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校长的职业意识是校长在管理活动中,对自己扮演的角色行为模式的认识。在二十一世纪,校长必须具备创新意识、竞争意识、国际意识、科研意识、发展意识、质量意识才能成为学校管理的内行,带领学校走向成功。  相似文献   

After more than two months' visit and study in Soviet Russia, I deeply understand that in socialist countries the profession of people's teacher is one of the most respected professions. The secondary school students we met, especially girl students, were all willing to choose teaching as their profession. According to the headmaster of the First Normal [Teacher Training] School in Moscow, each year during the period of entrance examinations, he would personally conduct interviews with each of the applicants. In the conversation he would introduce the conditions of the school and ask the applicant's opinions. If he should discover that a student had not applied to the normal school on [his or hers] own initiative, or had no great interest in the education of young children, he would dissuade the applicants from taking the entrance examination. Nevertheless, each year applicants who take the entrance examinations to the normal school are very numerous even though these applicants all have the qualifications to apply to other schools. From this we can tell how much the young people of Soviet Russia love the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Consultation and supervision play an essential role in the management of the anxieties, conflicts and demands experienced by those working long-term with cases of non-accidental injury. In our setting we employ our own external staff consultant and in turn our workers offer a consultative service to workers from other agencies. It seems to us that consultation and supervision are inter-relaled but distinct processes: consultation is essentially experiential and non-directive: supervision is didactic and directive. A consultant may give advice from his own area of expertise (which may be different from that of the consultor), but he may also be called upon to interpret or comment on other areas, such as the conflicts between workers and their clients or workers and their organizations. A consultant may also be called on to offer a model of supervision to supervisor and worker. A supervisor, by definition, is expert in the area of work of the worker and in a position within the organization to give direction. He at times, however, will be called upon for non-directive discussion and comment—in effect consultation. He may also have to fill the role of manager and resource provider. Our experience shows it is essential to clarify this inter-relationship as a first step to exploring the skills necessary for supervisor and consultant to help workers fulfil their task.  相似文献   

地方财经院校主要是培养为地方经济服务的财经人才。学校应从地方人才需求特征入手,探索地方财经人才培养目标定位。通过建立符合学校自身特色的“321”人才培养模式,以适当的人才培养路径培养浙江经济社会急需的,以服务行业为主要职业取向的应用型、复合型、外向型的高级经济管理人才。  相似文献   

Whether your preferred destination is the executive suite or simply the nearest exit from your current position, don't let your job take you aimlessly down any path. In fact when it comes to career planning, don't think in terms of "jobs" at all, says corporate transitions expert William Bridges, Ph.D. Instead he suggests building your career plan on "doing the work you're best at for the employers who need it."  相似文献   

This artide has been draftn from the Observations, interpretations and reflections resulting from my first year of research as a PhD student. In September 2002 citizenship education became a mandatory entitlement ofthe KS3 and KS4 curriculum in England (ages 11-16 years). The initial focus of my research in this first year of a new government initiative was to monitor the unfolding impact of citizenship education within my workplace: from the position of all stakeholders. This research has been carried out whilst I also hold the position of coordinator of citizenship education in an English high school. A case-study approach was, and continues to be, employed in which I have gathered both qualitative and quantitative data. The results that can be drawn from some of the data so far collected, however, are both contentious and potentially contradictory and therefore offer valuable material for discussion both on their own merits as well as on my own position as researcher. This article identifies the conflict of views over the value of evidence-based research in the teaching profession, locates these within the context of my own experiences with both staff and students, and suggests possible solutions for the dilemma  相似文献   

