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Joris Vlieghe 《Interchange》2013,44(3-4):257-273
In this article, I am concerned with the position and role of the human body in the realm of education—more precisely, in relation to the issues of social emancipation and equality. As a rule, educational research has not paid much attention to the body, typically dealing with corporeality in a merely instrumental way. In recent times, the body has more and more become the focus of educational research. This is because these new approaches claim that the body plays a constitutive role in all educational processes. Nevertheless, I argue that the body is actually not taken seriously and that corporeality is still regarded as a nuisance or merely a tool. In this article, I will therefore try to conceive an alternative approach, which I call biopedagogic. I take some ideas from the biopolitical school of thought and confront these with concrete phenomenological analyses of occurrences and practices that take place in educational contexts and bring into presence the body in a literally physical sense (such as laughter, exhaustion, and repetitive exercises). This allows me to move a step beyond the biopolitical point of view, and to conceive of a perspective that considers the body to have, in and of itself, educational relevance. This is because certain corporeal experiences (as distinct from experiences of the body) might enable a deep transformation of individual and collective existence.  相似文献   

Promoting social cohesion through education has re-emerged as an important policy objective in many countries during the past decade. But there is little clarity in policy discussions about what social cohesion means and how education may affect it. In this article we distinguish between social capital and societal cohesion and argue that education acts in differential ways on each. Using comparative, cross-country analysis, we develop a 'distributional model' which shows the relationship between equality of educational outcomes and various measures of social cohesion. In the final part of the article we discuss theories explaining the cross-country trends and variations in educational inequality and social inheritance in education, and argue that education system characteristics, such as degrees of 'comprehensiveness' in secondary schooling, may be an important factor in both. We conclude by arguing that policies to increase social cohesion through education must pay more attention to the reduction of educational equality than they currently do.  相似文献   

平等和教育平等是两个较为复杂的范畴。莱伊从平等的对象、范围和目标等三个方面对平等范畴做了界定,认为平等对象包括个人平等、组内平等和组别平等,平等范围有分配和所得两种,平等目标则包括结果平等和机会平等。他进一步从平等的价值、属性、选择原则出发,对平等的选择进行了阐述。莱伊对平等的研究从多方面启发我们重新审视教育平等,对教育中的平等理解以及教育平等的选择等具有重要的启发价值。  相似文献   

教育不公平主要表现在区域、城乡以及学校间的教育投入不均衡,不同阶段教育投入的不均衡,社会成员接受教育的机会和享用教育资源的不公平.为此要通过将义务教育全面纳入公共财政保障范围,落实高等教育的奖、助学金制度和助学贷款制度,逐步改变政府强势主导的教育资源配置模式,推进教育信息化等措施来提高教育公平.  相似文献   

Arguments used to justify gender equality in higher education often appeal to values which belong to the social context of science (human rights, efficient use of human resources, economic growth), and hence, may appear to practicing scientists as policy interventions from the outside. The author suggests that arguments which appeal to the values internal to scientific communities (objectivity, rationality, and truth) can be used to bring the goal of gender equality in higher education closer to practicing scientists and academics. Two such arguments in support of gender equality in higher education are presented.  相似文献   

科学的社会性别平等教育对和谐社会的建设至关重要。师范院校因其示范性、人文性、延续性的特点,在加强大学生性别平等教育方面责无旁贷。要从培养学生正确的社会性别意识着手,把科学的性别平等意识纳入课程、教育内容和教学方法改革中,对师范生进行全方位的性别教育,努力做好性别平等工作,推进社会正常、有序、和谐发展。  相似文献   

本文讨论了学校分层和学生分流制度对于学生学业成就、个性和社会发展的影响与英才制度和社会不平等之间的关系。本文试图说明,学校的主要目的不仅仅是决定结果和挑选学生而应该是扩充机会;学校不仅仅是为未来社会提供劳动力,也应该承担公民教育的责任和义务。一个可持续发展的经济体和民主制度只有当它的所有公民都能有意识地参与其政治、经济、社会和文化生活的时候才能成为现实。  相似文献   

刘小兰以《超越知识不平等的教育平等》为命题, 认为“教育平等”的实质是知识的平等。文中指出, 知识的世俗性、对知识的控制、对知识的分层是制约教育平等达成的主要障碍。消除这些障碍需要确立课程知识设计的公平观、创造一个多样化的知识环境、注重个体默会知识的发展。  相似文献   

