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This study was undertaken to investigate relationships between various forms of creativity, and to determine whether the expression of motor creativity is related to selected motor skills. The tests administered to the 65 fourth grade subjects consisted of creative thinking tests, a motor creativity battery, and motor skill tests. The following conclusions were drawn: (a) the expression of motor creativity through movement is not related to performance on the selected motor skill items; (b) creativity does not appear to be a generalized trait in as much as significant relationships were not found between the various aspects of creativity; (c) a tendency toward generalization of creativity was found for girls but not for boys; (d) a combination of weight, figural fluency and figural originality accounts for a significant amount of the variability in motor creativity for boys, while a combination of figural and verbal creativity factors does the same for girls; (e) boys of this age perform significantly better than girls on skill tests involving strength, while girls excel on balance and agility items.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine if elementary school children can learn selected physical skills by using self-instructive materials. Two classes of grade 4 children were used in this study. Two classes of 30 subjects, an experimental group and a control group, were pretested and post-tested with a skill test consisting of seven tumbling-gymnastic stunts. Each subject in the experimental group was given self-instructive materials and permitted to use in his own way. were guided and encouraged byr classroom teacher. The experimental group could work with the materials every day, both at home and at school, from early November to the middle of May. The control group did not use the materials. Analysis of the data indicated that children using self-instructive materials improved significantly in all areas tested.  相似文献   


The study was designed to determine the relationships between achievement in reading and achievement in selected motor skills for children in grades 1, 3, 5. The Iowa tests of basic skills were used to determine reading achievement and the Johnson motor achievement battery was employed to measure achievement in selected motor skills. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation was applied to compute the relationships between the reading and motor achievement variables. The subjects were divided into three reading achievement levels and Scheffe's method of comparing pairs of means from a two-way analysis of variance table was employed to determine if the achievement differences in the motor skills tests were significant. The following conclusions were drawn: a) Highly significant correlations were found to exist between achievement in reading and the throw and catch test and achievement in reading and the zig-zag run test; b) Little or no consistent relationship existed between achievement in reading and the kicking test or the jump and reach test; c) Significant differences among the selected reading levels were found for the throw and catch test and the zig-zag run test; d) Few significant differences among the selected reading levels were found for the kicking test and for the jump and reach test.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小学3~6年级学生基本运动技能与感知运动能力、身体活动水平的关系。方法:采用大肌肉动作发展测评工具(TGMD-3)、感知运动能力分量表、儿童青少年身体活动水平问卷对小学3~6年级437名学生的基本运动技能、身体活动水平、感知运动能力进行调查;运用SPSS22.0和Mplus8.3软件进行数据分析,并用Bootstrap法分析变量之间的预测关系及中介效应。结果:男生的操控性技能、感知运动能力和身体活动水平高于女生(P<0.01);小学3~6年级学生基本运动技能、感知运动能力与身体活动水平呈低至中等正相关(r=0.103~0.477,P<0.05);小学3~6年级学生基本运动技能预测感知运动能力(β=0.222,P<0.001),感知运动能力预测身体活动水平(β=0.569,P<0.001),感知运动能力在基本运动技能与身体活动水平之间起部分中介作用。结论:小学阶段重视学生基本运动技能和感知运动能力的发展,有助于提高其身体活动水平。  相似文献   


This study compared the effects of mobility patterning techniques to the effects of special physical education activities upon selected motor skills of primary school educable mentally retarded children. The experimental group received the appropriate mobility patterns in creeping, crawling, and walking, which later were practiced in game situations. The control group received special physical education activities. Both groups received daily 30-minute classes, Monday through Friday, from September 1966 to December 1966. Based on the differences in leg power as measured by the hurdle jump and the standing broad jump, it appeared that the special physical education activities contributed more to the development of the subjects. However, neither program was more effective than the other in terms of dynamic balance, agility, or fine manual motor coordination.  相似文献   


A task classification scheme was developed in accordance with a conceptual model of motor behavior. The scheme suggests that motor skills be categorized as to the processing demands placed on a learner, feedback availability, and pacing conditions. Additionally, potential learner strategies were identified and defined in relation to both the model and the classification scheme. Consideration was given to the fact that strategies should be taught in addition to movement skills. Ultimately, appropriate strategies should be self-generated. Recommendations were provided for the consideration of task-learner-strategy interactions in the design of instructional material and development of instructional programs.  相似文献   

