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本研究随机选取甘肃省3所普通高等院校的教师为被试,探讨领导风格、工作家庭冲突以及情绪智力3因素对高校教师组织承诺的影响。研究发现:仁慈领导和权威领导分别对教师组织承诺有正向和负向的影响;工作一家庭冲突和家庭一工作冲突均对教师组织承诺有负向的影响;教师的情绪智力对组织承诺有正向影响;回归分析得出工作一家庭冲突、仁慈领导、权威领导、教师情绪智力4个变量能够较好地预测教师组织承诺。这一结论对我国高校管理者以及教师本身都有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

This quantitative study examined the perceptions of college and university counselors (N = 669) regarding their ethical environment, job satisfaction, and ways of dealing with organizational conflict. Findings indicated that counselors manifested an average, but not positive, perception of their ethical environment. Job satisfaction was highest among counselors employed at small institutions. While variable, communication conflict styles indicated possible power struggles occurring within counseling centers. Implications for campus‐based counseling centers are discussed.  相似文献   

The study used data provided by 349 professional staff employees from 17 different US higher education institutions to assess aspects of their working conditions that could influence their own work engagement and the work-related behaviours of their colleagues. Relationships among three role stressors (role ambiguity, role conflict and role overload), work engagement, organisational citizenship behaviours, and in-role behaviours were examined using correlation, regression and relative weight analyses. The higher participants’ perceptions of role ambiguity, conflict and overload, the lower were the levels of their own work engagement and organizational citizenship and in-role behaviours of their colleagues. Work engagement partially mediated the relationships between role ambiguity, conflict and overload and both organizational citizenship and in-role behaviours. The analysis indicated that role ambiguity had the strongest relationship with work engagement, organisational citizenship and in-role behaviours, followed by role conflict and then by role overload. Practical implications are discussed and managerial interventions suggested.  相似文献   

职业情绪是高校辅导员职业心态的综合反映。在相对自然的状态下,辅导员的职业情绪表现出多个维度的矛盾性:理想的"大学教师"身份与现实的"行政科员"身份之间的纠结;"高大上"的职业属性与"低微下"的职业地位的冲突;"多面手"的职业需求与"专业化"的职业理想的冲突;"超我"的工作方式与"自我"的生存状态之间的冲突等。高校辅导员这种矛盾性的职业情绪体验主要来自于辅导员矛盾的职业身份,而这种职业身份的矛盾性主要来自于高校辅导员组织归属感的缺失。通过重建辅导员组织,并给予辅导员期望的组织承诺是解决其职业情绪问题的可能出路。  相似文献   

Age and Sex Differences in Perceptions of Networks of Personal Relationships   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
In this study, 549 youths in the fourth grade, seventh grade, tenth grade, and college completed Network of Relationship Inventories assessing their perceptions of their relationships with significant others. The findings were largely consistent with 7 propositions derived from major theories of the developmental courses of personal relationships. In particular, mothers and fathers were seen as the most frequent providers of support in the fourth grade. Same-sex friends were perceived to be as supportive as parents in the seventh grade, and were the most frequent providers of support in the tenth grade. Romantic partners moved up in rank with age until college, where they, along with friends and mothers, received the highest ratings for support. Age differences were also observed in perceptions of relationships with grandparents, teachers, and siblings. Finally, age differences in perceived conflict, punishment, and relative power suggested that there was a peak in tension in parent-child relationships in early and middle adolescence. Discussion centers around the role various relationships are perceived as playing at different points in development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the family relationships of gifted and nongifted adolescents. Two hundred two youth were surveyed to determine if differences existed in their amount and types of employment, task time, free time, and family conflicts. Students enrolled in “college prep” English courses were designated as the gifted sample, and students enrolled in “regular” English courses comprised the nongifted sample. Gifted students were found to be employed fewer hours than nongifted students, reported fewer incidents of conflict among family members, and rated the quality of their family relationships significantly higher than nongifted students.  相似文献   

Interparental conflict has been shown to have a negative effect on the academic success of children and adolescents. This study examined the relationship between college students' (N = 143) perceived levels of interparental conflict, their living arrangement, and their current self‐reported grade point average. Participants who experienced more interparental conflict, specifically female students and those living away from home, reported a lower grade point average. Implications for college counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

对大学生宿舍人际关系的调查表明,有20.4%的大学生对这一关系不满意。大学生普遍在意的人际问题主要有:因无礼伤人自尊,言语冲突伤人,休息时间打电话,私自动用他人物品。提升大学生文明素养营造和谐会风、班风、校风是改善大学生宿舍人际关系的根本之策。  相似文献   

西部地方院校大学生心理问题的根源与预防   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人文素质是人才培养的基础,大学生的心理健康素质又是与人文素质的高低相互联系的。当代大学生存在自卑心理、同学交往障碍、网络成隐、情感冲突与困惑、畏惧挫折等一些心理问题。就业压力、学业焦虑、经济状况、学生个体心理素质差异、学校教育不注重人文关怀等是引发大学生心理问题的重要原因。完善心理咨询体系、帮助大学生建立自信和健全人格、加强挫折教育、建立科学的生活方式、引导大学生阅读优秀传统文化作品等是预防大学生心理问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study focuses on academics in research-intensive universities in the UK and explores their perceptions of organizational climate, role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction. The findings suggest that the universities have multiple organizational climates. Three organizational climate types – the Clan, the Hierarchy and the Adhocracy – were associated with lower levels of role stress. However, the Market climate was associated with higher levels of role conflict. Only the Clan-type climate was directly related to high levels of job satisfaction. It appears that despite the changes in the styles of management in universities, the collegial/Clan climate is still a very important contributor to the satisfaction of academic staff.  相似文献   

