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Research Findings: The current study reports on the results of a longitudinal investigation of the language and early literacy development of a sample of dual-language learners (DLLs) and monolingual English speakers from low-income families who received an Early Reading First intervention during their Head Start preschool year. A total of 62 children who entered and remained in the same school district were followed from kindergarten through 2nd grade. The results indicate that both the DLLs and monolingual English speakers in the study showed similar developmental trajectories on receptive vocabulary, story recall, decoding, and letter and word identification from preschool through the 2nd grade. Furthermore, at the end of 2nd grade, the 2 groups' vocabulary, story recall, reading fluency, decoding, and letter and word identification performances were similar and within the normal range for children their age. Practice or Policy: The study's findings suggest that a strong preschool language and literacy program can reduce the English language gap between DLLs and monolingual English speakers from low-income families.  相似文献   

诗歌语言常常表现为对日常用语的偏离,制造一种“陌生化”的语言效果,从而“最大限度地突出话语”,使语言符号的表现功能处于支配地位,以达到向内在情感的接近,获得对于诗情、诗昧的最高体悟。  相似文献   

花园路径句探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁平 《怀化学院学报》2009,28(9):105-107
花园路径现象是一种复杂而有趣的语言现象,给人们造成了理解上的困难。旨在从认知和心理语言学的角度,结合句法、语用几个方面的研究成果来探讨花园路径现象,从而揭示人类语言的内在规律,对语言学习和语言理解产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

当前,部分大学生在学习生活中存在着思想困惑、经济困窘、心理困扰、学习困难和就业困境等问题。大学生"五困"现象是高校人才培养需面对的新情况。解决大学生"五困"问题应通过完善思想教育体系,加强制度和队伍建设,加强组织保障,更新观念,完善机制,在学校与社会的互动中帮助学生解决实际困难,促进学生全面成才。  相似文献   

马华新生代散文作家成为90年代以来马华文坛的一股重要的新势力,他们的创作在传承基础上进行审美品格与语言、文体的全方位创新,代表了马华散文新的高度.同时由于与报纸副刊的依存度高,马华散文又呈现出消费时代文化消费的商业性特征.  相似文献   

Beating the ban     

肖潇 《海外英语》2011,(9):235+238
如今人们或多或少在网上追看过欧美影视剧,尤其近两年人们开始热议网络上许多影视剧开头出现的"字幕组"及其产生的社会效应。该文从字幕组的兴起初探影视剧翻译的归化趋势。  相似文献   

Differences in preservice elementary school teachers' perceptions between divisibility by two, or 'evenness' and divisibility by another number have been observed. This led to an inquiry into participants' understanding of the parity of the whole numbers. The results reveal that the equivalence of the number properties of being 'even' and being 'divisible by two' is not taken for granted. Rather, the parity is often perceived as a function of the last digit of the number. The extent of this perception is investigated. Some pedagogical approaches are considered.  相似文献   


Researchers are often reluctant to rely on classification rates because a model with favorable classification rates but poor separation may not replicate well. In comparison, entropy captures information about borderline cases unlikely to generalize to the population. In logistic regression, the correctness of predicted group membership is known, however, this information has not yet been utilized in entropy calculations. The purpose of this study was to, 1) introduce three new variants of entropy as approximate-model-fit measures, 2) establish rule-of-thumb thresholds to determine whether a theoretical model fits the data, and 3) investigate empirical Type I error and statistical power associated with those thresholds. Results are presented from two Monte Carlo simulations. Simulation results indicated that EFR-rescaled was the most representative of overall model effect size, whereas EFR provided the most intuitive interpretation for all group size ratios. Empirically-derived thresholds are provided.  相似文献   

研究生培养中学术门户现象探析及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文尝试把围绕导师和学生建立起来的各种关系以及由此产生的各种要素,如学术传承、情感动力、人格影响、育人环境、专业、氛围、主客体等等通称之为“学术门户”。作者认为,学术门户既不是人为的产物,也不是行政的产物,它完全是伴随导师和学生交互关系的确立而自然形成的。因此,要合理引导,加强建设,扬长避短。  相似文献   

九十年代以来,中国社会开始由计划经济向市场经济转型,消费社会的建立导致了文学商品化现象的产生.商品化的文学显现出消闲娱乐、躲避崇高、发泄欲望的特征,它有着一定的理论来源,也和整个当代中国的社会、政治、经济、文化状况有着不可分割的联系.  相似文献   

关心是一种关系德性,在关系中生成关心。关心之于教育的作用是实现教育目的的一种途径。教学作为教育的基本途径,自然承载了实现关心的重大责任。  相似文献   

《蝶恋花·向板仓》是毛泽东痛悼夫人杨开慧的一首婉约词。全词集凄楚、痛惜、愧疚、哀恸与悲愤为一体,如泣如诉,哀婉绝伦,声情并茂,凄美动人。同时又像毛泽东其他婉约词一样,婉约与豪壮并存。既有凄婉的儿女情长,又有悲壮的时代风云;既是悲情的宣泄,也是怒火的喷发;既是哀婉的悼亡之作,也是悲愤的复仇之音;既催人泪下,又震撼人心。  相似文献   

Treating leadership as a supercomplex phenomenon and relating leadership research to the philosophical disciplines is a way to begin to understand its enigmatic and fluid nature. Its theories are living theories that change in an ever-dynamic world. Leadership is a phenomenon embedded in experience. This article examines leadership against the backdrop of the disciplines of philosophy (ontology, epistemology, politics, axiology and ethics, and aesthetics) with particular emphasis on phenomenology. I suggest that leaders and followers understand and filter subjective experiences through self-reflection until self-awareness is achieved in the moment by pausing and filtering subjective experiences before responding to people and situations. As a consequence, our intentions can be ethically focused, politically mitigated, and directed appropriately. Additionally, inappropriate intentions can be assuaged if the leader is self-aware and present in the moment.  相似文献   

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