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Findings from longitudinal research conducted at a private junior college for women document the claim that the benefits of the women's liberation movement extend beyond those of equalization of employment opportunities. Notably perceptible changes have occurred in the contemporary female, especially the married woman, along a number of key personality traits over the past six years. She is more achievement and politically oriented; her aspiration level today is much higher than a decade ago. She seeks change, is less deterred by failures, and is significantly more self-assertive.

Implications of these changes for a school's counseling and guidance staff are also discussed.  相似文献   


No administrative position appears to be more pivotal in facilitating grassroots change in the community college than that of the department or division chairperson. However, no one, until the present effort, has systematically assessed two-year college chairpersons to determine what they perceive their staff development needs to be. The results of the present study indicate that preservice and inservice training received by chairpersons was generally nominal, and that self-improvement activity appears weak. Further, the respondents reported extensive and serious needs related to knowledge of the community college, managerial skills, personnel matters, administrative matters, curriculum and instruction, student personnel services, and some 18 other possible training needs ranging from the law and higher education to the effective use of a secretary. Chairpersons were also asked to indicate what they consider to be the most convenient times and conditions for inservice training. They suggest that they would seek out substantially more training than they do if better funding, time, and site configurations were made available. Finally, concrete recommendations are made to increase the availability of training of two-year college chairpersons.  相似文献   

A six‐page questionnaire sent in 1980 to a 25% random sample of teachers in Minnesota's 18 public community colleges provides information that is compared with similar information collected in 1956 and 1968. The nature and extent of professional activities, sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with careers, attitudes toward collective bargaining, and some demographic variables of Minnesota community college teachers are described and compared.

Minnesota community college faculty members in 1980 were generally contented, as they were in 1956 and 1968. In all periods they spent most of their time on teaching‐related activities. Although the proportion involved in consulting with schools, business, and industry has doubled in the past 12 years, faculty involvement in off‐campus services is still limited. Research and scholarly writing is not a function of most of the faculty. About three‐fourths of the respondents supported collective bargaining in 1980. The most serious source of dissatisfaction, reported by 40% of the respondents in 1980 was inadequate salary. The chief source of satisfaction reported in all three periods was the opportunity to help college‐age students learn and develop. Implications of the results for a re‐examination of community college functions are discussed.

The pecking order in this state does not reflect the major contribution of this system to higher education. Working conditions, particularly in terms of load and support services are primitive. Financial rewards, the status and extra income of consulting fees are severely limited. I can no longer afford five percent salary increases and twenty percent inflation. I am currently looking for a position in private industry, which seems to have the resources education does not. (Sociology instructor)

I cannot remember a profession/job that could be more personally rewarding, spiritually constructive or totally satisfying as college teaching. (English/history instructor)  相似文献   

为了解畲族女大学生的体质状况和畲汉两民族女大学生的体质差异,随机选取丽水学院在校畲族女大学生204人和汉族女大学生136人进行体质测试,结果表明:畲族女大学生的舒张压比汉族女大学生高,其肺活量、肺活量体质量指数明显比汉族女大学生大。  相似文献   

Pat Pridmore 《Prospects》1995,25(4):707-722
Conclusion This article highlights the inadequacy of the current model of schooling delivered to Basarwa children in Botswana, and contends that their education should be reevaluated from a cultural viewpoint. Children and teachers are enmeshed in a dynamic, cultural, social and political web, and there are serious language and cultural barriers to learning. These barriers underscore the need for a bilingual, multicultural model of education to affirm and strengthen the culture of the child. The high mobility of the Basarwa demands a flexible, less formal model of schooling and training of teachers from within the Basarwa culture. An innovative curriculum is needed, building on traditional Basarwa pedagogy and world view to develop skills needed to gain greater equity. The approach to health education known as Child-to-Child has considerable potential for curriculum development. Until a more relevant educational model is available Basarwa children will continue to be disadvantaged. A lecturer in education and development at the University of London Institute of Education, where she is responsible for advanced diploma and masters courses in health education and promotion. She is a qualified school-teacher and nutritionist, with more than ten years' experience in higher education and in community development for health in West and East Africa. She is conducting research in health through schooling, and will complete her Ph.D. thesis on ‘Children as health educators’ in 1995. She has a special interest in participatory research methods and gender issues, and is married with four children.  相似文献   

