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This paper examines the ways in which two Internet-based civil society groups, Hasiru Usiru and Praja, negotiate online and offline spaces of collective action in Bangalore, India’s “IT City.” Based on ethnographic research, the study extends collective action theory through an examination of communicative interactions and experiences of urban civil society actors in a developing country. The paper highlight factors that impede and support collective actions, including attitudes toward the Internet as a tool for democratic engagement, ideological motivations, and perceptions of identity and membership, among others. Such a line of inquiry is significant in highlighting the possibilities of ICTs for collective action, while simultaneously avoiding the tendency to inflate and overestimate their capacity to produce social change.  相似文献   


This essay examines communication's historical anxieties regarding disciplinary legitimacy as an investment in whiteness. We argue that such anxieties are predicated upon a normative ideal of citizenship. As such, rhetorics of disciplinary legitimacy enact white civil society's originary exclusion, which is antiblackness. To illuminate the ways antiblackness finds expression in these anxieties, we engage the field's lengthy archive of public musings regarding legitimacy to trace the rhetorical workings of antiblackness therein.  相似文献   

当今社会三大治理理论——参与治理、自主治理和合作治理①中,参与治理以其鲜明的民主行政理想,"成了政治学和行政学最倾心倡导和推荐的治理途径"[1]。公共图书馆参与治理是在国际"新公共管理运动"持续发展、中国经济社会转型的大背景下提出来的,反映了图书馆人希望通过参与式民主,实现事业发展方式转变的愿望。然而,从治理哲学的角度看,治理结构不合理、治理环境不佳、公民社会发育不成熟等一系列问题,使参与治理难以独立担当中国公共图书馆治理模式转变的历史重任。有关参与治理中的民主行政理想,需要在政府、市场、公民社会三元格局逐渐成熟的基础上,结合自主治理、合作治理来实现。  相似文献   


This study presents seven change management strategies for public libraries: (1) specify the major issue, (2) map the decision cycle, (3) identify circuits and tessellations, (4) target receptive audiences, (5) mobilize civil society support (6) minimize resistance with win-win issues, and (7) maintain legitimizing processes. These strategies are derived from historical case study of a single US case over a 93-year span. The strategies are elaborated using qualitative data from the case. The findings build on existing literature and contribute new knowledge and new methods to the research area. The strategies have practical import for public library managers.  相似文献   

公共空间是现代公民社会的现代产物,图书馆的社会性、公益性和现代图书馆理念决定了其公共空间性。永恒保存人类社会记忆,重塑现代社会文化;传承民主价值,稚进社会民主建设;维护公众获取知识与信息的权益,促进教育平等是其作为公共空间的社会价值。  相似文献   

Courses: Business and Professional Communication, Persuasion

Objectives: Students demonstrate application of rhetorical invention and improved persuasive writing style through a brief, multi-draft writing activity.  相似文献   


A central tenet of the open data movement is that, to the extent permitted by law, data—especially data collected or produced by government agencies—should be published without restrictions on access or reuse. Proponents of open data believe that unrestricted access to raw data yields many benefits to society, including increased organizational transparency, accountability, public engagement with democratic processes, and economic growth. This article presents a case study based on one of the data sets created under the federal government's open data program, an XML version of the United States Government Manual published by the Office of the Federal Register. Working with the Government Manual data set uncovered various quality issues that presented technical barriers to data reuse, despite its compliance with open data principles of formatting and licensing. This experience raises questions about the purported link between open data and its promised benefits, which I discuss within the wider context of critiques of open data.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(56):125-146

The increasing utilization of computer technology in the public and private sectors, particularly since the mid-1980s, has brought about significant changes in the way organizations do their business. It has led to improvements in productivity, more timely delivery of services, and more efficient business communication; it has also had significant cultural impact. The technology has transformed our working environments, but there has not been an equivalent transformation in records and archival practice.

If the 1980s was the decade in which the tidal wave of electronic change hit us, the 1990s has seen the gradual realization that the new technology alone, without appropriate information and records management strategies, generates substantial risks. While the technology is promoted as the solution to all information management requirements, this message glosses over some critical issues. These issues go to the heart of the preservation of the corporate memory of our society.

In this article the author introduces us to major issues in electronic records management from an archival perspective. He illustrates these points through reference to policy development at the Australian Archives.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):109-137

Libraries are a symbol of a free, democratic society. Open access to information and patron privacy allow intellectual inquiry and the creation of new knowledge. Librarians have a long tradition of protecting these liberties. In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, concerns have been raised that the passage of the USA Patriot Act and other anti-terrorism measures threaten these liberties. Librarians need to educate staff, users, and their communities as to the impact these measures have on libraries and access to information. Policies, procedures, and guidelines need to be developed that balance the traditions of intellectual freedom and issues of national security. This article examines access to government information issues and threats to  相似文献   

Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years ranks as one of the most successful public television documentaries ever produced. Although it originally aired in 1987, the series has since been shown widely in school and college classrooms, where it arguably has influenced many students’ understanding of the civil rights struggle and, more fundamentally, of the nature and form of “social movement” itself This essay draws upon Kenneth Burke's concept of “significant form” to examine how the documentary's design works to shape public memory of the civil rights struggle as a social movement. In addition to yielding insight into the rhetorical structure of a landmark television documentary, the analysis of form in Eyes on the Prize illumines how public consciousness of “social movement” can be created and perpetuated through narrative form.  相似文献   

