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20世纪40年代是现代文学发展的重要阶段,不同的文学观点互相碰撞交织,而文学刊物为其提供了重要的平台。《希望》作为当时极为重要的刊物,显示出异质色彩。而其中的书评形式的批评着眼点是明确的,他们试图树立新型的文学思想。在批评过程中,同时显示出某种程度的思维狭隘的倾向。  相似文献   

The lives of Puerto Ricans in the neighborhood of Humboldt Park, Chicago, are often situated in a complex social field shaped by transnational cultural and political border crossing. We argue that artistic practices in this neighborhood are integral to building community and individual identities grounded in local meanings of the Puerto Rican diaspora experience. Interviews with three adolescent community residents and a high school art teacher indexed themes that exemplify community residents’ purposes for artistic practice: (1) self-expression within practices of collective identity building; (2) cultural reclamation; and (3) political reimagining. We also discuss how such work invites new tensions for identity making, including who can participate, who is represented, and what forms those representations take. These tensions point backward in time, forward to the future, and across geopolitical space. Finally, we suggest implications for learning in schools.  相似文献   

合唱艺术与社区文化品位的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义文化建设是一项长期的工作,尤其是城市社区文化建设更是关系到我国普通老百姓及全民族的文化素质的问题。随着我国社会主义经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对精神文化生活提出了更高的要求,合唱艺术就是社区文化建设的一个有效载体和展示平台。  相似文献   

The study examines the predictive value of several variabls on ninth-grade grade point average for Mexican-American and Puerto Rican high school students. English and Spanish proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding the language as well as the use of Spanish or English in the home represented the language variables. The students' immigration status, gender, place of geographic residence, and mother's education were also included. Gender andimmigration status significantly predicted GPA. English proficiency was significantly different for the two groups, and the more English-proficient Mexican-Americans did more poorly in high school. No other language variables were significant predictors of the students' GPA in the study.  相似文献   

This study examines cultural patterning in situational variability in mother-infant interactions among middle-class Anglo and Puerto Rican mothers and their 12 to 15-month-old firstborn children. Forty mothers were interviewed regarding their long-term socialization goals and childrearing strategies, and videotaped interacting with their infants in four everyday settings: feeding, social play, teaching, and free play. Results suggest that: (1) Anglo mothers place greater emphasis on socialization goals and childrearing strategies consonant with a more individualistic orientation, whereas Puerto Rican mothers place greater focus on goals and strategies consistent with a more sociocentric orientation; (2) coherence was found between mothers' childrearing beliefs and practices, with Puerto Rican mothers more likely to directly structure their infants' behaviors; and (3) situational variability arose in mother-infant interactions, but this variability showed a cultural patterning consistent with mothers' long-term socialization goals and childrearing beliefs.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from an ethnographic study of the views of 12 low-income Puerto Rican parents whose children were classified as learning disabled or mildly mentally retarded. Different cultural meanings of disability and normalcy led parents to reject the notion of disability and focus on the impact of family identity, language confusion, and detrimental educational practices on children's school performance. Parents' views were in line with current arguments against labeling and English-only instruction.  相似文献   

THE CALL OF CONSCIENCE: HEIDEGGER AND LEVINAS, RHETORIC AND THE EUTHANASIA DEBATE. By Michael J. Hyde. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2001; pp. xvii + 300. $39.95.  相似文献   

艺术是一种审美的活动,高校艺术教育的核心和灵魂是审美教育,其目的是培养掌握美的规律的优秀人才。艺术教育的价值意义可以从生产劳动、社会和谐以及生态文明建设三个方面来认识。大学公共艺术教育与专业艺术教育的耦合必须以审美教育为旨归,进行课程结构重组和教学流程再造,以优秀师资队伍打造为核心保障,把握各学科专业内生性美育因子,加强艺术专业与科技以及其他人文课程的融通互动,把艺术实践放在艺术教育的突出位置加以强化。  相似文献   

台湾客家自明末清初来台至今,饮食有六次较明显的变迁,带来客家饮食文化较明显的离散与融合。台湾客家饮食共同特色是保持食物的原味、特别擅用香料与沾酱、具独特的酱渍食品、自制酒茶饮品繁多。台湾客家还吸收来自大江南北的饮食文化,发展出风靡饮食市场的城市美食。受到移居地的自然与人文社会环境的影响",在地化"的客家族群出现相当多元而异质的饮食文化特色。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the use of litigation as a strategic tool of resistance for thwarting school desegregation. Utilizing Cowan v. Bolivar County Board of Education as a case study, I argue that, despite losing the constitutional right to racially segregate public schools according to an explicit white supremacist doctrine, whites in Bolivar County, Mississippi, were successful in stemming the impending tide of social change associated with school desegregation through litigation. Litigious resistance not only provided southern whites with a racially moderate epistemology for undermining school desegregation regionally, but their legal challenges to school desegregation also laid the groundwork for non-southern white animus toward all federal education policies that promoted racial inclusion.  相似文献   

