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This study investigates the framing effects of gay-themed entertainment media in China. Specifically, the study explores the mechanisms underlying attribution framing and value framing, through two separate experiments. The results of the first experiment indicate that exposure to attribution frames had considerable influence on the participants' perceptions of the controllability of homosexuality and their emotional responses. In addition, fictional entertainment media's framing of the origin of homosexuality indirectly influenced the participants' opinion through anger. Those participants exposed to a program homosexuality as a type of ‘controllable’ sexuality were likely to express anger and thus were not likely to support gay rights. The results of the second experiment indicate that the core values reflected in a gay-themed program affected the participants' opinions by changing their perception of the importance of value-related beliefs. Those participants exposed to a frame reflecting family values were likely to consider beliefs about family values to be important, which facilitated their support for gay people's personal dignity and equal rights to jobs, housing, and freedom of expression, among others.  相似文献   

Social media is becoming more and more important as a marketing outlet for libraries. Understanding its significance, complexity, yet also its changing nature, is essential in order to productively implement social media into your library’s marketing strategy. This article will not only highlight the many benefits of this, but will also give you insight on how to get started.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, public relations has developed significantly in the West into a sophisticated management function which is recognized as an integral part of any organization's attempt to communicate with various persons, both within and outside the organization, in order to achieve its goals and objectives. However, this is not the case in the Arab world where public relations remains underdeveloped and, even when practised, is relatively unsophisticated. This paper deals with the public relations function in a prominent though controversial Arab media organization: Al Jazeera Satellite Channel. It explores how Al Jazeera has been dealing with internal and external communication issues impelled initially by its role as a satellite broadcaster spearheading changes in a vibrant Arab mediascape and subsequently by its expansion into a global broadcaster. Drawing on James Grunig's four models of communication to analyze Al Jazeera's public relations practices, the case study at hand outlines some of the communication challenges and opportunities the organization has been facing during its 10 years of existence. The case of an indigenous organization like Al Jazeera operating in a culturally distinct environment puts into perspective communications issues and complicates our understanding of how public relations is understood and practised outside the normative Western public relations paradigm.  相似文献   

网络媒介的发展重构了社会传播生态。在泛众传播语境下,作为共识性仪式的传统媒介事件让位于作为冲突性实践的网络公共事件,探索新的共识凝聚方式被提上议程。本文认为,网络公共事件的常态化并不代表共识基础的完全丧失,原本由传统媒介事件提供的仪式整合功能可以在公众一致性的话语实践中重新实现。为了实现网络公共事件中的社会认同重构,应当从话语争夺、多方协作、培育"公共理性"等思路出发对公众展开话语引导。  相似文献   

This article assesses Occupy Wall Street as an amalgamation of mediated processes of subjectivation associated with marginal popular culture (memes, meme-platforms, Anonymous operations). This accumulation, I argue, is part of a broader convergence of agencements, of subjectifying processes that took place on and offline, in and out of concentrated occupied zones. OWS gives us one example in response to Toni Negri's call for a genealogy of dispositifs of subjectivation from the perspective of resistance. In addition to examining the accumulation of mediated subjective apparatuses, I propose we think of OWS as an ecology, one that engenders an antagonistic response by a militarized biopolitical state subject (itself an accumulation). I end with some preliminary thoughts on OWS' recomposition after the state's decompositional dispositifs.  相似文献   

Libraries have always tried to identify the places their patrons visit and the tools they use to make sure they are fully serving these patrons. Since a high percentage of adults in the United States use some form of social media, libraries should be visible there too. This column offers guidelines and advice for implementing social media in the academic library in two areas: marketing and instruction. The guidelines will help library administrators plan, implement and assess social media campaigns in both areas and will ensure that valuable time and resources are not wasted.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]突发事件的快速蔓延与恶化使得应急管理部门需实时评估突发事件的严重性,并建立科学的预警机制.微博等社交媒体平台为突发事件的实时研判提供了丰富的线索.[方法/过程]从网民作用、网媒作用、事态扩散、态度倾向、网民情感等维度构建突发事件严重性评估指标,提出突发事件严重性指标的影响倾向分析及特征比较方法.以2018...  相似文献   

