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In this article, the author examines the character of the conversations generated in an elementary teacher group as they worked on mathematical problems together and analyzed their students' work. Two distinct forms of talk — exploratory and expository — were found. The first type of talk occurred most prominently when discussions centered on the teachers' own mathematical work and the second type when conversations centered on that of their students. By examining closely the few occasions when the groups' expository talk turned exploratory, the author explores how both the nature of the tasks and the range and type of facilitator conversational strategies can play significant roles in promoting and interrupting these conversational patterns to educational ends.  相似文献   

This paper describes the workundertaken in a course in communication andinformation technology in a pre-service programfor secondary school mathematics teachers. Thiscourse aimed to help pre-service teachersdevelop a positive attitude regarding ICT anduse it confidently. It focused on theexploration of educational software and of theInternet's potential as a means of research andproduction of web sites. We discuss how thepre-service mathematics teachers evaluate theirwork concerning their commitment, difficultiesthey found, learning they identified, andpersonal relationship. We also analyse theeffects of the course on the development oftheir professional knowledge and identity.  相似文献   

韩国的数学教师职前教育体制有如下特点:类型多样的教师职前培养机构、严格的公立学校数学教师聘任制度、定期的教师教育机构评估制度.小学数学教师教育课程具有综合性、多样化特点;中学数学教师教育课程更重视学科知识.韩国数学教师职前教育对中国的数学教师教育有如下启示:建立多元的办学体制,致力于专业化的数学教师培养;以教师聘任制度和教师教育机构评估制度促进数学教师培养质量的提高;在学科课程和教学法课程之间寻求恰当平衡.  相似文献   

新加坡中小学数学教师培养的特点是:采用先入职、后培养的公务员学习制度,定向与不定向培养模式相结合,按学段分别培养数学教师.课程设置呈系列化、综合化、专题化发展.内容建构上紧密围绕新加坡中小学数学内容及其认知规律、教育目标与教学要求等来建构教师教育类课程.教学上强化理论与实践的整合,注重合作学习与个人反思的作用.  相似文献   

广西小学教师教育发展的困惑与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西小学教师教育面临“入口”即生源、培养过程(包括培养模式、管理制度、师资力量以及课程设置)、就业出路和小学教师的职后教育等四方面的困惑。广西教师教育发展应当从政策支撑、综合培养、课程设置、师范学校的转型以及教师队伍的质量保障五个方面入手予以解决。  相似文献   

发展性教师教育评价关注评价客体的个体差异性,以发展性、主体性、终身性为特征,旨在提高师范生专业认同感、培养教师职业胜任能力以及职业认同感、通过任务驱动缓解职业倦怠.为了解决评价理念方面的困惑,元评价能力发展不平衡,以及与终结性评价引发的冲突,提出充分体现教学评价中学习者的主体地位,注重人文关怀;优化教师招聘制度,进一步...  相似文献   


This article describes 1st-year experimental effects of a large-scale reform providing professional development to elementary school teachers to implement an extended, inquiry-oriented science curriculum. Known as “immersion teaching” because it “immerses” teachers and students in the full cycle of scientific inquiry, this approach developed through a partnership involving university-based science and mathematics content experts and educators and K-12 educators from the Los Angeles Unified School District. Multilevel analyses, which examined school-level effects of assignment to the professional development intervention, nested Grade 4 students and their science achievement outcomes within the 80 study schools. The analyses revealed a statistically significant negative 1st-year treatment effect of school-level assignment to the initiative on the key science achievement outcome. We also tested whether the treatment had differential effects for English language learners, schools with large proportions of English language learners, and students of new teachers. We found an interaction effect of the treatment by teacher experience level for the teachers who were the primary target of the intervention, with the treatment having positive effects for novice teachers (3 years of experience or less) but a larger, negative effect for veteran teachers. We explore analytically three sets of explanations for the unexpected negative main effect of treatment: potential statistical and design artifacts, possible misalignment between the assessments and content of the treatment, and practical issues related to implementation of the treatment.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs in the United States are trying to equip tomorrow's teachers with the technology skills needed to impact learning in the classroom. During the past decade there has been a realization that teaching technology skills alone is not adequate-pre-service teachers must also learn how to integrate the use of technology into their curriculum. This paper describes BYU's instructional technology course and the design process that a team of instructors went through to redesign the course in order to put greater emphasis on technology integration. An iterative redesign approach was used. Several iterations of the course redesign will be shared along with the strengths and limitations discovered in the design and implementation process.  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革对中小学教师提出了新的要求,也给高师教育带来了巨大的挑战。培养和造就一大批理解新课程、实施新课程的教师,是基础教育改革顺利推进的关键。在教师持续培养和终身发展的过程中,高师院校是基础,中小学校是关键,高师院校与中小学的合作是实现这一目标的有效途径。  相似文献   

