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人文社科学报是中国先进文化的重要载体。人文社科学报工作者应当正确理解先进文化的内涵,把握文化的前进方向;扶持人文社科研究,激发文化创新活力;加强学报自身建设,提高文化储存质量;推进学术交流合作,拓展文化消费层面。从而为发展、积累、传播中国的先进文化做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

方卫星 《哈尔滨学院学报》2006,27(12):116-120,128
我国在科学技术研究领域取得巨大成就的同时,也存在学术失范的另一阴暗面。这种阴暗面的存在又将引发人们的不公正感和激愤情绪,并败坏学风、文风和党风,浪费国家财力和学者精力,损害学术队伍的形象和声誉,最终将降低教授、研究生和整个学术队伍的学术水平。为了根治学术失范,我国必须制定一部《学术法》,把党和国家繁荣学术研究的一系列重要思想、重要政策,用法律的形式固定下来,把国内外学术研究、评审与管理、出版中应有的学术道德、职业精神与成熟的方法、经验、原则、程序和制度以法律形式记载下来,并加以推广,从而完善我国知识产权的法律体系,规范学术研究队伍和学术出版机构的学术行为,加速科技创新并实现由科技大国向科技强国的第二次飞跃。  相似文献   

研究了周期系统中电磁场的储能问题以及周期系统中的功率流,为分析周期系统中的各种电磁现象提供了能量守恒的依据.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This research investigated the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) for the topic of energy metabolism in a biochemistry course on the academic achievements of...  相似文献   

学术研究能量一般包括研究能力和影响力两个方面。从近几年SCI收录我国科技论文获得一系列重要的科学指标,即从1990年的世界排名15位跃居2004年的第5位。对中国学术研究能量的一些重要指标进行了定量化的国际比较研究,从而发现了一些重要的发展趋势,从这些趋势看,中国科学家要获得"诺贝尔奖"还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

Doctoral graduate research performance (DRP) is recognized as one of the most critical indices for evaluation of the success of doctoral education. Doctoral graduates with high research performance directly reflect a higher ability in academic research and academic achievement. Consequently, identifying which factors influence DRP is potentially of great value. This topic is also challenging because of difficulties in identifying the impact factors on research performance and the feasibility of the relative data collection. This paper first examines the relationships between the indicators and DRP. After a review of previous literature, the focus is on the doctoral graduates’ individual factors, advisor factors and learning performance. Data is collected from graduated doctors from the Science Schools of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Contrary to expectations, our findings indicate that, based on the Chinese context, learning performance does not appear to be strongly associated with research performance. Individual factors (status of academic origin) do have significant effect on DRP. The advisor factors (including academic status, academic experience and allocation of energy) show a relatively strong association with DRP, in terms of both the number of publications and the impact factor of Science Citation Index (SCI) cited journals.  相似文献   

民国时期的孙子兵法文化在古今中西之间开始了融合与超越,呈现了独特的、丰富的景象。首先,超越经典:构建现代军事学;其次,应对战争:危机中的觉醒;重塑自信:从学术自觉到民族自觉。这种融合和超越在中国近现代军事学构建历史上具有里程碑式的作用和意义,既完成了学术上的融合与超越,又服务于战争尤其是抗日战争,并在这个过程中重新塑造了学术自觉与民族自信。古老的军事学理论在开放的学术环境中和被动的战争冲击下焕发了新的生命力,民国时期孙子兵法文化因此充满了民族性、实践性和现代性的特点。  相似文献   

This article examines a new training design for continuing professional development that aims to support the learning of the novel knowledge and skills needed in emerging professional fields by interconnecting academic and workplace settings. The training design is based on using two advisors, one from working life and the other from an academic context. The article examined whether participants’ personal orientation to adaptive expertise predicts the success of a guidance process. The interconnection of workplace and academic contexts was expected to occur through guidance practices. In addition, the features underlying the most successful guidance relationships were analysed. Data were collected by conducting repeated semi-structured interviews with 18 course participants, eight academic advisors and eight workplace advisors in the context of a 1-year energy efficiency training programme. The results indicated that a trainee’s personal orientation towards adaptive expertise is a significant component in successful guidance processes. An interconnection of workplace and academic knowledge and practices was hardly found in the guidance provided by each participant’s academic and workplace advisors. The feature underlying the most successful guidance relationships are related at the personal, dyad and context levels. An excellent match between the expert profiles of the learner and the advisor appears to be especially critical for successful guidance and powerful knowledge exchange in emerging fields. However, finding matching advisors is often challenging. Many problems are presumably solved if these ‘right persons’ can be found and if the trainees are themselves oriented to utilise the novel resources provided to them by the advisors.  相似文献   

清初叶燮的诗学思想是中国诗学史上最具体系性的文学理论之一.学界对于叶燮的研究投入了极大的热情和精力,并采取了多种视角和不同的研究方法.学界对叶燮的文学思想、美学思想、哲学思想、学术思想等诸多方面,进行了比较深入的研究和探索.  相似文献   

