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企业大学是企业常设的员工培训机构。通常由企业出资建立,为实现组织的战略目标而对员工、客户以及价值链合作伙伴提供相关的培训与教育。企业大学的创办模式主要包括:自主创建模式与校企合作模式。该文以清华企业远程学堂为例,阐述了校企合作模式下的IT导入型企业大学的设计与实践,期望为当前的企业大学建设提供可资借鉴的参考。  相似文献   

公私合作伙伴关系产生于新公共管理浪潮,该关系致力于充分发挥公共部门与私营部门的优势,从而提高公共产品服务的质量与效率。作为准公共产品服务,我国民办高等教育领域已经出现了公私合作伙伴关系的多种形式,主要表现在产权、融资和运营三个方面。随着我国政府公共服务职能的日益凸显,公私合作伙伴关系对破解我国民办高等教育发展中的难题,乃至探索高等教育发展的第三条道路,均将发挥积极作用。  相似文献   


Communities are investigating new ways to expand access to high-quality early education. A new early care and education partnership initiative in a mid-Atlantic state offered publicly-funded preschool slots to eligible children in private early childhood programs and provided quality supports to participating private programs. This qualitative study examines the implementation of this partnership initiative from the perspectives of administrators, early childhood program staff, and family members of enrolled children. Researchers conducted 15 focus groups with these stakeholders across five communities and used a directed content analysis approach to analyze the data. Research Findings: The thematic findings from this study suggest that ECE partnerships can improve implementation processes by developing intentional communication plans and paying attention to the needs and preferences of early childhood program staff and families. The study findings also suggest that private programs may be able to counter the loss of preschool enrollment slots to public schools by participating in ECE partnerships. Practice and Policy: Policymakers may use these findings to inform the design of new ECE partnership initiatives or other initiatives that involve collaboration among early care and education programs. Practitioners may use these findings to inform planning for new partnerships they are engaged in.  相似文献   

校园文化对民办高校的发展具有极其重要的作用,直接关系到民办高校的办学质量和可持续发展。必须不断加强国内外交流,构建有效的建设机制,逐步形成校园文化建设的评价指标体系和考核体系,开创民办高校校园文化建设新局面。  相似文献   

Amid unprecedented novelty, complexity, turbulence, and conflict, it is apparent that a new education system is needed. Focused on a new outcome—postsecondary education completion with advanced competence—heretofore separate systems for early childhood, K-12 schools, and postsecondary education are being joined in P-16 pipelines and Cradle-Through-Career Education Systems. Both are new institutional designs, and they necessitate specially designed partnership systems. In contrast to voluntary, service-oriented partnerships and two previous generations of partnerships, third-generation, collaborative partnerships involve the private sector, and, with state leaders as key stakeholders, prioritize policy change. These third-generation partnerships are essential to the core missions and functions of colleges and universities, and postsecondary education is itself a target for new institutional designs. All such partnerships can be designed, implemented, evaluated, and continuously improved in relation to a new criterion: fit for purpose, in this context, and at this time.  相似文献   

纵观历史,南非私立高等教育一直处于主流高等教育之外,在边缘地带发展.20世纪90年代后,在有利的政策环境和经济利益驱动下,主要借助公私高校伙伴关系,南非私立高校获得了新的发展机遇,但南非政府随之加大了对私立高校的监管,政府的政策干预在南非国内引发了激烈的争论.  相似文献   


The National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education conference theme – Leading Beyond the Campus: Driving Change as Experts – responds to public policy demands and signals consequential choices. Many choices are illuminated by the prototype for the Neo-liberal university. Essentially, economic development imperatives give rise to accountability requirements to demonstrate the value-added effects of degree programs and research. Two frameworks – one for professional socialization and the other for knowledge production – invite and necessitate outreach/engagement partnerships and networked improvement communities. These collective action formations facilitate professional socialization/education, fuel knowledge generation/sharing/use, and announce a helping discipline which accepts shared accountability for desirable outcomes and societal impact.  相似文献   

从企业信息化定义的解释、所具各种优势的陈述、其技术基础的介绍及其执行战略的分析,政府与企业均认识到:转型中的泉州民营经济将从企业信息化过程得到再发展的巨大动力.政府对企业信息化的支持和推动,将引导一种政府和企业双赢的局面.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest on the role of private foundations in education finance and delivery. We argue that this is due to a macro-policy context of stagnating levels of official development assistance for education and an uncritical acceptance of a logic of neutrality and the efficiency and effectiveness of of partnerships and philanthropy. This paper reports on the results of a literature review on private foundations in education and development. It found significant contestation against the claims of neutrality, efficiency, effectiveness. It also identifies salient methodological and substantive issues for the development of a research agenda on the issue.  相似文献   

作为我国民办高等教育重要组成部分的独立学院,从最初试办至今已有10年历史。独立学院未来发展面临新的机遇和挑战。本文通过对武汉科技大学中南分校2008年秋季入学学生的调查,分析了当前独立学院生源的基本现状、考生志愿填报、院校选择以及对未来就业的期待等问题,并在此基础上,提出了创新教育教学和管理的基本要求和方法。  相似文献   

将国内和国外文献对PPP模式概念的界定进行了梳理,对当前我国学者对PPP模式理论基础研究中较为统一的观点进行了归纳总结,并从公共管理的角度对PPP模式的理论基础进行了探究,最后对我国大力推行PPP模式的效用问题进行了简单评价。  相似文献   

