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Mathematics is a particular stumbling block for community college students in developmental course work. The present study empirically investigated student-level and teacher-level factors that influence the success of community college students enrolled in developmental mathematics courses. Specifically, numerous variables in one statistical model were examined, which included student self-efficacy (SE) beliefs in various aspects of academic engagement, previous course difficulties, full-time teaching status, and class attendance policies. Multiple regression results show that attendance was the largest predictor for higher course grades, followed by repeating a mathematics course and students’ sense of SE. In the hierarchical line modeling (HLM) model, teachers’ full-time status was a significant predictor in the model, but when teaching status was controlled for, the remaining student belief variables in the model were not statistically significant except SE in Cognitive Strategies, Self-Regulated Learning, and Motivational Strategies. The results provide empirical support for increased communication between full- and part-time faculty members, implementation of attendance policies, academic interventions prior to students’ failures, and the need to address students’ sense of SE.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of a set of theoretically-derived predictor variables on the persistence and transfer of Hispanic community college students. Early models of student persistence have been validated primarily among 4-year college students. While the constructs have been well-established, the relationships of those relevant factors remain unexamined among community college transfer students, and specifically, among Hispanic students enrolled in developmental coursework and planning to transfer from a community college to a 4-year institution. Logistic regression analysis was used to test the hypothesized conceptual framework on an existing set of quantitative persistence data drawn from a national sample of Hispanic students.  相似文献   

This study reports on the content validation of the Community College Student Success Inventory (CCSSI) for Men of Color. The CCSSI was designed to be used by community colleges to assess their effectiveness in addressing success outcomes for men who have been historically underrepresented and underserved in education, particularly men of color. A panel of subject matter experts (SMEs) rated the instrument and provided qualitative feedback on additional areas for consideration. Content validity index (CVI) and scale level index scores (S-CVI) are reported. The instrument illustrated strong CVI and S-CVI scores. SMEs suggested several additional areas for consideration that were added to the CCSSI. The instrument is recommended for use by community colleges interested in enhancing outcomes for men of color.  相似文献   

Scholarship on service-learning and experiential learning increasingly demonstrates benefits for student access and success, but evidence is still needed of the impact of these strategies on sustainable development of communities and their infrastructure. This case study examines a university Police and Society course that partners with four police departments to use both experiential learning and service-learning in the form of ride-alongs, simulation trainings, and written and physical examinations, as well as hosting a police–community relations event. Focus groups of students and officers reveal how service-learning and experiential learning build capacity for police–community relations. Orienting students toward officer procedures, requirements, and culture creates a learning opportunity for both students and departments, while police–community relations activities humanize officers and build public understanding and trust.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to explore whether participation in study abroad by community college students impacts levels of engagement and if there is a connection between studying abroad and academic achievement. While university-level studies have a history in exploring these questions, the same is not true for community colleges. The California Community College Student Outcomes Abroad Research project (CCC SOAR) uses a mixed methods design to examine data that evidences how participation in study abroad programs not only has implications for personal development and global learning, but also has a range of indicators of academic success variables. Data show that there is a range of positive outcomes that occur as a result of studying abroad for all students across an array of early, midstream, and terminal outcomes due to engagement-enhancing components such as shared common experiences, nurturing behavior from faculty, and increased student interaction in collaborative activities.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to improve developmental education have included references to learning communities as examples of effective practices in basic skills education. The study “Basic skills as a foundation for student success in California community colleges” (2007 Basic skills as a foundation for student success in California community colleges . ( 2007 ). Sacramento , CA : The Center for Student Success, Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges.  [Google Scholar]) cited research from Tinto that suggested that learning communities and collaborative learning activities were effective in improving academic performance and persistence of developmental students. The improvement is because “students encounter learning as a shared experience rather than isolated experience,” and that learning communities “emphasizing collaborative learning have a positive impact on student attitudes toward learning” (Tinto, 1997b, cited in “Basic skills as a foundation for student success in California community colleges,” 2007 Basic skills as a foundation for student success in California community colleges . ( 2007 ). Sacramento , CA : The Center for Student Success, Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges.  [Google Scholar], p. 58). The problem under investigation in this study was whether learning communities were effective in improving student success in community college developmental English courses, and whether there were differences in learning community outcomes among gender and racial/ethnic groups. Student success was defined, for the purpose of this study, as successful course completion. This study of the impact of a learning community on success in developmental English in an urban community college demonstrated that learning communities are effective in assisting students to succeed in higher level developmental English courses. This level of success was not demonstrated in the lowest level developmental English courses, however.  相似文献   

高职院校开展成功素质教育活动,关键在于是否有一支具有成功素质的教师队伍。高职院校要充分认识到引领教师成功的重要作用,并在师德、教学、文化、科研等方面积极引导教师走向成功,掌握成功理念和方法.获得成功体验和感受,最后达成师生共赢的成功目标。  相似文献   

