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浅谈体育课程资源的开发与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体育《课程标准》的特点之一是用目标统领内容,《标准》在课程内容上具有很大的选择性,因此积极利用和开发体育课程资源显得尤为重要。因地制宜地开发和利用各种体育课程资源,可以发挥课程资源应有的教育优势,体现课程的弹性和地方特色,也为学校、教师创造性地实施《标准》提供了可能。  相似文献   

体育课程资源与体育课程之间存在着十分密切的关系,在高校体育选项课教学的实践中,体育课程资源的开发与利用具有重要的意义.以<全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要>为依据,从高校体育选项课教学的实际出发,提出了进行体育课程资源的开发与利用的对策,以促进体育选项课教学的顺利实施.  相似文献   

课程资源是新一轮国家基础教育课程改革提出的一个重要概念,它包括素材性资源和条件性资源两大类。《语文课程标准》指出:“自然风光、文物古迹、风俗民情、国内外的重要事件、学生的家庭生活,以及日常生活话题等,也都可以成为语文课程的资源。”赣南存着著名的自然景观,还有深厚的地方文化,我们应该充分利用本土文化资源,将本土文化里的有益成分引入语文教学,扩大中学语文的课程资源的源头,以促进语文教学的多样化和特色化。  相似文献   

为完善工程地质教学内容,补充课堂教学的不足,中国海洋大学利用崂山校区及周边丰富的自然地质资源,以培养非地学类学生的观察能力、空间想象能力和动手操作能力为目的,以建立标准地质现象观察点和地质思维拓展点为目标,构建了“工程地质”课间实践实习平台.新构建的“工程地质”课间实习平台内容包括四大模块,各模块内容根据课堂教学内容来确定.多年实践证明,课间实践教学内容与理论教学密切配合,能让学生不断强化工程地质的相关内容,提高学生的专业素质.  相似文献   

在双创背景下,创业管理课程教学改革与实践已成为高校激发学生创业热情、培养学生创业思维与创业精神,提升学生创业专业技能的重要途径。基于此,文章以湖南农业大学管理类专业的创业管理课程为例,结合实际构建了一种机会驱动与团队学习联动的创业管理课程教学新模式,提出了这种教学模式的实施条件,取得了课程改革的初步成效。  相似文献   

本文在讨论了网络课程特点的基础上,重点介绍了基于建构主义的《数据库概论》网络课程的设计思想,对其他理科类网络课程的设计有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

以学习者为中心的网络教育课程资源设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在远程教育系统中,学生处于主体和主导地位,网络教育课程资源的设计必须体现以学习者为中心的教学设计理念.本文结合英国开放大学的openlearn项目,从与学习者对话、激励学习者学习、支持学习者学习和关怀学习者四个方面对以学习者为中心的教学设计进行分析.  相似文献   

本文试图比较知识组织手段服务教育的现状,提出采取高端的知识组织和表现手段--语义网和本体构造及可视化技术,来创建传统课件、课程资源两分天下之外的第三世界--学科专业课程的"领域知识系统",创建新型网络教育平台:提高资源结构化、提供知识挖掘、知识推送服务,把学科教学纳入教育学模式(如融入教育目标分类本体),全面提升学习心理功能,把资源刚站纳入学习平台.文章基于两大实体,并介绍了技术路线和心理学功能.  相似文献   

以燕山大学电子信息科学与技术专业的PCB课程设计实践教学环节为例,介绍了近年来该专业通过以单片机最小系统为载体的PCB电路板设计,将学生自主设计开发出的电路板带入下一级实践环节,充分发挥和扩展每一级实物设计的功能,实现了PCB设计电路板的可持续开发利用,提高了实践教学经费的综合利用效率,使学生的实践活动由被动的模仿式学习转变为主动的创新性实践。  相似文献   

基于“瀑布模型”思想的网络课程设计与资源开发模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目前已有的网络课程开发模式已经远远不能胜任现有课程开发的实践需要。网络课程开发的持续性以及网络课程开发模型相关研究表明,基于“瀑布模型”思想的网络课程设计与资源开发模型,将课程开发方法和软件工程的方法有效结合,是开发网络课程的一个行之有效的工程模型。  相似文献   

本文较为详细地阐述了一个基于Internet的校园信息资源服务系统的设计思想及实现方法,同时对未来的研究提出了设想.  相似文献   

在信息化时代背景下,针对单片机课程的培养目标,对资源共享课的课程体系、内容设计、课程资源、教学设计等方面进行了研究。通过对课程体系的分析制定了循序渐进的课程内容,针对课程内容设计了项目任务,根据每个项目的重难点制作了对应的资源,然后通过平台来完美呈现。在教学过程中,教师借助平台,以学生为主体,以项目为导向,引导学生在自主完成任务的过程中学习新的知识点,起到较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

