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高等教育大众化不只是一个数量的概念,而且是一个产生“质”的变化的概念。中国在1999年开始迈大步向大众化前进,按照国际认同的数量标准,已于2002年就进入大众化阶段。至于“质”的变化,虽然同马丁·特罗当年所预期的10个维度的变化不完全相同,但规模扩大、数量增加,确实引发了很多新变化,产生了许多新问题,要求人们转变观念、改革体制,适应新情况,解决新问题,研究并制订新的发展战略。这也就是进入大众化之后高等教育界的新任务。因此,筹集经费、招生与就业、管理方式、质量保障以及高职教育与民办教育的发展等等,成为当前高等教育的热门…  相似文献   

陈霞  赵中建 《比较教育研究》2004,25(5):72-75,71
美国基于课程标准的绩效责任政策假设:能够制定出清楚的测量目标,学校和教师具有实现目标的能力但缺乏实现目标的意愿,学校本质上是一个追求效率的组织等.然而这些假设均受到了一定的质疑.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the regular patterns and rules that male and female college students follow to accept compliments in the speech community of Qingdao, as well as the cultural elements that influence the patterns and rules.  相似文献   

结合实地考察资料,对费城社区学院进行案例分析,重点分析该社区学院如何针对国际留学生进行语言服务以及语言服务路径如何展现。通过分析美国社区学院国际留学生语言服务支持路径,探索符合中国新时期特色的高职院校外国留学生语言服务模式。  相似文献   

“自愿问责框架”是美国首个由社区学院构建、为社区学院服务的综合性问责框架.“自愿问责框架”主要包括“学生进步和成果测量”、“劳动力、经济和社区发展测量”、“学生学习成果测量”三大测量工具.“自愿问责框架”实质上就是社区学院主动向利益相关方报告自身教育质量和资源使用效率等情况.作为一套为社区学院“量身定制”的绩效评估工具,“自愿问责框架”具有通用性和可比性,它简化了社区学院开展问责的流程.为满足实际需求,“自愿问责框架”一直在不断更新与完善.尽管“自愿问责框架”的实施面临不少难题,但它很有可能成为美国社区学院的基本问责框架,影响社区学院的未来发展.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,内需与外需都是一国经济的重要组成。扩大内需和利用外需不矛盾,更好地利用两个市场、两种资源、才能实现我国国民经济的较快增长。有效利用外需,能够促进经济结构调整,平衡国际收支,维护社会稳定。可以通过采取优化出口商品结构,向海外投资,加快实施市场多元化战略,政府推动以及促使外贸企业走实业化、集团化道路等策略达到利用外需扩大出口的目的,进而提高外经贸对国民经济增长的贡献度和拉动度。  相似文献   

This qualitative instrumental case study explored the experiences and perceptions of seven community college leaders of their use of anticipatory leadership. Two research questions guided this study: (a) How do community colleges use anticipatory leadership to respond to internal and external changes? (b) How do community college leaders use anticipatory leadership principles for problem solving? The themes that emerged to address question one were engagement with others is required to respond to change effectively, data analysis and currency of knowledge are required to identify gaps and to respond to them, leaders must be willing to take calculated risks, and leaders must communicate effectively in order for change to occur. The themes that emerged to address question two were analysis of data is instrumental to identifying and closing the gaps in institutions, leading to better informed decisions; and anticipatory leadership reduces the need to use reactionary leadership practices. The findings of the study are that the participants identified and supported that anticipatory leadership practices are effective for responding to change. The anticipatory leadership practices highlighted as needed by the participants included the need for leaders who are engaged, have the skills and ability to utilize data to make decisions, are current in their higher education knowledge, take calculated risks when needed, and can communicate effectively. These skills are needed for community college leaders to be able to be proactive versus reactionary in their decision-making, as well as effective with their gap analysis identification, trend predictions, decision-making, and problem solving.  相似文献   

基于苏州胜浦镇金苑社区的社区教育实例分析,我国农村社区教育在组织体系、教育模式、管理机制、资源建设、活动形式等方面初有成效。要保持社区教育的持续良性发展,仍需从提高认识、建立制度保障体系、合理筹集和有效利用教育资金、开展多样化的活动、充分挖掘和利用特色资源等方面入手,不断推进和完善。  相似文献   

周湘林 《教育研究》2021,42(6):126-137
科研诚信问题治理是一个世界性难题,加强问责是重中之重.基于新制度主义理论探究高等学校科研诚信问责制的逻辑机理及建设的突破方向,可为加强科研诚信问题治理提供一个初步的分析框架.以澳大利亚麦考瑞大学为案例进行研究显示,构建"四轮驱动"式整合性全过程科研诚信问责制,通过"明责—知责—察责—追责",有助于达到科研诚信问责制系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的目的与要求.我国高等学校加强科研诚信问责制度建设需从理念、体系、内容、工具、运行等维度进行突破.通过设立专门负责科研诚信问题治理的相关机构,系统建立健全科研诚信问责机制,绘制总体性的科研诚信问题治理流程图,将部门、问责链、机制整合起来,发挥综合效应,进一步促进我国高等学校科研诚信问责制度体系现代化,提升科研诚信问题治理能力,提高科研诚信水平.  相似文献   

