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In recent years, concerns regarding runaway college tuition and student loan debt have risen to the forefront of the public consciousness, undermining confidence in the value of a college degree. Ironically, the very issue that is now causing such alarm—high tuition—has been a signature feature of the financial model intentionally employed by the vast majority of smaller private colleges and universities in the United States, including members of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). In the “high-price–high-aid” model, postsecondary institutions mark up their “sticker price” (meaning the publicized cost of attending per year) and then offset the tuition hike with sizable discounts that take the form of institutional grants marketed as scholarships. This article examines the institutional benefits and unintended consequences of tuition discounting, giving special attention to effects within the evangelical Christian segment of the private sector of American higher education. The article concludes by offering a set of principles for reforming tuition pricing and financial aid practices at Christian colleges and universities.  相似文献   

Abstract The newly reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 contains several significant changes that will directly impact students with learning disabilities (LD) who are preparing for transition to postsecondary education. These modifications include transition planning, reevaluations, new criteria for the diagnosis of LD, and the summary of performance requirement. This article presents an overview of pertinent changes in each of these key areas, as well as discussion of how these modifications will impact students in transition. Recommendations are offered for secondary and postsecondary personnel regarding these changes.  相似文献   

在本文中,我们对Hale,Pyke和Rudi提出的模型进行了改进。他们考虑的是一个有两个产品且每个产品都由两个元件构成,每个产品有一个元件不可替代。低价产品中另一个元件短缺时.可用另一产品中的一个高价元件代替。但是这个模型只考虑了回收费用而不包括短缺费用。本文则建立了一个包括回收费用和短缺费用的新ATO模型,在保证商家收益最大的条件下得到了这四个元件存贮的上下界。  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which English prep schools were staffed and marketed in the years before the First World War. Its aim more specifically is to employ a biographical approach to consider the emphasis that the schools placed upon sport, and in particular the extent to which they recruited Oxford and Cambridge Blues as teachers (and/or as coaches). It will be suggested that while prep schools certainly placed enormous emphasis upon sport, few of them employed Blues; and that even the small number which did, generally did so only on a part-time, seasonal or casual basis – and made virtually no mention of them in their marketing.  相似文献   

This article describes converging nationwide changes in the postsecondary education of students with hearing loss during the past 30 years. Simultaneous trends in the economy, labor force, and business practices have magnified the need for literacy, postsecondary training, and career skills. These conditions stimulated institutional and professional activities that led to drafting a National Research Agenda report to guide development of federally funded research projects in postsecondary education. These studies will enhance better understanding of the complex interactions of diverse support services, learning-living environments, and student populations in a broad continuum of post-high school vocational and academic training programs. The conceptual framework of the Agenda is explained, as are its expected goals, criteria for research projects, benefits, and outcomes. This article interweaves the perspectives and roles of postsecondary and vocational rehabilitation professionals, federal officials, and researchers contributing to the preparation of the Agenda report. Relevant national research studies are cited and consumer involvement in research is emphasized.  相似文献   

As increasing numbers of students with disabilities access postsecondary education, research studies and literature reviews have investigated the needs of these students who chose to pursue postsecondary education. These articles included studies that (a) asked students with disabilities to identify needs and (b) summarized needs in literature reviews about students with disabilities in postsecondary education. This article summarizes needs and recommendations from college students with disabilities and authors who reviewed related literature from 1995–2006. The summary includes needs in five areas: self-determination, social skills, academic preparation, accommodations, and assistive technology (AT). Each of these areas of need is described and recommendations for practice are discussed. The purpose of this article is to identify a set of evidence-based transition practices that will address these needs and increase the likelihood of success for students who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.  相似文献   

Utilizing data from the 20-year record of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY), this analysis uses a set of variables to predict employment in engineering for a national sample of adults aged 34 to 37. The LSAY is one of the longest longitudinal studies of the impact of secondary education and postsecondary education conducted in the United States. A structural equation model found that mathematics is a primary gateway to an engineering career, beginning with algebra track placement in Grades 7 and 8 and continuing through high school and college calculus courses. Home and family factors such as parent education and parent encouragement of science and mathematics during secondary school also enhanced the likelihood of a young adult becoming a professional engineer. In addition, young men were substantially more likely to become professional engineers than young women. Considering each of these factors, this article seeks to understand the varied pathways available to students interested in engineering careers.  相似文献   

