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The society of Hong Kong objected strongly when the government instructed schools to change their medium of instruction from English to Chinese at the junior secondary level soon after Hong Kong was reunited with the People's Republic of China in 1997. This paper tries to make sense of the objection to this piece of politically correct and pedagogically sound policy. It analyses the situation from Bourdieu's ideas of habitus and various types of capitals. The paper argues that the government's effort to persuade Hong Kong society to accept mother-tongue education on pedagogical grounds alone was to no avail because the English language has not only become a habitus of society; it also serves to distinguish Hong Kong people from mainland Chinese. The failure of the government was partly due to its insensitivity to the nature and social functions of language.  相似文献   

物理主义与实用主义,是现代教育学的两种重要哲学取向。前者促进了教育学体系的结构化与科学化,有利于人类对教育理论的认识、把握与迁移。但由于其过于追求普遍真理,而有贬低个体的知觉与经验的倾向,导致了主体与客体、理论与实践的分离;后者重视社会需要、价值与实践,但容易陷入利益、功用与绩效主义泥沼。二者存在的共同问题,在于背离了人的生命存在与精神世界。生命主义将超越物理主义与实用主义的局限,为教育、人,知识与人的社会化提供了新的解释。其教育学学科立场在于:人的本质即生命的冲动、历史与境遇的绵延;知识是生命绵延的重要成果;社会化即是生命绵延的过程。  相似文献   

RHETORIC OF THE PEOPLE. Edited and with Introductions by Harold Barrett. Amsterdam, Holland: Rodopi N.V., 1974; pp. 335. Stiff covers $10.00; Buckram binding $20.00.

THE PAPERS OF ADLAI E. STEVENSON: VOLUME 4, 1952–1955; “LET'S TALK SENSE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.” Edited by Walter Johnson. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974; pp. xiii+628. $17.50.

THE ARMIES OF THE STREETS. By Adrian Cook. Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1974; pp. x+323. $14.40.  相似文献   

Education for citizenship is now recommended for all primary schools. Whilst primary teachers have long covered social and moral education, they have been less likely to cover teaching about community and political literacy (including the discussion of topical, controversial issues). This paper reports research findings on current practice and identifies key areas for discussion. It argues that there is great scope for enriching and enlivening the primary curriculum through the introduction of education for citizenship, by extending current practice in social and moral education and incorporating the newer themes of community and political literacy into existing teaching.  相似文献   


The paper examines participant perceptions of the effectiveness of using case studies with college students (undergraduate – doctoral) to teach social justice and educational equity. Findings indicate that participants who identified with the characters in the cases were able to draw connections between the case and their own personal experiences. They felt the cases broadened their understanding of the topics and increased their sense of empathy and their commitment to principles of social justice.  相似文献   

传统的师生观把人与人的关系异化成了人与物的关系。作为批判教育学流派的重要代表,吉鲁克斯提出了"反文本"和"反记忆"等概念,并对知识分子提出了全新的看法和分类。以此为出发点,可以对传统的教师角色及师生关系进行深入的反思与批判,从而确立以平等对话为基础的新型师生观。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代景观社会理论译介到中国,开始引起学界的注意。作为一个新的研究理论,国内外许多学者从不同视角进行了解读,他们研究的内容多集中在德波的景观范畴、景观社会理论、景观社会批判等问题上,这些成果应从马克思相关理论的视角进行解读并加以评述。  相似文献   

在教育学的发展史上,实验教育学兴起可以说是开创了当时教育学的研究新风,也为教育学科学化发展开辟新的道路.实验教育学深受19世纪科学主义思潮的影响,它从教育学知识的论证、获得与方法论三个方面开创了教育学科学之道,对当代教育学的发展具有重要作用.  相似文献   

电影艺术的发展已过百年,作为电影艺术的主要表现手段,影像不仅能真实地再现自然景观,而且可以打造奇观的景象。随着当今数字技术的蓬勃发展,使追求视觉冲击力的奇观电影蒸蒸日上,受到了广大观众的普遍喜爱而占据了电影票房的相当份额,一定程度上体现着电影技术的发展走向。在奇观电影场景中最具奇观影像特色的是关于战争的奇观场景,因此,通过对奇观战争场景的分析,可以进一步理解和把握奇观影像对于电影本质与当代审美的重要意义,对此,本文着重从四个方面加以探讨。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 20th century, Einstein revolutionized the notions of space and time, first through special relativity and then, a decade later, through general relativity. Conceptual ideas underlying general relativity are explained and its physical ramifications summarized in general terms, without recourse to advanced mathematics. This theory is perhaps the most sublime creation of the human mind. Nonetheless, it has become increasingly clear that it too has serious limitations which can be overcome only through another dramatic revision of our notions of space and time. The article concludes by providing glimpses of what awaits us in the 21st century. Based on a public lecture given under the auspices of National Institute of Advanced Studies and Raman Research Institute, Bangalore on 22 December 2004.  相似文献   

作为现象学教育学的开创者之一,马克斯·范梅南认为教育学不能从抽象的理论文章或分析系统中去寻找,而应该在生活的世界中去寻找.因此,他倡导以解释现象学的方法进行教育学的生活体验研究,这有助于教育学回归教育生活,使研究更深入教育的生活世界.教师以个人生活体验为研究起点,用现象学方法参与教育研究,在教育实际中寻找教育的意义,不仅会不断丰富自己的教育思想和教学机智,也会使教育学焕发出生命的活力.  相似文献   

卡引言 夫卡的作品留给后人的似乎是一座走不出的迷宫,这些作品究竟象征了什么,谁也说不清,而卡夫卡也不能简单地归入现代派中的任何一派。结果便是,所有的阐释似乎只不过是一种徒劳而已——正如他的作品中大多数主人公所做的努力一样。然而也正如他作品中的人物往往恐惧而固执地琢磨着一些没有答案的问题,  相似文献   


Although field education is considered the signature pedagogy of social work, the work of field coordinators appear to remain peripheral to other aspects of social work education, such as coursework and research. In this article, we suggest that field coordination requires a far more complex set of knowledge and skills than merely matching students with placements based on availability and interest. Using critical and relational theories, this article conceptualizes field coordination as a negotiated pedagogy in which the coordinators navigate complex and often competing needs among students, field agencies, and social work practice. In making visible its nuances and intricacies, we suggest that field coordination is a critical relational pedagogy essential to advancing social work education.  相似文献   

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