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In recent decades, critiques of neoliberalism have been widespread within the scholarly literature on education. Despite the lack of a clear definition of what neoliberalism in education is and entails, researchers from different fields and perspectives have widely criticized the neoliberal educational mindset for its narrowness, lack of democratic engagement, and objectification of educational practices. In this essay, through an analysis of a particular aspect of Dewey's oeuvre — namely, Dewey's commitment to the “unattained” and “wonderful possibilities” of experience and education — I argue that educational neoliberalism should be refuted above all on the basis of its lack of intelligence and professional weakness. With regard to this, I contend that educational neoliberalism, despite its relative sophistication, is but another form authoritarian teaching. Dewey, in contrast, challenged the view of education as a means for achieving predetermined goals, and instead conceived of education as an end in itself, something imbued with the unpredictable space of pure possibility.  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between the rise of neoliberalism and accountability in education. I argue that the contemporary accountability system of high-stakes standardized tests and privatized school choice is a manifestation of the neoliberal project of cultural reconstruction and moral reform. This study situates neoliberalism in the context of the accountability movement that emerged in the United States around 1970, and examines the implications of the philosophy, culture, and ethos of neoliberalism for educational thought and practice. I argue that resisting neoliberal forms of accountability is crucial, not only to defending the right of students to a genuine and equitable public education, but to refusing the extension of market values and culture to education. I conclude that neoliberal accountability fails to engender the cultural ideals it professes to value, and that this failure makes it possible to challenge the self-evident nature of neoliberal discourse and practices.  相似文献   

本文阐述了本科教育在创新人才培养体系中的重要性,认为本科教育作为高等教育之本,在创新人才培养中发挥着基础性的重要作用;分析了当前本科教育中影响人才培养质量的主要因素,提出从构建全程化的质量监控体系、实施人才的个性化培养、建立研究型教学制度以及改革学生评价体系四个方面来构建新的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

创新教育就是要培养学生的创新素质,即培养学生的创造性思维和创新意识、品质,而搞好创新教进行课堂教学改革,而课堂教学改革主要从三方面着手,即教学方法的改革、教学内容的改革、思维培养的改革.  相似文献   

In this article I describe the ideological strategies of neoliberal and neoconservative educational reforms on the educational systems of the North and West. The principal strategies entail the labelling of culturally and economically disenfranchised communities through media and political debate in ways that shift responsibility for their educational marginalisation to both teachers and these communities themselves. The goals of educational systems are then recast in narrowly economic terms that call for market-based reforms. Democratic educational reform is examined as an alternative, with specific examples from Brazil and the United States.  相似文献   

采用逻辑分析法,从体育教学特点和要求角度出发,探索和分析体育教学创新思维的特点、方法和获得基本途径。在体育教学与体育锻炼中实施创新,可以增强学生对体育的兴趣,提高参与的程度,促进学生终生体育观念的形成。  相似文献   

创业教育:高等职业教育的新视点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据世界经济发展的形势,高等教育尤其是高等职业教育持续发展的现时要求和青年学生未来发展的实际需要,决定了创业教育将成为高等职业教育发展的新趋势。通过深化教育教学改革、更新就业观念、创新管理体制、强化创业实践,培养具有职业意识和创业意识的社会参与者,是高等职业教育的培养目标。  相似文献   

创新思维能力的培养,在学校教学教育中具有重要的作用。文中从政治学科教学的角度,从引导、鼓励学生独立思考,敢于质疑、勇于探究,放飞想象的翅膀,培养学生的逆向思维能力,训练学生把握灵感和顿悟的能力等方面论述了培养学生创新思维能力的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

创意写作作为大学教育课程体系中的一门基础课程,无论是文学专业中的创意写作课程,抑或是作为单独存在的一门写作类课程,都是对源自英语国家创意写作课程的借鉴。借鉴性"拿来"主要表现为作家驻校制度、工作坊课程模式、成为作家的培养目标、创意写作的学科体系构建等方面,而融会贯通则是一种在地化的继承与创新。在这种继承与创新中,不仅应把大学原有写作教育中的合理部分理论融入创意写作,而且还需在写作教学的认知、写作实训与人才培养路径等方面进行诸多创新。  相似文献   

