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Tapia  Javier 《The Urban Review》2000,32(1):25-44
Recent research indicates that learning and the academic performance of Mexican-American students are influenced by the interplay of economic, cultural, linguistic, and educational factors. In this work, a household analysis is used to illustrate how students' schooling and academic achievement are influenced by household members' activities at home, in the community, and in the schools. The study reports that a household analysis help us understand the relative weight of these factors in shaping students' school performance, and that it also accounts for differential academic achievement in any Mexican-American community. This household analysis indicates that level of family stability and the social and economic conditions of poor communities are the strongest factors affecting students' learning and academic achievement.  相似文献   

得失并存的区域开发--美国西部开发的经验与教训   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国西进运动是一次大规模的移民拓殖运动。美国西部的迅速崛起 ,是按纯粹资本主义的方式发展起来的 ,它为其他国家落后地区的开发提供了丰富的经验 :西部开发以大规模人口迁移为基础 ;优先发展交通运输业 ;农牧并举 ;美国政府的参与 ;城市化带动西部开发。美国西部开发虽然是成功的 ,但是从长远来看 ,它对于美国社会和经济发展也有一些消极影响 :生态环境遭到严重破坏 ;驱逐、掠夺和屠杀印第安人 ;土地投机和土地垄断使农民遭受沉重的盘剥  相似文献   

In this paper, taking as our point of departure the importance of China’s “boya” education (BYE) and the West’s liberal arts education (LAE) in an era that will be increasingly dominated by information technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we examine the importance of BYE in Mainland China and LAE in the U.S. and Hong Kong. We argue that (a) the recent resurgence and growing significance of LAE in the world has been due to the right skill sets it provides in the information technology era in which many new jobs will be created and existing jobs destroyed ; (b) professional or technical training is not only compatible with the fundamental values of boya or liberal arts but also important in showcasing the strengths of BYE and LAE; (c) the combined benefits of BYE or LAE and professional or technical training may be achieved by adopting the main features of LAE such as its broad-based curriculum and whole-person development approach to undergraduate education or by combining a student's undergraduate and postgraduate studies over time; and (d) for BYE to achieve its goals in China it should occupy a central rather than tangential role in the undergraduate curriculum.  相似文献   

本文认为随着美国南亚政策的调整,1962年中印边界冲突前,美巴的盟友关系出现了潜在的裂缝。中印边界冲突发生后,美国在未同巴基斯坦磋商的情况下向印度提供军事援助,导致美巴关系出现危机。冲突停止后,美巴关系继续恶化,在1965年印巴战争爆发后降到了历史的最低点。本文也认为美巴关系发生剧变有其非常复杂的原因。  相似文献   

In response to the national conversation about the U.S.-Mexico border and immigration in recent years, we created an online partnership between students in concurrent border studies courses at our two campuses: a public Hispanic-serving institution in South Texas and a private, small liberal arts college in Michigan. We explored whether and how the tensions between privileged and disadvantaged students documented in the traditional classroom would manifest online, and how we could use virtual technologies most effectively to structure transformative learning, defined as recognition and articulation of the structural and cultural systems that frame individual experience and meaning-making, across difference. As we document in this essay, tensions around racial, class, and educational inequality did occur in our partnership. Yet these tensions were crucial in creating the conditions for transformative learning because they generated “disorienting dilemmas” that challenged students’ assumptions and knowledge. Our intentional integration of critical multiculturalist curriculum and pedagogical practices (especially embodied, facilitated online interactions) capitalized upon those conditions. By the end of the partnership, both groups of students experienced significant—but distinctive—trajectories of transformative learning that unsettled not only their individual understandings, but also the dynamics of power that characterize the higher education landscape. Given the polarization wrought by border and immigration discourse and educational policies that will likely produce increasingly segregated campuses in years to come, such online partnerships show promise for critical multiculturalist educators seeking to create opportunities for learning across difference and inequality.  相似文献   

美国继续教育经过一百多年的发展,其涉及面广、专业性强、影响力大,在继续教育理念、运行系统、保障机制及具体执行等各方面都呈现出鲜明特色.美国继续教育的经验对我国开展继续教育提供了有效参考,通过行业协会搭建桥梁落实政策、依据多方需求设计培训内容、解决社会急需领域人才培养、成效为本注重培训效果、开展远程教育扩大教育规模、提升教育对象学习动机、引入市场竞争优化培训市场等举措进一步提升我国继续教育水准.  相似文献   

温世浩   《复旦教育论坛》2007,5(6):92-94
美国国家科学院医学研究所(IOM)建议医学院校在医学必修课程中增加有关补充和替代医学(CAM)的内容,使本科生将来有能力为病人提供CAM治疗.作者通过对古巴的考察,了解了古巴是如何把CAM(或NTM)结合到各级临床医疗护理和医学教育中的,这些经验对于落实IOM的建议具有帮助作用.  相似文献   

