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Teachers,Museums and Worksheets: A Closer Look at a Learning Experience   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Journal of Science Teacher Education -  相似文献   

In this article we report data from a longitudinal study of one–to–one tutoring for students at risk for reading disabilities. Participants were at–risk students who received phonics–based tutoring in first grade, students who were tutored in comprehension skills in second grade, and students tutored in both grades 1 and 2. At second–grade posttest, there were significant differences in word identification and word attack between students who were tutored in first grade only compared to students who were also tutored in second grade, favoring students who were tutored in first grade only. Overall, there were no advantages to a second year of tutoring. For students tutored in second grade only, there were no differences at second–grade posttest compared to controls. Schools may have selected students who did not respond to first–grade tutoring for continued tutoring in second grade. Findings are discussed in light of decisions schools make when using tutors to supplement reading instruction for students with reading difficulties.  相似文献   

Research Findings: We assessed the quality of child care in a nationally representative sample of 200 Dutch child care centers using the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale–Revised and/or Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale–Revised and compared it with a previous assessment in 2005. The Caregiver Interaction Profile (CIP) scales were used to rate the quality of caregiver–child interactions. Results showed a significant and substantial decline in quality compared to 2005, with 49% of the groups now scoring below the minimal level. The CIP scales showed relatively high scores for the basic caregiver interactive skills of sensitive responsiveness, respect for autonomy, and structuring and limit setting but much lower scores for the more educational skills of verbal communication, developmental stimulation, and fostering positive peer interactions. Caregiver sensitive responsiveness was significantly lower in infant groups (0–2 years) than in preschool groups (2–4 years); caregiver respect for autonomy, verbal communication, developmental stimulation, and fostering positive peer interactions were significantly lower in infant groups than in preschool groups and mixed-age groups (0–4 years). Practice or Policy: Quality of child care is not stable across the years, and regular quality assessments are therefore needed to monitor child care quality. The low scores on the more educational versus the more basic caregiver interactive skills indicate that these skills deserve more attention in caregiver education and training. Training programs should be attuned to the individual interaction skill profile of caregivers.  相似文献   

An Angoff standard setting study generally yields judgments on a number of items by a number of judges (who may or may not be nested in panels). Variability associated with judges (and possibly panels) contributes error to the resulting cut score. The variability associated with items plays a more complicated role. To the extent that the mean item judgments directly reflect empirical item difficulties, the variability in Angoff judgments over items would not add error to the cut score, but to the extent that the mean item judgments do not correspond to the empirical item difficulties, variability in mean judgments over items would add error to the cut score. In this article, we present two generalizability-theory–based analyses of the proportion of the item variance that contributes to error in the cut score. For one approach, variance components are estimated on the probability (or proportion-correct) scale of the Angoff judgments, and for the other, the judgments are transferred to the theta scale of an item response theory model before estimating the variance components. The two analyses yield somewhat different results but both indicate that it is not appropriate to simply ignore the item variance component in estimating the error variance.  相似文献   

文人画在明清之际已成为绘画的主流,但自20世纪初开始,对文人画艺术尤其是明清文人画的褒贬之争一直不绝于耳,明清文人画也在这长达百年的时间里伴随着如何正确评价、如何客观认识的问题而始终处在备受关注的焦点之中。本文以清代文人画家孔衍栻及其画论《石村画诀》为导入点,分别从自我情感的抒发、笔墨独立性的确立及表现、创新求变意识的高涨三个方面阐释了明清文人画的绘画精神。  相似文献   

This article does not attempt to deal in comprehensive terms with educational policy formation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nor is it a venture into institutional history. It is an effort to state some preliminary findings about relatively ignored aspects of educational policy formation, largely refracted through the recent experience of one institution, the University of Duisburg — planned over 400 years ago, established in 1655, closed "on many grounds, particularly the problem of unfavorable political circumstances in 1818," reincarnated the same day and year as a Pädagogische Hochschule (1), and most recently reformed as a comprehensive university (Gesamthochschule) comprising "die Abteilung Duisburg der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ruhr und die Fachhochschule in Duisburg."(2) Some materials will be drawn from recent forays of German social science into related fields, and from journal and daily press accounts of educational politics.  相似文献   