一、培智学校的课程资源 培智学校的校本课程是中重度智力障碍学生的惟一课程,体现对学生的尊重、认识和理解。检验校本课程的水准,一看课程是否能够体现国家培智学校新课程理念和标准的把握;二看课程是否能够体现培智教育的地域性;三看课程是否能够适合、方便每一个学生的学习。可以这样理解,培智学校的校本课程是集国家、地方、学校三级课程为一体的反映中重度智力障碍学生成长需要的主要内容。  相似文献   

Collaborative learning has been gaining momentum as a promising pedagogy in higher education. Research on student collaboration is increasing. However, one arena is often overlooked—faculty collaboration. In this article, a cross‐institutional faculty collaboration is presented. The context is faculty collaboration on the design of an undergraduate engineering course. Specifically, this paper examines design issues encountered in the faculty collaborations associated with developing, delivering, and redesigning a senior‐level engineering design course that was taught simultaneously at two universities. This course was taught in state‐of‐the‐art distance learning classrooms. Both within class and outside class, participating students and faculty made use of a Web‐based environment that supported a variety of synchronous and asynchronous interactions. The course itself focused on team design projects and provided instruction on the engineering design process, in various specific skills needed for the students’ projects, and on how to function effectively as part of a geographically distributed engineering design team. The participating faculty members represented different backgrounds, academic disciplines, and academic cultures. Issues related to collaborations on development, delivery, and redesign are elaborated. Based on the lessons learned, suggestions for future cross‐institutional faculty collaboration in course development are provided.  相似文献   

介绍了基于校园网的高校人力资源管理系统的设计原则、基本思路,探讨了系统的整体结构设计、模块结构设计的方法,并对设计中的技术进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Campus Club Cupcakes is an in‐class ‘introduction to operations management’ experiential learning exercise which can be used within minutes of starting the course. After reading the one‐page mini case, students are encouraged to meet each other and collaborate to determine if making and selling cupcakes to fellow business students would be a viable fundraising activity for a student club interested in completing a community development project in a developing country. The exercise is a variation and extension of the popular Kristen's Cookie Co. Harvard case which addresses capacity and bottlenecks. Campus Club additionally incorporates supply chain management and risk management concepts while also revealing how operations management integrates with the functional areas of marketing, accounting, and finance.  相似文献   

In response to the national conversation about the U.S.-Mexico border and immigration in recent years, we created an online partnership between students in concurrent border studies courses at our two campuses: a public Hispanic-serving institution in South Texas and a private, small liberal arts college in Michigan. We explored whether and how the tensions between privileged and disadvantaged students documented in the traditional classroom would manifest online, and how we could use virtual technologies most effectively to structure transformative learning, defined as recognition and articulation of the structural and cultural systems that frame individual experience and meaning-making, across difference. As we document in this essay, tensions around racial, class, and educational inequality did occur in our partnership. Yet these tensions were crucial in creating the conditions for transformative learning because they generated “disorienting dilemmas” that challenged students’ assumptions and knowledge. Our intentional integration of critical multiculturalist curriculum and pedagogical practices (especially embodied, facilitated online interactions) capitalized upon those conditions. By the end of the partnership, both groups of students experienced significant—but distinctive—trajectories of transformative learning that unsettled not only their individual understandings, but also the dynamics of power that characterize the higher education landscape. Given the polarization wrought by border and immigration discourse and educational policies that will likely produce increasingly segregated campuses in years to come, such online partnerships show promise for critical multiculturalist educators seeking to create opportunities for learning across difference and inequality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to bring attention to the collaborative relationship that can exist between campus ministers from diverse religious traditions and college counseling center personnel. The potential role of campus ministers in facilitating referrals for mental health services to college counseling center personnel is addressed, and recommendations for improving collaboration between them are made. Brief excerpts from campus ministers' written narratives are included to exemplify this collaboration.  相似文献   

校园教育资源环境建设:案例分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高校信息环境建设中,网络是基础,资源是核心。随着教育信息化的深入发展,教学资源库已经成为新一代校园信息环境的心脏。文章以常熟理工学院教学资源库建设为例,通过教学资源库建设的需求、要素、结构和特点的分析,对高校的信息环境建设进行了初步的研究。  相似文献   

以中央电大教师教育类一门网络课程(作为教师教育必修课程的“课程与教学论”网络课程)的设计为例,分析讨论了开发设计网络课程所必须论证的课程教学目标、教学内容选择策略、教学过程服务及管理维护与评价等因素,强调必须以真实学习需求为导向来开发实用的远程教育学习产品,重视学习者个人自主学习的经验及其价值追求,提高教师教育学习资源的实效性。  相似文献   

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