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Abstract Over the last 30 years, the international zoo movement has gradually adopted conservation as its mantra. World‐class zoos have invested substantially in species conservation and animal research as part of their involvement in wildlife conservation. However, zoo exhibit interpretation, policy development, and strategic planning are yet to be organized around a well‐developed agenda with a clear set of conservation objectives. As museums increasingly redefine their role in society to speak about alternative futures for living with nature, zoos have the potential to become much more focused cultural change agents, potentially crafting a new vision for how society can live in a productive relationship with the world's remaining biodiversity. This article argues for an activist approach in which institutions with living collections would take on unique conservation tasks including scientifically grounded promotion of conservation values.  相似文献   

李梅军 《晋图学刊》2008,(5):113-114
文章论述了社会主义文化的基本含义,阐述了推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的重要意义,提出了图书馆推动文化发展与繁荣的四点设想。  相似文献   

In light of a widening generational disconnect and the increasing fragility of the textile artifact itself, the cultural legacy of the AIDS Memorial Quilt is under threat. This article describes the collaborative creation of digital experiences that aim to augment and revitalize the AIDS Memorial Quilt as an artwork of continued social, cultural, and political significance. By discussing the past, present, and future of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, this article contextualizes the Quilt's technological journey, including the efforts to create digital datasets of images and metadata. This discussion will illuminate an important emergent area of design research in the digital humanities: the creation of cultural technologies for the purposes of digital memorialization.  相似文献   

贺霞 《图书情报工作》1997,41(6):17-19,16
讨论图书馆员在民族文化影响下的群体行为模式、图书馆员行为的文化心态、现实对图书馆员传统道德文化的冲击以及图书馆员交往中的文化特征。  相似文献   


This paper explores the changing role of the information professional in a dynamic environment in which technology, resources, information needs, and user expectations change very rapidly. The author's conclusion is that while some of the roles of traditional librarians may be disappearing, there are plenty of opportunities for proactive information professionals in the new information environment. There are new services, new expertise, and new job titles. Businesspeople recognize that technology is not everything; the human factor, a person to select, filter, and analyze information, is critical. Information brokers and library fee-based service staff stand at the forefront of this new environment, because they are already used to employing and continually improving these vital skills.  相似文献   

Currently, scholars grapple with media that depict Third World women as either victims of unchanging contexts or agents of liberation. To explore how a widely distributed and popular documentary film can destabilize a First World gaze, this essay examines Iron Ladies of Liberia (ILL), which traced Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's first year as president of Liberia. ILL foregrounded women's rhetorical and political agencies to alter a postwar context, while it also situated their agencies within an enabling and constraining constellation of power relationships. Through its unique relationships between filmmaker and subject, ILL suggested a transnational feminist perspective on women in media.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2012,31(4):388-409

Results of two surveys and a study process for public library members of a Kansas regional library system are described. Information and observations are presented from participants who identify seven key areas for development including the library’s (1) relationship with its community, (2) accessibility and services, (3) technology, (4) e-readers and digital collections, (5) physical space, (6) staffing, and (7) funding. Two general themes–re-purposing of existing physical space and increased growth of the virtual library–are identified. Public librarians may frame the areas for change in the context of their own experiences and planning for the future.  相似文献   

I would like to use this occasion to ask how thinking about law and human rights would affect the way we do cultural studies, and vice versa. The truth is that the consideration of the effectivity of many different kinds of political mobilizations around issues of rights, from transnational NGOs’ strategies of anti-imperial politics to UN's education to rethink critical legal methods and practices, have not been seriously charted or assessed in cultural studies. I use this occasion to offer a rough outline of a long-term project that tries to look at the intersections of cultural studies, law, and questions of modernity.  相似文献   

中国西部幅员辽阔,山川形胜,人杰地灵,有着丰厚的自然景观和人文景观,文化资源是纪录片创作者取之不尽,用之不竭的“富矿”。中国西部不同于好菜坞西部片中描绘的美国西部,只有着印地安土著民族和有待拓荒的处女地:相反,中国的西部是源远流长的中华文明的发祥地之一,同时,它也是中国少数民族汇聚最多的地区。除汉族外,我国55个少数民族中就有51个民族在这块土地上栖息,汇聚,交融,极大地拓展和延伸着西部纪录片工作者的表现领域和创作空间。  相似文献   

配合全国文化信息资源共享工程的建设发展,以陕西省为视角,针对基层县支中心,对文化共享工程的实施现状和存在问题进行调查研究。通过分析数据,发现并研究影响县支中心文化共享工程发展的关键因素,提出合理可行的对策、建议,为政府部门深入建设、发展文化共享工程提供科学、有效的数据支撑和决策参考。表27参考文献9。  相似文献   

在我看来,无论是宏观层面还是微观层面,无论是管理层面还是企业层面,出版业目前至少需要关注三个问题:体制改革、技术吸纳和文化酿造.其中,体制改革是解决生产关系问题,技术吸纳是解决生产力问题,文化酿造是解决内容生产问题.这里主要想讲文化酿造问题,实际上就是文化理性问题.  相似文献   

亲爱的同仁们, 很高兴能来到这里,很荣幸能在这个会议上发言.正如所有演讲者一样,我肩负着三个任务: 首先,为批判传播研究的发展微进绵薄之力; 其次,为各位建立批判传播研究的核心提供一点见解; 第三,为了完成以上任务着重阐述一个主题--对我来说,就是如何将文化研究重塑为彻底的批判性研究.  相似文献   

正如费瑟斯通所认为的那样,“实际上,后现代主义把审美问题抛到了社会学理论之核心,它为文本的阅读与批判,提供了审美模式和判断标准,也为生活提供了审美模型”。[1]无可否认,现代社会与传统社会之间存在着巨大的差异,“这种差异的特征之一就是现代社会的日常生活完全被图象和信息所包围”。[2]一个镜像世界已经融入了大众的生活  相似文献   


Since the 1980s, writers in cultural policy studies have used Michel Foucault\rquote s writing on governmentality to rethink the relationship between intellectuals in the humanities and liberal (or neoliberal) states. One of the founding members of the Australian cultural policy studies school, Tony Bennett, has argued for a model of intellectual as a cultural technicisn who works with the state bureaucracies. This article uses Bennett\rquote s work as an entry-point into questions about the role of critical intellectual, the nature of state power and bureaucracy, and function of culture. It argues that if cultural policy studies is going to claim to be doing bureaucratic work for the sake of politics (rather than for purposes of self-interest), then it will have to supplement governmentality with other theories that help sort our relationships among intellectuals, political constituencies, and the state.  相似文献   

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