In this article, we share findings from a critical qualitative study aimed at better understanding the ways that language, history, and geography mediate our work and identities as educational researchers. As scholars whose particular sociocultural and political histories are often absent in scholarly discussions about language and education, we use the intergenerational sharing of testimonios as both methodology and narrative development to gain a deeper understanding of experiences involving the learning and use of English that influence our academic careers. We theorize our experiences as resisting erasure and contribute to Latina epistemology scholarship and critical educational research about Puerto Ricans in the United States. Moreover, we forward the concept of funds of knowledge as a professional practice. Telling our stories and developing mentoring networks is necessary for our individual and collective functioning and well-being as scholars; it cultivates solidarity as a means of thriving in the academy.  相似文献   

Maternal reports on the Child Behavior Checklist/2-3 (CBCL/2-3) were used to evaluate child, maternal, and environmental predictors of behavior problems in 83 preschool children of disadvantaged adolescent mothers. CBCL/2-3 scores correlated modestly with independent ratings of child difficult behaviors observed in videotaped mother-child play interactions. 13% of children had scores in the clinical range. Significant correlations were consistently found between CBCL/2-3 ratings and maternal depressive symptoms, social supports, and life stress—assessed 3 times during the first year postpartum. In hierarchical regression analyses, maternal depressive symptoms, residence with the adolescent's mother, and perceived emotional support from friends contributed most to the explained variance. A significant ethnicity and child gender interaction term also suggested that African American mothers of male children reported more behavioral problems. Findings evidence the heterogeneity of outcomes for children of disadvantaged adolescent mothers but also demonstrate how correlates of poverty negatively affect their socioemotional development.  相似文献   

区域推进小学美术校本课程开发运用的实践研究旨在对课程科学、系统规划前提下,紧密结合地方民俗、民间美术特色及教育资源配置情况,通过促进交流推动区域小学美术校本课程的共同发展。  相似文献   

聚焦不同发展阶段的核心动力源,是社区学习共同体培育的核心要义。在初创阶段,要注意发现和挖掘对组织创建具有关键影响作用的各类“能人”,并有针对性地提升“能人”的综合素养。推动进入常态阶段,则要逐渐摆脱“能人依赖”,加速培养骨干队伍,促进责任分担,实现多动力驱动。进一步发展到共同体阶段,则要不断健全完善运行机制,始终保持组织规模和活动范围的适度开放,促进融于生活的终身学习和多向度的分布式领导,持续优化学习生态。  相似文献   

课程思政是全国高校思想政治工作会议召开以来的系列举措中的思政课程向课程思政教学改革的方向所指,目标是要让所有课程都与思政教育目标相吻合,让教师承担起思政教育的使命,而各门课程都有自身的内容特点和教学目标,文章在分析艺术类课程本体目标基础上,提出将提升文化自信作为艺术类课程思政教育的总导向,力求明确艺术类课程思政教育的总思路,为具体的教学提供参考。  相似文献   

李丽丽  黄群 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(1):110-112,116
艺术设计中的符号有很多类,政治符号便是其特殊的存在。设计中某些元素作为政治符号有它显著、独特的特征,同时在其发展过程中政治符号与设计元素一直都在进行着形式与功能的较量。设计中的政治符号在人类的历史上曾有着重要的地位,也产生了不可替代的影响和作用。但是由于现今社会的多元性与趋同性,使它的功能逐渐弱化,使人们对它的研究变得更为紧迫和重要。  相似文献   

三级课程的提出表明,权力下放的改革已触及到教育的核心——课程。由于长期习惯了中央统一课程体制的学校及其领导、教师和学生过分拘泥于统编教材书,这种思想上定势与校本课程的现实需要之间存在强大的反差。因此,必须在角色上重新审视自己的位置,充分发挥参与权,才能搞好校本课程开发。校本课程开发中学校共同体的思想转变至关重要,它是校本课程开发的基石。  相似文献   

通过对合肥市长丰县、肥西县和肥东县的3个新型农村住宅社区的实地调查,发现新型农村住宅社区居民文化需求主要表现在渴求更多符合农村社区的文化产品和必要的文化基础设施,要求扶助土生土长的文化产品和团体,政府给农民提供相应的职业培训和就业指导。增加就业、提高居民收入,消除二元制的城乡文化建设模式,政府、集体、企业、民间社会组织和个人共同致力于新型农村住宅社区文化的建设和发展,是满足新型农村住宅社区居民文化需求的关键和重要途径。  相似文献   

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