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The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and extent of relationships among perceptual-motor, perceptual, and cognitive behaviors in 189 young, normal children. An extensive battery of tests was administered to 61 prekindergarteners, 63 kindergarteners, and 65 first graders. Canonical correlation analysis revealed that significant and high relationships exist between perceptual-motor and perceptual behaviors at the two younger age levels, between perceptual-motor and cognitive behaviors at kindergarten only, and between perceptual and cognitive behaviors at all levels tested. In agreement with the literature, the magnitude of the relationships and amount of shared variance diminished with age from kindergarten to first grade, except for the cognitive and perceptual behaviors relationship. Visual behaviors were more important contributors to the perceptual-motor relationships than were auditory behaviors, while the reverse was found for contributors to the cognitive relationships. Fine perceptual-motor behaviors were more important for describing relationships than were gross perceptual-motor behaviors. In general, gross perceptual-motor behaviors were of little importance in explaining any significant relationship found in this study. Overall, the most consistent and important contributors to significant relationships among the various behavioral domains and subdomains included the Bender (fine), Shape-O-Ball (fine), discrimination (auditory perception), figure-ground (visual perception), alphabet, word recognition, and number-related tasks (cognitive). The single most consistent and important contributor was the fine perceptual-motor task, the Bender test.  相似文献   

Purpose: Although bullying is recognized as a serious problem among adolescents, more information is needed regarding bullying within the context of physical education. Grounded in a social-ecological framework, the purpose of this investigation was to discover the perceptions students and teachers have about bullying in physical education and about peer and adult support. Method: Data collection included formal and informal interviews with 24 students and 4 teachers and 20 observations of 6th-grade physical education classes in 1 Midwestern school. Data were analyzed using a constant-comparative process. Results: The results indicate that adults acculturate students to support a bullying climate by providing mixed information regarding social interactions, ignoring nonphysical instances of bullying, and promoting inappropriate curricular selections. Participants also report that perceived differences such as appearance, body size, physical ability, and personal attire ignite most episodes of harassment in physical education. Further, students perceive that fear prevents many from (a) reporting instances of bullying to those in authority, (b) assisting bullied friends, and (c) feeling safe in certain physical education locations. Finally, students and teachers report that bullying impacts students' desire to participate in physical education. Conclusions: Overall, evidence from this investigation suggests that an efficacious support system does not exist for addressing the magnitude of the bullying problem. Although this study provided an initial step toward understanding the social-ecological factors affecting peer harassment in physical education, additional research is warranted.  相似文献   

人的体能、情绪、智力受到机体在长期与环境相适应的自然选择中形成的生物钟控制。人的体能、情绪、智力呈周期性有节律的反应。体育运动成绩与人体的体能、情绪、智力三节律周期性反应有着密切的内在联系,掌握这种联系对制定运动员训练计划和参赛时间有一定的价值。  相似文献   

在时代飞跃前进、科学迅速发展、知识巨猛爆炸的今天,开发智力已成为发展经济建设的重要前提。教育是智力开发的基础,体育和教育同属于上层建筑的文化范围。从教育这个角度来讲,体育又是教育的1个组成部分和对受体育者的身心进行影响和发展的重要手段。体育不单是对人进行身体的影响教育,也是对人进行智力影响的教育。  相似文献   


It was the purpose of this investigation to conduct a program in perceptual-motor development and to determine changes in, and assess relationships between, changes in perceptual-motor development on visual perception and reading readiness of first-grade children. Four classes were equated on the variables age, height, sex, and weight. Two of the classes (experimental) were exposed to the perceptual-motor program for 12 weeks and the other two classes (control) took part in the conventional physical education program. All students participated in their regular classroom activities. All subjects were evaluated in perceptual-motor development, visual perception, and reading readiness prior to and immediately following the research program. The difference scores (pre- and post-test) were evaluated by two-way ANOVA to determine if there were any significant differences between groups. F ratios for the three variables tested were all significant beyond the .01 level in support of the perceptual-motor program.  相似文献   

现代社会肥胖已是全球性的公共健康问题。儿童青少年时期的肥胖与其成年后的肥胖及心血管疾病风险高度相关。大量的横向和纵向研究表明,儿童青少年时期的体育活动(特别是较高强度的体育活动)量、体质(特别是有氧能力和肌肉力量)强弱均与其未来肥胖负相关。因此,儿童青少年时期增加体育活动,特别是较高强度的体育活动,增强体质,是预防未来肥胖的有效方式。  相似文献   