The author observes that, apart from work done in the area of some expert systems, there has been little discussion of the problems of storing the knowledge used by engineering designers. It is often assumed that this comprises only a knowledge of engineering science in conjunction with a certain inner ‘feel’ for materials and system behaviour. The author argues that the knowledge of how to design is different from these and merits a separate identity, with its own epistemology and philosophy. The idea of the ‘design procedure’ is introduced as the means by which certain engineering design knowledge and skill can be stored, communicated, learned, researched, and given its own history independent of engineering science.  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued that experiences as a pupil are of importance for socialization into the teaching profession. Schooling experiences of pupils that turned to the teaching professions are compared with their school fellows who turned to other careers. Our data are based on a longitudinal study carried out in a Swedish medium-sized community where pupils were followed from the school start (at age 7) into adulthood (to age 23). Out of 671 pupils 34 later turned to teacher careers. During primary school the group of pupils who later became teachers were more well-adjusted and stimulated students compared to the other pupils. And as adults they have specific perspectives of schooling close to those predominant in middle-class positions and distant from those frequent in working-class positions, according to our data. Based on these findings it is argued that teachers and student teachers have to reflect upon and to analyze their own school experiences in order to understand differences in experiences and rationalities among their own students.  相似文献   

本文的"医"指从事管理、药物、治疗等活动的各类医务人员.本文的"师"是标志人的职业身份的名词."医"作为行业,是个大的门类,其内部又可以分为不同的专业,这些不同的专业人士,均可称"师",从而构成表示行业标志 身份标志的称谓--"X师".通检<四库全书>,医者称师计有:医师、侍御师、御师、针师、灸师、咒禁师、禁咒师、按摩师、药园师、采药师、药师等11种.本文运用系统科学的方法,对这些词语的语义、源流、理据及构成做了详细的考论.  相似文献   

The sharp contrast between counselor preparation and professional practice is one of the most perplexing problems in the counseling profession. Most counselor preparation programs attempt to help prospective counselors acquire the skills, the attitude, and the commitment necessary to be helping persons. Too often, however, when the counselor takes a job in a school, he is unable to establish and maintain his helping position. Further, his effectiveness as a helping person may in fact diminish with time on the job. Some possible reasons for this condition include: (a) lack of a systematic approach, (b) regression to attitudes and concerns held prior to entering the profession, (c) conflict between needs of students and institutional demands, and (d) the tendency to set unattainable goals. These conditions contain several implications for the profession and suggest a reexamination of traditional emphases in counselor preparation.  相似文献   

心理治疗是对主体经验的意义所进行的一种探索。治疗过程的本质是一个对话活动,它通过人与人的会话、通过互主体性的象征活动而发生。在这种关系中,一个治疗师不可能是解决他人困境的专家,他不提供外在的反馈以"纠正"当事人的问题。治疗师的任务是使当事人确立一个能够理解自身处境的位置。治疗就是一个让当事人的经验展现和流动的过程。治疗师和当事人的对话互动是自我治愈的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

教师专业自主发展是一个有意识的、持续的、系统的过程,主要强调个体的、内在的专业化提高。专业自主是教师本人对专业发展的自主意识和主动性的凸显,是教师专业发展的创造性、多元性和差异性的体现,是使教师最终获得其专业的满足感和自豪感的驱动力。专家型教师始终对自己的专业发展保持着一种自觉的状态。专家型教师的特征,首先表现为具有强烈的专业发展意识,其专业发展的特征主要表现在:具备坚定的职业志向、不断挑战常规的勇气以及自主学习习惯的养成等。专家型教师专业发展的价值取向是:教师发展是学生成功的基石;专业自主是教师职业幸福的核心。  相似文献   


The study outlined in this paper is one element of a research project that was designed to determine, from the teachers' perspective, how their teacher preparation program influenced their development as teachers and how this development progressed in their beginning years within the profession. This paper then explores how a group of student-teachers who had completed their Dip. Ed. at Monash University described their own development during their transition into the teaching profession as they re-considered their pre-service teacher preparation program.  相似文献   


