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只有加大文化开放力度,才能建设具有中国特色的社会主义文化。在全球化的背景下要从党和国家事业发展全局的高度深刻认识高校文化建设的战略意义。坚持正确的政治导向,通过多种有效途径,搞好高校文化建设。  相似文献   

基于2022年的全国博士毕业生调查对我国博士生跨学科学位论文研究的基本面貌及其影响因素展开分析。研究发现:第一,整体上,跨学科选题学位论文的创新性和应用价值更高,但仅14.5%的博士生表示自己为跨学科选题,理、工、农、医博士生中学位论文选题跨学科的比例明显低于人文社科。第二,外在读博动机弱、硕博阶段就读学科不同的博士生更有可能做跨学科学位论文研究。相比单一导师指导,多学科导师联合指导下博士生做跨学科学位论文研究的概率更大,而单学科导师联合指导下的概率更小。在论文发表要求的压力下,博士生做跨学科学位论文的概率将下降。第三,理工农医博士生跨学科学位论文研究的质量保障需依赖多学科的导师联合指导。为促进我国博士生的跨学科学位论文研究,院校应积极招收具有跨学科背景及兴趣的博士生,加强多学科导师联合指导制度的建设,创设更宽松的学术评价环境。  相似文献   


This study investigated the learning styles of adult English as a second language (ESL) students in Northwest Arkansas. Learning style differences by age, gender, and country of origin were explored. A total of 69 northwest Arkansas adult ESL students attending 7 adult-education centers were administered the VARK Learning Styles Questionnaire. Most participants came from Mexico and El Salvador, their ages ranged from 23 to 45, and females were an average of 10 years older than males. Note taking was chosen by 1/3 of participants as their favorite learning style, 20% favored aural modes, 15% favored kinesthetic, 4% favored visual, and 15% chose combinations of learning styles. Females chose auditory and multimodal learning styles, while males favored note taking. Students differed by level of English proficiency, beginning-intermediate favoring aural learning styles more than advanced students. ANOVA results indicated that participants were significantly less visual and more read-write than either aural or kinesthetic, but males and females differed significantly in their choice of aural learning. Hispanic males chose note taking and kinesthetic learning styles significantly more than visual or auditory modes of learning. Hispanic females chose note taking, aural, and kinesthetic learning styles significantly more than visual. Asian males favored note taking and aural learning. Correlation was found between age and learning styles with subgroups exhibiting a negative correlation between age and kinesthetic learning, with Mexican males and females exhibiting the strongest negative correlation. Males showed a low positive correlation between age and note taking.  相似文献   

In-depth interviews with 363 students across nine campuses capture the experiences of Latino, African American, Asian, Native American, White and Immigrant students in the California community college system. Four themes emerged with respect to advising and counseling: (a) Differences in the Use of Counseling and Advising; (b) The Importance of the Counseling Relationship; (c) Knowing the System; and (d) Cultural Understanding and Racism.  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育依托先进典型开展工作,充分发挥先进典型的引领作用和带动作用。先进典型的培育过程中,要注意避免形式化、完美化、陈旧化的选树方式,做到实事求是、贴近学生、广泛覆盖、持续培养、合理宣传。先进典型的持续涌现是大学生思想政治教育工作成效的有力体现。  相似文献   

大学生实践能力调查:用人单位和毕业生的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查法,通过对北京工业大学2003届109位理工科毕业生及其对应的114所单位的调查和SPSS统计工具,比较分析当前用人单位与毕业生眼中的理工科大学生实践能力水平状况及其差异,并对高校理工科的实践教学改革提出一些具体的建议。  相似文献   

This article explores the distinctive mentoring experiences of social work doctoral students at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). With a philosophical emphasis on social justice, self-determination, racial identity and pride, and social integration, social work faculty at HBCUs mentor African American and other students in PhD programs for academic achievement and successful leadership in the professoriate. The mentoring experiences at HBCUs are underpinned by tenets from relational/cultural theory and the Black feminist theory of “other mothering.” Using Howard University as a case study, this article examines relational mentoring experiences of PhD students in preparation for the academy and for leadership in social work education and practice.  相似文献   

The research reported in this article explored the impact of the undergraduate placement experience on medical, nursing, and allied health students' perceptions of careers in aged care. Data were collected from undergraduate students (48) and graduates (26) via individual (46) and group (7) interviews; data were thematically analyzed. Participants' placement experiences prompted them to characterize aged care simultaneously as “dirty work” and “rewarding work”. Participants perceived that working full-time as a newly-graduated health professional with the aged or in aged care settings would be an unattractive career. Instead, participants considered working in aged care either as a “mid career” or “blended career” option.  相似文献   

There have been concerns that nonnative-speaking (NNS) researchers are at some disadvantage due to power differentials that result from the predominance of English in the academic world. This study investigates the assumptions and the findings of previous studies related to NNS researchers' publications in English in internationally refereed journals through in-depth interviews with four NNS doctoral students in the United States. The interviews sought to find out what challenges NNS doctoral students experience and how they cope with the challenges from research to publishing. Several salient issues emerged through the study, such as co-authoring, conducting certain types of research, getting native-speaker assistance, making the most use of local knowledge, and negotiating feedback from journals. The findings of this study imply that collaboration with native speaker (NS) mentors and colleagues can be beneficial in spite of potentially unequal power relations. In addition, the most use of NNSs' local knowledge can be positive in the sense that it brings valuable insight into Center-based academia. This study, however, suggests that it is critical to create a space for various voices in the Center publishing communities. Key words: nonnative-speaking doctoral students, writing for publication, co-authoring, local knowledge, situated knowledges, legitimate peripheral participation  相似文献   

