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"学院高中课程"计划产生于20世纪70年代的美国,该计划的核心是在大学校园里对贫困的、濒于辍学边缘的高中生进行课程教育,旨在帮助他们顺利完成高中学业,并为以后的中等后教育打下基础。学院高中课程的实施有效地降低了美国高中的辍学率又为高中生继续深造奠定了基础,对我国高中教育以及高中教育和大学教育的衔接有重要的启示。  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper examined a set of innovative high school programs on community college campuses. Specifically, a full-time dual enrollment program and 4 middle college high schools were studied. The authors used in-depth interviews and observational data to investigate the structure, processes, and perceptions of effectiveness of the programs. The study found multiple missions for these programs and identified common features that appear to play an important role in their formation and relative success. Although constituent perceptions of effectiveness were overwhelmingly positive, the programs did not systematically collect and analyze empirical evidence of their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Dual-enrollment programs have been proposed as a useful way to ease students’ transition from high school to community college. Several studies have shown that dual enrollment produces positive effects for students, but less is known about the mechanisms these programs use to support student success. Symbolic interactionism suggests that clarity of the role of a college student may help students transition into this role with more ease. With new legislation allowing students to use Pell Grants to attend dual-enrollment programs, and other proposed policies to increase attendance at community college, research on the mechanisms that make dual enrollment successful is well-timed. This study takes a mixed method approach with an online survey (N = 101) and a series of focus groups (N = 15) to explore the experiences of dual-enrollment students from several high schools and one community college. Findings suggest that dual enrollment helped to enhance participants’ clarity of the college-student role, including who attends college, what skills are required, what college can lead to, and their own self-identification as college students. Sources of role expectations for these students included self-reflection and peer, family, teacher, and structural expectations. Students highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the dual-enrollment program in which they were enrolled. These findings have implications for practice, including the potential for dual enrollment to support low-income and first-generation college students in their transition to higher education.  相似文献   

奥巴马就任美国总统后,将社区学院视为低收入群体迈入中产阶级的跳板,对社区学院进行了多项改革。为应对产业升级对高水平技术型人才的需求,奥巴马颁布了社区学院免费计划,免除社区学院学生的学费,以期吸引更多学生入学,提高人才培养质量,促进美国经济复苏。这对我国的启示是:要改变行政管控方式,以资源激励促进地方本科高校转型和应用型人才培养;要探寻多元经费配置体系,建立灵活的免费资助政策,实现我国高等教育普及。  相似文献   


This paper examines the school development planning process at Southlands Community College and considers that, while it has been a useful process to date, fundamental rethinking is now necessary. In particular, it advocates the utilisation of the concepts of 'strategic intent' and 'futures thinking' in order to enhance the capacity of self-managing schools to manage in an increasingly turbulent environment. The paper demonstrates, through a case example, how one school is meeting the challenge of developing new approaches to school planning.  相似文献   


As increased attention and proposed funding are being directed toward community colleges, it is important to consider the sexual and reproductive health care needs of this growing population. Existing data suggest there are significant sexual health needs among this population and often insufficient provision of services. Some community college students are more likely than students at 4-year colleges to test positive for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Given resource constraints, creative solutions are required. These may include campus-wide policies addressing STD/HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) prevention, referral systems to connect students to care in the community, and partnerships with local health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, or community-based organizations to assist with the provision of services. Colleges have the unique opportunity to provide students with valuable information about sexual health and services. Community colleges, in particular, are uniquely positioned to reach at-risk community members for STD testing and sexual health care who might otherwise be lost to care. More research is needed on the sexual health needs of community college students, especially on factors such as geographic location, how embedded the school is into the community, social norms around sexual health on college campuses, and health services offered. New and innovative ways to promote linkage to care for testing and counseling could offer potential health benefits to this growing at-risk population.  相似文献   

高职院校在推动我国高等教育大众化进程中发挥着重要作用,在促进国家经济发展尤其是地区经济建设中,具有着普通高校所无法替代的职能.这是由高职院校所具有的与普通高校不同的社会职能所决定的,是其独特性和不可替代性的体现.而新世纪新阶段,我国高职院校的职能应着重体现在两个方面:一是促进全民教育的发展,二是服务地方经济和社会发展.  相似文献   