有关如何驱动运动技能内隐学习的研究已成为动作技能内隐学习的一个热点.目前,国内虽也开始关注这方面的研究,但相关的研究较少.本研究运用文献资料法、归纳法及逻辑分析等方法对运动技能内隐学习的范式加以概述,以便为后继的相关研究提供一些参考.  相似文献   


Attitudes, creativity, self-concept and motor skills were measured to determine the influence of decision-making on elementary children. Three groups of children (N = 208) were tested, one group was taught with the teacher dominating all classroom decisions, another group was encouraged to share in the decision-making, and a third group served as a control. Data were collected immediately before and after an eight-week instructional period. MANCOVA indicated that the two treatment groups had significantly higher scores than did the control group, and the shared decision-making group scored significantly higher than the teacher dominated group on measures of creativity, motor skills and self-concept. A 2 (treatment) × 2 (sex) × 5 (grade) ANOVA revealed significantly more positive attitude scores for children allowed to make decisions regarding their learning. Further, Pearson product-moment correlation showed the tested variables to be independent measures of a child's development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable tool for use in assessing motor skills in preschool children in field-based settings. The development of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol included evidence of its reliability and validity for use in field-based environments as part of large epidemiological studies. Following pilot work, 297 children (3–5 years old) from 22 preschools were tested using the final version of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol and the Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd Edition). Reliability of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol and interobserver reliability were determined using intraclass correlation procedures (intraclass correlation coefficients; ANOVA). Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients to compare the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol to the original Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd Edition). Results indicated that test reliability, interobserver reliability, and validity coefficients were all high, generally above R/r = .90. Significant age differences were found. Outcomes indicate that the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol is an appropriate tool for assessing motor development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in field-based settings that are consistent with large-scale trials.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to develop a valid and reliable tool for use in assessing motor skills in preschool children in field based settings. The development of the CHAMPS (Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study) Motor Skills Protocol (CMSP) included evidence of its reliability and validity for use in field-based environments as part of large epidemiological studies. Following pilot work, 297 children (3-5 years old) from 22 preschools were tested using the final version of the CMSP and the TGMD-2. Reliability of the CMSP and interobserver reliability were determined using intraclass correlation procedures (ICC; ANOVA). Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients to compare the CMSP to the original Test of Gross Motor Development (2(nd) Edition) (TGMD-2). Results indicated that test reliability, interobserver reliability and validity coefficients were all high, generally above R/r = 0.90. Significant age differences were found. Outcomes indicate that the CMSP is an appropriate tool for assessing motor development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in field-based settings that are consistent with large-scale trials.  相似文献   

目的以探究国内基本动作技能研究热点与演进趋势。方法利用可视化分析软件进行科学计量与可视化分析。结果与结论 1)国内基本动作技能研究领域科研力量主要集中在北京师范大学、华东师范大学、山东师范大学;其高产作者主要有北京师范大学姜桂萍、山东师范大学李静、中国人民大学吴升扣等;该研究领域作者之间的横向合作较弱,团队建设有待加强。2)体育学、心理学、医学、教育学等学科是基本动作技能研究领域的生力军,但是各学科之间的交叉融合尚未真正形成。3)基本动作技能研究领域总体发展稳定,主要集中在儿童动作发展、身心发展早期干预、域外经验及其本土化等板块展开。4)基本动作技能领域的演化经历起步、稳定、快速发展3个阶段。"韵律性身体活动"、"基本动作技能评测工具本土化"、"基本动作技能实验干预"等将会成为新时期主要研究方向。  相似文献   

The purpose of the authors in this study was to develop an instrument to assess fourth and fifth grade students' attitudes toward physical education. The methods for validation included (a) an elicitation study and instrument question development, (b) a pilot study, and (c) a series of analyses to assess, construct, and content validity and to assess reliability. Once data for 1,344 students were collected, an iterative process was completed using principal component analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, and confirmatory factor analysis using structure equation modeling. Data analysis showed that the instrument fit two different models. The first model shows students' attitudes to be influenced by cognition and affect. The second model shows a 4-factor model comprised of cognition- teacher, cognition-curriculum, affect- teacher, and affect-curriculum. This study yielded an instrument with valid and reliable scores that can assess elementary school students' attitudes toward physical education.  相似文献   

