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由可视化系统开发人员与学科化服务人员共同组成系统测试团队,针对可视化系统的稳定性、功能、质量及用户个性化需求进行问卷设计,在不同领域的科研一线用户中展开问卷调查、回收。通过对问题进行统计、分析,为系统完善提供客观、科学、可信的用户建议。探索协同组织用户测试的模式,归纳用户测试组织流程,为高效组织基于用户需求、提高用户可用性和满意度的图书馆系统用户测试,提供最佳实践案例。  相似文献   

以耶鲁大学医学院图书馆的学科服务为范例进行研究,介绍该图书馆对学科服务的组织、安排、项目操作,包括联络馆员和个人图书馆员项目、信息素养教育及咨询培训服务等。耶鲁大学医学院图书馆将学科服务作为一项科学研究来从事,在日常工作中进行个性化服务尝试,总结经验,形成规范,进一步指导整体部门工作,值得国内研究型图书馆学习。  相似文献   

刘桂宾 《图书情报工作》2015,59(21):139-148
[目的/意义]图书馆利用对高校学生学习成果的影响研究既可以证明图书馆对学校办学效力的贡献,又可以通过强化对学习成果有积极影响的资源和服务来提高图书馆的工作成效。为使我国相关研究人员对国外先进的研究理念、分析思路及相关研究的发展趋势有系统、深入的了解,提高我国在该领域的研究成果质量,并有效指导图书馆的工作实践,对相关研究进行系统评述。[方法/过程]通过网络数据库检索出53篇相关文献,首先梳理研究的发展历史;然后对研究内容要素进行分析、归纳和总结;重点对两类研究进行深入分析和评述;最后对我国的相关研究提出展望。[结果/结论]发达国家的相关研究日趋成熟,有常态化、规范化的发展趋势。建议我国图书馆学界从三方面提升研究质量:①加强制度建设,以制度促进研究的发展;②扩大调查规模和调查范围,强化研究结果的可信性和代表性;③注重加强与高等教育评估领域的合作。  相似文献   

Candidates readily assure search committees that they will join up, collaborate, and participate in a group. The challenge for the search committee is learning whether the candidate will truly fit with the existing group and organizational culture. How do we gauge how a new hire will fit? Hiring for fit is critical in libraries because each member of the group interacts on behalf of the library with students, faculty, administrators, and staff. Such work demands not only collaboration but also a shared vision. This article describes how one library altered the hiring practice to address the issue of “fit.”  相似文献   

Although e-books date back to the 1970s, the peak of academic adoption was in the early to mid-2000s. At the beginning of the 2012/2013 academic year, the Franklin & Marshall (F&M) College Library had roughly 500,000 print volumes cataloged and only 12 e-books. By the end of that year, the catalog contained approximately 120,000 e-books. In February 2014, the F&M College Library conducted a campus-wide survey about e-books. By comparing these results with F&M’s usage statistics, the Library found practical suggestions on how to improve current acceptance and usage of e-books.  相似文献   

为了提高学术论著参考文献的引证质量,对"无效引用"的4种情况进行案例分析。指出:应尽量避免与主题不相关的引用;减少笼统而模糊的集中引用;提供新颖、有价值的文献;著录时认真核对,力求准确无误。  相似文献   

清华大学图书馆社会化媒体营销实践探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍清华大学图书馆利用社会化媒体开展营销的实践案例,分析图书馆基于社会化媒体的营销策略,提出图书馆应积极参与社会化媒体营销、主动融入用户社区,注重运用营销专业理念,有效促进用户参与互动,并随着社会化媒体技术的发展和用户需求的演变,动态优化营销策略,保持图书馆营销实践的可持续发展.  相似文献   

This case study describes the development and implementation of a home-grown internal training program to teach the reference staff at a U.S. federal government library a new process for obtaining research materials that are not owned through alternative means rather than through the traditional interlibrary loan. Proficiency in the new process and increased use of existing resources were goals of the program. Included are the activities related to planning, logistics, success indicators, and lessons learned in the development and delivery of the in-house training program.  相似文献   

图书馆学基础理论的再探讨   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
文章主要就图书馆学基础理论的基本含义、研究现状、基础理论的作用与地位、研究对象、内容、体系、图书馆学基础理论与理论基础、图书馆哲学等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

When a scholarly monograph is made available in both print and electronic formats, which format will users prefer? This study analyzed monograph usage data from three university presses in the University of Toronto Libraries' collections, comparing print and ebook usage patterns of identical titles. The goal was to examine format preferences and determine whether there are differences in usage across subject disciplines or publishers. The study showed that although in many cases users preferred one format over another, they used books in both formats. If a subject was popular, usage tended to be high for both formats, and if unpopular, low for both formats. The data also indicated that there were some noticeable differences in ebook usage for particular subjects, and the authors concluded that format does matter and therefore it is desirable for libraries to provide both formats if possible. The study also highlighted how critical metadata are in promoting the use of electronic resources. If there were no ebook metadata within the library catalog, the ebook usage was low. This analysis adds to a growing body of literature in user preferences on book formats that can assist libraries in making better-informed decisions in collection building.  相似文献   

