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以诗歌话语文本的形式自足为前提 ,在对《荒原》艺术形式的社会文化内涵认可的同时 ,着力挖掘其对主观自我的消解所具有的现代主义特质  相似文献   

This essay examines the current state of the University in terms of lost meaning and value, especially from the perspective of scholarship. The author specifically points to three works of literature and writers on the subject, and how these works have significantly contributed to our understanding of what is taking place within the modern University, and how the University has transitioned and specifically, radically changed from its originary purpose to the “modern” University as an institution narrower in scope and depth, role, and even responsibility. The author examines the writings of John Henry Newman, Bill Readings, and John Milton, and comments on several of their ideas and demonstrates how these ideas are relevant in understanding and improving the modern University which has shifted from academic to managerial orientation; faculty to administrators—hence its decline. Finally, the author provides several examples of challenges in the modern University and how these have created the gaps in perceived and real purpose and philosophy of the ideal university versus current “all-administrative” university and its perceived status and role.  相似文献   

In the movie You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks,his father's girlfriend said to him:"I'm going to be your wicked step-mother."I was amused at her words and couldn't help wondering how comes a steo-mother is always considered as"wicked'?  相似文献   

The modernisation of research evaluation: The case of the UK   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), first established by the UK University Grants Committee in 1985 has been an important instrument in the modernisation of higher education in the UK. It is a means of rationalising the stratification of universities and the concentration of research resources, and of maximising research output. At the same time, while its operation remains substantially under professional control, it has had profound implications for the academic profession. The article explores these through analysing the workings of the RAE and its consequences for higher education institutions, departments and individuals. It suggests that the RAE has triggered substantial changes in the management of the research function in universities and in the culture of university departments. It has disturbed the web of relationship between the individual academic, the discipline, the department and the institution. It has impacted on individual professional identities and concepts of research responsibilities.  相似文献   

In every generation, some event serves to remind us that the exercise of power is always in part a function of control over geography.  相似文献   

“悟”是中国古代诗学审美体验的核心范畴,它经历了一个由哲学范畴向美学范畴再向文艺美学范畴的深刻嬗变过程。其中,中国传统的“天人合一”思想和道家哲学思想是其很重要的哲学基础,魏晋之际,“悟”成为一个具有中国特色的审美范畴,在南宋时则成为一个文艺美学范畴。  相似文献   

The Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS) elaborated the cooperative project called ‘The engineer of the future’, with the objective of promoting science and engineering among high school teachers and students. This project aims to improve the quality of the teaching and to increase the interest of students in technological areas, leading to a future career in engineering. The activities of this project were planned to give meaning and foundation to the teaching–learning process of science and for the application of theory in the solution of real problems, while articulating scientific, economic, environmental, social and political aspects and also to reinforce the important role of engineering in society. Amongst the activities to be offered to high school teachers and students are a specialisation course for teachers based upon new educational methodologies, workshops in different areas of science and technology, a programme entitled ‘Encouraging girls in technology, science and engineering’, science fairs and visits to the industries of the region. Activities with the engineering instructors of UCS are also being developed in order to help them to incorporate in their classes more effective pedagogical strategies for educating the engineer-to-be.  相似文献   

Schools are currently suffering from considerable ‘innovation overload’ with multiple changes being demanded by the Education Reform Act and other sources. Tom Peters (1988) has argued that a similar turbulent situation exists in US business and industry and suggests that the most successful companies are those which are able to ‘Thrive on Chaos’. LEAs and schools need knowledge and skills about school improvement and this article attempts to provide research‐based information to help them cope with innovation and improve teaching and learning.

School improvement is seen as a combination of previous research on the management of change and school effectiveness. Eight factors which seem to be related to effective schools are listed and knowledge about the change process is used to consider how a school could be improved. In order to offer practical help to LEAs and schools a set of guidelines is provided and recent research findings are discussed under each heading. The article concludes with an outline of a possible LEA school improvement project, involving a set of stages.  相似文献   

"物自体"学说是康德哲学智慧的中心所在,它开启了德国古典哲学认识论转向的新篇章.对"物自体"概念的把握,是掌握康德批判哲学从感性论到理性论再到实践论演变过程的一条基本线索,也是人们研究康德哲学的入口.  相似文献   

蒸汽技术革命同科学社会主义有着正相关的历史联系。它不仅在历史上创造了科学社会主义理论在西欧诞生的客观前提,推动了社会主义从空想到科学的飞跃,而且对科学社会主义进行了持久的推动。但是,同时也给科学社会主义的第一个历史形态——马克思主义打上了历史的烙印,使之受到种种历史局限。  相似文献   

章认为学生宿舍可以围绕培养大学生社会责任感、促进个性发展与全面素质提高、关注人格培养、丰富审美体验、增强竞争意识与合作精神等方面来发挥其德育功能,进而提出了学生宿舍要成为高校德育工作的主阵地的观点,并对学分制下实现学生宿舍德育功能的若干新视点进行了分析。  相似文献   

范式的转化研究:教育理论实践化的桥梁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范式的转化研究,是教育理论研究成果向教育实践转化的必经研究阶段,是教育理论实践化和教育实践理性化的中介研究形式。范式的转化研究为教育理论的实践化提供过渡性的知识,具有独特的从理论到实践的价值。没有教育理论范式的转化研究,教育理论就缺乏进入实践的过渡性知识,就难以具有操作性。  相似文献   

生态文明体现了人类文明发展的必然趋势,内在地成为现代文明的重要组成部分和基本样式。建设生态文明,要求我们必须树立科学发展观,走可持续发展之路,尽快确立人与自然“和谐双赢”的发展模式。面对我国人口增加、资源短缺、环境恶化的严峻形势,在全社会倡导生态文明,积极建设生态文明社会,日益成为落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会、实现经济社会环境协调发展的迫切任务。  相似文献   

在中国的电影荧幕上,主旋律的影片始终站在一个尴尬的境地,不叫座的同时,也几乎不被叫好。主旋律影片始终游离在市场和受众关注的边缘地带。本文针对于主旋律影片中《信义兄弟》展开评论,指出了这部影片所具有的诗化品格,以及其散发出的亲和力和感人魅力。或者,这也是中国的主旋律影片应走之路。  相似文献   

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