Academic Development is a diverse and complex profession that is becoming an increasingly important aspect of higher education, albeit that in general terms it is not necessarily highly enough valued at institutional and departmental levels. To raise the profile of the profession it may be tempting to provide a narrow definition of the nature of Academic Development and the appropriate credentials of the ‘Developers’. Such a move could stifle the creativity and the diversity of skills that exist within the profession and that render it problematic to define. However, to place value on our chosen field it is important for Developers to work towards a shared conception of Academic Development as a unique profession. The intention of this paper is to contribute to the dialogue and discussion of this issue through critical reflection on my personal journey into this profession. While some of the issues raised by Andresen (1996) relating to the nature of Academic Development, pathways to credibility within the profession and issues relating to accredited programmes for Academic Developers are addressed, it is important to state that this paper is limited to reflections on my own journey, which I consider to be neither unique nor ordinary, into the profession.  相似文献   

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors of all times. He can be placed along with Faraday and Edison as a prolific inventor who touched on almost every aspect of electricity. In fact he invented electricity as we know it today and hence ushered in the modern age. Anil K Rajvanshi is a mechanical engineer by profession. He was educated in IIT Kanpur and did his PhD from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1979. He has more than 25 years of experience in rural development and runs a rural NGO called Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute in Maharashtra. Besides his technological work he also has interests in issues of technology and spirituality and writes extensively on this subject.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways in which student‐teachers in the Lifelong Learning sector are able to draw on fictionalised accounts of their own teaching practice experiences in order to gain a clearer understanding of their models and expectations of professionalism, and of how they, as individuals, locate their current position within the profession as a community of practice. It argues that the translation of experience into fiction – in this case specifically in the form of fairy tales – can be usefully applied in order to enhance and encourage reflection on practice as part of an action research cycle. Drawing on the evidence gathered, the paper goes on to suggest that student teachers’ main preoccupation at this stage of their development is not so much with meeting ‘standards’ of professionalism as with questions of behaviours and practices that will lead to a sense of belonging and acceptance; and with the need to transform their status, in relation to the profession, from that of outsider to insider.  相似文献   

音乐教育课程设置的目的是让学生掌握新知识、新技能,培养一大批—专多能、富有创新能力、适应市场经济需要的高素质应用型人才。  相似文献   

The present study identifies ways of how meaning-oriented learning is enhanced in academic primary teacher education, a new route to the teaching profession in the Netherlands. Meaning-oriented learners are generally described in the literature as being capable to regulate their own learning, to understand a topic thoroughly, to form their own opinion about it and to draw their own conclusions. Semi-structured interviews were held with both student teachers (n = 32) and educators (n = 18) who participated in this new route. Interviewees perceived common ways of enhancing meaning-oriented learning, such as encouraging students to structure, relate and critically process knowledge. Other ways are related to the development of students’ professional identity as an academic primary teacher in general, for example, through students’ reflection on the development of such an identity and their sharing of knowledge, not only with peers and educators, but also externally in publications, on a conference or on the Web. The present study indicates that the newly developed route to the teaching profession successfully contains elements that provoke meaning-oriented learning. The results of this study are useful for the (further) development of teacher education contexts in which the enhancement of meaning-oriented learning by student teachers is an important aim.  相似文献   

There is substantial agreement about the basic concepts of vulnerability and at-risk conditions in childhood in the context of what constitutes healthy development. Health is characterized by a progression of maturation and development in mental and emotional as well as in the physical spheres. When there is a failure of developmental progress that is more than transient, the expert observer ideally would detect it before the deviation creates its own complications. If the child and parents start off with the child poorly or incompletely equipped, or with the parents unable to respond with competence and affection to a healthy child, the vulnerability of the child or the at-risk environment created or unrelieved by the parents may set up a deviant or impaired development that has its own momentum and pattern. Thus, vulnerability refers to the weaknesses, deficits or defects of the child, whereas risk refers to the interaction of the environment and the child. Vignettes are presented to illustrate alternate patterns of parent-child interaction and how risk and vulnerability must be viewed together as a dynamic interchange between equipment and environment.  相似文献   

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