This study examined a model of college student choice for male and female ninth graders using LISREL. A sample of 703 male students and 718 female students and their parents responded to two sets of questionnaires regarding high school experiences and expectations about college. Endogenous variables examined included parents' expectation regarding higher education for their children, parents' savings for college, students' discussion of college with their parents, and students' aspiration for postsecondary education. The model explained 30.8% of the variance in students' aspiration for males and 36.8% for females. Final empirical models for the two groups suggested that there may be subtle differences in family influence on male and female students' college-going plans.  相似文献   

Charter schools that target underserved communities, including Latinxs, have proliferated in the U.S., claiming a unique, more autonomous and successful alternative to traditional public schools, often with a promise of increased postsecondary access and preparation. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding their effectiveness on academic outcomes, prompting additional research on charter schools. This study examined the college access and preparation experiences of 14 Latinxs attending college preparatory charter schools within one school system in Texas. Findings highlight how schools assisted students in preparing for college, but challenges in accessing college knowledge and assistance still existed, particularly for undocumented students.  相似文献   

The author presents results of research on informatics education with emphasis on informatics system comprehension for twenty-first century local, national and global needs. Learners have to create a sustainable cognitive model of a computer to demystify such an informatics system. This can be achieved by fostering system comprehension. The underlying hypothesis of this article is that knowing networked fundamental ideas of informatics and their combination in a system helps learners to develop a cognitive approach to informatics systems. In particular it focuses on the development of networked thinking as a cognitive precondition for mental models of systems. The work contributes to the discussion on what kind of comprehension is required and how far system comprehension can be supported. Assuming there are two pillars of the subject of informatics, i.e., informatics modelling and comprehension of informatics systems, object-oriented design patterns join both together. Knowing about multifaceted interdependencies between the components of a system and the cognitive analysis of such a system is of great value in overcoming the tendency to search for a single cause of an effect. With this in mind, the author offers a theoretical basis as to why design patterns are an essential component of informatics as a subject at secondary level. New media require a new cognitive approach. With regard to the didactic system developed by Brinda and Schubert, exploration modules are an appropriate way to support teaching and learning of design patterns in practice. This article describes a current project developing an exploration module to introduce design patterns with an emphasis on system comprehension to learners at upper secondary level.  相似文献   

Early writing interventions can help students develop the writing skills they need to experience positive educational and postsecondary outcomes, but effective intervention requires instructionally relevant assessment data. Shapiro's curriculum‐based assessment (CBA) model integrates related yet distinct CBA approaches into a model that informs intervention. Extending this model to early writing poses challenges only recently addressed by research. On the basis of a review of relevant early writing research, this article outlines an instructionally relevant assessment model for early writing. Within the proposed model, the instructional hierarchy is suggested to directly connect early writing assessment with intervention. A discussion of potential limitations as well as future directions for research is included.  相似文献   

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is noted in school reform policy circles as the gold standard of academic excellence. While the presence of IB as a sought-after education vendor has grown in the past decade, the organization has attempted to shake off its image as an elite agency serving only private international schools with its longstanding liberal arts curriculum. As such its turn toward the public sector in the United States with a credential for vocational students appears perplexing and out of step with its product brand, but the newer Career Programme (CP) is marketed as meeting the needs of applied learners in secondary schools. This paper offers a case study of two schools in one US state that adopted the CP, generating IB school enrollments from among talented vocational students while elevating its ranking on the college and career readiness (CCR) score, an annual assessment of postsecondary success. The CCR policy reformers advocate curricular improvements so that all students receive the academic foundations and employability skills needed to thrive in the new economy. Yet the egalitarian discourse of CCR could not be attended to using the CP. In this case study only high-achieving students were advised to participate and enroll in the program.  相似文献   

The adolescent and adult population with learning disabilities (LD) continues to be underserved and underprepared to meet the demands of postsecondary education. Evidence pertaining to postsecondary education outcomes for the population with LD is extremely bleak. One purpose of this article is to situate thinking about adolescents and adults with LD across the spectrum of ability and socioeconomic status within the current world context. The second objective is to heighten awareness of the changing needs of this population based on social, educational, economic, and political directives. Several academic options are presented as alternative pathways available to individuals in the transition from secondary to postsecondary environments.  相似文献   