关注教育平等   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王晓辉 《教育学报》2005,1(3):53-58,91
教育平等应当全面体现于受教育的权利、教育中的权利和教育后的权利等三个方面的平等。不仅社会本身不平等,学校也在参与和制造不平等,因此更有必要关注教育平等。只有通过履行国际承诺,扩大教育供给,促进社会公平,才能逐步向教育平等迈进。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a series of statistical analyses carried out on some of the National Curriculum tests in mathematics for 11-year-olds in England. In England all 7-, 11- and 14-year-olds are tested in English, mathematics and science (11- and 14-year-olds only). The tests for 11-year-olds are very high stakes, in that the results are published in a school-by-school basis in newspapers etc. The analyses were prompted by the suggestion (from governmental organisations) that the balance of the curriculum content in the mathematics tests should be changed to accommodate better the require ments of the government-initiated National Numeracy Strategy. The analyses were carried out on two datasets, involving nationally representative samples of 11-year-old pupils. The analyses reveal some interesting patterns of change in the overall outcomes when Handling Data questions were statistically replaced by Number items of various kinds and also some interesting changes at the individual level, which could potentially affect the Level outcomes of a significant number of children nationally. However, the final conclusion reached is that, given an appropriately sized and structured pool of items across the curriculum content areas, tests can be constructed which are of an appropriate level of difficulty and discrimination power and which still allow year-on-year calibration of the national standards in mathematics.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会视角下高等教育公平的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建社会主义和谐社会是党和国家的一项重大战略决策,实现高等教育公平则是建设和谐社会的一项基本内容。从我国高等教育发展现状看,高等教育公平仍存在一些问题,为此应从加强制度建设,建立健全完善的现代大学制度;加大高等教育投入,多渠道筹措资金,实行多种办学模式;合理配置高等教育资源;建立补偿机制,大力扶持贫困大学生顺利完成学业;保障大学生的充分就业和自主创业等方面加以改进,以实现高等教育公平,促进社会主义和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

对教育公平的全面认识对于促进我国教育发展有重要意义.在对教育公平、教育公正、教育平等等基本概念进行分析的基础上,明晰教育公平的基本内涵,分析教育公平与教育发展的基本关系,进而分析教育公平与我国教育发展的关系,提出解决现阶段我国教育发展中所面对的教育公平问题的基本策略.  相似文献   

哈耶克是当代新经济自由主义最具代表性的理论家。他从伦理学角度探讨自由与平等的含义,反对国家干预,倡导实行货币主义制度下的自由市场经济。哈耶克认为,国家干预只能减少自由,国家的功能应限制在维护财产权益和立法措施范围内,其他领域如医疗保险、抚恤金、教育等都应留给市场。哈耶克的自由主义教育观与他在政治、经济和社会问题上的看法基本一致。他指出,“一如在其他领域那般,在思想和精神领域内保持自由,从长远来看,将依赖于对物质资源的控制权的分散,亦将依赖于那些能够将大量资金用于他们所认为的重要目标的个人的始终存在。”哈耶…  相似文献   

1994年联合国教科文组织在西班牙召开"世界特殊需要教育大会",提出了全纳教育(Inclusive education)这一全新教育理念.随着全纳教育研究的深入,全纳教育的广泛含义,已超出特殊教育领域,而与社会政治、经济、文化变革紧密联系,拓展到整个教育领域,并引起了人们在教育理念、教育内容、教育技术等方面的一系列改革.全纳教育已成为国际教育发展的一个重要趋势.  相似文献   

墨西哥教育平等:现状、对策与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墨西哥教育不平等通过其教育贫富差距、教育地区差距、教育性别差异彰显出来。为此,墨西哥政府通过政策规约、法律保障、措施落实以实现人民对教育平等的诉求。本研究通过把脉墨西哥教育平等背景、现状、对策,透视发展中国家新自由主义政策与教育不平等、教育现代化与教育平等的两难困境,揭示发展中国家教育平等、教育公平到教育质量之发展理路。  相似文献   

本文从历史的视角回顾了20世纪70年代瑞典高等教育大众化初期第三级教育体系建立的情况,并从教育公平的角度总结了瑞典大众化政策的典型方面。通过对瑞典第三级教育大众化政策的历史、措施、经验与问题的考察,为我国的高等教育大众化进程提供政策上的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

社会排斥视角下幼儿教育公平问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会排斥对幼儿教育公平性的影响包含了显性的排斥制度和隐性的排斥机制的影响.显性的排斥制度包括户籍制度排斥和组织制度排斥,隐性的排斥机制包括社会网络排斥和空间区隔排斥.追求幼儿教育公平,应该通过发展农村经济,消除制度性排斥屏障;应该增加财政投入,理顺公共财政投入机制;应该明确幼儿教育性质,使幼教政策向弱势群体倾斜,以减轻社会排斥因素对幼儿教育公平性产生的不良影响.  相似文献   

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