The last few decades have witnessed unprecedented transformations in every sector of society, resulting from the explosive advancement of information and communication technologies. This drastic development has raised the hopes of citizens for better lives, in both developing and advanced countries, urging innovation in government to make it more competent. Due to e-business revolutions, governments around the world have applied similar principles and technologies to government by opening their websites for more efficient publication of information and more effective delivery of public services. While a government website is an important venue for citizens to participate in public affairs and decision-making processes, early e-government practices tended to overlook democratic purposes by focusing on the features of e-business and information systems. There have been increasing criticisms that e-government system design has focused mainly on the provider's perspectives. Reflecting on the theoretical implications of this, we argue that a government website should facilitate democratic processes involving not only information sharing and delivery of better public services, but also deliberation and coproduction. The purpose of this study is to probe into multidimensional features that enable government websites to fulfill their promises. Developing an integrative model for evaluating a government website, namely the Democratic E-governance Website Evaluation Model, we conducted a qualitative meta-analysis of four strands of literature: information systems, business, public administration, and democratic theory. Our study contributes to the literature by extending the purview of e-government website analysis beyond the question of citizens' acceptance and towards the issue of their engagement, bringing a stimulating view of citizens as active agents in governance, and it provides a holistic model for public authorities to improve their websites to facilitate democratic e-governance that helps to create more effective public outcomes.  相似文献   

Civil libertarian doctrine which was dominant during the twentieth century argued that the main goal of freedom of speech was to ensure that the public would be well-informed and actively engage in public deliberation. A literal extension of this claim to the Internet age often justifies the regulation of online speech under the assumption that harmful communication undermines the public interest. This study challenges civil libertarianism and proposes a new thesis of freedom of online speech, which posits that online speech should be understood in terms of a democratic culture where every individual participates freely and without restraints in the process of meaning making that constitute her/him as an autonomous individual. Based on such a theoretical concept, this study identifies three important aspects of online speech freedom – unfettered speech, anonymous speech, and participatory speech – and then compares the status of online speech between South Korea and the United States. This research suggests that a society should understand the unique nature of online speech and then arrange the legal system to fit into it.  相似文献   


Building on Ochs’ analysis of “rhetorical detailing” in Cicero's Verrine orations, this essay reveals that the disposition of arguments in the In Verrem shifted markedly from compositions which were structured for oral argument to those which were intended for public reading.  相似文献   


New information and communications technologies have transformed the archival enterprise in less than a quarter century. They have changed the way we work and, more importantly, our relationship with the wider society. Access to archives has increased immeasurably and spurred demand for use of archives. At the same time, in a painful irony, public support for archival work is under attack. The democracy studies movement suggests ways of thinking about archives and their role in civil society. Archivists must continue to assert the case for archives in our larger civic life.  相似文献   


In the aftermath of the 1960's riots, President Lyndon Johnson appealed to the value of law and order, balanced this call with a call for support of civil rights, stressed that the preservation of peace was a local responsibility, and appointed a study commission to search for solutions. Each of these rhetorical appeals was flawed, but the constellation reveals the value system of American liberalism at a time of impasse.  相似文献   

Courses: This single-class teaching activity was designed for courses on public speaking, rhetorical criticism, and critical thinking. In addition, instructors can adapt this activity for online or face-to-face courses on intercultural communication, organizational communication, listening, and political communication.

Objectives: By completing this activity, students should be able to (a) describe the principles of generic rhetorical criticism; (b) identify buzzwords associated with specific communicative contexts and genres (e.g. political debates, commencement speeches, award acceptance speeches); (c) critically examine the rhetorical significance and underlying assumptions of these buzzwords; and (d) discuss the benefits and limitations of using buzzwords in public communication contexts.  相似文献   


Whereas notes are ubiquitous to democratic meeting designs, note-taking practices within public participation processes remain taken-for-granted. We argue that note-taking is a communication practice that calls for cultivating expertise and critical reflexivity. Employing Communication as Design (CAD) we analyze communication design logics for note-taking active in public processes and the problems encountered enacting these design logics. CAD analysis illuminates four design logics underpinned by democratic values: notes as summary, data points, quotables, and critical voice. Building from this empirical analysis, democratic note-takers must be sensitive to the need for coordinating design logics to process goals; yet multiple design logics are often necessary to uphold multiple democratic values.  相似文献   


This essay adopts a critical rhetorical perspective attuned to affect to investigate white nationalist rhetoric on Stormfront, a popular white nationalist message board. My analysis illuminates how Stormfront attempts to appeal to mainstream white audiences by resisting normative expectations and affects articulated with white supremacy and (re)constructing white nationalism as a formation of white racial consciousness articulated with communal belonging, common sense, and pride. On Stormfront, affect is mobilized discursively to challenge colorblindness, construct rhetorical distance between white nationalism and white supremacy, and strategically negotiate white (dis)comfort with direct discourse on race to compel affective investments in white nationalism.  相似文献   


Contemporary attitudes toward communication can be viewed as two‐dimensional—expressive and instrumental. The argument of this article is that the instrumental, or as we would label it, the rhetorical approach, best promises to facilitate human understanding and to effect social cohesion. Five characteristics of rhetorical sensitivity are described. These are features which, if incorporated and operationalized in discourse, can help men make the most of social interactions. The rhetorically sensitive person (a) tries to accept role‐taking as part of the human condition, (b) attempts to avoid stylized verbal behavior, (c) is characteristically willing to undergo the strain of adaptation, (d) seeks to distinguish between all information and that information acceptable for communication, and (e) tries to understand that an idea can be rendered in multi‐form ways.  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of The Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore (FEB-web). The intersection of philology and information technologies at FEB-web is considered in the context of Russian culture and the Russian academy. Topics discussed include: the FEB-web process for creating digital scholarly editions, the structure of FEB-web, new developments in the FEB-web collections, plans for the future, copyright issues, digitization processes, inter-library cooperation, and the place of digital libraries in constructing civil society in Russia.  相似文献   

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