This article explores the progress being made in Ontario for marketing, advocacy, influence, and results about the high impact and value of the over 300 library systems in the province. It covers the challenges we face, our goals, and our tactics and strategies to collaborate and achieve results on a province-wide scale. We are building our skills by understanding the components of good marketing communication processes, its foundation in relationships and influence, and how to take data and statistics and transform them into powerful narratives, visuals, and talking points that have an impact on audience and help with progress towards advocacy goals. This is a new early stage case study of the Ontario Public Libraries strategies for building these lobbying processes, gaining community input and support, and building province-wide collaboration and effort using affordable and powerful social media tools.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着社交媒体大数据平台的构建、大数据挖掘、分析技术及数据库技术的不断演进,社交媒体中各种数据变得可获取、可利用。据此,开展了基于社交媒体数据的社会化阅读内容计量研究。[方法/过程]首先,利用大数据平台及文本挖掘技术对阅读推广类微信公众号基本信息和公众号推送文章内容进行采集。其次,对采集的数据进行统计,得到了各微信公众号在分类、地域、认证上的分布,以及各微信公众号推送文章数、阅读数、平均阅读数、点赞数、平均点赞数,并通过运用信息计量学相关理论及技术,利用自编脚本得到了单篇推文传播指数(Single Tweets Communication Index,STCI)、标题高频关键词共现矩阵、基于推文重复次数的微信公众号耦合矩阵。同时,提出最高STCI微信推文发布延时指数(Publish Delay Index of Highest STCI Wechat Ariticle,HSPDI)算法来考察推文重复发布次数对推文传播效果的影响。最后,采用人工研读高STCI推文的方法对其内容特征进行归纳。[结果/结论]阅读推广类微信公众号推送文章的平均阅读数与平均点赞数存在一定的正相关关系;许多微信公众号之间存在严重的推送相同文章现象;文章是否是微信公众号首次推送对其传播没有明显影响。进一步,对高STCI推文内容分析后得出高STCI推文特征主要包括:满足读者的好奇心、满足读者的自我表达需要和满足"屏阅读"时代特征的写作法则。  相似文献   

The advent of the Internet has enabled a disruption of the Malaysian government's long-standing control of media content. However, there are also opportunities for the government to extend into the Internet what Cherian George has called ‘narrow tailoring’ policies, designed to ensure ‘hegemonic consensus.’ Demonstrating the interconnections of intraparty factional rivalry, blogging and newspaper management, as well as the extension of government influence into online content, this paper discusses three cases: the transformation of a bloggers association; the organisation of ‘cybertroopers’ by the dominant governing party; and, the use of a blog, Facebook, and Twitter by the prime minister (PM), Najib Razak. Each of the cases highlights particular ‘blog affordances’, a concept used to parse the potentials and limitations of blogs and other social media with regards to state hegemonic control through media ownership. In addition, an adapted concept of ‘extended parasocial relations’ is proposed in relation to Najib's blog and social media presence. Overall, these cases demonstrate the continuity and complementarity of on- and offline activities, which form a relatively stabilised assemblage of political activity.  相似文献   


For the past several years, the adoption of social media platforms has increased significantly as academic libraries have emphasized the importance of finding new ways to promote collections and services. Recently, many libraries have embraced Historypin and Pinterest because of their specific focus on images. This article examines the impact of these platforms on digital libraries and explains how each affects the discovery and access of digital collections.  相似文献   

面向互联网信息社会化保存的研究旨在探索人类世界拓展至网络空间的信息管理实践转型策略,丰富信息管理理论与方法。文章以案例分析方法立足社交媒体信息保存实践,提取不同保存方式与具体内容,以此明确互联网信息社会化保存在资源、主体、对象、方式上面临的复杂挑战。由此,提出互联网信息社会化保存的推进策略,包括参与式管理框架下组建完备资源、主体协同机制下强化制度建设、整体关联前提下构建保存能力、复杂任务认识下部署连续性行动。  相似文献   

Increasing adoption and implementation of social media applications suggests a cultural shift in the way special collections departments communicate with external constituents. Research shows many social networking tools are used successfully to connect with special collections patrons, but limited documentation exists to describe whether special collections departments receive demonstrable returns for the time, effort, and energy expended to sustain social media activity. This article provides the results of an empirical study that examined social media usage in special collections departments at 125 Association of Research Libraries member institutions. By analyzing publicly available data from profiles on a variety of social media platforms, the authors explore how special collections units employ social networking tools and whether it is possible to determine success in terms of benefits received by the department, such as increased dialogue between departments and supporters. By using return on investment, this study found that special collections departments achieve moderate success when using social media to advertise collections, events, and activities, but they have little success when using social media to engage with external constituents. To address less successful aspects of social media projects, departments can engage in routine assessment activities, such as return on investment, to make the most of new technologies.  相似文献   