高职院校通过学生满意度调查,获得学生对教学质量、管理质量、学习生活条件等方面指标的满意度评价、重要性评价.以黎明职业大学实施的学生满意度调查为例,论述学生满意度调查对高职院校发展战略制定所起的作用:对各指标获得的满意度评价、重要性评价排序,划定各指标在重要性、满意度的或高或低的级别,构建重要性-满意度战略矩阵4象限.从“项目带动”的策略着眼,将处在4个象限的指标划定为关乎学校未来发展的强势项目、挑战项目、可调整项目、需持续改进项目.  相似文献   

高校教师分类管理在本质上就是高校管理主体依照一定的管理制度和规范,对专任教师进行差异化管理的实践活动。美国圣路易斯社区学院的教师分类管理制度由以"教学"为中心的教师分类聘任制度、以"规范"为特征的教师分类调配制度、以"学术交流"为主轴的教师分类培训制度、以"全职教师"为核心的教师分类薪酬制度、以"学校职能"为标准的教师分类考核制度和以"严谨人性"为特性的教师分类退出制度等六个方面构成。其经验启示中国应用技术性院校应注重教师分类管理与学校发展阶段相适应;构建完备的教师分类管理制度体系;强调服务意识;引入竞争机制;改善教师薪酬待遇;尊重教师个体差异并加强校内外教师合作交流。  相似文献   

高职学院学生社团建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
审视高职学院学生社团建设现状,普遍存在整体设计不足;发展规划缺失; "隐性教育"意识缺失等问题.学生社团应纳入学校的素质教育和发展规划之中,从建设和谐校园的战略高度重新思考,通过整体规划分级管理,推行学分制管理等方式,实现高职学院学生社团建设水平的整体提升.  相似文献   

Believing that accountability could be a vehicle for change, the California Department of Education (CDE) requires all high school students to pass the Calfornia High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) in order to graduate. In doing so, California joins many others states in mandating a high school exit exam as a current or future requirement for graduation. In this essay, the authors will argue that this testing approach to school change is based on myths about the role of assessment, the information testing can provide and the impact high stakes testing has on urban schools. Although California is the focus of this analysis, these issues are salient across the county. Testing as a solution to poor student achievement is based on faulty assumptions. It is these assumptions this piece seeks to address.
Joi SpencerEmail:

The development of the integrated Bachelor of Engineering course at the University of Ballarat represents a strategic approach to curriculum design. This approach has been adopted for the development of a completely new course to address the desired attributes of the twenty-first century engineering graduates and to ensure that the content of the course encourages deep rather than surface approaches to learning. The objectives of the new course involve the development of graduates who are independent learners (lifelong learners) and are able to operate autonomously and in teams in tomorrow's world, coping with challenges and opportunities vastly different from those currently practising engineers have faced in their professional lives. The conceptual framework of this course is based on the integration of engineering disciplines with engineering design and systems as integrating themes.  相似文献   

发展远程教育和继续教育,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,是党的十七大提出的重要任务。社区是社会的基本构成单位,加强社区教育是建设学习型社会的基本途径,而社区教育的课程设计则是实施好社区教育的重要前提。苏州市平江区平江路街道,在社区教育中能充分体现课程特色,取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

地方高校的课程设计是地方高校培养高层次应用性人才的基础和保障。科学设计课程.既是国家培养高素质人才和提高国民素质的需要,也是高校自身发展目标、使命和价值观的要求。因此地方高等学校应从战略计划、结构设计、课程发展策略等角度加强课程设计,以更好地满足人才培养的需要,为社会输送高层次、应用型合格人才,促进地方经济和社会发展。  相似文献   

Higher education in Croatia isconfronted with new trends and quality demandsmostly connected with Bologna processes. It isassumed that Croatian universities with theirexisting governance structures, characterisedby strong state regulation and weakinstitutional administration, cannot respondeffectively to new demands. Findings of thesurvey on conceptions of governance at theCroatian universities are presented in thepaper, with its main aim to explore academicstaff's perception of university governance.The idea of the university as a ``learningorganisation' with strong leadership and engagedacademic staff is taken as the desired model.Mapping the opinions of academic staff on thepresent governance structures, their role ingovernance issues, and making an inventory oftheir perceptions of strengths and weaknessesof governance processes, forms importantbackground for reflections on adequatemodifications in academic governance.  相似文献   

关于职业院校构建职业技能训练体系的个案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过个案研究,认识职业院校构建职业技能训练体系的意义,概括体系建设的基本形式,分析建设过程中的主要问题及解决办法,为职业院校加强实训能力建设、推进工学结合半工半读、创新人才培养模式,在实践层面上提供一个参考与借鉴的样本.  相似文献   

贵州城市人口文化建设的重点是社区人口文化建设.城市社区人口文化建设内容、目标和任务因城市社区居民身份、民族、地域、经济以及现念方面的差异而各具特殊性.当前这项工程的实践领域在取得较为明显的成就同时,尚有许多问题存在或值得探讨.如何对当前城市人口文化建设的社区模式做一改进和优化,全面推动社区模式的成功个案普遍化,这关系到城市人口的全面发展,甚至是城市发展的重大目标的实现.而科学的、符合长远利益的城市社区人口发展路径,是一种包含多个层面的综合选择.  相似文献   

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