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This study provides an understanding of the current social media landscape for higher education institutions. While it is recognized that consistency in school branding across all communications with stakeholders is important to attract and retain students, relatively little work has been done to determine specifically what type of content should be included in a school’s social media campaign, nor has there been an investigation as to the relative frequency of the content. The authors use content analysis to examine Facebook posts from 66 top US colleges and universities and engagement from their constituents on these posts. Results show that there are significant differences in engagement received on posts across institution type. Additionally, media type and posting frequency are factors that contribute to engagement. This study provides direction on how university social media managers can better manage their social media content to improve engagement and increase the reach of their posts.  相似文献   

铸魂是国防教育价值体系的核心,是高校国防教育的首要任务。文章通过加强国防道德教育、注重国防文化教育和改进国防教育方式、拓宽教育内容等方面,阐述解决当前大学生价值困惑的主要对策,旨在培养大学生的民族精神,增强大学生的国防意识和道德责任感。  相似文献   

大学城的建成和投入使用,为城内各高校的发展带来了机遇,也使学校的教育、管理和服务面临严峻的挑战。大学城内不同高校学生教育管理工作对象、内容和目标的一致性,面临困难和挑战的相似性,制度建设水平的不平衡性以及学生违纪处分尺度的不一致性等矛盾,亟需各高校加强合作、整合资源,结束以往各自为政的局面,实现学生教育管理制度价值、制度内容和制度质量的对接。  相似文献   

对高校学生党员发展工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展大学生党员是高校党建的重要工作,也是培养德智体全面发展人才的主要途径之一.本文通过分析制约学生党员发展的主要因素,从三方面提出了进一步加强高校党员发展工作的建议.  相似文献   

This study examined the cultural aspects of a transfer articulation policy between public community colleges and state universities enacted by a newly consolidated state governing board for higher education in a northeastern state. A qualitative multisite case study design explored how key stakeholders, faculty, administrators and staff viewed the transfer policy from their unique perspectives. Tierney’s (2008) cultural analysis of governance was used to examine the effectiveness of communication and decision-making on the part of the board. The study also applied Handel’s (2011) theory of a transfer affirming culture along with Jain, Herrera, Bernal, and Solorzano’s (2011) research on the requisite services for pretransfer and posttransfer success of nontraditional students. The use of several theoretical frameworks provides “a more powerful lens than when using only one in helping to interpret and understand culture” (Kezar &; Eckel, 2002, p. 440). The study was guided by the following question: How do community college and state university faculty, administrators and staff perceive the Transfer Mobility Policy in relation to their campus cultures? The findings identified difficulties with community college curricula and student transfer advising as well as a cultural gap between the community colleges and the state university. They underscored the politics that surrounds higher education governance reform and resultant clash between political and academic cultures. This study may help policy makers promote statewide transfer and articulation initiatives and be instructive for faculty, administrators, and staff as they seek to improve the success of students who transfer from community colleges to four-year colleges and universities.  相似文献   

近年来,我国部分高校包括民办高校开始在本科生、高职高专学生中实行导师制的教育制度,但是,这毕竟是一个新的课题,没有现成的模式可以照搬。基于此,本文以北京吉利大学为例,从导师制产生的根源、学校的教育模式以及学校的生源特点等方面展开分析,在此基础上提出适合民办高校导师制的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文通过自编问卷,从职业价值评价、职业选择动机、职业理想三个方面,对我国东西部各四所高校的1486名大学生的职业价值观进行了调查和比较分析,并从教育内容、教育形式、教育途径三个方面,提出了高校进行大学生职业价值观的教育对策。  相似文献   

针对频频爆出的高校教师性侵事件,从社会、教师、学生三个角度阐述了对当前高校出现不良师生关系的思考,并从规范教师权力和建立法律制度两个方面提出应对不良师生关系的对策。  相似文献   