The authors explored associations among relationship harmony, perceived family conflicts, relational self‐concept, and life satisfaction in a sample of 169 African American and Asian American college women. As hypothesized, higher relational self‐concept, or the extent to which individuals include close relationships in their self‐concepts, and relationship harmony scores were predictive of greater life satisfaction, whereas perceived family conflict was associated with lower life satisfaction. Implications for counseling African American and Asian American college women are discussed.  相似文献   

高校教师工作家庭冲突与职业倦怠:社会支持的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高校教师为研究对象,采用问卷法进行施测,在描述高校教师工作家庭冲突与职业倦怠现状的基础上,进一步考察社会支持对于工作家庭冲突与职业倦怠的积极作用。结果发现,重点高校教师存在较严重的工作家庭冲突与职业倦怠;工作家庭冲突是职业倦怠的重要预测源;社会支持在高校教师工作家庭冲突与职业倦怠中发挥着中介作用。  相似文献   

大学教师对学校的认同结构是测量大学教师对学校认同的一个重要基础。以H省11所大学664名教师为调查对象,探讨大学教师组织认同的结构,问卷显示:大学教师的组织认同是由组织认同感和组织公民行为两方面组成,两方面存在一定的相关,但各自具有独立的结构因素。其中,大学教师组织认同感主要由组织适合性和组织归属性两部分组成,大学教师组织公民行为主要由热爱学校、帮助同事和自我发展3个维度组成。  相似文献   

建设优质专科高等职业院校是当前国家推进高职教育发展的重要举措之一,它承接高职示范院校建设和骨干院校建设计划,对我国建设世界一流水平高等教育发展战略具有重要意义。组织学习是组织发展的主要手段,它通过促进组织创新能力发展,对高职优质院校建设的成败起着关键性作用。通过对我国发达地区某高职优质院校建设项目的参与式观察和访谈等实证研究,发现高职优质院校建设过程中存在诸多组织学习问题,如组织文化制约、领导支持不足、组织成员学习意愿不强烈和缺乏激励机制等。研究建议,高职院校应建立完善的沟通机制和学习型组织文化,领导应做好支持工作,还要健全激励机制,以切实提高职院校的组织学习能力,从而取得所期望的优质院校建设成果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between different levels of organizational commitment (compliance, identification, internalization) of teachers and their different conflict management strategies (compromising, problem solving, forcing, yielding, avoiding). Based on a questionnaire survey of 418 teachers, this study indicated that male teachers are more likely to experience commitment based on compliance, and are more likely to avoid conflicts than female teachers. As teachers get older they are more likely to experience commitment based on internalization and on identification, and they are more likely to use problem solving conflict management strategies than those who are younger. The results also revealed that both identification and internalization are significant determinants of the use of compromising and problem-solving conflict management strategies. Commitment based on compliance is the only significant predictor of forcing behavior. Commitment based both on identification and compliance are found to be the important determinants of avoiding behavior. Of these two, identification was found to be the most significant predictor of avoiding conflict behavior. Conflict resolution through yielding was not predicted by any level of organizational commitment.  相似文献   

大学文化是以高校师生为主体,在大学校园里产生的具有大学属性的物质环境文化、组织行为文化和思想精神文化的总和。大学文化建设面临的主要挑战有:传统文化与现代文化的冲突与融合、中国文化与西方文化的激荡与碰撞、文化传播方式由传统向现代的转变等。  相似文献   

The central purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which community college faculty and administrators' perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of their institutions was related to their perceptions of the cognitive and behavioral complexity of the organizational cultures and the leadership roles performed by senior campus officials of their institutions. The findings show a strong relationship between perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of the institutions and the level of complexity in their campus cultures and the leadership behaviors of senior campus officials. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on the organizational effectiveness of colleges and universities and policy and practice initiatives that have the potential to improve the performance of these institutions.  相似文献   

组织公正感是指人们对组织管理决策与人际交往公正程度的主观判断。在高校辅导员队专业化、职业化建设过程中,辅导员对组织公正感的认可程度如何,会从不同方面和不同程度上直接或间接影响其工作绩效和工作满意度,进而产生一系列心理健康问题。对组织公正感与高校辅导员心理健康等相关问题进行分析,有助于为探索高校辅导员队伍专业化、职业化建设的发展提供思考路径。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康教育的新视野:冲突教育初探   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
人际交往和人际关系问题是影响大学生心理健康的重要因素,提高人际交往的能力和水平是大学生心理健康教育的重要内容。人际交往中,人际冲突是一种常见的社会现象,大学生如果不能正确认识和合理应对人际冲突,势必对个体心理健康和人际交往造成一定的负面影响。新形势下高校应该重视和加强对大学生的冲突教育,提高大学生人际交往能力和心理健康水平。  相似文献   

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