教师教育课程不容忽视的内容:实践性课程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从国际比较和我国教师教育需求看,教师教育实践性课程对于教师专业成长不容忽视。现象学教育学的研究、形象互动理论和实践理论对于"时间"的关注等,说明了实践性课程对于教师教育的必要性。实践性课程的建构与实施需要教师教育研究者与中小学教师的密切合作,需要中小学专家教师的实践智慧,需要多样化的实践形式。  相似文献   

开设适合的技术类课程以应对当前技术教育不断发展的新形势是师范院校亟待解决的关键问题。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架是奥克兰大学、梅西大学等六所高校共同开发的一个共享资源,旨在支持六所高校在职前技术教育方面保持信息一致,提升职前技术教师教育质量。该框架由技术哲学、技术教育的原理、技术课程和技术教学四个关键要素组成,在强调技术知识和技术教学知识的同时,关注技术价值观和目的观教育,并提供相应素材支持课程开发与实施。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架对我国技术教师教育具有重要启示。  相似文献   


The major challenges facing education systems in the information age include issues of how to prepare for and capitalize on the technological revolution and how to integrate computer technology into the curriculum. Jamaica, like most developing countries, is taking on these challenges with perhaps as much focus and increased importance as any developed country such as the United States. This paper explores the approach taken, particularly with teacher educators in Jamaican colleges, to begin the process by an assessment of the computer-related professional development needs of the college faculty. The paper makes recommendations for developing a technology training program based on the needs assessment. Underlying these issues is the necessity for a national policy to coordinate the country's efforts to integrate information technology into teacher education. Additional recommendations intended to provide guidance for the formulation of such an integrated policy development and implementation framework are offered.  相似文献   

特殊教育教师专业化与特殊需要教育   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
教师专业化发展是促进我国特殊教育事业更快发展的重要途径。而国内对教师专业发展的研究多指向于普通教育 ,对特殊教育教师的专业成熟尚未进行系统的理论和实践的研究。本文立足于分析目前我国特教教师素质的现状和教师专业化存在的问题 ;指出特教教师走专业化道路的重要性和必要性 ,并试图总结出我国特教教师达到专业化的标准和提高专业化水平、促进专业成熟的途径。  相似文献   

教师教育中数学知识的获得是影响职前小学教师数学知识的主要因素之一,以我国上海师范大学和美国纽约城市大学小学教育专业本科培养的数学课程计划为个案,从数学内容类课程和数学方法类课程两方面研究发现,两国职前小学教师教育中各数学课程在学分要求、教学目标、教学内容和教学方法等方面存在差异。美国职前小学教师本科培养的经验,对我国职前小学教育专业本科培养的数学课程设置与实施应该如何加强联系小学数学课程与教学实际具有一定借鉴。  相似文献   

2001年颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中明确提出:“建立促进教师不断提高的评价体系”、“建立以教师自评为主”的评价制度,这表明了教师自评在教师专业发展中的重要作用。以教师专业发展及教师自评的理论为基础,从教师的专业情意、专业知识与专业技能三个方面,对教师自评体系进行解构,可以促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

信息技术教育已经成为教师教育的热点,当今教师专业发展对师范生信息技术教育提出新的要求,但是师范生的信息技术教育现状还不容乐观,有许多问题亟需解决,本文从师范生信息技术教育的教育理念,教育内容,教育方法,教育评价四个维度出发,分析师范生信息技术教育存在问题,并提出解决方案,以期进一步加强师范生的信息素养,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

正式与非正式的教师领导对教师专业发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据其定义不论职位或任命,教师对领导的行使,教师领导有正式与非正式之分,两者对教师专业发展有不同的影响。本文从正式与非正式的教师领导这一视角出发,剖析内地的正式的教师领导——骨干教师对整体教师队伍专业发展的影响,并将其与非正式的教师领导进行了比较,以期为内地教师的专业发展提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

Technology has changed the way the world functions on a day-to-day basis, but what about education? Education has been directly affected by the increase of technology in the United States. This change has not been well accepted by some members of the educational community, thus leaving the realm of education behind in the technology era. This article seeks to focus on the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as some of the issues that surround teachers and technology. The article also delves into the future of technology and education and provides some helpful tips for technology use in the classroom.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,为实现教师教育一体化,许多国家(如美、英)的大学与中小学在教师教育上密切合作,收效颇丰。借鉴国外经验,我国教师教育中大学与中小学开展合作研究,可探索出一条新路。  相似文献   

Inquiry-based instruction has become a hallmark of science education and increasingly of integrated content areas, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Because inquiry-based instruction very clearly contains surface, deep, and implicit structures as well as engages students to think and act like scientists, it is considered a signature pedagogy of science education. In this article the authors discuss the nature of scaffolded inquiry-based instruction and how it can be applied to the use of emerging technologies, such as data mashups and cloud computing, so that students not only learn the content of STEM, but can also begin answering the critical socioscientific questions that face the modern era.  相似文献   

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