This article reports the evaluation of a four-year ESEA Title IV political/citizenship education improvement project conducted in elementary and secondary schools of a large, southern metropolitan school system. The project designed and tested an educational improvement model which conceptualized the school as a system with interrelated components which influence student learning. The model focused on classroom teachers as change agents and provided them with five types of support channeled through other parts of the system. The model was first found effective for secondary grades and later for elementary grades. Both process and product were monitored to provide research data on the model. The results, implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过对近年来中等师范教育变化的分析,得出了中等师范教育即将终结的结论,并对中等师范教育的终结的原因作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

FDI与高新技术产业集群相互促进、相互影响,二者的互动现象日渐明显。安徽省在经济发展过程中,注重培育产业集群,高新技术产业集群的快速发展,大量外商资本的注入,在客观上加快了安徽产业更新换代和自主创新的步伐。以安徽高新技术产业集群为焦点,就FDI与安徽高新技术产业集群的互动关系加以探讨,对于促进两者之间的有效互动和提高安徽高新技术产业群的竞争力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this paper we reflect on the article “I am smart enough to study postsecondary science: a critical discourse analysis of latecomers’ identity construction in an online forum”, by Phoebe Jackson and Gale Seiler (Cult Stud Sci Educ.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-017-9818-0). In their article, the authors did a significant amount of qualitative analysis of a discussion on an online forum by four latecomer students with past negative experiences in science education. The students used this online forum as an out-of-class resource to develop a cultural model based on their ability to ask questions together with solidarity as a new optimistic way to position themselves in science. In this forum, we continue by discussing the identity of marginalized science students in relation to resources available in postsecondary science classes. Recent findings on a successful case of a persistent marginalized science student in spite of prior struggles and failures are introduced. Building on their model and our results, we proposed a new cultural model, emphasizing interaction between inside and outside classroom resources which can further our understanding of the identity of marginalized science students. Exploring this cultural model could better explain drop-outs or engagement of marginalized science students to their study. We, then, used this model to reflect on both current traditional and effective teaching and learning practices truncating or re-enforcing relationships of marginalized students with the learning environment. In this way, we aim to further the discussion initiated by Jackson and Seiler and offer possible frameworks for future research on the interactions between marginalized students with past low achievements and other high and mid achieving students, as well as other interactions between resources inside and outside science postsecondary classrooms.  相似文献   

The Education Amendments of 1976 (PL 94‐482) provided funds for states to develop postsecondary vocational home economics instructional materials. To date, most states have not developed instructional materials designed for use at the postsecondary level. This report summarizes a needs assessment project designed to identify the specific needs instructors perceived for instructional materials in their subject area, as well as student characteristics and present use of instructional media and materials in Texas programs. The activities of the project included a nationwide search for existing materials suitable for use at the post‐secondary level; the preparation of four annotated bibliographies; and the development and statewide administration of a survey instrument. The survey revealed that the students of postsecondary vocational home economics were varied in characteristics; instructors used discussion, questioning, and lecture as the main teaching techniques; instructors would increase use of most types of instructional media and materials if more or better quality materials were available. Needs were perceived in each of the program areas: child development, food service/dietetics, fashion design/tailoring, and interior design.  相似文献   

为了提高大学教育机会及学位获得率,美国高中和中等后教育机构制定了"基于学分的过渡计划".这些计划通过促进学生由高中到中等后教育的过渡衔接了高中与中等后教育.本文介绍了美国"基于学分的过渡计划",并分析了其发展的原因及实施对美国教育产生的影响,以期对我国的教育有所借鉴.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between specific factors and the decision to participate in postsecondary education by young adults with learning disabilities. Data concerning 539 subjects with learning disabilities were included in this study. T test and chi square indicated that involvement in extracurricular activities while in high school, use of community resources, intelligence quotient, and reading and mathematics grade equivalent scores were important factors that differentiated between subjects choosing to participate or not to participate in postsecondary education during the year after high school. Implications and recommendations for secondary school curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

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