Following the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, international development policy discourses have focused on partnership as an overarching principle. With a focus on participation and non-hierarchical relationships, new partnerships aim to reconstitute the aid relationship in a way that obviates power inequality and hegemony. However, empirical studies of these partnerships are scarce. This paper uses social network analysis to analyse relationships between organisations involved in prominent partnerships for education in international development. Our analysis of an original dataset demonstrates that bilateral donors, civil society organisations, and international organisations are most likely to occupy central positions in this network, meaning that they enjoy high levels of connectivity to many organisations. Literature on international networks suggests that these organisations would therefore shape the flow of information and ideas between organisations, influence the distribution of resources among members, and determine normative preferences of the partnerships. In contrast, recipient governments, private businesses, and universities occupy peripheral positions. We contextualise these findings with respect to literature on aid in international education and privatisation in the political economy of educational development.  相似文献   

This paper interrogates the drivers and meanings behind the dramatic rise of technical and vocational education and training in the policy and political agenda of India. What are the assumptions about the existing traditions and character of India's culture or cultures of skills development? Is the massive planned expansion of skilled people in India simply more of the same, or is there a new paradigm involved? How central will be the role of the private sector and of public private partnerships in the new skills training environment? And how inevitable was it that India should embrace a national vocational qualification framework?  相似文献   

“私人企业倡议”是里根政府时期对拉美经济援助的一个重要内容,它把促进拉美国家私人企业发展和鼓励拉美国家实行市场经济的改革作为两大中心目标。这一倡议在促进拉美社会和经济进步的同时,也给拉美带来一些社会问题。“私人企业倡议”反映了20世纪80年代美国在拉美的战略利益。  相似文献   

This paper begins from the premise that school–business partnerships are part of marketization and privatization trends within education and the broader public sphere in several western industrialized countries. In contrast to a dominant construction of partnerships as necessary, benevolent, and unproblematic, I consider the idea that they represent a potential threat to democratic participation. I do this through a case analysis of a partnership between a high school and corporation in Alberta, Canada that was dissolved in 1996. Through interviews, I reconstruct some of the events leading to the dissolution and provide insights into the social processes that are revealed in the case. I conclude by arguing that while the case highlights the problematic aspects of this particular partnership, it also raises more general questions about the goal congruence of private and public institutions and about the implications of such generally lop-sided relationships for schools as public institutions.  相似文献   

The concept of partnerships between schools and practicing scientists came to prominence in the United States in the mid 1980s. The call by government for greater private sector involvement in education to raise standards in science achievement saw a variety of programmes developed, ranging from short-term sponsorships through to longer-term, project-based interactions. Recently, school-scientist partnerships (SSPs) have been rekindled as a means of assisting schools to motivate and inspire students in science, improve levels of teachers’ science knowledge, and increase awareness of the type and variety of career opportunities available in the sciences (Rennie and Howitt, 2009). This article summarises research that used an interpretive case study method to examine the performance of a two-year SSP pilot between a government-owned science research institute, and 200 students from two Intermediate (years 7 and 8) schools in New Zealand. It explored the experiences of scientists involved in the partnerships, and revealed difficulties in bridging the void that existed between the outcomes-driven, commercially-focused world of research scientists, and the more process-oriented, tightly structured, and conservative world of teachers and schools. Findings highlight the pragmatic realities of establishing partnerships, from the perspective of scientists. These include acute awareness of the nature of school systems, conventions and environments; the science, technological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers; teacher workload issues and pressures, curriculum priorities and access to science resources. The article identifies areas where time and effort should be invested to ensure successful partnership outcomes.  相似文献   

This article advances that the movement towards ‘deeper’ Caribbean integration has generated a shift from ‘immature’ regionalism to a ‘mature’ form of regionalism. Thus, mature regionalism, a new governance mechanism, in regulating the institutional and legal framework of Caribbean Single Market and Economy is drastically altering national education governance within the Caribbean Community. In focusing on the functional aspects integration, this article suggests that mature regionalism in education is built upon collaborative governance and encompasses multipartner governance arrangement – with the state, private sector, civil society, and the community as well as hybrid public–private and private–social partnerships and co-management regimes. It concludes that the instrumentalisation of mature regionalism in education is giving way to ‘educational regionalism’ defined by the movement towards structured institutional mechanisms, to facilitate the deepening of Caribbean integration.  相似文献   

Brajesh Panth 《Prospects》2014,44(2):167-182
Most countries in South Asia are either in the middle-income bracket or moving towards it; to move up the value chain towards higher incomes, they need more skilled people and larger investments in infrastructure. The combination of globalization, technological advancement, unprecedented labour mobility, and the demographic dividend offers them enormous opportunities—but they urgently need to catalyze the private sector through unified funding to scale up the high-quality training that can have a major and positive impact on the economy. This article suggests crucial ways to transform the skills training ecosystem so it can respond to the labour market’s needs, both at home and overseas. Among them are more effective funding arrangements, strong institutional arrangements for effective coordination, improved training modalities, significant engagement by the private sector, and quality assurance through partnerships between the national quality assurance agencies and industry/sector councils.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Bruce PhD, a psychologist in private practice, and Cynthia Schultz PhD, honorary associate at LaTrobe University, both live and work in Australia. Their work on supporting parents who have children with special needs, however, has been published around the world. In this article Bruce and Schultz explore the notion of 'non-finite loss', defined as the ongoing sense of grief experienced by parents caring for children with severe disabilities. The authors discuss the issues that professionals need to consider when working with parents in these circumstances. The article closes with a set of recommendations for promoting more effective partnerships between parents and professionals.  相似文献   

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