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健康的立法实践需要自觉立法理论的导引。民族立法理论研究体系的不健全及其相关研究滞后的状况,不利于我国民族法制建设。为此需要在总结历史经验的基础上,以研究域、课题群和“支点”与“破点”为基本要素,构建更为合理的研究体系,以此推动民族立法理论研究的深入开展。  相似文献   

中华民族精神的内涵述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
明确了中华民族精神的内涵,有利于更好地弘扬和培育中华民族精神.文章对中华民族精神的内涵的已有研究的进行了系统的总结和概括,并通过对已有的研究的深入考察,提出了研究中华民族精神的内涵的几个必须遵循的原则.  相似文献   

辜鸿铭是清末驰名中外的文化怪杰,也是一个复杂的矛盾结合体.他的思想虽然有很多不正确的地方,但是他思想中所闪耀的爱国情怀、民族精神对于我们当今社会以爱国主义为核心的民族精神的培育具有重要意义.学习他的思想有助于我们坚持正确的爱国主义,抵制狭隘民族主义;树立真正的民族自信心,反对民族虚无主义;在传统文化的学习中树立真正的民族自豪感.  相似文献   

There has been a long-lasting debate of whether the effects of family background are larger than those of school resources, and whether these effects are a function of national income level. In this study, we bring a new perspective to the debate by using the concepts of relative risk and population attributable risk in estimating family and school effects. The study uses data from the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA), a large international comparative study of the skills of 15-year-old students in 43 countries. The study finds that: (1) there is a curvilinear association between family effects, measured by both relative and attributable risk, and national income level; (2) there is no association between school effects and national income level; (3) the risk associated with low levels of family background is larger than that of low levels of school resources, regardless of national income level.  相似文献   

本文结合广西实际,从该工程建设的民族性、理论基础、选拔方法等方面开展了系统研究,并以三位国家教学名师的个案为例,表明广西在培养和推选国家高校教学名师的策略上有很强的操作性。  相似文献   

加强大学生民族精神的弘扬和培育教育,是增强综合国力、应对国际间综合国力竞争新态势的需要。当前,在落实党中央、国务院提出的进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的任务中.高校要把大学生民族精神的弘扬和培育教育作为基础性、战略性的重大问题进行系统研究,把培养具有崇高民族精神的高素质人才当成重要历史使命来完成。  相似文献   

Andreas Pöllmann 《Compare》2007,37(1):89-104
The link between formal education and national identities is widely acknowledged. Empirical research on national and supranational identities of teachers, however, is still relatively rare. Whilst a number of studies consider the special population of teachers, these contributions do not consistently focus on national and supranational identities. Based on a case study of 72 trainee teachers from Baden‐Württemberg (Germany), the present paper looks at the reconcilability of national and European identities and explores notions of the European Union in terms of cultural and geographical inclusiveness. Findings on the case study level are considered in their own right, but also compared to findings on the regional, national and European level, using relevant Eurobarometer survey data. The article shows that high levels of attachment to nation and high levels of attachment to Europe do not have to be mutually exclusive. It also demonstrates that, for most trainee teachers, the European Union constitutes a culturally and geographically inclusive institution that is supposed to stand for cultural diversity, peace, freedom and respect of human rights. Through comparisons that go beyond the case study level, the paper recognises the importance of regional and national contexts. Nonetheless, it argues that some of its findings are likely to be relevant for studies of national and European identities across different European societies.  相似文献   

By analysing five separate OECD reviews of evaluation and assessment practices with Norway and Sweden as cases, our study illustrates different ways in which a specific international educational reasoning is blended into more context-based national education policies and, as such, works in parallel with internal reforms and agendas. It is evident that an overarching narrative promotes the importance of coherent and integrated systems of evaluation and assessment in order to strengthen social and political endeavours for equity, quality and achievements. The parallel mix of OECD discourses and national discourses creates a combined narrative in which evaluations and assessments appear natural, self-evident and rational as well as highly adaptable to national settings. The study shows that national vertical and/or horizontal developments are intertwined with the OECD policy recommendations, which are quite general in character. In a continuing process of uploading and downloading, within different contexts, policies are elaborated and recontextualised. Evaluations and assessments are part of a contemporary rational paradigm for mapping and promoting performance in national educational systems – what we identify as a comparative curriculum code.  相似文献   

This study investigates Pakistan's secondary school children's constructions of their national identity in a Pakistani school in Dubai by drawing on data collected from students and teachers from the case school and analysing national curriculum textbooks used in the school. Informed by Foucault's concepts, the article problematises how the curriculum textbooks are employed as a technology of power for inculcating national consciousness in the students. The findings suggest that Pakistan's national curriculum textbooks deploy a specific version of Islam as a major technology, which then influences other national identity signifiers in the textbooks for shaping students' national identity. The school affords a crucial space for the complex interplay of these technologies, which construct students' ethnocentric national identities, encouraging social polarisation. This has implications for Pakistan's national social cohesion as well as the potential for subverting international peaceful coexistence and working relationships, particularly in the selected overseas study context.  相似文献   