夏旭 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):90-95
以《复印报刊资料》(下称资料)研究论文定量分析和2000—2003年图书馆学情报学期刊全文转载排名为基础,通过比较其综合排名与《中文核心期刊要目总览》、《中文社会科学引文索引》、《中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览》的差异和CNKI、《中文科技期刊引文数据库》收录期刊基金论文和被引频次验证排名合理性,结果表明《资料》期刊排名有一定的合理性,基金论文和被引频次是衡量期刊排名的客观指标。  相似文献   

本研究以近20年来国内外公共图书馆的部分纲领性文件、80家公共图书馆网站信息及我国公共图书馆评估后的总结材料为文本,对国内外公共图书馆的使命陈述和服务项目进行了内容分析。研究发现,近年来我国出现的公共图书馆纲领性文献对当前我国公共图书馆的使命(或任务)基本上都省略不表,公共图书馆界更多地是从国外公共图书馆使命中借鉴发展方向和指导思想;但截止目前,这种借鉴还没有影响到图书馆服务内容的设计.文章根据这一研究结果,提出了若干值得我国图书馆界深思的问题。  相似文献   

New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Library receives copies of all course syllabi to provide a number of services to faculty and students related to acquisitions, access, collection development, subject liaison, and library instruction. Access services and acquisitions staff, as well as subject liaison librarians, work together using specific workflows to ensure that subject-relevant materials are selected and purchased on an ongoing basis and access needs are met by course reserves or the learning management system. Additionally, the library works closely with the NYUAD Bookstore, which also receives textbook orders, to ensure that students have access to all required and supplementary materials on the first day of classes.  相似文献   


Case studies can be an excellent way to teach management principles. This article presents a detailed analysis of the fourteen case studies included in Academic Library Management: Case Studies, edited by Tammy Nickelson Dearie, Michael Meth, and Elaine L. Westbrooks. The authors of the case studies participated in the 2014 UCLA Senior Fellows program, directed by Beverly Lynch, and prepared these case studies as a way to fill a void in the professional management literature. The article summarizes the management problem in each case study and the actions taken to resolve it. This analysis also includes a critique of the case studies as appropriate including additional information that would make the case study stronger, the author’s opinion on the veracity of the account, commentary on the choice of the management principles, particularly strong or weak points, and further lessons that could be drawn from the case study. The article concludes with some general observations on this type of case study and its potential use in teaching library management.  相似文献   

This article is a case study reviewing how the University of Plymouth approached the management of electronic resources and how the modern library environment provides significant challenges to current workflows and technologies. The article covers a brief history, the review of the market, and the implementation of the Alma integrated solution for resource management.  相似文献   

Past and present instructors from the Library Education Experimental Program (LEEP) online graduate education program at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois discuss their instructional experiences. Topics include: discussion of learning activities that work and those that do not, the differences in participation rates among online students, the challenge of instruction in an environment where visual or physical cues are absent, and the ways in which instructors measure learning outcomes and encourage students to work in groups.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字资源使用统计为图书馆联盟评估资源使用效益提供数据支撑,也是图书馆集团采购分级定价的重要衡量指标,其横向对比数据能够使成员馆优化其订购决策。以JUSP为案例分析英国JISC Collections采购联盟提供的使用统计服务,以期为其他图书馆联盟开展使用统计服务提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献综述与在线调查对国内外图书馆采购联盟的数字资源使用统计应用现状进行分析,以英国期刊使用统计门户JUSP为案例,介绍其背景、发展历程,探究其在数据收集、数据提供及数据维护等使用统计服务方面的探索与实践。[结果/结论]JUSP的成功为联盟开展数字资源使用统计服务提供诸多启示,图书馆联盟应重视用户的使用统计需求、采取合作方式开发一站式使用统计平台、遵循相关标准与规范、重视社区参与。  相似文献   

"跨界融合子"审理对我们的启示:审稿案例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过分析典型审稿案例,揭示审稿活动的科学本质.科学的可批评性使审稿成为可能和必要.审稿人应首先审核论文中结果的可重复性条件.划清科学实践与经验的界限是正确审稿的必要理论准备,论文结果的价值判断应以"材料和方法"的可靠性为前提.学术期刊编辑应充分重视审稿人的意见,防止"轰动效应"干扰自己的正常判断力.审稿活动中的"马太效应"可以成为推进科学进步的动力,使已有科学理论体系的"潜能"得到充分揭示,使真正具有生命力的科学新芽在脱颖而出时已扎根深土,格外茁壮.  相似文献   

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