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There is a marked tendency in educational research to marginalise the written word, and to be wary of what I here call its ‘writerliness’: its capacity to go beyond the prosaic and the utilitarian, where meaning is understood largely in terms of the success of language in reflecting reality. I note various symptoms of this in the world of educational research, but especially in standard textbooks of educational research method, where the ambition to eliminate writing is particularly evident. In its second half the paper turns to educational research as the investigation less of causes than of meaning. Here writing—finding the right words—is itself research, rather than a process that is first performed according to various protocols of method and then ‘written up’. I draw on an illuminating discussion of this in Raimond Gaita's Introduction to recent editions of Peter Winch's The Idea of a Social Science and apply it to current debate over discipline in UK schools.  相似文献   

Centering the voices of Teachers of Color creates an opportunity to understand frequently overlooked ways in which they navigate racial hierarchies in their quest to teach and thrive in schools settings. This research study places aspiring and current Teachers of Color at the center by examining their teaching and learning experiences through the analysis of their written testimonies to identify common academic and professional interests and explore how they navigate challenges to these interests.  相似文献   

十八大分别从国家、社会及个人三个方面概括出社会主义和谐价值观的基本内容。正确的社会价值观对于大学生的价值观和行为起到引导和规范的作用,本文探讨如何使大学生在日常生活、学习中自觉践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

The ideal of educational equality is fundamentally grounded in the egalitarian principle that social and institutional arrangements should be designed to give equal consideration to all . However, beyond this broad stipulation, the precise content of the ideal of educational equality is more difficult to determine. In this article, I aim to contribute to the debate on equality in education by dealing with the current, contentious issue of provision for students with disabilities and special educational needs. Thus, the paper addresses the question of what constitutes a just provision for these students, and it provides an answer in terms of the capability approach, as developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum.  相似文献   

卓越的社会流动性,可以使贫寒子代与富庶子代不受父辈阶层束缚,拥有大致相等的机会从而获得良好的社会处境,而教育通常被认为是促进社会流动性提升、减少社会不平等的主要路径。芬兰以卓越的社会流动性和"教育世界第一"的美名著称,这与其紧紧围绕教育公平、教育质量和终身学习的教育理念促进教育发展和社会公平密不可分。其主要教育行动包括:学校系统的全免费制度、无差异学校、路路通式教育体系、高师资标准;政府系统的援助性财政计划、规范型政策法规、信任型指导体制、劳动力预测网络;社会系统的第三方教育评估、企业积极支持、公民社会组织等。  相似文献   

Latino students are significantly underrepresented in higher education. As the largest and fastest growing racial/ethnic population in the US, this is cause for national concern. Additionally, this rapid population growth is a call for community and school leaders from underserved communities to assess their service areas and focus on interventions to increase the college-going rates of youth. Maywood is a city located in Southeast Los Angeles. Like many other urban areas, Maywood’s largely Latino population is underrepresented in higher education. This research focused on interviewing Maywood’s community and school leaders (n = 24) to gain insight into their perceptions of their role and responsibility to address issues surrounding their community’s low levels of educational attainment. A key theme emerged revealing that leaders understand their community’s educational issues but do not see their role as leaders to directly address this issue to build a college-going culture. Implications for practice in strengthening community partnerships and developing a college-going culture are provided and a series of recommendations for the creation of a college-going culture are discussed.  相似文献   

教育场域中的贫困大学生群体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等教育收费制度改革的深入,高校贫困生问题日益突出。大学生贫困不仅在于经济和心理层面,更为根本的是他们由于社会生活环境、受教育经历等造成的文化资本占有数量和效用上的贫困,他们的惯习在与教育场域的逻辑相冲突时所采取的策略不利于个体的长远发展。因此,应推进基础教育的均衡发展,实现教育公平;关注贫困大学生的生存困境,完善国家贫困生资助体系;建立弱势群体补偿制度,推动社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

教育是一门艺术,谈话是学生思想工作中最常用、最普遍的方法.教育者的谈话艺术如何,将会在很大程度上决定其教育工作的质量.但长期以来,由于我们的认识水平所限,在传统德育模式的实践过程中采用谈话方法往往会出现一些偏差.首先,在谈话目的上更多地体现为"说服"教育,只重视解决学生的问题行为现象,只要问题解决了,学生听话了就行,老师不注意对学生心理层面的调整.  相似文献   

主体教育:我国走向新世纪的一种教育理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经过十几年的理论和实验研究,主体教育理论已经深入人心,成为我国走向新世纪的最有生命力的一种教育理论之一。其基本理念体现在其价值观、过程观、评价观和目的观;其理论发展的根本特征是对传统的和现代的主体理论的超越和创新。对现代哲学、心理学最新理论的不断吸收和扬弃;其理论发展的动力来源是中国的教育国情和丰富的实验研究:  相似文献   

高校学生教育管理工作现存问题及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着社会主义市场经济的发展,当今社会对大学生的要求越来越高,它不仅要求大学生具有扎实的专业知识,而且要求大学生具有良好的身体和心理素质、较强的实践和动手能力。培养学生学会做人、学会求知、学会劳动、学会生活、学会发展。如何培养和造就高素质、创造性思维的人才,给我们的教育思想、教育观念、教育内容、教育方法等提出了挑战,也给高校学生教育管理工作提出了新的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

