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One hundred high school girls (N = 20 per group) were initially given 10 trials on the Bachman ladder-climb task; each group was given a different length of lay-off (10 min., or 1 day, or 1 week, or 4 weeks, or 13 weeks) before being retested with another 10 trials. Correlations between individual differences across the lay-off decreased as the length of the lay-off period increased (from r = .89 to r = .69). Correlations between adjacent trials remained relatively constant at r =.90 as practice progressed. As remoteness increased, the relation decreased regularly, from r =.92 to r =.68. Individuals became increasingly different from each other as a result of motor learning; intraindividual variance did not change appreciably.  相似文献   

花鼓灯健身舞集花鼓灯传统因子与现代健身元素于一体,它的创编与推广既为农村舞蹈文艺的现代传承提供了新的思路,更为特色健身项目开辟了新的路径.采用文献研究等方法,分析我国农村舞蹈文艺面临的困境与出路、传统花妓灯文艺到特色健身舞项目的成功转型,最后得出两点启示,为其它农村舞蹈文艺的复兴与发展提供参考.  相似文献   

最大摄氧量平台是使用最普遍的用以确定最大摄氧量出现的标准之一。90年代以来,平台在有氧运动能力评定领域得到了应用。在递增负荷强度下,维持在最大摄氧量水平所持续的时间称为最大摄氧量平台期持续时间(VO2maxPD),是评定人体有氧耐力的生理指标。研究认为最大摄氧量平台期持续时间与有氧运动能力有极好的相关性。目前关于最大摄氧量平台期的生理机制的研究比较缺乏,文章旨在对影响最大摄氧量平台的生理学、方法学因素和测量方法以及应用价值做一评述。  相似文献   


Twelve male university students were tested twice on each of three continuous max [Vdot]RO2 protocols for treadmill running, pedaling on a bicycle ergometer while seated, and pedaling on a bicycle ergometer while standing. A comparison of the results failed to reveal any differences among protocols for pulmonary ventilation (max [Vdot]RE). For max [Vdot]RO2 (both liters [mdot] minute-1 and ml [mdot] minute-1. kg-1) all differences were significant with the highest value associated with treadmill running, the intermediate with cycling in the standing position, and the lowest with cycling while seated. Max heart rate (HR) was significantly higher on the treadmill than on either bicycle protocol, and the respiratory exchange ratio (R) was higher on the sitting bicycle task than on the standing bicycle task. No other differences among protocols were significant. Although the reliability coefficients for all protocols (range was from r = .95 to r = .97) and the intercorrelation coefficients among protocols (range was r = .93 to r = .94) were quite high, the magnitude of the standard errors of estimate tended to limit the ability to predict a subject's max [Vdot]RO2 on the treadmill based upon his measured max [Vdot]RO2 employing either a sitting or standing bicycle protocol.  相似文献   

严海  周琳 《湖北体育科技》2013,(12):1054-1055,1046
分析3名少年皮划艇运动员选材所做最大摄氧量测试中出现的一些现象,发现摄氧量曲线呈现的"V"型与运动选材有密切的关系。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和比较研究法,以日本政府颁布的有关青少年体育发展的政策及主要措施为依据,对二战后日本政府促进青少年健康机制进行了社会学分析,对日本政府振兴社会体育的政策进行了研究。研究发现,在各项基本法律的颁布和实施下,保障了日本学校体育的和谐发展,日本政府对学校体育的重视和资金的大量投入,是日本青少年体质健康得以大力改善的主要原因。认清当前战略机遇与主要挑战,积极借鉴日本青少年体育规划的成功经验,提高认识、紧抓主题、统筹协调以促进我国青少年体质健康的发展。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨体适能在青少年体育培训中的运用,通过针对青少年的体育培训模式,帮助青少年树立健康意识和观念。  相似文献   

This study was grounded in the belief systems and physical activity literature and investigated preservice teachers' belief systems toward curricular outcomes for physical education programs. Preservice teachers (N = 486; men = 62%, women = 38%) from 18 U.S. colleges/universities shared their beliefs about curricular outcomes. Preservice teachers completed a previously validated belief systems instrument designed to measure the relative importance of four outcome goals for programs (physical activity/fitness, self-actualization, motor skill development, and social development). Internal consistency reliability for the instrument was .98. A confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a good fit of the current sample to the hypothesized outcomes model. Multivariate analysis of variance results revealed a significant interaction in outcome preservice teachers' priorities for year in school by region. The teachers' views also differed on the important outcome goals for physical education. Two critical “tensions” are discussed: (a) the need to examine more fully the consistency of preservice teacher/teacher belief systems, and (b) implications for teacher education and professional development programming. It is important to heed prospective teachers' voices and address their belief systems in teacher education programs.  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the effect of an interactive videodisc motor skill assessment training program on the development of preservice and inservice teachers' qualitative assessment proficiency on two motor skills: the overhand throw and catch. Twenty-seven preservice and 27 inservice physical education teachers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: interactive videodisc (IVD), teacher-directed (TD), or self-directed (SD). Motor skill qualitative assessment accuracy was evaluated on a pre- and post-test basis using a 50-item motor skill assessment accuracy test (10 performances rated on 5 components) for each skill. Analysis of covariance results indicated significant main effects for treatment for both skills. Post hoc tests revealed that for the over hand throw, the IVD and TD groups were superior to the SD group but not different from each other. For the catch, the IVD group was found to be superior to both the TD and SD groups. These findings are discussed in relation to the advantages of interactive videodisc in terms of efficiency and user independence and with comparable findings in other educational applications.  相似文献   