要提高成人高中数学课堂教学质量,必须引起学生的学习兴趣,可尝试下列方法:从实践开始引起学生的学习兴趣;利用生活中数学事例引起学生的学习兴趣;利用通俗的语言引起学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

美国社区学院的转学教育经历了创建、主导、挑战、回升等重要历史时期。这种转学教育是为满足当时美国社会急剧增长的高等教育需求、建设民主社会的需要,由于开展成本较低,在政府导向下产生的。其对美国社会、社区学院和学生成长做出了重要贡献,对我国高职高专院校有一定借鉴意义,但目前我国实施转学教育的条件尚不完备。  相似文献   

本探讨了中学英语与大学英语教学的衔接问题,结合大学英语教学的特点,提出大学阶段教师应侧重由中学的教“书”向教“学”的转化。  相似文献   

做好大学物理与中学物理教学衔接是帮助学生顺利适应大学物理学习,优化大学物理教学的关键。在分析学生学习大学物理的现状,以及大学物理与中学物理主要区别的基础上,提出大学物理与中学物理教学衔接的方法与途径,即大学物理教学要在绪论课、物理概念和规律教学、物理实验和习题教学4个方面做好大学物理与中学物理教学的衔接。  相似文献   

未来教育的理念是强化学生的核心素养.初高中数学课程结构、教学内容、考试评价等方面的差异,使得初高中数学教学出现了衔接障碍,因此,有必要从数学素养视阈下探究初高中数学教学衔接对策.建议:教育政策制定部门做好顶层设计、中学数学教师统筹整个中学数学教材、运用科学的测评方法监控学生的数学素养.  相似文献   

由于种种原因,使得原本系统化的大学与中学教育的链条被人为地割裂。本文认为,根据时代的发展和教育自身规律的要求,大学应主动与中学建立经常化的协作关系,以实现学科建设、课外教育和德育方面的沟通与对接。  相似文献   

图形计算器与中学数学创新教育—几个值得思考的问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
图形计算器作为一种现代化教育技术,在中学数学创新教育中发挥着越来越大的作用,近几年来,北京市有40多所中学的几百名教师,利用图形计算器开展课题研究,使图形计算器进行中学数学创新教育的关键是教育观念的更新,重点是改进课堂教学过程,方向是实现现代教育技术与课程及教材的整合,开展课题研究则是进行创新教育的一种重要而有效的途径。  相似文献   

Three focus groups consisting of board of trustee members, community college presidents, senior administrators, administrators, and faculty members developed critical issues facing community colleges with respect to instructional planning and services; planning, governance, and finance; and workforce development. Thereafter, the delegation of more than 200 voted on various aspects of the most critical issue divulged in the 2008 Community College Futures Assembly: general education assessment is coming. The findings, including opportunities and challenges, potential implications for community college administrators, and future research topics are also discussed, mostly in the context of workforce development opportunities.  相似文献   

高中物理探究式课堂教学原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者通过对探究式课堂教学相关课题的实践研究,提出在高中物理教学中实施探究式课堂教学必须把握四条原则:主体性原则、任务驱动性原则、多样性原则、适应性原则,并进行了简要的阐述。使探究式课堂教学在高中物理教学中能够得到有效的实施和产生良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Using a longitudinal sample of Texas high school seniors of 2002 who enrolled in college within the calendar year of high school graduation, we examine variation in college persistence according to the economic composition of their high schools, which serves as a proxy for unmeasured high school attributes that are conductive to postsecondary success. Students who graduated from affluent high schools have the highest persistence rates and those who attended poor high schools have the lowest rates. Multivariate analyses indicate that the advantages in persistence and on-time graduation from 4-year colleges enjoyed by graduates of affluent high schools cannot be fully explained by high school college orientation and academic rigor, family background, pre-college academic preparedness or the institutional characteristics. High school college orientation, family background and pre-college academic preparation largely explain why graduates from affluent high schools who first enroll in 2-year colleges have higher transfer rates to 4-year institutions; however, these factors and college characteristics do not explain the lower transfer rates for students from poor high schools. The conclusion discusses the implications of the empirical findings in light of several recent studies that call attention to the policy importance of high schools as a lever to improve persistence and completion rates via better institutional matches.  相似文献   

新生进入大学后,许多学生对如何学好大学英语感到茫然,因此,从教学大纲、教材、教法、学法、心理素质等方面探讨大学与中学英语教学的衔接,有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

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