In this study, we aim to understand the forces driving assessment for learning (AfL) in primary school teaching. By applying a case study design, including the two cases of Norway and Portugal and using mathematics teaching as an example, available policy documents and research reports are analysed to identify the differences and similarities that might explain the assessment practices previously observed in the two countries. Many similarities are found at the school and national levels. In particular, AfL is introduced as a national policy in both countries. Still, AfL practices are not common in primary mathematics classrooms in either country, although this is true for different reasons in each country. It is suggested that the assessment culture caused by national policies, such as curriculum reforms, national professional development projects and teacher autonomy, explains the similarities in the observed outcomes.  相似文献   

通过研究纺织行业国家职业资格标准的发展历程和现行国家职业标准存在的问题,文章从纺织CAD技术的专业特点、纺织企业的生产研发以及纺织专业的人才培养等方面对创建纺织CAD设计师国家职业标准的必要性进行了深入细致的分析,并对创建纺织CAD设计师国家职业资格标准提出了建设性的意见和建议,为国家制定纺织行业新的职业资格标准提供参考。  相似文献   

少数民族中小学生的心理健康关系到民族的素质。近10年的研究表明,国内少数民族中小学生的心理健康水平低于汉族学生。学校、家庭、社会等环境因素以及年龄、性别、人格特质等个体因素是影响其心理健康的主要因素。不过这些研究主要是一些质性的研究,且大多探讨的是一些消极的影响因素,具有民族特色的研究较少,教育干预研究较为缺乏。今后应该尝试从积极心理学的视角,深入探讨民族精神、民族意识、民族性格等因素的影响,发掘少数民族独特的心理健康教育资源,并加强教育干预研究。  相似文献   

一个民族的存在,必须有它自己的民族文化,而民俗的传承正是民族文化的组成部分。民间图案的特征,正是中国古代民俗思想文化生活的集中表现,今天我们对此进行探究,是为了弘扬这一民族文化使其更好地继承和发展。  相似文献   

鲁迅是我国新文化革命的先驱,同时也是我国传统文化的传承者.在鲁迅有关文学、文字学的著作中,多处征引<周易>的文字,以<周易>立论.因此,研究鲁迅对<周易>的看法以及他从<周易>出发,整理、发掘我国传统文化的宝藏非常重要.  相似文献   

首先统计分析2003—2008年的614门高职高专类国家级精品课程的省市、专业分布情况;接着对比分析广东省入选高职高专类国家级精品课程分布状况;最后结合广东省精品课程的建设现状和特点,为2009年广东省精品课程的建设,提供了些许的判断和思考;  相似文献   

In a global environment in which global, national and local nodes relate freely within common networks, all research universities must pursue strategies for building global capacity and facilitating cross-border staff and student movement and research collaboration. The study compares readings of the global environment, global and international activities and relationships, and global capacity and strategy, in two leading national universities, one in a middle level developing country (Indonesia) and the other in a middle level developed country (Australia). The main tool of investigation was interviews with parallel groups of institutional leaders and leaders of academic units and research centres, in conjunction with study of the national and local contexts. It was apparent that in both cases, while global elements are increasingly important in university strategy, mission and identity, resource capacity remains highly dependant on national government and students. This belies the romantic myth of the ‘stand-alone’ corporate university in the global marketplace. The two cases also differ in some respects. While both universities are peak national institutions, and each respects the other, the Australian university is more strongly placed in the global environment and practical dealings between them are asymmetrical. The study helps to illuminate the dynamics of global stratification and hierarchy between developed and developing nations and institutions in higher education.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of English language usage and international media on the strength of either national or global identity. The regression analysis of 354 responses reveals that individuals who studied at universities that use English as a medium of instruction show significant differences in the extent to which they embrace a global identity. Viewing local (Kuwaiti) television programmes and the use of the Internet predict national identity. This study discusses the social entities that are important factors in mitigating the influence of globalisation on national identity. It concludes that the argument that globalisation and Westernisation are two faces of the same coin is overstated.  相似文献   

报道了泉州市药用爬行动物的种类及其用途,经整理鉴定,泉州药用爬行动物隶属于2目9科17属25种,其中,有3种属于国家重点保护野生动物,2种属于国家重点保护野生药材,20种为国家保护的,有益的或有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物。  相似文献   

作家是一个民族的代言人,鲁迅与卡夫卡作为中西方代表性的文学家,他们在各自的小说创作中展现了一幅幅民族的生动画面,揭示了民族精神的某些本质特征。通过对两位作家在小说中所塑造的背叛者、被驱逐者、伪装者等三种人物形象系列的分析与比较研究,可以看出两位作家在其作品中所表现出的民族意识。  相似文献   

An observation study of classroom practice in 25 Swazi preschools was undertaken to study teaching in the academic subjects from the perspective of the national preschool education goals. While these goals are more process oriented, the operational curriculum was found to be more product oriented. A number of educational practices were identified that probably impede the realisation of a number of national preschool goals. These practices are: stress on isolated skills and knowledge development through rote learning and drill; instruction not in the mother tongue; inefficient classroom organisation resulting in long periods of waiting time for the children. A number of suggestions are made to bring classroom practice in the academic subjects more in line with the national preschool educational goals.  相似文献   

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