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作为党性原则的重要组成部分,"政治家办报"思想体现了党对新闻工作者的政治要求,反映着政治与新闻的特殊关系.本文从分析历史语境的角度,在还原毛泽东提出"政治家办报"的背景之基础上,考察其思想脉络和主要所指;并沿着我国社会主义改革和发展轨迹,梳清邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等历届党的领导人在继承"政治家办报"思想的同时,赋予其时代创新元素和不同政治承载;坚持"政治家办报"思想,为全球化语境下营造有利的国际舆论环境提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   

This study examined political television dramas with lead female characters, proposing a model that links viewing of these shows with political engagement. A survey revealed that regular viewers of Madam Secretary, The Good Wife, or Scandal reported feeling transported by these programs’ narratives and parasocial relationships with the main characters (i.e., women in positions of political leadership). These responses were also related to increases in political interest and self-efficacy, with interest predicting real-world political participation. The findings illustrate that these political dramas have prosocial implications, including the non-stereotypical representation of women as well as increased political engagement among viewers.  相似文献   

策划即“筹划、谋划”(见《现代汉语词典》),是一种创造性的高级智力活动。所谓广播电视节目策划,就是通过广播电视节目的精心筹划、谋略并组织实施,选择能产生最佳效果的方式,以实现决策制定的预期的总目标。  相似文献   

本文以<厦视新闻>栏目为例,对城市台在时政新闻的创新、探索作一番梳理,为电视的时政新闻的发展勾勒了一个轮廓.  相似文献   

This research examines how TV reported the campaign and the candidates during Taiwan's first‐ever presidential election in 1996.

A content analysis of evening news coverage of six TV stations indicated that the state‐owned broadcast TV stations were far more likely than the privately owned cable TV stations to give a greater amount of coverage and soundbites to the ruling party presidential and vice presidential candidates, using the ruling party officials as principal news sources. The TV Stations’ coverage also contained more news favourable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.

The future may well see a turning point in TV election coverage as well as in general news coverage in Taiwan. The three state‐owned broadcast TV stations face competition from privately owned cable TV stations and may soon be confronted with the loss of public trust and audience, unless they can provide fair and balanced news free from government control.  相似文献   

经过20余年的实践,彩色报纸的设计日益趋向理性和成熟,形成了几类典型风格。本文以中美彩色报纸为对象,依据色彩使用位置及方式进行风格划分,拟将美国报纸划分为质报型、量报型和嫁接前两者特色的中庸型三类,将中国报纸划分为庄重严肃型、浓墨重彩型、清淡典雅型和五彩缤纷型四类。通过展现各类风格在代表性报纸头版的具体表现,比较中美彩色报纸风格类型间的对应性及差异性,并客观分析了差异性产生的原因。  相似文献   

我国政府规划到2010年全面实现数字广播电视,而要支持数字电视的全面发展,势必要提高收视费标准来消化成本,所以数字电视的潜在用户的经济承受能力就成了影响数字电视发展前景的决定性因素。为了解杭州市有线电视用户即数字电视的潜在用户对提高收视费的承受能力情况和对数字电视的认知情况,我们浙江传媒学院组建了《杭州有线电视用户消费行为调研》课题组,对杭州市的有线和数字电视用户进行了问卷调查,结果表明合理地提高收费是用户能够接受的。  相似文献   

Twenty four of 237 adults surveyed agreed with the statement “I'm addicted to television.” They ranged from 18 to 72 years old. Respondents completed the TV Addiction Scale (Smith, 1986), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, (Eysenck &; Eysenck, 1975), Short Imaginal Processes Inventory (Huba, Singer, Aneshensel, &; Antrobus, 1982), and Television Use Styles Inventory (Schallow &; Mcllwraith, 1986–87). Compared with the rest of the sample, self‐labelled “TV addicts” were more neurotic, introverted, and easily bored. They more often used TV to distract them‐selvesfrom unpleasant thoughts, regulate moods, and fill time. Thegroups did not differ in positive fantasy.  相似文献   