While a class gap remains in obtaining a degree despite an expansion of higher education, a variety of second chances have become available. How class matters in receiving parental assistance for seeking a second chance is of increasing importance to understanding educational inequality in an altered context of higher education, but it is under-researched. This article seeks to fill this gap by referring to a qualitative study of 85 community-college students in Hong Kong for illustration. First interviews with respondents recruited from a community college were conducted between the year 2006 and 2009 where they discussed how they desired a second chance option by studying an associate degree in community college. Encouragement and emotional support to seek this new, costly, and risky second chance was provided by parents of most respondents. And yet, as a deficit approach would have us believe, middle-class respondents received more relevant information and academic advice with financial support from their parents than working-class respondents. In spite of that fact, it seems to remain whether the middle class are indeed better able than the working class to get transferred to university through the transfer of an associate degree in Hong Kong. This illustration suggests that the availability of a second chance does not immediately imply that the middle and the working classes are equally capable of taking advantage of it to rectify their previous educational failure. This article will be concluded by discussing the implications of this study for educational inequality.  相似文献   

Two-hundred undergraduate college students were surveyed regarding their preferences for the ages of 13 different service providers. Further, the construct of ageism as measured by the Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA) was used for assessment with this sample. Results suggest that the mean age preference cited by respondents for all 13 service providers was below 40; the lowest mean age (26.5 years) was cited for the position of telephone operator; and the highest mean age (39.8 years) for the position of congressional representative. Except for the position of barber/beautician, gender differences in age preferences for the remaining 12 service providers did not show statistical significance. Results from the FSA suggest that male college students displayed more ageist attitudes than female college students. Age was negatively correlated with FSA.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高校扩招,大学生就业形势越来越严峻,同时因为性别歧视等原因,女大学生的就业问题突出,并由此引发出一系列的心理问题。本研究以状态—特质焦虑量表为研究工具,对南京大学应届本科毕业生的就业焦虑现状进行问卷调查。结果表明,南京大学学生普遍存在就业焦虑现象,并且女大学生的就业焦虑水平高于男生。根据问卷调查和对女大学生的访谈结果探究女大学生就业焦虑的原因和对策。  相似文献   

对476名上海知识青年回答的择偶问卷进行了数据分析,结果表明:男女的择偶观念都表现出了明显的理性趋势,都将对方的个性因素排在择偶标准的前列,不过,男性重外貌、女性重社会经济资源的性别差异仍清晰存在;与大龄未婚青年(≥28岁)相比,年龄较小的未婚青年在配偶的选择上,更为重视双方个性上的相容性,以及对方的经济基础;独生子女在择偶过程中更为重视对方的物质经济基础,非独生子女则更为重视对方的持家能力。  相似文献   

近几年来,我校飞速发展,由一般的专科院校升格为本科院校,在校人数也一年一个台阶,女大学生人数也增长迅速,在学生总数中的比例远超过男生。她们作为大学生的重要组成部分,其管理问题一直是教育界关注的重要课题。由于女大学生独特的个性特点以及各种因素在其成长过程中对她们的交互影响,女大学生存在着不适应学校环境而产生的心理问题。有心理问题的女生工作做好了,就能做好整个女生的工作,在很大程度上就能带动整个学院学生工作的开展。  相似文献   

以河北省幼儿教师为被试,采用问卷调查法研究河北省幼儿教师的职业倦怠及影响因素。研究表明:河北省99%的幼儿教师有明显的职业倦怠表现,教师的教龄、学历、婚否及有无孩子对其职业倦怠影响明显,其中工作时间少于5年的幼儿教师的总体倦怠程度比其他教龄段教师的总体工作倦怠程度更低;中专或高中学历的幼儿教师,相比较大专和本科学历的教师,表现出更大的工作倦怠;已婚和有孩子的幼儿教师,相对于未婚和无孩子的幼儿教师,在工作中体验到更严重的倦怠感。  相似文献   