2001年国家出台了允许专科学生参加普通高校"专升本"的政策。政策出台后,很快便引起了利益相关者,即学生和家长、转出学校以及转入学校的极大关注。与利益相关者的积极态度截然相反的是,政府一直对该政策态度模棱,时而放宽录取的口径,加大录取的比例;时而对其进行限制,压缩录取的名额。政府的矛盾态度与上述三方迥然的表现,使这一问题成为教育界和学术界长期以来争论的焦点。本文拟以北京地区民办高职院校的"专升本"问题为例,从政策与制度方面进行深入的解剖,并借鉴域外的经验,分析这一问题的走向和发展趋势,以为今后的政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

医学高等院校的毕业生是国家宝贵的人才资源,做好医科类大学生的就业工作,事关其生涯发展和价值实现,事关医学高等教育的提质转型,事关医疗卫生事业的改革发展。近年来,医学毕业生每年递增,就业压力逐年递增。在此情况下,医学生的职业规划日渐显示出其重要性与紧迫性。借助对苏北某医学院校所开展的职业规划教育情况的调查,可以发现,医科类大学生对于职业规划教育基本上持认可态度。但是现有就业指导体系仍存在体制僵化、内容贫乏、路径单一等问题。为此,结合医学生的专业特点,建立大学生就业指导服务体系至关重要,需要从师资、教学计划、教学内容、教学方法等方面进行探索和改进。  相似文献   

高校辅导员主体成长是指辅导员主体的角色认知、心理素质和专业能力的发展和成熟,是辅导员职业化、专业化发展的关键。本文从高校辅导员角色自我觉知的实现、高校辅导员心理成长的实现以及高校辅导员专业发展的实现三个方面对高校辅导员主体成长规划展开研究,并进而提出具体的举措从而实现高校辅导员主体成长规划的有益探索。  相似文献   


This article presents the partial results of a study that analysed the barriers and means of support that students with disabilities find in classrooms and other university settings (offices, departments, libraries, etc.), using the biographical narrative method. The results of this article focus exclusively on the obstacles and means of support identified by humanities students, with the information organized in relation to the institution in general, infrastructures and architectural barriers, lecturers and their teaching methods, fellow students and proposals for improving universities and classrooms. Finally, the conclusion discusses the main findings regarding how the university facilitates or hinders the participants’ learning processes in this study. From this perspective, and taking the social model of disability as a reference, it is concluded that in order to become inclusive, the university must commit to adopting proactive measures that eliminate the barriers preventing these students from learning and from participating fully.  相似文献   

本文从高校的法律地位、高校与学生的法律关系、高校学生处分权的法律属性三方面入手,对高校考试违纪处分进行深入的法理学审视,得出结论:高校学生处分权既是法律授权,同时又是高校办学自主权之一。但高校在处理学生考试违纪方面往往从严处理、专断独行,导致许多问题,如法律法规中只有原则性规定,缺乏处分的具体程序规定;高校校规扩张性的解释扩大了处罚范围,加重了处罚力度;实践上重实体、轻程序等。在此基础上,本文提出应从以法律法规为基础,不违背上位法的精神;体现学生权利和义务的均衡;对程序作出明确要求等三方面完善高校考试管理制度建设。  相似文献   

Since humanity entered the 20th century, diversity has become a key feature that manifests itself in all aspects of society. As a venue for people and ideas to meet, universities face ever-increasing challenges in fulfilling their cultural mission. With unprecedented human connectivity, cultural competence is more than a goal. It has become an essential skill for students and a key concern for policymakers and practitioners across the world. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches to cultural competence education, this article aims to elucidate the significance of the notion of cultural self-awareness proposed by Fei Xiaotong, China’s premier social anthropologist. It explores how Fei’s insights can facilitate universities to rethink their conception and delivery of cultural competence education. By challenging the tendency for cultural competence education to be segregated among a range of disciplines and moving it to the core of the university’s curricular offerings, the article promises an approach whereby all students, regardless of their disciplinary backgrounds, can benefit from the full development of their cultural capability, as can the institution, wider community, and society as a whole.  相似文献   

