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美国社区学院课程设置特点及其基本理念   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文选择四所有代表性的美国社区学院:迈阿密一戴德社区学院、中密执根社区学院、德拉维尔社区学院和杰斐逊社区学院,就其课程设置特点进行探讨,并在更深层次上就课程设置的理念进行分析.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了美国社区学院的形成与发展历程,从几个侧面概括介绍了美国社区学院的特点以及给我们的启示.美国社区学院的开放性、教学方式上的灵活性、与良四年制大学良好的衔接性以及在开展职业教育过程中积累下来的一些成功经验值得国内职业院校借鉴.  相似文献   

本文通过对高校体育与社区体育的研究,论述了学校体育与社区体育的资源优势及优势互补、良性互动的可能领域和内容,指出正确处理好两者之间的关系,能推进社会体育水平的良性发展,为更好地实施《全民健身计划纲要》具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

高校广播电台作为重要的思想舆论阵地和信息传播渠道,以其特有的舆论导向、服务监督和育人功能,在高等学校的建设和发展尤其是校园文化的建设中发挥着不可忽视的作用.文章采用实证分析法,以连云港职业技术学院为例,从校园文化的视角,阐述了高校广播电台的重要性,分析了学校广播电台的现状,并围绕为校园文化建设服务,提出了高校广播电台建设和发展的途径.  相似文献   

Overview A Profile of Community College Faculty Full-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Conclusion Faculty Work in the Context of the Community College The Community College's Missions and Students Role Expectations for Full-Time Faculty Members Role Expectations for Part-Time Faculty In-Service Training and Professional Development Job Satisfaction Conclusion Dimensions of the Community College Faculty Career Preparation to Become a Community College Faculty Member Entry Requirements The Search Process Career Stages Conclusion Institutional Factors Affecting Community College Faculty Work Life Background Collective Bargaining Faculty Involvement in Shared Governance Other Institutional Factors Extrainstitutional Factors Affecting Work Life: Legislative Actions Conclusion Looking to the Future: The Status of Community College Teaching as a Profession Characteristics of a Profession and Professionalization Is Community College Teaching a Profession? Possible Future Influences on Faculty Professionalization Conclusion A Fresh Look at Community College Faculty Challenges in Understanding Community College Faculty Conclusions Note References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

通过对香港理工大学专上学院、宁波职业技术学院和宁波城市学院07级饭店管理专业毕业生潜流失现状、饭店就业意愿、就业评价信息的实证分析,探讨饭店专业毕业生潜流失原因,研究香港职业教育体系对宁波高职院校饭店专业教学改革启示,提出加强学生职业道德素养教育,提升其知识技能实践性、专业性和国际化能力的教学改革观点。  相似文献   

高职院校在校园文化建设上存在着内涵建设不足、企业文化渗透不够及必要的物质支撑和制度保障不力等问题,应该在加强内涵建设、打造校园文化与企业文化的沟通融合、突出职业特色与就业能力方面下大气力.  相似文献   

高职教育应着力提升高职院校文化软实力,致力于构建高职院校质量文化。分析高职院校质量文化内涵,论述高职院校质量文化建设的结构,解析高职院校质量文化建设的内容,并结合河北交通职业技术学院的典型经验,提出高职院校质量文化建设的实施路径。  相似文献   

The Voluntary Framework of Accountability (VFA) launched in 2011 is the first national system of community college accountability. Sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) in collaboration with the Association of Community College Trustees and the College Board, the VFA will shortly report to the public on measures of student progress and learning outcomes and on measures of workforce, economic, and community development. The author of this paper proposes that AACC move beyond community college accountability toward creating and sustaining, among college administrators, a common culture of VFA data use to investigate best practices for institutional improvement. To advance this proposition, the discourse presented centers on a proof-of-concept model. The study uses longitudinal data to illustrate its potential for community college administrators to identify best practices for improving institutional performance in first-year college retention.  相似文献   

Lois Weis 《Higher Education》1985,14(5):553-574
This article explores faculty perspectives and practice at one Urban Community College in the United States. Data were gathered as part of a larger ethnography on the culture which lower class black students produce in an urban institution. My goal here is to describe elements of faculty culture, explore reasons why faculty culture takes the shape and form that it does, and discuss the ways in which this culture may be linked to institutional outcomes. In so doing. I offer a framework through which the structural genesis of faculty-student conflict and the relationship between faculty culture and institutional outcomes may be viewed.  相似文献   