博士生延期毕业现象受到高校和政府的重点关注,但相关研究付之阙如。为探寻博士生延期毕业原因及矛盾根源,研究访谈了32位博士生及15位导师。围绕高深知识的生产、学习与传授,得出延期矛盾的根源如下:延期博士生学术基础与高深知识高深性、深奥性的失配,延期博士生学术动力与高深知识开放性、探索性的失配,延期博士生自学能力与高深知识个人性、缄默性的失配,院系培育服务与高深知识学习、传授方式的失配。为改善延期现状,研究建议:应严格把控博士招生环节,多途径提高学生科研素养;正视导学冲突的负面效应,弥合师生沟通的现实张力;加强过程监管及考核力度,回归科研评价的学术本位。  相似文献   

少数民族语言授课大学生就业问题关系到少数民族基础教育的稳定发展,关系到我国改革发展稳定大局、民族团结和社会和谐发展。本论文通过分析我国大学生就业政策和内蒙古自治区少数民族高校毕业生就业政策及经验,论述了少数民族高校毕业生就业促进政策的作用与重要性。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业问题一直广受关注,其中博士毕业生群体的就业去向更是引人注目.本文选取工科博士毕业生作为分析对象,对工科博士到企业就业的状况及其影响因素进行了分析.研究发现:男性、父亲职业是管理层或技术人员、学科排名度高、博士论文为应用性研究、对工资待遇有较高偏好的博士毕业生到企业就业的概率更高.回归分析结果显示,家庭背景因素对于工科博士到企业就业没有显著性影响,而个体特征、动机偏好、学习经历和能力积累在一定程度上会对其到企业就业的选择产生影响,其中,年龄和论文发表指标数对工科博士到企业就业具有显著的负向影响关系.通过构建结构方程模型,研究进一步对工科博士到企业就业的影响机制进行了探讨,并对进一步加强工科博士培养提出了针对性建议.  相似文献   

美国社区学院在推进人才培养、办学模式、师资队伍国际化等方面取得了卓越性成就,提升了美国教育和劳动人口的全球竞争力。通过分析2009—2020年获得安德鲁·海斯克尔国际教育创新奖的19所社区学院的教育国际化实践,可以概括出社区学院推进国际化策略的突出特征,即具有较强的国际化理念;提高教师队伍国际化素养;积极促进学生国际流动;全方位、全要素推进全面国际化。这一系列举措对于提高我国高等职业教育国际化发展水平具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

In a nationwide study of graduates of doctoral programs in counselor education and counseling psychology, researchers found similarities between the two groups in educational and work history, current employment, professional activities, and future goals.  相似文献   

一流大学通过博士毕业生就业对非一流大学及高等教育系统产生溢出效应,这种效应是在特殊的学术劳动力市场环境下,由于两类高校的博士资源供需规模错位和配置能力不平衡导致的结果。它既具有提高非一流大学教师的专业水准,推动学科发展与范式转型,促进高校间的交流与合作等正效应,也会引发“学术漂移”和代际冲突等负面效应;溢出效应的强度受到市场波动、招聘政策、高校实力、学科特性与地理空间的影响。因此,要从战略层面看待一流大学建设,深化博士生教育改革,完善教师教育制度,建立人才引进的配套制度体系,精准调整博士招生规模,科学运用一流大学的溢出效应,助力我国高等教育高质量发展。  相似文献   

This article is a result of the analysis of student-level enrollment records from twenty-one research universities in the United States, and it contributes to a more robust understanding of timely completion of STEM doctorates by underrepresented minority students. Using multivariate logit regression models, findings indicated that Hispanic/Latino and students from other underrepresented groups complete at higher rates than do their Black/African American counterparts. Findings also indicated that prior master’s degrees and institutional participation in doctoral completion programs positively correlate with STEM doctoral completion. We conclude by offering insights and recommendations for graduate schools about how to increase the STEM doctoral attainment rate of students from underrepresented groups.  相似文献   

Within the natural sciences and engineering, literature relating to postgraduate education, in particular the process of completing a doctorate, remains generally scarce. That which does exist emphasises the role of the supervisor in effecting successful completion and points to a wide range of activities performed by supervisors. There remains, however, little by way of accounts of the actual experiences of supervisors or students when engaged in the process of doctoral supervision. It is these experiences which form the basis of this paper which focuses upon doctoral students and their supervisors in the disciplines of physics, mathematics and engineering science. Data for the paper have been collected, as part of an ESRC funded project, by means of in‐depth interviews with students and supervisors in nine universities in England. In particular, we address students expectations of PhD supervision, the extent to which expectations have been met, and within the context of the ‘career’ of the PhD, the ways in which supervision changes as the doctoral process progresses. Important issues relating to the need for training for PhD supervisors and their capacity to meet the expectations of their students are raised, together with those which question the relationship between the PhD and the culture of academic work.  相似文献   

以全国博士质量调查结果为基础,借鉴国外师生互动关系研究、导师人际行为模型的思想,利用西安高校博士生调查数据,分析了博士生怎样看待导师对其的指导,并从学生的视角分析了体验到的不同师生互动关系对其科研创新能力的影响。结果显示:导师与博士生互动关系处于"高度合作+一定程度强势指导"和"高度合作+一定程度尊重学生观点和意见"时,更有利于博士生科研能力、创新能力的培养,有利于推进博士生的科研和学位论文进展。  相似文献   

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