职业教育是美国社区学院的主要职能,对我国高等职业教育的发展有一定的借鉴作用。美国社区学院办学特色明显,以服务地方经济为宗旨,有其独具特色的课程体系。我国高等职业教育的发展,需要进一步明确高职的职能及培养目标,调整人才培养模式,在课程的设置等方面探索一条能实现高职院校职能的道路。  相似文献   

透过美国的"社区学院"看我国县级电大的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校扩招给以学历教育为主导的县级电大带来了冲击。面对未来,县级电大如何重新定位,如何走改革发展之路?本文通过美国社区学院与我国县级电大的比较,认为建构社区开放学习中心是县级电大的必由之路,并提出了学校社区一体化的观念,以及这一观念下的社区开放学习中心的办学模式、管理模式、教学模式和学习模式。  相似文献   

采用《中国大学生心理健康量表(CCSMHS)》对福州某高校女大学生心理健康状况进行调查分析,结果表明,该校90后女大学生的总体心理健康状况要好于全国大学生平均水平,但在焦虑、强迫、依赖三个维度上得分显著高于常模。因此,要想进一步提高90后女大学生心理健康教育工作水平,必须通过开展调查、开设课程和构建网络的方法来整体推进,从而达到最佳的教育效果。  相似文献   

2007-2012年是辽宁省高等教育由“数量”向“质量”过渡的关键历史时期。这期间,辽宁省高等教育机构发展迅速,高等教育招生总规模适度增长,高等教育在校生规模逐年扩大,高等教育毛入学率快速提升到48.0%。与此同时,高等教育结构调整也取得显著成效,研究生、普通本、专科生培养比例日趋合理。在师资队伍方面,普通高校的生师比略有下降,师资紧张状况得以缓解,师资队伍的学历水平进一步提升,专业技术职务结构进一步优化,高职(专科)院校双师型教师比例显著提高;在办学条件方面,在总量保持持续增长的同时,地方属高校生均办学条件不断得到改善。本文通过基础数据统计分析,以期能为各级教育行政部门和高校在发展战略研究方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美国社区学院的发展历程及其职能变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为高等教育的伟大创举,美国社区学院虽然只有100多年的发展历史,但无论在提供平等的受教育机会方面,还是在经济文化发展方面都做出了突出的贡献。本文主要对美国社区学院的发展历程进行了详细梳理,将其界定为高中扩张、初级学院、社区学院和综合发展四个时期,并同时对每一时期内社区学院的职能进行了分析,以期对我国高等教育尤其是高等职业专科教育的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   


Two types of community colleges are described, one serving as a miniuniversity and the other as an opportunity center. The academic progress of 750 students from four community colleges, two classified as miniuniversities and two as opportunity centers, was compared in terms of (a) persistence, and (b) success after transferring to a senior institution. Institutions classified as opportunity centers were found to graduate a greater proportion of their students than did the miniuniversities. Academic performance after transferring to a senior institution was equivalent for students graduating from either type of institution. It is concluded that large numbers of community college students are unnecessarily discouraged and thereby deterred from higher education by community colleges that operate as miniuniversities and that the needs of most community college students are better served by the opportunity center.  相似文献   

为全面反映我国大学教师的心理健康水平,对有关大学教师SCL-90的研究成果进行元分析,结果显示:我国大学教师SCL-90测量的大部分因子与全国常模相比无显著差异,尽管"躯体化""焦虑"、"恐怖"、"精神病性"这四个因子的效应值偏离常模达到中效应水平,但效应值均偏低;经济欠发达地区大学教师的心理健康水平稍差于经济发达地区的教师;性别差异表现在女教师的"抑郁"和"恐怖"因子得分稍高于男教师,而男教师"敌对"因子的得分高于女教师.结论:我国大学教师的心理健康水平总体上与全国平均水平基本相当.  相似文献   

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