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It is argued that the concept of ethos connects with Bourdieu's 'habitus' and the notion of situated learning. It can be argued that ethos can be defined as an organisation's habitus. An ecological perspective suggests that habituses external to the school provide dispositions that continuously construct and re-construct school ethos, and the evolving ethos itself provides developing dispositions and contexts for situated co-learning and participation in communities of practice; for example, shared learning about how to learn. Some implications for school improvement and leadership in schools are discussed.  相似文献   

二战后,为满足以色列儿童心理成长和能力促进的实际需要,以弗厄斯坦为代表的以色列教育学家和认知心理学家提出了中介学习经验理论并将之应用于教育实践。该理论从教授者与学习者间交互作用的视角看待学习者的认知发展与学习,主张个体的认知结构是一个开放的系统,教授者在中介学习过程中可采用多种有益的中介策略指导和训练儿童,以促进他们认知能力的提高和认知结构的改善,并推动其学习潜能的实现。该理论的实践应用包括:1)构建学习潜能评估工具,用它评价个体认知能力的改变,诊断个体的认知缺陷;2)设立工具强化程序并施之于教学中以巩固儿童已改变的认知结构。中介学习经验理论对于在测评和教学中动态把握和促进巩固儿童的潜能发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article provides a brief overview of the framework of nonlinear pedagogy and evidence emanating from motor learning literature that underpins a nonlinear pedagogical approach. In addition, challenges for nonlinear pedagogy and a discussion on how nonlinear pedagogy support the work of physical education (PE) teachers will be shared. Evidence from the increasing volume of work on nonlinear learning from motor learning literature is used to suggest how acquisition of movement skills is supported by nonlinearity. The emergence of goal-directed behaviors is a consequence of the performer, environmental, and task constraints. With a nonlinear pedagogy approach, the focus is on the individual learner where opportunities for meaningful actions can be learnt. Design principles based on representativeness, focus of attention, functional variability, manipulation of constraints, and ensuring relevant information-movement couplings can be delivered via pedagogical channels of instructions, practices, and feedback to the learners. Importantly, this focus on the individual sets the foundation for a developing nonlinear pedagogy framework to enhance teaching in PE although the challenges are non-trivial.  相似文献   

学科与专业、学科专业与行业专业既相互依存,又不能相互替代,它们共同决定教育培养人才的质量和数量。学科专业知识是学科、专业和社会行业实践发展的科学基础,社会行业实践需要是学科、专业及其知识发展的不竭动力,提高认识和实践能力都是学科、专业及其知识发展的目标。高等教育的专业划分、设置和人才培养应该是学科知识标准和行业活动性质标准的结合,既满足学科发展及其对知识和人才的需要,又满足行业发展及其对人才和知识的需要。但中国高等教育过去的专业划分和设置基本以学科为本位和标准,轻视满足行业实践需要;重视学科专业、教育宏观实践和基本理论研究和教学,轻视满足行业专业需要和对教育教学实践服务;与教育教学实践紧密结合的学科教育、教师教育与注重理论和宏观研究的教育学学科教育关系模糊,学科教育、教师教育组织及其教师长期游离于教育学学科之外;以自然科学的科学化为评判标准评价教育科学和不能很好应用自然科学与人文社会科学相结合的方法形成有效指导教育实践的合理性教育理论而不断遭遇质疑;由于过分追求科学化、专门化和专业化,而远离大众生活,不能很好应用于大众生活教育,造成许多严重问题。社会发展的不同阶段对人才的质量和数量有不同的需求,教育学发展必须根据社会发展需求,适时调整、改造专业结构和相互关系,通过合理定位专业目标和优化专业结构、设置,持续强化学科专业与行业专业及其自身相互给予有力支持的关系,解决实然轨迹与普遍逻辑的矛盾,提高创新能力和教育质量,满足社会需求,促进教师教育、中小学教育等各层面教育的科学发展及其对教育学学科和专业的需求和支持。  相似文献   