教育是一种价值创造过程。通过价值链系统化的视角分析教育活动的价值基础,可以发现教育主体的真实归属。教育以教学为基本活动途径,单纯地从"教"或"学"的价值链出发,得到的只能是"教师主体论"或"学生主体论"的片面主体论点,无法全面认识教育活动。要找到教育主体的真正归属,只有构建完整的教育价值链,认识到教育是教与学共同作用的结果,它们有一个共同的价值基础(人的主体性的发挥)和共同的价值实践过程(理念教育),进而认识到教育主体是由教师和学生所组成的人的"类"主体。  相似文献   

When educators develop and introduce new learning approaches or resources, they usually have specific didactic goals in mind that they want to achieve. However, these goals may not always match the needs of their students, who often confound such plans by finding new and different uses for the educational tools that are offered to them. Originating from the author’s work as the histology component director at the University of Michigan, the experience described here provides an example of a learning resource being reappropriated by the learning community. In order to encourage dental students to study histological micrographs after faculty-guided laboratory sessions were eliminated, the author prepared and offered them a series of PowerPoint files with histology images and some corresponding questions. However, instead of increasing their motivation to use the online virtual microscopy resources, students adapted this new tool for reviewing the material and for self-evaluation whether they were prepared for upcoming examinations. Although the product did not succeed as originally devised, it turned into a very popular review resource for the author’s students. Students’ feedback and critical input, as well as their active participation in producing additional, similar learning tools were the deciding factors for this successful change of purpose and the further development and refinement of this new learning resource.  相似文献   

自2012年《投资美国的未来:职业技术教育变革蓝图》实施以来,美国对生涯与技术教育(CTE)实施了一系列的变革举措:统筹和协调各方教育资源、建立和维护多方合作关系、结合法律与问责、加强认证与激励。当然,CTE在变革中也遇到一些问题,如政府的高度重视与公众的歧视态度形成鲜明对比,教育供给与当前产业的需求存在偏差。借鉴美国CTE经验,我国职业技术教育应转变教育理念并系统规划未来、设计科学合理的保障配套机制、平衡政府监管与市场机制之间的关系。  相似文献   

本研究以379名四到六年级小学生为被试,采用问卷法考察了小学生自我报告的教育期望、学业自我效能感及其父母报告的教育卷入行为,并通过学校获得小学生的学业成绩。结果发现,小学生教育期望、学业自我效能感均对其学业成绩有显著的正向预测作用,且教育期望、学业自我效能感与父母教育卷入的三阶交互作用显著。对三阶交互作用的进一步分析发现:(1)当小学生学业自我效能感较高且教育期望较高时,父母教育卷入对学业成绩有负向预测作用;(2)当小学生学业自我效能感较高但教育期望较低时,父母教育卷入对学业成绩有正向预测作用;(3)当小学生学业自我效能感较低时,无论其教育期望高或低,父母教育卷入对学业成绩均无显著预测作用。上述研究结果表明,小学生的学业自我效能感水平牵制了其教育期望是否在父母教育卷入与学业成绩的关系间起调节作用。  相似文献   

奥林匹克主义是人类文明的奇迹,它的精神实质是教育人、锻炼人、培养人。当代大学生教育面临许多新问题,将奥林匹克精神纳入学校教育体系,可以提升大学生思想境界,培养其合作精神、诚信品质。用奥林匹克精神教育大学生,促进其身心健康发展,既可以使奥林匹克精神更加深入人心,也可以扩大学校教育的精神文明内涵。  相似文献   

信息技术的广泛应用,使社会处于信息化状态.这不仅给现代教育带来了发展的动力和机遇,也给学习主体带来巨大影响,表现出双重效应.以信息技术教育促进学生主体性的实现,是现代教育的必经之路,我们必须采取相应的措施,将学生的主体性原则贯串于信息技术教育教学过程的始终.  相似文献   

导学共同体是新时代研究生教育改革发展背景下导学关系构建的新思路。其内涵是导师与研究生在共同的道德遵循和价值追求基础上,以知识传创和全面育人为目的,在共同体验的研习环境中, 通过参与、合作和交流,实现自我价值和共同发展的教育形态与交往过程,主要体现为一种平等性、交互性、共生性的发展关系。导学共同体具有三重内涵特征——学术共同体、价值共同体、育人共同体;导学共同体的构建和发展得益于共同的价值、明晰的权责、共情的体验、充分的沟通和科学的评价。同时,介绍了浙江大学导学团队建设的思路和举措。  相似文献   


This quantitative study examined the predictive impact of a series of factors on female community college students’ intention to transfer in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The STEM Student Success Literacy survey (SSSL) was utilized to collect data from a large, diverse community college located in Florida. After the data cleaning and preparation, the authors first constructed a model that measures potentially predictive factors such as social capital, student engagement, and chilly climate. Then, a regression model including these factors and demographic characteristics was tested using a multinomial regression analysis. Findings generated implications for future research, policy, and practice to better serve and assist female students in their pursuit of a STEM degree.  相似文献   

对国外成人依恋量表(Adult Attachment Scale,AAS)翻译后分两次对国内799名大学生施测,删除不合适的项目后检验其信效度,结果表明:修订的 AAS 分为依恋回避和依恋焦虑两个维度,依恋回避维度包括7个项目、依恋焦虑维度包括6个项目;探索性因素分析显示项目因子载荷在0.42~0.75之间,两个因素共可解释总体变异的45.23%;验证性因素分析的各项拟合指数均较为理想;依恋回避和依恋焦虑两个维度的会聚效度、区分效度、效标效度、α系数、组合信度均达到了心理测量学的要求。修订的 AAS 能真实和稳定地测量大学生的成人依恋,可以作为评估工具在以后的研究中加以运用。  相似文献   

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