本文运用人力资本理论、公共产品理论、知识经济理论,简单分析了学校作为一种经济--文化二元组织能承担的社会责任,其担负的社会责任有:1.为社会积累各种基础性、专业性人力资本的责任;2.确保人力资本保值、增值、重组的责任;3.为社会提供公共产品(纯公共产品、准公共产品),保障这些产品有效供给的责任;4.满足社会多元教育需求,为社会提供私人产品的责任;5.科学经营、保障学校运作效率的责任;6.生产、传播、应用、创新知识的责任.  相似文献   

This article explores the meaning of child-centeredness in Early Childhood Education (ECE), by shedding light on the nuanced tensions between teacher control and children’s freedom. While ECE professionals advocate the importance of children’s individual interests and needs in education, they diverge somewhat in their perspectives about the teacher’s role in education. This article manifests and tries to resolve this teaching dilemma through incorporating the related theories (Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey, and Montessori) upholding and encompassing child-centeredness. The author contends that high teacher control and high children’s freedom are not exclusive of one another: children’s freedom is defined in an active way, as freedom to participate, rather than in a passive way, as freedom from any constrains. The paper concludes with a metaphor of “impressionist painting”, which may offer some insights helpful to those who have struggled with the tension between teacher control and children’s freedom in the context of progressive and critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

基于数学核心素养的课程目标制订,应当以"知识作为核心素养的生成本源"为逻辑线索,以"数学核心素养贯穿课程体系的整体支配模式"为框架,用体现目标水平的层次结构方式,兼顾学业评价的可操作性。对于数学核心素养,宜采用知识理解、知识迁移、知识创新三级水平刻画。知识理解指学生掌握基础知识、形成基本技能;知识迁移指学生将知识应用到新的情境中去解决问题的能力;知识创新指学生提出问题、推广问题的能力。这样划分数学核心素养水平,能反映数学课程目标的内核,具备学业质量测评的操作性特征。  相似文献   

Pupils’ qualitative understanding of DC-circuit phenomena is reported to be weak. In numerous research reports lists of problems in understanding the functioning of simple DC-circuits have been presented. So-called mental model surveys have uncovered difficulties in different age groups, and in different phases of instruction. In this study, the concept of qualitative understanding, and the content or position of reported mental models of DC-circuit phenomena are discussed. On the grounds of this review, new tools for investigating qualitative understanding and analysing external representations of DC-circuit phenomena are presented. According to this approach, the external representations of DC-circuit phenomena that describe pupils’ expressed conceptions of the topic should include both empirical-based models and theoretical explanations. In the empirical part of this study, third-graders (9-year-olds) learning DC-circuit phenomena in a comprehensive school in a small group were scrutinised. The focus of the study is the external representations manifested in the talk of the small group. The study challenges earlier studies, which claim that children exhibit a wide range of qualitative difficulties when learning DC-circuit phenomena. In this study it will be shown that even in the case of abstract subject matter like DC-circuit phenomena, small groups that highlight empirical-based modelling and activate talk can be a fruitful learning environment, where pupils’ qualitative understanding really develops. Thus, the study proposes taking a closer look at pupils’ external representations concerning DC-circuit phenomena.  相似文献   

道德素质是人才素质的最重要方面。学校是对学生进行道德教育的重要阵地。在当前全球化大背景下的社会转型期,学校道德教育面临诸多新问题,必须积极探求增强学校道德教育实效性的对策。一、转型期学校道德教育面临的问题20多年来的改革开放,在社会经济、政治文化领域发生巨大变  相似文献   