2016年中共中央发布的《"健康中国2030"规划纲要》,明确指出"健康中国"已经成为国家发展战略。青少年作为中国可持续发展的源泉,如何运用"互联网+"技术为促进青少年体质健康服务,指导现代体育教学改革,并广泛应用于学校体育教育的各个领域,是体育教育工作者需要关心的新问题,已成为现代体育研究的新课题。本文运用文献资料法、理论分析法等研究方法,在阐明"互联网+"与青少年体质健康促进关联的基础上,从学校体育、家庭影响和社会涉入三个方面描述了"互联网+"在青少年体质健康实施中的具体应用,并阐述了"互联网+"与青少年体质健康发展的策略,旨在为新时代背景下提升青少年体质健康,提供快捷有效的途径。  相似文献   

以澳门成年人为研究对象,将经常参加体育锻炼人群与不锻炼人群的形态、机能和素质进行监测对照,旨在了解两类人群的体质状况及体育锻炼的效果。研究结果表明:男性经常锻炼者的BMI和去脂体重大于不锻炼者;经常锻炼者的心肺功能、力量、灵敏性和柔韧性好于不锻炼者;经常锻炼者体质综合评分显著优于不锻炼者。  相似文献   


This study examined the associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and musculoskeletal (MSF) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in youth. The sample consisted of boys and girls between 3-15 years. SES was categorized utilizing family-income-to-poverty ratio (FIPR). All analyses were standardized for age and sex. For each test of physical fitness, SES was used to estimate mean fitness test percentile and 95% confidence intervals, controlling for race/ethnicity and physical activity. Odds ratios were calculated for the likelihood of having low fitness by SES category. In general, the high SES group had a better composite MSF, body composition, and CRF profiles than low and moderate SES groups. Statistically significant differences were identified for relative grip strength, plank, body mass index, and cardiovascular endurance time (all p < 0.05). Additionally, the odds of low/poor MSF fitness were 1.7 and 1.6 times higher in the low and moderate SES groups (respectively) compared to the children from high SES families. The moderate SES group had an odds of poor CRF 1.6 times higher than the high SES group as well. Children and adolescents from high SES families tend to have higher mean fitness and were less likely to have low/poor fitness.  相似文献   

徐岩  江年  戎爱群  薛胜峰 《体育科技》2012,33(1):80-82,89
根据南京市20-59岁成年人体质监测结果,采用数理统计分析法,对南京市成年人体质状况进行内部比较分析,研究和探讨了南京市成年人体质的特征和变化规律,为全面实施全民健身计划提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对目前国家体育锻炼标准中单杠引体向上和双杠双臂屈伸的评分标准提出了修改建议。用实验研究方法,提出了应以体重分级,按学生拉引次数进行评分。  相似文献   

对1997~2003年3105名男女新生的最大吸氧量进行直接测定.结果:男女新生的最大吸氧量呈逐年下降趋势,男女生分别降了(0.3士0.09)L/min和(0.21士0.07)L/min;体形有逐年瘦长的趋势;经统计处理均具有显著性差异.建议学生在中学阶段就应加强体育锻练,增强体质,改善营养,进一步提高高校体育教学质量.  相似文献   

王翔  陈嵘  蔡秋  王健 《浙江体育科学》2007,29(3):111-113
以103名(男52人,女51人)来自南方的大学生自愿者为受试,建立了用在塑胶跑道上进行的20-MST预测大学生的.VO2max的线性回归模型:.VO2max(ml.kg-1.min-1)=-21.960 5.739×MAS(km.h-1),r=0.888,P<0.000,全距10.0~15.0 km.h-1。统计学检验表明该模型满足线性回归模型独立、线性、正态和等方差的四个假设条件,具有良好的适合性。用该模型预测30名大学生自愿者的.VO2max,其结果也表明20-MST是预测大学生的.VO2max的有效方法。  相似文献   

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