美国社区学院的办学宗旨是立足于社区,服务于社区。其办学具有社区服务性、管理灵活性、教育全民性,以及校企/校校的合作性等特点,在推动美国高等教育,特别是职业教育的快速发展过程中起到了重要作用。探究其发展历程及特色,可以为我国高职教育的发展提供很多宝贵经验。  相似文献   

通过总结天津城市职业学院职教集团组建的经验,论述了社区性职业教育集团在推进城市社区教育、职业教育工作中的作用,以及实施可持续发展的策略。  相似文献   

高校企业文化是社会文化大系统中的一个小系统,它既兼容了校园文化和企业文化的共性,又具有它们所没有的特殊性.立足于构建社会主义和谐社会的时代背景,分析了高校企业文化的特殊性,并结合高校企业所依附的特殊环境提出了加强高校企业文化建设的思路和途径.  相似文献   

本文根据中英文化视角的不同,阐述大学英语教学的方法——在文化的基础上进行大学英语教学,从文化的视角去理解词汇的内涵,褒贬义,谚语,而同样的因为词汇的运用笔者又对于大学英语写作教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过回顾大学英语教学大纲形成与完善的历史,论述了大学英语教学大纲在历次教学改革中所起的重要作用,同时也论证了大纲的实施需要来自管理阶层、教师等各方的共同努力。  相似文献   

The annual Community College Futures Assembly is an edutaining experience. This special issue highlights the lessons learned from the institutions that were competitively selected to present at the 2001 Assembly. The theme of the 2001 Assembly was the merger of education, entertainment, and information as driven by digital technologies. Educating attendees was the major purpose of the keynote address and the presentations of the Bellwether Award finalists. Entertainment was available throughout the Assembly through stimulating presentations, enthusiastic camaraderie, and great meals. Information was conveyed to all attendees to spread throughout their home institutions and communities. This introduction focuses on the experience of attending the 2001 Community College Futures Assembly. Over 250 community college trustees, presidents, vice presidents, deans, faculty members, and other decision makers representing 31 states and Canada attended the Assembly, which was held in Orlando, Florida. The Assembly is sponsored annually by the Institute of Higher Education (IHE) of the University of Florida (UF) and cosponsored by numerous organizations identified in this article. The Assembly has provided quality learning experiences since 1995, and it is proud to be an independent national policy forum recognized by the Association of Community College Trustees for its Trustee Education Recognition Program.  相似文献   

如何利用网络教学方式促进研究型大学教学水平的提高?在融合学习共同体与网络学习的概念之后,我们构建了"网络学习共同体"的理念,并提出垂直、水平、自我和延伸学习等四个层级为特征的教学方法,认为这一教与学的模式可以结合传统课堂与网络教学的优势,为普通高等教育提供一个新的教学思路。基于"北京大学教学网"提供的B lackboard平台,我们对这一模式进行了初步的实践,并对实践结果进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

中国素有礼仪之邦的美誉,这与历代统治者重视文化礼制的建设工作是密不可分的。历代统治者所以重视文化礼制的建设工作,根本原因在于礼仪教化使得封建统治不再抽象,反而具体起来,具有可操作性,封建统治也变得容易起来。文化礼制属于儒家文化的范畴,它的建设复杂繁重而且浩大,要求参与的人员必须在儒学方面都是专家。在唐代,国子监的监官和学官在儒学方面都是博学之士,积极参与封建国家的文化礼制建设工作既是统治者对他们的要求,也是他们不可推卸的责任和义务。在当时,国子监的监官和学官们都自始至终地积极参与了封建国家的文化礼制建设工作,这些主要表现在以下几个方面:第一,积极参与礼法的讨论与制订;第二,积极参与封禅礼、禘袷礼、明堂礼、凶礼等具体礼仪的讨论与制订,在封建国家的文化礼制建设工作中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

In 1969 the University of Cincinnati established the College of Community Services as an alternative for students (particularly adults) who were primarily interested in careers in the human service professions. This article examines some of the tensions in the institutional development of the College, with particular attention to the question of how best to build a quality professional college in a major urban university.  相似文献   

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