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Social work professors are frequently disappointed with the writing their students produce bumt feel unsure about how improvements can be made. Unfortunately, the social work literature does not shed much light on the problem of student writing. This exploratory study suggests a model that established a rationale for writing improvement, provides writing opportunities within non-threatening classroom environments, helps students during the writing process, and promotes explicit grading criteria. Preliminary findings suggest that with this model students may lower their writing anxiety, and professors could spend less time grading papers.  相似文献   

Though social work educators at the graduate and undergraduate level require their students to write much and often, the quality of writing of many recent graduates appears to be inadequate for meeting the contemporary demands of everyday practice in social work settings or interdicsiplinary arenas. In order to prepare more fully social work students for addressing contemporary social issues and for serving their clients, social work educators in the 1990s could draw upon the expertise of those composition teachers who have devised approaches to the teaching of writing that take into account the special demands of a given profession or discipline. The authors reflect on their application of such an approach in three social work programs - two at the graduate level and one at the undergraduate level.  相似文献   

The social work profession has struggled with an uncertain identity since its beginning. The split between clinical practitioners and those who engage primarily in social action and social policy analysis is particularly diversive. The author proposes that "Community Education" could be an integrative framework for the profession. Direct practice could shift from an obsolescent allegiance to a therapeutic model, to a less stigmatizing educational model which could include psychodynamic practice. Those professionals concerned with macro-issues can be conceptualized as educating the community regarding their clients' needs. Such a change of identity would have implications for professional training.  相似文献   

任务型语言教学法作为交际法教学的重要手段,受到越来越多的大学英语教师的关注。笔者认为,在大学英语写作教学中,开展任务型小组写作活动可以为学生创造更轻松、有效的写作环境,提供更多的写作实践,从而全面提高大学生的英语综合应用能力。  相似文献   


Migration across national borders has resulted in demographic changes in the United States, causing the country to become more multi-ethnic. This presents considerable challenges for graduate level educators who need to be responsive to the unique academic needs of diverse populations by considering students' previous experiences, values, and beliefs. This change requires educators to incorporate various teaching styles and to create a classroom atmosphere where security, trust, and openness can be achieved. Developing cultural competence and creating a transformative learning environment is essential for social work educators teaching in multicultural environments in the 21st century. This article provides a brief overview of Burchum's (2002) Evolutionary Perspectives that will help to assist readers in obtaining a clear understanding of cultural competence. It also presents Blunt's Model of Cultural Competence for Transformative Education, which can promote both transformative learning and assist social work educators in fostering a transformative learning environment.  相似文献   

米奇利和吉登斯两位学者关于发展型社会政策的理论观点认为,经济发展和社会政策是相互融合的,它的最大意义在于它使传统的社会政策对民众福利的保护方式从被动型、事后补救型、消费型向积极干预型、促进型和投资型转变。因此,笔者认为,在发展型社会政策视角下,社会工作者也要根据这一创新型政策,通过介入个人、社区和政府层面,来提供适当的服务。  相似文献   

质的研究(qualitative research)方法以其独特的研究角度和理念越来越受到社会科学研究领域的重视。作为一种方法,质的研究具有一定的跨学科性。本文从质的研究方法的理论基础和操作方法上分析,力求指出其对社会工作研究和实践所具有的重要指导意义。  相似文献   

本文作者认为写作技巧的本源在生活,并探讨了生活蕴育写作技巧的原因,主张写作学习者不仅要向写作前贤、向书本学习写作技巧,更要研究生活,从生活中汲取写作技巧的滋养。  相似文献   

社会评论是指以社会现实为基点,以激浊扬清、推动社会前进为主旨,针对现实生活中突出的社会现象、社会问题、思想倾向进行评论的理论文体。如今,社会评论的“观点市场”作用已经从单纯的“激浊扬清”演变为身兼引导、讨论、解释、褒奖、指斥等不同职能。其鲜明的“跨学科”特征在于政论色彩与实用价值的统一、即时性与警示性的统一、事件性与非事件性的统一、平民化与政策性的统一。  相似文献   

通过立足于社会工作系统理论视角,运用社会学实证研究方法,选取深圳市、长沙市、贵阳市为研究对象,建立系统、客观的评估指标体系,全面,系统、客观地评估了社会工作在社会救助领域中功能,找出影响社会工作在社会救助领域中功能发挥的"瓶颈"因素.并在此基础上提出,在加强社会工作人才队伍建设过程中,必须加快社会工作的职业化步伐,提高社会工作的专业化水平,增强社会工作的社会认同度,推进社会工作与社会救助的全方位融合.  相似文献   


Based upon the emergence of alternative paradigms both inside and outside of social work education, four paradigms representing the most traditional to the most radical are presented. Each paradigm is discussed in terms of its ontological and epistemological assumptions as well as other pedagogical issues including role of the teacher, methods of evaluation and course structure. Educators are urged to use these paradigms to better understand legitimate differences between faculty, to become more conscious and deliberate in their choice of methods, to identify areas of incongruence, and to push themselves and the profession towards philosophies and methods most congruent with social work values an ethics.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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