大学是学术性社会组织,建立相对完善的现代大学制度体系是现代大学学术繁荣的基本保证,而大学组织的现代性与社会制度环境的现代性具有共生共荣性。中国现代大学的百年历程表明,大学发展对完善现代大学制度的需求与社会制度环境对这种需求的满足之间是否协调,是大学学术能否兴盛的关键,推进制度环境的创新是当代中国大学实现跨越式发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

学生的参与及其发展价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生的参与是描述学生在与学业有关的活动中投入生理和心理能量的状态变量.儿童对课堂学习活动的参与对其心理发展具有重要意义.本文从理论分析与实证研究两方面对学生参与的发展价值进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Changes in the higher education system have resulted in increased demands on effectiveness and marketisation. These demands have changed what it means to do academic work. In this study, 19 female academic lecturers have been interviewed in order to get them to reflect upon their opportunities and conditions in career. The aim is to analyse how this specific group manoeuvres; that is their 'becoming subjectivity' in academic career. This means an interest in analysing their locations, positions as well as their material and discursive conditions. The results show how many see teaching as important in career, but also as a trap that restrains them in their chances of research advancement. Several express that a lot of teaching drain the time and energy needed for other opportunities in career. There are also a few who experience teaching as a place where people actually collaborate more than compete and find alternative career strategies. Even so, these women appear caught in their careers, which can relate to gender, and to the experience of ‘incapacity’ to find directions in a more competitive structure.  相似文献   

The legitimate forms of knowledge recognised for language teachers in Chinese universities are differentiated by strong academic boundaries, subject only to disciplinary authority and fashion. Classroom practice on the whole tends not to be informed by research. For many language teachers, a disconnect exists between the academic discipline in which they are situated and the knowledge they apply in the language classroom. The ethnographic study addresses this disconnection. It is based on 3 years of fieldwork, which investigated a case of disciplinary innovation in the English language department of a Chinese university. Two aspects of teacher learning are investigated, namely institutional boundary practice as discursive space for learning and the learning experience of individual teachers within that space. The study reveals that boundary practice can be a source of transformative energy in developing learning cultures within which individuals may experience a process of identity integration.  相似文献   

近年来随着我国高校体制改革的不断深入,推动了高校基层学术组织的变革,对新时期高校基层党支部建设方面提出了新的要求。现阶段,高校需要通过构架更加合理、有效的基层党支部,来提高基层党支部的活力与生命力。  相似文献   

“要么发表要么出局”,研究型大学内部的潜规则?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在美国研究型大学中,虽然极少有人会旗帜鲜明地认同"Publish-or-Perish",但它却是大学内部运作中无人敢漠视且合乎工具理性的潜规则."perish"在此语境中并非意味着"死亡",而有"流进流出"之义."铁打的营盘流水的兵",正是在此近乎残酷的潜规则下,研究型大学实现了吐故纳新,维持了其在学术系统中的"霸权"地位.但是,与此同时,大学却越来越偏离其之所以为大学的本义.对于学术共同体内部认可机制发育尚不成熟的中国而言,这种潜规则并不具有可仿效性.  相似文献   


In order to determine the effects of sex, grade level, region, and academic preparation on energy opinions, selected items from Kuhn's revision of Wert's Energy Opinionnaire were constructed into a criterion measure on total score and three sub-scale scores. The Ss were 251 secondary school students from two regions of the country and an academically prepared class of secondary students enrolled in a course entitled “Science and the Economics of Energy.” The data were analyzed first to compare selected chi-square results of the study with results reported by Kuhn and to compare Alpha Statements. The second phase included the use of ANOVA and Scheffe Comparisons. In general, there were significant differences in ANOVA results by sex, region of the country and, to some extent, academic preparation. There were no significant results by grade level or conservation.  相似文献   

职业技术教育学研究中若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国职业技术教育正处在大变革、大发展之中,比以往任何一个时期都迫切需要理论指导和学术支撑,这直接推动了职业技术教育学研究的蓬勃发展。在职业技术教育学发展呈现出生机与活力的同时也存在着一些不容忽视的危机和问题,它们直接制约着职业技术教育学研究向更深的理论层次扩展,直接制约着职业技术教育学向更规范、更成熟的学科体系演进。  相似文献   

长久以来众多学者对孟子和《孟子》及其注疏等研究方面倾注了很大的精力,由此便有了源远流长、蔚为大观的孟学,形成了对《孟子》研究的一系列成果,形成了对《孟子》研究的相关体系,本文从《孟子》不同的注疏版本背后可以看出当时孟学思想发展的演变过程,孟学的发展彰显出中国学术思想变迁之大势。  相似文献   

目前,我校开始从学年制向学分制转变,传统手工管理专业选修课、任选课工作量大,费时费力,效率低。本文主要介绍我们开发的基于学分制网上选课系统的系统分析、设计以及实现的思想和方法。  相似文献   

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