Employing Connelly and Xu’s (this issue) conceptualisation of reciprocal learning, the article explores the potential for reciprocal learning about pedagogy provided by a body of PISA-inspired literature on high-performing education systems. I argue that the opportunities for reciprocal learning provided by that body of literature is rather limited and problematic because of its uncritical acceptance of the OECD’s basic premises about PISA and because of its employment of the ‘best practices’ approach to policy borrowing. Using Singapore as a case, I contend that reciprocal learning needs to be informed by the cultural historical narratives behind the development of an education system and a theory of pedagogy that locates the practice of teaching within a broad social, institutional, and instructional context of schooling. I discuss lessons from and for Singapore concerning the purposes of schooling, institutional norms and arrangements, and pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - This study examines parents', teachers', and administrators', responses to the theory of multiculturalism. The research identifies the linkage of multicultural...  相似文献   


A teaching life can be a powerful intervention into the structures of racial antagonism that shape the West, but only if we can find a way to overturn our colonial legacies and draw the dominant trajectories of Western educational institutions toward more life giving ends. A life that teaches in this racially agonistic moment must be angled in a new direction beyond simply building intellectual capacities, toward presenting an embodied desire to learn from and join others. To be teachers who live by faith at this moment is to be those who speak a word of belonging not simply by their words but by their lives.  相似文献   

Infusing critical race theory, the authors discuss specific pedagogical strategies to enhance educational experiences of counselor trainees. The authors then provide an evaluative checklist to facilitate and evaluate curricular integration of critical race theory.  相似文献   

Faculty/staff workshops provide a way of enhancing teaching and learning strategies and pedagogical techniques. We include faculty/staff development workshops designed to create team that taught interdisciplinary courses which address issues of diversity and democracy for first year students. Strategic planning of the workshop and responsiveness to participants' needs and interests engender collegiality, collaboration, and curricular change. Dr. Janet Moore Lindman is an Associate Professor in the History Department and Coordinator of the Women's Studies Program. Dr. Maria Tahamont is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and Coordinator of Rowan Seminar at Rowan University. The authors are co-principal investigators of the New Jersey Campus Diversity Initiative funded by the Bildner Family Foundation.  相似文献   

The authors have designed a number of courses at Arizona State University, which were delivered on the internet and supported with computer conferencing software. In this paper the authors will present an online course, discuss issues relating to online learning environments, reflect on their experiences from teaching online and discuss the findings of the course evaluation. Emphasis of the discussion will be on the pedagogical principles for effective teaching and evaluation of learning in an online environment.

Principes de pédagogie et d'évaluation pour l'apprentissage fondé sur le Web

Les auteurs ont conçu et élaboré un certain nombre de cours à l'Université d'Etat de l'Arizona qui ont été donnés sur Internet, complétés par des logiciels de conférences. Dans cet article les auteurs présentent un cours en ligne, discutant des problèmes soulevés par les environnements des apprentissages en ligne, réfléchissant sur leurs expériences d'enseignants utilisant ce mode d'enseignement et discutant des résultats des évaluations des cours. L'accent sera mis sur les principes pédagogiques conduisant à un enseignement efficace et à une évaluation de l'apprentissage dans un tel environnement.

Grundregeln von Pädagogik und Evaluation für web-basiertes Lernen

Die Autoren haben eine Anzahl von Kursen an der Arizona Landesuniversität entworfen, die auf das Internet geliefert und mit Computer-Conferencing-Software unterstützt wurden. In diesem Papier stellen die Autoren einen Onlinekurs vor, behandeln Einzelfragen in bezug auf Onlinelernumgebungen, reflektieren ihre Erfahrungen über das Online-Unterrichten und behandeln die Frage der Kursauswertung. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stehen pädagogische Grundregeln für effektives Lehren und die Überprüfung des Lernens in einer Online-Umgebung.  相似文献   

经验、体验与文学   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对于文学创作来说, 经验与体验是不同的。经验是他的生物的或社会的阅历。体验是经历中见出个性、深义和诗意的情感。经验只是知识的积累。体验是价值的叩问。体验具有超越性。它给文学带来的是情感的诗意化、意义的深刻化和感受的个性化。体验的美学功能  相似文献   