运动协调的定量方法以及在专项技术分析领域的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人体的运动协调问题一直受到多个研究领域的关注。Bernstein运动协调观与运动协调的动态系统理论被广泛应用于解释运动协调的形成、发展、特征中,成为研究运动协调的主要理论基础。依据这些理论基础,针对不同类型研究的需要,设计了多种运动协调的定量方法来客观展现人体的协调运动,这些方法都具有各自的优缺点。目前,在专项技术分析领域中,对专项技术中肢体协调层面的研究较多,在多种专项技术中都发现了一些高效的运动协调方式。尽管这些运动协调方式各有不同,但是展现出一些共性的特征。此外,在优秀运动员的技术中,具有较大的肢体协调变异性,这些变异性是肌肉-骨骼复杂系统灵活性的体现,有利于运动任务的实现。在关节动力学、肌肉活动等层面中运动协调的研究相对较少。专项技术中运动协调的研究趋势有:1)由于运动技术种类繁多,各自特征不同,对运动协调的研究将会涉及到更多的运动项目中;2)应用动态系统理论,进一步探索优秀运动员技术中运动协调变异性对专项技术的作用;3)应用动态系统理论,拓展对专项技术中运动协调控制变量的研究;4)拓展在优秀运动员专项技术中关节动力学、肌肉活动等更深层面中运动协调特征的研究。  相似文献   


Members of the Santa Barbara basketball team were tested periodically during and after the 1957–58 season of play. The changes in physical conditioning were estimated using a step test. During this period of time the blood pressure and pulse wave measurements were studied to investigate the effects of basketball conditioning on these measurements.

The resting and postexercise systolic blood pressure measurements decreased significantly during training. These changes were significant after 16 weeks, while the pulse rate changes indicated conditioning had changed in six weeks. During de-training these measurements reversed and made significant changes in ten weeks.

The pulse wave measurements more closely followed those of the step test. They changed significantly in six weeks, leveled off, and finally reversed to the starting level during de-training.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of varied amounts of milk in a balanced diet as it relates to short duration, sprint, and power types of athletic performance. Since milk contributes substantial amounts of protein to the diet, it was felt that protein might be a contributing factor in any cause and effect relationship between milk, diet, and physical performance. Hence protein at three levels were included as a variable by combining the three amounts with the changing levels of milk. Learning and conditioning tests were conducted before the start of the experiment and for the final three days of each diet period. Performance on the tests used in the study was not altered by the use of one or two quarts of milk per day in the diet as compared to the absence of all milk from the diet. At the different levels of protein used in this study, performance was unchanged.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等对某高校100名学生进行了运动技能的内隐认知与外显认知的协同化实验研究,结果表明:外显的规则探寻有时会妨碍被试对技能潜在规则的掌握,技能越复杂越有利于内隐认知,技能越简单越有利于外显认知。对于复杂运动技能的学习,先进行内隐认知再进行外显认知,其成绩明显高于单独进行的内隐性认知组和外显认知组,这一现象体现了内隐认知与外显认知的协同化效应。同时,协同效应中在进行简单运动技能认知时,早一点介入指导语认知绩效最好,而在进行复杂技能认知时,晚一点介入认知绩效最好。因此,针对运动技能的不同难易程度,突出不同的认知方式是十分必要的。  相似文献   

Gross motor skill performance of children with visual impairments and its association with the degree of visual impairment and sports participation was examined. Twenty children with visual impairments (M age = 9.2 years, SD =1.5) and 100 sighted children (M age = 9.1 years, SD = 1.5) from mainstream schools participated. The results showed that children with visual impairments had significantly lower object control but not locomotor skill scores than the sighted children. No significant differences were found between children with a moderate and severe visual impairment. Children with visual impairments who participated in sports had significantly higher object control skill scores than those who did not. No significant associations between motor skills and sports participation were found in the sighted children.  相似文献   

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