战略管理是目前中外许多高等院校十分青睐的一种管理方法。但在高等院校的战略管理中,由于一些高校没有弄清楚自己面对的利益相关者群体究竟有哪些,或者无视某些利益相关者的利益与需求,更缺乏利益相关者的广泛参与,致使学校的战略决策和改革受到利益相关者的冷落、反对甚至强烈抵制,最终导致战略管理的失败或无效。因此,高校领导者与战略管理者必须充分认识到利益相关者对于学校战略管理的重要影响,对学校的利益相关者进行深入分析,建立"利益相关者图谱,"并制定利益相关者管理的策略,充分发挥利益相关者对学校战略目标实现的积极作用。  相似文献   

精神具有目的的活动意识或意向性特征,而大学是一种高级的以育人为目的的机构,人们自然就要求它具有非同一般的精神风貌.但我们渴望的中国大学精神还在寻求和实证中.看来,在当下,积累创造意识,既培养高素质的“大众”,又以此为基础引生出非凡创造能力的“巨人”;积累科学意识,对进入此中的所有人进行科学方法、科学思维和科学传统教育;探索鼓励青年人独立意识成长的必要性和方法以及鼓励大胆尝试等,这些方面都必不可少.然而,我们不必太过钟情于这些方面的文字提法表述,而要寄更大希望于相关意识的积累及自修实践.  相似文献   

An increasing number of international Chinese undergraduate students enrolled in United States.colleges and universities in the past few years. Many began their journey in an intensive English program of a four-year university due to lack of English proficiency. Instead of continuing their study at the same institution, a considerable number of students transferred to community colleges for the language study. The purpose of this study was to explore the rational of these students reversely transferring from a four-year university to a community college and their learning experiences in both institutions. The findings of the study revealed both advantages and disadvantages of studying at each type of institution and provided recommendations to community colleges for better practice.  相似文献   

This article is based on a qualitative study that examines the perceptions of advanced undergraduate students in five Turkish state universities regarding their understanding of the concept of secularism and its manifestation within the higher education sector. The study further illuminates these students’ perspectives of how the university may change in relation to their understanding of secularism. This inquiry was guided by four central questions posed to the students: (1) what is your understanding of the concept of secularism?; (2) how does secularism manifest within universities in Turkey and your institution in particular?; (3) are there aspects of your university you would like to see change as a result of secularism?; and (4) in what ways has your identity influenced your academic decisions?  相似文献   


International alumni affairs is a relatively new addition to the landscape of higher education, particularly outside the elite sphere of the Ivy League and Oxbridge. These privileged institutions have seen comparatively high numbers of international students enrol for many years and have gradually developed a formalised alumni presence in any number of countries worldwide. This paper analyses the current public or community service operations of international alumni clubs representing American colleges and universities. An exploratory document analysis will produce an initial typology of service-oriented activity, and in select institutional cases will also evaluate to what extent the priorities of independent alumni clubs align with the institutional priorities of the home institution. Attention is paid to the sustainability of these service-oriented efforts, relevance to the local environment, and direct support of university faculty, staff and students.  相似文献   

本文认为,当代大学生道德主体性缺失主要表现在道德需求意识淡薄、自我道德尊严感淡薄、自觉的社会道德责任感淡化、道德价值取向自主性差、道德行为功利化倾向严重等方面。而原因又主要在道德教育中的一些“左”的意识观念和做法、现行道德教育模式的种种弊端、社会转型期间各种因素的负面影响以及当代大学生自身的生活经历和成长阶段的身心特点等方面。因此.进行大学生主体性道德教育,培育其道德主体性,对于实现高校道德教育模式的转变、促进大学生道德主体性的发展以及推动社会道德进步等方面都具有深刻的现实意义.  相似文献   

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