The School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt (SSMV) is an innovative partnership program between a Research I private university and a large urban public school system. The SSMV was started in 2007 and currently has 101 students enrolled in the program, with a total of 60 students who have completed the 4-yr sequential program. Students attend the SSMV for one full day per week during the school year and 3–6 wk in the summers following their ninth- to 11th-grade years, with each grade of 26 students coming to the Vanderbilt campus on a separate day. The research-based curriculum focuses on guiding students through the process of learning to develop questions and hypotheses, designing projects and performing analyses, and communicating results of these projects. The SSMV program has elevated the learning outcomes of students as evidenced by increased achievement scores relative to a comparison group of students; has provided a rigorous research-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics elective curriculum that culminates in a Summer research internship; has produced 27 Intel and Siemens semifinalists and regional finalists over the past 4 yr; and has supported the development of writing and communication skills resulting in regional and national oral presentations and publications in scientific journals.  相似文献   

略论中学语文新课程及教材改革的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一轮中小学课程改革对青少年的思想道德、知识结构、实践能力、身心健康、创新意识、审美情趣等基本素质提出了新的要求。根据新的发展要求,中学阶段的语文教育要立足于人的发展,立足于普遍提高学生的语文素养,促进学生素质的全面发展,为学生的终身学习、生活和发展奠定坚买的基础。语文教育必须充分体现新课程及教材在智、能、情三个层面的价值取向上对中学生的要求,既要注重对学生智力发展,又要注重对学生语文能力素养的培养,同时还要注重对学生情感、灵性的熏陶启迪,使语文的工具性、思想性和人文性在这些价值取向上得以充分而和谐地体现。  相似文献   

行政体制改革与动因驱使、目标导向、目标实现程度与要解决问题的难度相关。文章认为,改革开放以来的历次行政体制改革,存在着分别反映经济体制改革、政治体制改革、社会发展诉求以及解决行政体制即政府本身问题的多重动因,其中,社会民生诉求作为新动因将成为后续行政体制改革的主要动因;由多重动因决定的历次行政体制改革目标具有叠加特征,而建设服务型政府将成为后续行政体制改革的统合性主导目标;行政体制改革的成效受制于若干实践难题,这些难题是后续行政体制改革需要深入研究和破解的现实问题。  相似文献   

瑞士日内瓦大学医学院意识到医学人文教育的重要性 ,在 2 0 0 1年开设了一门新的包括四个相互依存的目标的本科生人文教育课程。同时 ,为二到五年级学生开设了必修的研讨会和一门为期 2周的选修实习课程 ,并提出帮助医学人文课程教师形成医学人文教育整合观的三个重要步骤。该课程利于增强学生的判断和倾听能力 ,使其心胸开阔、具有创造性和好奇心 ,保证医患关系的和谐并使医患双方都满意  相似文献   

According to the World Health Organization, as of March 2016 there have been over 16,000 reported cases of individuals infected with the Zika virus. The estimates are even greater for unreported cases. This article applies the principles of human performance technology (HPT) to the current ZIka virus epidemic, highlighting the utility and potential impact of HPT theory when applied to real‐world situations in real time.  相似文献   

教育部决定从2007年起,对教育学等分部学科门类硕士研究生招生将实行统一入学考试,面对新形势,非师范类院校应当如何实现教育学科的发展及共其人才培养?本文就教育学科是一门学科亦或是一个研究领域,从其发展及人才培养的使命感、责任感等方面,如何实现规模与质量的和谐发展,提出个人的若干思考.同时,以美国斯坦福大学教育学科发展的学科理念、课程设置等作为本文研究的借鉴.  相似文献   

This ethnographic case study investigated the science practices of teachers at one public elementary magnet school in light of how school culture influenced science curriculum design and instruction. The purpose of the study was to address how school culture impacted the school??s overall treatment of science as a viable content area. Key informant teachers were interviewed to explore their personal beliefs and values, teaching, access to materials, and views of the adopted integrated thematic curriculum model and magnet structure. The resulting data, triangulated with informal observation and artifact collection, were analyzed using a theoretical framework that emphasized five interdependent school culture indicators (values, beliefs, practices, materials, and problems). Findings suggest that the school??s culture adversely influenced the treatment of science.  相似文献   

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