and honesty) and their feelings of being understood by their siblings. The results showed that self‐disclosure was positively related to perceived understanding. This was especially true for the relationship between honesty of self‐disclosure and perceived understanding. Analyses involving sex of the individuals in the sibling dyad showed several differences. For men, besides honesty, the only other significant results were intentionality of self‐disclosure for brothers communicating with their sisters and positiveness of self‐disclosure for brothers communicating with their brothers. In contrast, intentionality, amount, positiveness, and honesty of self‐disclosure were all significantly related for women communicating with their brothers and their sisters.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the satisfaction and compliance of 91 in‐clinic patients based on their affiliation with a Health Delivery System and the patient's self‐efficacy. Several significant results emerged from the study. A patient's Health Delivery System and the patient's self‐efficacy interact to predict communication satisfaction. It was also discovered that a patient's Heath Delivery System and the patient's self‐efficacy interact to predict compliance. Implications and limitations of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

The rhetoric of Black nationalism is used as a case study to illustrate problems involved in the criticism of contemporary protest rhetoric. The conclusions resulting from the application of traditional theory are contrasted with those developed from Burkeian dramatism in order to outline an alternative perspective toward this rhetoric and in order to provide a technique for increasing the self‐consciousness of the critic.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of student levels of trait verbal aggressiveness (VA) and self‐esteem on student perceptions of instructor verbal aggressiveness in the college classroom. Participants included 228 undergraduate students who completed a series of instruments measuring self‐reported levels of VA and self‐esteem, as well as instructor levels of VA in the classroom. Results indicated that students who reported moderate to high levels of trait VA rated their instructors as being more verbally aggressive than those students who reported low levels of trait VA. Likewise, students who reported low to moderate levels of self‐esteem rated their instructors as being more verbally aggressive than those students who reported high levels of self‐esteem. When combined, student VA and self‐esteem accounted for 7% of the shared variance in student perceptions of instructor VA.  相似文献   

The Gilgen & Cho (1979a) Questionnaire to Measure Eastern and Western Thought was administered to 240 Japanese and 163 American respondents. Results indicate that significant differences exist between the two cultures. The Japanese reflect an Eastern thought mode while the Americans favor a Western one. Also, results indicate gender differences between cultures and within the American culture. American females are more Eastern thought inclined than are the males.  相似文献   

This study examines and compares how males and females in same‐sex and opposite‐sex romantic relationships experience and express romantic jealousy. Undergraduates at a large, southern university and visitors at a metropolitan Pride Celebration (N = 149) completed measures assessing cognitive and emotional jealousy experience, jealousy expression, and demographic information. The reported usage of two of Guerrero, Andersen, Jorgensen, Spitzberg, and Eloy's (1995) communicative responses to jealousy typology significantly varied by sexual orientation and sex. Specifically, gay males were significantly more likely to use violent communication/ threats than were heterosexual males. Further, lesbians reported using manipulation attempts to a significantly lesser degree than did heterosexual participants and gay males. In contrast, levels of cognitive and emotional jealousy experience did not significantly differ by sexual orientation or sex. Implications for these findings are presented in light of the broader study of close opposite‐sex and same‐sex romantic relationships.  相似文献   


Even though e‐commerce almost disappeared from public discussion, it still assumes a vital role in the strategic management of most enterprises. New entry in e‐commerce, whether as a new business segment of an established company or as a new enterprise, is likely to deal with the liabilities of size and newness. The aim of this paper it to discuss if those factors have an impact on the implementation and success of B2C e‐commerce. We chose the online book market as our reference market and drew a random sample of retailers and publishers with an online shop. The quality of the web presence, indirect success (number of links to a particular site) and direct success (turnover of the web shop) were compared in subsamples constructed by the use of median splits according to age and size. Younger companies and larger companies were found to have a web presence of higher quality and were more successful than older or smaller companies. We conclude that the liabilities of newness do not seem to have an adverse performance impact in e‐commerce. However, when a market entry is considered, new players must ensure that they can commit enough resources to build a high quality web presence.  相似文献   

In this study, I demonstrate the consequences of the triumph of neoliberalism and media deregulation for democracy. I argue that the tremendous concentration of power in the hands of corporate groups who control powerful media conglomerates has intensified a crisis of democracy in the United States and elsewhere. Providing case studies of how mainstream media in the United States have become tools of conservative and corporate interests since the 1980s, I discuss how the corporate media helped forge a conservative hegemony, failed to address key social problems, and promoted the candidacy of George W. Bush in the 2000 US presidential election.  相似文献   

This study offers liminality as an analytic tool to investigate the discursive strategies of the negotiation of oppositional identities. Interviews with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning Christian college students reveal appeals to essentialism, labeling, and identification. Specific findings include appeals to being “created gay,” the naming of identity labels that support and resist both traditional sexual minority and religious labels, and the deployment of a gay Christian identity as evangelism. This essay explores how disciplinary rhetorics create the conditions for the emergence of rhetorical agency, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the transformative possibilities of minority sexual identity formation.  相似文献   


This investigation compared social judgment theory and the construct self‐monitoring as explanations of conformity behavior in small groups. Highly ego‐involved discussants communicated with greater emotionality and dominance and with less reasonableness than their low ego‐involved counterparts; but, the impact of ego‐involvement was partially mediated by self‐monitoring.  相似文献   


Age and sex differences in willingness to communicate (WTC), communication apprehension, and self‐perceived communication competence were examined using three age cohorts of participants drawn from junior high, high school, and university student populations. Results indicate that junior high females are higher in WTC than their male counterparts and females at the university level are higher in communication apprehension and lower in self‐perceived competence than are male university students. Communication apprehension and self‐perceived competence show a consistent negative relationship that does not vary with age or sex in the present sample. The degree to which communication apprehension arid self‐perceived competence predict WTC varies with age and sex. In all three age cohorts, communication apprehension is a significant predictor of WTC among women. Among men, self‐perceived competence emerges as a significant predictor of WTC in all three age groups.  相似文献   

This study analyses the impact of perceptions of the opinions of others on political outspokenness in Hong Kong. Based on the results of two representative telephone surveys conducted in Hong Kong in 1993 and 1995, the spiral of silence theory is tested in the context of public opinion regarding the Sino‐British dispute over Hong Kong's political future and the 1995 Legislative Council election. As hypothesized, respondents in both surveys were more willing to voice their political opinions publicly when they perceived the majority opinion to be on their side, or when they perceived a trend in support of their own political viewpoint. However, this effect was observed only for respondents who were not much concerned about either issue. People's political outspokenness was primarily boosted by higher issue salience, more exposure and attention to television news and news magazines, and higher political interest and efficacy.  相似文献   

Despite the significant threat men face for contracting testicular cancer, most men remain completely unaware of this risk. Moreover, men are not regularly performing the testicular self‐exam (TSE) in order to detect this form of cancer in their bodies. The current study attempted to assess whether fear appeals targeted at men will motivate them to begin regular performance of the TSE. Additionally, the influence of message design and masculinity was also tested. Results indicate messages that follow the direction of Witte's (1992, 1994) Extended Parallel Process Model and promote both high threat and high efficacy are successful in increasing men's intentions to perform the TSE. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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