This study examines program ordering effects derived from viewing CNN television news relative to The Daily Show on the political gratifications associated with both types of information sources. Internal political self-efficacy is assessed as an individual-difference moderator. Main primacy effects are found on the gratifications associated with both national television news viewing and The Daily Show viewing. However, The Daily Show primacy effect on the political gratifications associated with national television news viewing was isolated among those participants who retain low internal political self-efficacy. Ramifications for these findings are outlined and future lines of research are summarized.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下报纸市场激烈竞争的今天.审视手中的广播电视报时,不由地发问:广电报,你凭什么去竞争?一度辉煌、繁荣的广电报现在可以说是困难重重。  相似文献   

北京美兰德媒体传播策略咨询有限公司策划组织的“2006年全国卫星电视覆盖及收视状况调查”2006年11月19号在京公布了调查结果。最新数据显示:公共有线电视网仍然是卫星电视传播的主要通路,新兴的数字电视用户以400%的速度迅猛增长;全国卫星电视覆盖人口持续增加,城乡覆盖差距缩小  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To explore how often newspapers cover the retraction of a medical journal article and whether newspaper coverage corresponds with the appearance of a press release about the retraction. METHODS: Fifty citations were identified in PubMed that had been indexed with the Medical Subject Heading 'Retracted Publication'. Next, the archives of LexisNexis's 'Major Newspapers' and EurekAlert's press releases were searched to find references to those retracted publications. RESULTS: Newspaper articles addressed exactly three of the 50 retracted publications, and press releases, exactly four of the 50 retracted publications. All three retracted publications that received newspaper coverage also had a press release. In other words, newspapers only covered a retraction that had been introduced by a press release. CONCLUSION: One would expect that newspaper coverage would increase after a press release, but the suggested relationships among a medical journal article retraction, a press release and newspaper coverage should be further investigated. If the linkage suggested by the data of this study holds, and if newspaper coverage stimulates library patron interest, then a medical library might prepare itself for information requests following a press release.  相似文献   

散论电视音乐与音乐电视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20多年中国电视的发展对音乐的传播起到了明显的作用.一大批观众从中或者受到了陶冶,或者受到了刺激,或者受到了污染。我们最早从电视里接触的鲜活音乐是通俗音乐、流行歌曲、有代表性的是80年代春节晚会和一些专题节目中的音乐.比如李谷一的《乡恋》,还有奚秀兰、张明敏等演唱的歌曲。  相似文献   

李润波 《北京档案》2011,(4):18-20,37
中国共产党的诞生,源自于马克思主义的传播,而马克思主义学说传入中国,主要靠报刊这个纸质传媒。最先提到马克思及其学说的华文报是美国传教士林乐知主编的《万国公报》。1899  相似文献   

The authors explore the debate over whether daily newspapers are natural monopolies and conclude that newspapers do not exhibit the traditional characteristics associated with such monopolies. Nevertheless, the authors argue, newspapers have a proclivity toward monopoly brought on by an interaction of factors, even absent anticompetitive behavior by newspapers. This proclivity provides monopoly power to newspapers similar to that provided by natural monopoly force, they aregue, saying public policy considerations need to take this interactive effect into account.  相似文献   

Excel报纸数据库的创建及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报纸和图书、期刊一样,是图书馆馆藏文献信息资源的重要组成部分.传统的报纸管理方法既不规范,也不便于读者对报纸的利用.创建Excel报纸数据库,利用Excel强大的求和、筛选、排序等功能进行统计分析、分类汇总、查询检索等,既能提高报纸管理的水平和工作效率,又能提高报纸的利用率.  相似文献   

报纸目录数据库是建立在图书情报工作自动化基础之上的书目数据库,是图书情报机构开展数字化书目情报服务的内容之一。馆藏报纸书目数据库的建设与完善,将方便用户快速查询与检索报纸信息,并得以追根溯源。  相似文献   


The author argues that the amount of circulation controlled by, and number of papers owned by, major newspaper firms does not provide adequate measures of economic concentration. The study measures the national newspaper market and thirty local markets using various concentration ratios and finds that all markets surpass the levels of concentration normally associated with monopoly.  相似文献   

电视特性是电视新闻区别于其它新闻样式的特点所在,本文主要从电视行业需合力完成的情形出发,试将电视理念贯穿新闻报道的整个过程来强化电视新闻的电视特色.从电视新闻报道的采访、编缉、编排和播出四个环节,探讨利用各种传播符号和手段来强化电视属性.  相似文献   

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