This study examines Twitter use by the central government in Korea and the federal government in the USA by employing the webometric technique to extract their Twitter activity (basic Twitter statistics such as the numbers of followers, followings, and Tweets) and the social network analysis technique to map the relationship between their Twitter accounts and the direction of outlinks in their Tweets. The results of the initial analysis indicate some differences in Twitter strategies between the two governments. For example, Korean ministries were well connected through a dense network, engaged in collective cooperation, and retweeted common content to reinforce their collective agendas regardless of their main administrative functions, whereas US government departments were less collective and more individualistic and retweeted those messages that specifically fit the purpose of each department. In addition, the results for outlinks indicate that US government departments preferred private sources of information, whereas Korean ministries, government sources.  相似文献   

This study explicates the mechanism underlying the process through which news and entertainment media shape people's personal- and societal-level risk perceptions. It combines the psychometric paradigm with the impersonal- and differential-impact hypotheses, highlighting the roles that cognitive and emotional dimensions of risk characteristics play in risk perceptions. Analysis of an online survey among 384 adults from the general population of South Korea in the context of H1N1 flu yields three major findings: (1) exposure to news media is positively correlated with the cognitive dimension of risk characteristics, while exposure to entertainment media is positively correlated with both the cognitive and the emotional dimensions of risk characteristics; (2) the emotional but not the cognitive dimension of risk characteristics is positively related to both personal- and societal-level risk perceptions; and (3) exposure to entertainment media affects personal-level risk perceptions – not directly but indirectly through the emotional dimension of risk characteristics. Theoretically, this study expands the impersonal- and differential-impact hypotheses by explicating their underlying mechanisms and incorporating arguments from the psychometric paradigm. It also adds new knowledge to the psychometric paradigm by highlighting the differential roles of the cognitive and emotional dimensions of people's perceived risk characteristics in risk perceptions. For risk communicators, this study highlights the importance of using entertainment media for shaping risk perceptions and educating the public about risk issues.  相似文献   

青番茄图书馆开创了民办图书馆为企业、高校等社会机构服务的先河,其依托丰富的文化创意、庞大的用户群体、创新的借阅流程、多样的文化活动,为机构提供个性化、一站式的服务,其办馆模式值得公共图书馆学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

After the Spring Festival of 2015, an environmental documentary called Under the Dome in which Chai Jing acted as a narrator has caused the public opinion to boom in social media in China. Why could a documentary released by internet attract so much attention and spark such a heated discussion? What are the factors that have influence on the information dissemination of social media environmental mobilization? This paper employed case study and semi-structure interviews to reveal these questions. It turned out that individual trust, group norms and information networks of the social capital played an important role in the social media environmental mobilization. The reason why Under the Dome became a hot issue was that it made full use of the social media users’ trust on the mobilizer, aroused the mobilized’s emotions and combined the network channels of social relationships.  相似文献   


In January, 2018, the global anti-sexual violence and anti-sexual harassment movement – popularly known as #MeToo – had its Chinese nascence. This study drew upon the theory of connective actions to investigate how digital technologies shift the way in which feminist activism takes place. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were employed to systematically analyse over 36,000 online articles related to the campaign. The study identified 48 cases of sexual violence and harassment allegations. Findings from time series analysis show that China's #MeToo campaign first emerged within educational institutions before gradually spreading to other sectors of society. Based on qualitative findings from the ten most controversial cases, this paper identifies a series of counter-censorship strategies. The study of how the #MeToo movement in China emerged, adapted, and grew within an authoritarian context reveals unique insights into how connective actions traverse various platforms and cultural contexts. Methodologically, this study demonstrates how mixed methods can be utilised to study connective actions on social media in China.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how network size is associated with diversity and trust in the mobile SNS context. Online survey data (N?=?327) on Chinese WeChat users reveal that both personal network size and extended network size are positively related to the diversity of people’s social networks. We believe the explanation for these findings may be that the affordances of WeChat provide users opportunities to accumulate a wide spectrum of relations ranging from strong ties, weak ties to latent ties and thus a larger network can enable them to access to more diverse resources. We also find that extended network size is negatively related to people’s trust in their WeChat contacts. We argue that the increasing size of the extended network may reduce familiarity, certainty and accountability that assumed to be prerequisites of trust.  相似文献   

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