全面实施素质教育已成为社会的共识。而实施素质教育的重点是培养学生的创新精神。所以,改变原有的教育模式,培养学生的观察和实践能力,提高教师的创新素质便成了重中之重。  相似文献   

教师情意是创新教育能否落实到课堂教学实践的关键。从教师的创新意识、情感体验、职业认同等方面分析教师情意的特征,探讨阻碍创新教育实施的情意因素。  相似文献   

西方基础教育改革在其推进过程中,各国学者认识到了改革阻抗问题的客观存在,分析了权力阻抗、心理阻抗、价值阻抗、社会阻抗等阻抗因素,提出了阻抗的消解策略。对这些研究及其策略加以借鉴与反思,会更有效地推动我国基础教育改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

2009年以来,加州公立高等教育财政吃紧,危机不断,不仅大学师生颇受其害,一流大学的研究也深陷困境。显然,金融危机是重要因素之一。但是,原因远非如此,新自由主义思想意识改变了政府的资助理念,冲击了包括高等教育在内的公共服务。公立高等教育资助长期减少的趋势就是证明,这种趋势不仅反映了涓滴经济模式,还挑战了反歧视行动等重要社会实践。政府对于公共资金如何投往高等教育的过度问责,也反映了新自由主义的主导地位。新自由主义的实质是私有化,这使得高等教育学费高涨,进而削弱了美国低收入群体读大学的能力。因而,要应对这个挑战,不仅需要扭转加州经济的颓势,还必须以某种方式对抗新自由主义的思想意识。  相似文献   

Neoliberal ideologies and policies have transformed how we think about the economy, education, and the environment. Economics is presented as objective and quantifiable, best left to distant experts who develop algorithms regarding different monetary relations in our stead. This same kind of thinking—technical, numerical, decontextualized, and ostensibly objective—infiltrates how we think about education and the environment. For example, neoliberal education reform focuses on using test scores and markets as a way to measure and improve learning and teaching. Similarly, environmental issues are presented as problems to be solved through new technologies and market efficiency. In response, we critique neoliberalism using the philosophy of the agrarian poet and writer Wendell Berry who abhors how neoliberalism disconnects humans from one another and the traditions that sustain them in their communities. Rather than neoliberalism's rootless entrepreneurial individual—homo economicus—we suggest that freedom, instead, resides in one's ability to flourish in one's place in the world. Such flourishing cannot occur without reinvigorating the traditions, including Aristotle's oikonomics, that have allowed people to live sustainably in their social and ecological communities.  相似文献   

为满足社会对创新人才的需求 ,必须在目前的教育改革转型时期 ,从教育观念、培养目标、教育内容、教育方法与手段以及管理体制等若干要素着手 ,加大教育创新力度 ,以教育创新促进创新教育。  相似文献   

以福柯新自由主义治理术为理论视角,采取质性研究取向的个案研究方法,本研究通过对一名违约进入补习行业的男性学前教育公费师范生进行半结构式访谈,并借助文件资料分析,探讨公费师范生选择成为补习讲师的原因、过程及其身份认同,结果发现在结构性限制条件下,对于违约的学前教育公费师范生而言,进入补习机构既是次优选择也是更优选择;公费师范生系统的学前教育学习经历使其产生了补习讲师也是教师的身份认同,不存在补习讲师身份和主流学校教师身份之间的对立冲突。政府应加强监管,补习行业应加强自律,并通过与师范院校合作,以订单式培养、在职培训等方式提高补习机构的师资水准,以引导补习机构更好地发挥其吸纳就业的积极社会作用,在为公费师范生提供更多的职业选择机会的同时,助力其对自身教师身份的认同。  相似文献   

教学方法问题是实现教学目的不可轻视的问题.本文通过理论与实践、探索与思考相结合的方式,旨在强调教例教学法是进行创新教育的一个好方法.  相似文献   

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