教育学行动与体验是师范生真正地将外在于自身的学科知识内化为自己的教育经验和教育思想的一个动态生成的过程,具有可接受性、亲历性和经验性.它通过行动体验、回忆反思、叙述共享、跨主体再建构等系列活动使教育学的内在体验得以外显,因而也是克服现实教育学驯化这一弊端的有效途径.  相似文献   

问题与对策:试论教育学话语方式的改造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育学话语方式存在的四个方面的问题,即公共性语言的滥觞,语言的非生成性,写作文体与措辞的单一性,学术语言对日常语言的排斥。而教育学话语方式改造的路径有:关注教育的生活世界,倡导教育学的现实关怀;倡导教育学的个体性言说,以己之思启发他者之思;奉行措辞的多元化原则,宽容多种文体写作;加强与相关学科的对话,实现语言的双向渗透;兼融日常生活语言,实现学术语言与日常语言的优势互补。  相似文献   

Traditionally, cadaver dissection and didactic lectures have formed the mainstay of teaching gross anatomy, but, apathy of the learners toward didactic lectures and reduction in the time allotted for teaching anatomy have necessitated adoption of interactive teaching methods that require lesser student contact time. In this study, for two consecutive years, first-year medical students were taught selected gross anatomy topics using Interactive Lecture in the Dissection Hall (ILDH). Instead of discarding the traditional methods, ILDH combined the two into a single, cohesive, interactive session, to teach the topic through multiple, short, segments of lecture alternating with interactive demonstration on the specimen. This method emerged by combining the insight gained from the newer teaching methods and reasoning from the cognitive load theory and contiguity principle. Students’ performance after ILDH was assessed by a test and was compared with the performance after conventional method of teaching. Students’ perception toward ILDH was assessed by a questionnaire. Students perceived that ILDH not only helped them in understanding the concepts better (97.7%), but, was also a better learning experience (99.2%). Majority felt that ILDH should be made an integral part of teaching anatomy (97.7%). Students’ performance in the test after the unified approach of ILDH was significantly better than with the split-source format of conventional methods. Students’ satisfaction, improved scores, and time efficiency indicate that ILDH may be an optimum method for teaching selected topics in anatomy.  相似文献   

In the context of the debate about the extent to which secondary school Informatics curricula should include specifically vocational content, this paper explores the possibility that in Informatics teaching, there is value in adopting pedagogical approaches, rather than curriculum content, based on practice in industry and business settings. This paper reports research findings that raise questions about the widely held assumption that students will gain their programming knowledge and skills predominantly from classroom activities undertaken at the instigation of the Informatics teacher. Investigation of sources of students' information about programming skills and knowledge indicates that such an assumption is not well founded, and leads to the suggestion that innovative approaches to pedagogy in this area should be explored.Two studies, each a part of a larger project, are reported here. The first showed that a group of Grade 5 students, skilled programmers in the MicroWorlds multimedia programming environment, sought and acquired programming skills and techniques from a wide variety of sources, many of which were not classroom based. The second reports a formalisation of this model of student initiated seeking among a range of resource people for immediately needed expert advice. This was observed in a deliberately constructionist learning environment in an after-school Computer Clubhouse where students are supported by mentors with different specialist areas of expertise as well as by a teacher.The importance of these issues for Informatics teaching, assessment, course design and evaluation, and for the preparation of Informatics teachers is considered, and the need for further research in this area is outlined.  相似文献   

学习方式是学习者在特定学习情境中,为了达到一定目标,完成学习任务而采用的所有交往互动形式与状态的总和.学习方式由整体和层次两个结构构成.要切实有效地转变学习方式,必须树立全面系统辩证的学习方式结构观、依靠和促进主体结构发展、以科学完整的学习方式结构为指导.  相似文献   

教育学既需要哲学化的思维,也需要科学化的内容和一定经验式的话语。哲学化强调教育精神,科学化强调对教育规律的探索,重视经验以贴近教育实践,三者融合的多元范式发展路径将是教育学发展的必由之路。有理想的教育学与有内容的教育学的并存,才是真正意义上的教育学。  相似文献   

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