一般认为,美国金融危机缘起金融技术创新.文章审视美国金融危机的政治学背景,从而把研究视角延伸到与经济自由主义互为因果的政治结构--"企业化政府".首先,美国金融危机是企业政治战略与企业化政府相互作用的政治过程,它基于特定的经济利益、并借助于公共权力,把自由主义理念扩大至公共领域;其次,伴随着经济上的自由主义思潮,在政治上形成了以企业为中心的政治结构,从规制政府到企业化政府,金融机构被引入非规则的"私"的领域;第三,"企业化政府"构筑了金融资本主义的政治结构,它表现为"公"权力的弱化,以及投机、掠夺的财富积累过程;最后,文章从方法论层面对企业化政府的表述提出疑义,进而指出走出金融危机的政治学路径,即"效率、公正与自由".  相似文献   

尽管由于1983年危机报告的渲染,美国被喻为在"危机中",并由国家的危机归因到教育的危机,但这与其说呈现的是危机的事实,不如说它更是一种可贵的危机意识,是一个危机策略。危机意识是美国文化的重要组成部分,是美国振兴教育的重要策略,要用它来引发对教育的关注并推进教育改革,旨在激发美国人的斗志和爱国热情,这是一种非常高端的危机意识。真正的危机不在教育问题的严峻,而在压根就没有意识到问题的严峻。  相似文献   

通过对美国高等学校入学考试产业的运营的了解,反思我国考试市场、“考试经济”无序、紊乱的现状,提出健全考试制度、建立非政府的考试机构、制定刚性市场规则等三点建议,以期使考试市场沿着健康、有序的轨道发展。  相似文献   

Teachers are more likely to be found in rural communities and low-wage metropolitan areas than are college-educated workers in other occupations. This analysis explores the extent to which the geographic distribution of teachers explains the relatively low average wage found in other studies. The analysis suggests that excluding geographic indicators from the analysis downwardly biases estimates of relative teacher wages. One important implication of these findings is that researchers should pay attention to geographic wage variations when making earnings comparisons between teaching and other occupations.  相似文献   


When one decides to cross the border of a nation due to political oppression and poverty, it is a crucial decision for the whole world and time around them. Many people make the treacherous journey across economic systems and political and religious background to pursue human dignity and happiness. Among many refugee groups who cross such borders, my research pays attention to North Korean refugees in the United States and their settlement process. As North Korean refugees enter this land of freedom and prosperity, are they provided adequate aid and education to redirect their mindset from communism to capitalism, from oppression and trauma to living together? What is the role of the faith community and of religious education in it? Based on postcolonial feminist practical theology, this paper explores the journey together and offers a pedagogy of coexistence and mutual transformation.  相似文献   

In 2001, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began the process of redesigning the U.S. naturalization tests due to concerns that the current testing procedure may not be sufficiently uniform, and that the test content may not be appropriate. A National Research Council committee issued recommendations, based largely on the Standards , to ensure that the redesigned tests would be scientifically and politically defensible; however, USCIS chose not to follow much of the committee's advice. This article summarizes some lessons for the measurement community and possible strategies for getting policymakers to pay more attention to the Standards .  相似文献   

谈美国的"新干涉主义"及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束后,世界进入了一个新的历史时期,美国成为了世界上唯一的超级大国,“新干涉主义”也随之出台。“新干涉主义”的出台有其背景和条件,对世界的影响极大。面队“新干涉主义”,中国应积极面队,冷静思考,沉着对待并制定相应的措施来减轻对中国的副影响。  相似文献   

This article explores the transfer of U.S. technologies to three maquilas, or joint U.S.-Mexican manufacturing facilities in northern Mexico. Drawing on case study methods, it focuses on the rhetorical strategies that Mexican engineers and manufacturing personnel used to translate U.S. technologies and corresponding documentation for their Mexican contexts. It also suggests ways U.S. technical communicators can adapt their documentation to be more effective for these U.S.-Mexican intercultural rhetorical contexts.  相似文献   

批评话语分析(CDA)认为语言是一种社会实践,语言和社会结构是密不可分的,而意识形态作为社会上层建筑,是社会结构中的一个重要方面。文章通过系统功能语法的及物性、评价、词汇语法三个方面对邱吉尔的《关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话》进行批评话语分析,以此来挖掘这篇政治讲话背后的意识形态。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期以来,美国研究型大学推出了许多教育创新措施,积累了丰富的经验,如根据社会经济发展需要及时调整大学教育的培养目标,将教育改革与创新建立在一定的理论基础之上,采用整体策略推进本科生教育改革,以经费支持推进本科生教育改革,创新与保守并举等。同时,也有一些教训值得吸取,如改革中的形式主义等。  相似文献   

从颜色革命的特征及形成原因入手,分析其对俄罗斯造成的影响与后果。探讨了美国为首的西方国家搞颜色革命的动机与手段,认为颜色革命是美国为首的西方国家不断挤压俄罗斯战略空间的有力武器。美国将可能利用颜色革命来推行全球霸权战略,这将对中国的国家利益造成负面影响,特别是将给中国西部边疆的安全带来隐患。  相似文献   

"柠檬水起义"的新闻报道具有一定的代表性,它折射出了美国的新闻舆论影响力。纵观事件发展的过程,网络传播与媒介互动,无疑为扩大舆论影响力起到了推波助澜的作用,但美国公众舆论传播的特殊性才是该事件由"小"到"大"的根本原因。  相似文献   

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