目的:检验学龄前儿童不同簇集特征体力活动与体质健康是否存在剂量-效应关系。方法:不同簇集特征体力活动通过连续7天佩戴加速度传感器进行测量。根据持续时间不同,分为零星中高强度体力活动(MVPA)(2~4 s)、短时持续MVPA(5~9 s)和长时持续MVPA(≥10 s)3类。体质测试包括心肺耐力、肌肉力量和速度灵敏素质。将男、女童不同簇集特征体力活动和体质健康综合得分分别按四分位数进行分类(Q1~Q4组),并定义体质健康得分最高的Q4组为高体质健康水平(HPH)。采用逻辑回归和线性回归探讨不同簇集特征MVPA与HPH间的关系。结果:共265名受试者纳入最后统计分析(男童149名,女童116名;月龄,57.19±5.33月)。男童中,校正混杂因素后,以活动量最少的Q1组为参照,活动量最多的Q4组中零星、短时持续和长时持续MVPA达到HPH的比值比(OR)分别为:11.72(95%CI:2.27,60.53)、7.53(95%CI:1.83,30.90)和8.98(95%CI:1.78,45.39);女童中也得到类似结果,分别为11.85(95%CI:2.33,60.19)、12.34(9...  相似文献   

为验证8~9岁儿童基本运动技能、中高强度身体活动与身体感知能力之间的关系,研究以206名男生与201名女生为对象,选用TGMD-2测试量表、ActiGraph GT3X+三轴加速计以及PSPC-P身体感知能力子量表来收集相关数据。在此基础上,采用SPSS(20.0)进行描述性统计,并运用Mplus(7.4)结构方程模型来检验变量之间的关系。结果发现:(1)基本运动技能对中高强度身体活动的直接效应检验模型的整体拟合指数良好[χ~2=9.771(df=2,P<0.001),CFI=0.899,SRMR=0.042],且具有正向的预测作用(β=0.256,P<0.001);(2)身体感知能力中介效应检验模型拟合较好[χ~2=0.000(df=0,P <0.001),CFI=0.976,SRMR=0.014]。使用Bootstrap进行中介效应检验,身体感知能力并没有介导基本运动技能与中高强度身体活动之间的关系。  相似文献   


With cardiovascular fitness (CVF) as the dependent variable, relationships with habitual level of physical activity, age, gender, and body mass index (BMI) were investigated in a sample of 93 high adiposity and 93 low adiposity children, ages 8 to 13. A physical activity score (PAS) was computed for each child from a 2-day observation period. A physical working capacity index from cycle ergometry (PWC170) was the measure of CVF. Low and high adiposity samples were classified by a median split (42.9 mm) on the sum of three skinfold measures (tricep, suprailiac, subscapula). For the high adiposity sample, PAS, age, BMI, and gender were significant and the overall model was significant (p < .001), accounting for 38 % of variance in PWC170. In the low adiposity sample, gender (p < .04) was significantly related to CVF, but the overall model was not significant (p < .35). PAS, thus, was a significant predictor of CVF among the high adiposity children, but not the low adiposity children. Mechanisms that may account for this difference include greater work for equal activity among the obese, a ceiling effect on CVF among the low adiposity children, or differences in hormonal or metabolic factors mediating the activity-CVF relationship.  相似文献   

以“素质教育”思想为指导,论述了在高校体育教学改革中,应突出“智能体育”,并就“智能体育”的观点、教学目标、教学方法及与德、智、美、劳等素质的关系作具体阐明。  相似文献   

通过对不同学龄儿童群体体质健康的比较,引申出差距背后所蕴含的教育、社会等因素,旨在为学校体育改革实现“缩小差距,实现公平”提供理论依据。研究以我国城市、流动、留守学龄儿童为对象,采用测量、数据统计等方法,对不同社会与教育环境下三类群体体质健康状况进行比较研究,发现城市儿童与流动、留守儿童的不同年级阶段身体形态、肺活量、速度素质、柔韧素质、协调性和1分钟仰卧起坐之间存在着差异,其中肺活量、柔韧素质、1分钟仰卧起坐的差异性,随年级的增高而逐渐拉大;而速度素质、协调性之间差异性,随着年级的增高而逐渐缩小;另外5-6年级段城市女童有氧耐力能力好于流动女童与留守女童。  相似文献   