With the Completion Agenda taking such political prominence, community colleges are experiencing even more pressure to find ways to promote and improve student success. One way that has been suggested is to limit the reliance on part-time faculty under the premise that the employment status of faculty has a direct influence on student success. The tacit assumption is that full-time faculty are more engaged with their home institution, and this engagement translates into the engagement of the students taught. The present study examined employment status of faculty on the success of students enrolled in four, two-course sequences. Using Pearson chi-square and binary logistic regression analyses, it was concluded that employment status of the faculty has no statistical influence on student success as has been previously claimed. These results suggest that community colleges should not assume that hiring more full-time faculty will improve student success and, instead, should possibly consider utilizing funds otherwise allocated to hiring new full-time faculty on the development and compensation of part-time faculty.  相似文献   

While the strategy of funding both systems provides an incentive for both school districts and community colleges to participate with dual enrollment, the current fiscal environment has drawn attention to the inefficient use of the dual funding structure. This article highlights the results of a case study on Florida's dual enrollment program documenting how over a 20-year period policymakers offered different financial incentives as an inducement to greater participation among districts and community colleges. The article documents how the current state fiscal condition has altered lawmaker's motivations for supporting dual enrollment. It concludes by describing the implications of this on community college participation with dual enrollment.  相似文献   

文化育人共同体建设表现为文化软实力的提升、中华优秀传统文化的传承.在高职院校文化育人共同体建设基础上,明确文化育人共同体建设目标为增强高校学生的文化素质,培养适应新时代的优秀人才,良好地实现高职院校文化共同体建设.在高职院校的文化育人理念中应重视对时代任务的完成以及时代赋予的责任,探索新的育人方式,对教育载体实现创新,拓展文化育人平台,建立共享资源,优化校园文化建设,实现文化育人从全面抓起,建设更加完善的文化育人共同体机制.  相似文献   

A narrative review was developed to add to the discussion and dissemination of research on community colleges. The review adds to existing work by synthesizing and critiquing the empirical research to date specific to three of the most prevalent programmatic efforts presently seen on community college campuses: (a) learning communities, (b) student success courses, and (c) supplemental instruction. Empirical investigations or evaluations of student success programs from academic journals, conference presentations, dissertations, unpublished policy reports, and book chapters were identified, summarized, and critiqued. The review concludes with a proposed research agenda to advance research on program effectiveness at community colleges and implications for practice.  相似文献   

以开放试点英语本科专业课程《成功指南》为切入点,分析了此课程的专业导学作用,并以此为例建议构建作为入学教育后续工作的试点专业导学课程,完善教学过程、学习支持服务,提高远程教育质量。  相似文献   

实践教育是保证高职院校学生党员发展质量的关键,目前高职院校党员发展对象实践教育存在重理论轻实践、重结果轻过程等问题。基层党支部应该结合实际情况,组建"党知识宣讲团",提升培养对象思想修养;开设"学习加油站",提高培养对象服务意识;参加"亮身份"系列活动,发挥培养对象模范带头作用,促使高职院校学生党员实践活动常规化、规范化。  相似文献   

在认真分析奥林匹克精神体系的主要内涵基础上,指出对大学生群体进行奥林匹克教育是非常必要的,对于促进大学生的全面发展,提升大学生的人文素养,激励大学生公平参与社会竞争非常有益,并在此分析基础上提出了对大学生进行奥林匹克教育的具体方式。  相似文献   

The traditional unidirectional (“linear”) postsecondary path from high school to a community college to a 4-year institution into the workforce represents accurately a decreasing proportion of the pathways actually taken by students through higher education. Instead, students increasingly exhibit patterns of enrollment that take them through multiple postsecondary institutions, both within levels of the higher education system (e.g., multiple community colleges, multiple 4-year institutions) and across levels (e.g., movement back and forth between community colleges and 4-year institutions). These “swirling” patterns of enrollment are widely recognized by scholars of higher education, but they remain poorly understood. In this study, I employ data that address 89,057 first-time students in the California community college system to answer a number of key questions concerning lateral transfer between community colleges, which, according to prior research, constitutes one sizeable component of student “swirl”. Building on the very limited work on this topic, I examine whether the reported high prevalence of lateral transfer holds true under a more stringent operational framework than that employed in prior work. I explore whether lateral transfer is primarily an artifact of students enrolling simultaneously in multiple community colleges, sometimes called “double-dipping”. I investigate the timing of lateral transfer from several different perspectives to determine how lateral transfer fits in students’ progress and development. Finally, I probe the relationship between students’ level of academic investment in their current community college and the risk of lateral transfer.  相似文献   

博士职业选择趋向多元化,使博士生教育面临一些挑战。聚焦“学生成功”是应对挑战的新转向。界定“学生成功”不再是传统习惯上以获得学位证书为依据,而是综合考量学生的教育结果与教育经验获取。因此,“学生成功”的要素、衡量标准、促进举措将是多元化、系统性的。麦吉尔大学认识到博士生教育存在的弊端,丰富“学生成功”内涵,聚焦学生可转移技能与健康,继而制定了“学生成功综合模式”。该模式内含学术、福利与学生生活、职业与专业发展三个方面,并凸显一些实施成效。“学生成功”是博士生教育的新旨趣所在,对我国博士生教育有重要启发。  相似文献   

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