东西方体育文化的差异及其在学校体育教育中的运用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在分析东西方体育文化哲学观、价值观和方法论差异的基础上,对东西方健身术在学校体育教育中的综合运用与开发,从理论与实践结合角度上提出见解。在学校体育教育中将东西方健身术创造性地巧妙组合,相互交融,不仅可优势互补,而且能构建一种全新的学校体育教学模式。  相似文献   

对4项身体素质与运动成绩的相关分析可以看出,儿童体操运动员身体素质与运动成绩的关系密切,进行身体素质打分形式的竞赛是可行的。个别身体素质的指标选择和扣分标准有待进一步修订。  相似文献   

以武汉城乡两所初中学校学生对体育与健康课程认知差异为研究内容,通过学生对当前体育与健康课程的认知情况,从学生的知识技能掌握、运动技能习得、参加课外体育运动、进行体育课程、对学校和社区的体育设施满意情况等角度出发,对城乡学生体育与健康课程的认知差异进行分析,并提出一定的建议性对策。  相似文献   

儿童身体锻炼与心理健康(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地阐述了国内外对儿童心理健康概念的诠释,梳理了儿童心理健康的评估指标,讨论了儿童参与身体锻炼对其心理健康的影响,在分析已有研究的基础上探讨了该领域研究的现状和存在的问题,并探讨了未来的发展动向,以期为国家教育部推行的素质教育和国家体育总局推行全民健身计划提供理论依据。  相似文献   


The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) trait anxiety questionnaire was administered to all sixth-grade boys at one school (N = 181). Based on results of the questionnaire, 40 high-anxious and 40 low-anxious subjects were identified for participation in the study. Stratified random assignments of these subjects in a counterbalanced manner resulted in the creation of eight experimental groups. The effects of an audience and task difficulty on learning and performance were considered in the experimental design. Two social conditions—learning in the presence of a single spectator or alone—and two conditions of task difficulty on the pursuit rotor—hard and easy—were employed. Each subject was tested on one day, under one condition of task difficulty, and under one social condition. Data were treated with a three-factor multivariate analysis of variance. Dependent variables were three STAIC anxiety scale scores used to evaluate within-task feelings of anxiety and three mean performance scores for each of three blocks of pursuit rotor trials. The results of the analyses indicated that significant main effects due to social situation were not apparent until the last block of trials, when subjects in the spectator condition did better. State anxiety scores for those who performed alone were significantly higher than for those who performed with a spectator present over all blocks of trials.

Although low-anxious subjects' overall mean performance scores were higher than high-anxious subjects' on the hard task, they were not significantly different from each other until the last block of trials. The overall mean performance scores for both groups for the easy task proved significantly higher for the low-anxious group. Though the results partially support the hypothesis that a spectator increases the learner's drive and facilitates performance, the majority of the results favor the theoretical hypotheses that a spectator reduces drive and serves to console or reassure the learner.  相似文献   

基于"中国教育追踪调查"(CEPS)数据,通过描述性统计分析、相关分析、构建最小二乘线性(OLS)回归模型、系数集束化分析等方法,分析同伴群体对我国青少年体育锻炼的影响,结果显示:①青少年体育锻炼中存在很强的同伴效应,该效应约为个体影响的80%,并大大超过家庭、班级和学校的影响;②同伴群体对青少年体育锻炼时间的影响具有明显的性别差异,是男生体育锻炼时间的最强影响因素,但对女生体育锻炼时间的影响弱于个体、班级和学校效应;③异性好友对青少年、特别是男生体育锻炼时间的提升作用更大,对女生而言,独生子女相对非独生子女的体育锻炼时间显著增加。提出:相关青少年体育锻炼促进计划应充分考虑以上因素,通过对同伴群体的干预提升青少年身体活动水平。  相似文献   

田径运动所属各项均属于体能类项目,运动成绩主要取决于运动员身体训练的程度。本文论述了田径运动员身体训练的结构,并对跑、跳、投各专项身体训练的特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

儿童少年的生理特点与健身   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析儿童少年的生理特点,指出儿童少年期健身生理基础及通过科学健身所达到的生理效应,从而为儿童少年健身手段及方法的选择提供生理依据。  相似文献   

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